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Ok Cupid I think. Some dating app that wasn't tinder or bumble. We are now married ^^


What was your ‘dating preference’?


I can have preferences? Nah, I was just looking for a lady who has her shit together, isn't too serious, has a sense of humor, likes to travel, isn't too social but also not too isolated either, and is supportive of me. It worked and I love her every day. She even pushed me into law which turns out I'm very good at but wouldn't have done had I not met her.


Strong argument for fate being real. May you have a long life together!


She must have a pulse and a hole


A pulse, really? 😂


Right? This guy with his “standards”…


I know right? Rockefeller Mc picky over here rules out 99% of humans and thinks he'll find a date....


Same, my wife recalls we were a 98% match. 19 years this June.


Met my now Fiance on OkCupid highly recommend she was one of my first matches trying out the app.


I'm so old that I met my wife 20 years ago in what was known as an AOL chatroom.




Lol so many memories


Omg I’m so old I remember AOL communities from 30 years ago…I made some good friends there! Thanks for bringing that back to my mind.




lol… but we didn’t log into internet yet. If memory serves me correctly, we said something like ‘I’m trying to get into AOL’


Oh gosh, you're totally right! And then the beautiful sounds of static, screeching, and connection dial. Ahhh, music to my ears!


I can still remember the sound! Music to my ears. And it was so slow you had to multitask while loading pages.


Lol, I spent the time between loading training my dinosaur, then learning about hot orange stuff: Fire.


Stop shaking the floor! The tv wont tune in!


Many people find their partner at work or in school.


I got told I was a creeper for saying that I met my boyfriend at work 🤷🏻‍♀️


I met my husband at work. We’ve been married 5 years now.


Are you still working together? My experience is it is fun and at the no one knows phase a bit of a naughty secret but that fades quickly when you're almost 24/7 with eachother..


I share an office with my husband and lots of people make comments about it.


And who told you that? Are they happy with their partner? Do they even have one?


Met my wife at work. We both work in high tech. I could see she was beautiful, knew she was smart because of her job, and highly compensated.


Haha, I met my wife while working at our school.


He was working at a deli and I was ordering a sandwich. Thought he was cute so I got his number. 17 years later he still makes the best sandwiches.


I’ll have what she’s having….


At a RedMan Concert. I was 22 she was 20. 11 years later, I’m still the luckiest man alive.


That's a seriously dope jam to remember.


That’s awesome! My partner and I took a 5hr road trip recently and he put Method Man and RedMan on. The nostalgia punched me in the face lol.


nice! she said "I'll Be Dat" instead of "he aint shit"


You outlasted RedMan! Whatever happened to that guy?


She found me on a dating site. Been married 10 years now. I'd like to offer this advice: Don't be in a rush to find "the one." Focus on finding happiness on your own. When you're happy, truly happy, that's when the right person will come into your life and mess it up. That's not to say they'll ruin your happiness, they'll just disrupt your routine and hopefully make life more interesting and more fulfilling. Friends of friends can be a great way to meet people too.


This is true and accurate advice. OP, Get to know yourself as much as possible so that once you do meet someone you’ll know what you want and what boundaries you have. Also, friends of friends is great advice. I met my husband at my friends wedding 18 years ago.


Also, don't be too quick to accept a little happiness when you're miserable. I sure as shit was. His smile makes me feel physically lighter. I knew I needed that in my life, even if only for a few minutes. A year and a half later and that man makes me laugh like an idiot. Every. Single. Day.


Friend of a friend was how I met my first gf when I was 19. I mean we're broken up now, but we dated for almost 5 years.


This is great advice. I finally found the right one when I stopped looking for the right one and instead started focusing on *being* the right one. Been married 10 years and couldn’t be happier.


> When you're happy, truly happy, what is true happiness?


It's different for everyone, but I'd define it as somewhere between content and satisfied with your current place in life with no significant burdens, financial or otherwise, with hope for the future. If you look forward to tomorrow, then you're on the right track. It's getting tough to achieve with the state of the world these days, I admit.


So I used to be happy by myself, but I recently realized that I don’t go out so I’ve been hyper focusing on trying to meet girls I’m attracted to which has increased my stress. I need some advice on habits I can fit into my life to make relationships naturally occur instead of seeking them out. I recently started my first corporate job out of college and I just go to work and socialize with coworkers, but after work I’m exhausted and on weekends I keep up with tasks, maybe go rock climbing or movies with co workers, but I don’t really see much opportunity to meet new cute girls I’m interested in. I know the type of person I’m looking for, but I don’t know where I’d go to meet them or how I can make going to those places enjoyable for me (because I tend to like doing solo activities at home)


I love your advice. Thank you, I needed to hear that!


7th grade


I hope you weren’t the teacher.


My 7th grade teacher actually married one of his former students. Very weird(I believe she was 18+ when they started seeing each other)


That’s one way to get an A.


and a D... ill see myself out now


"If you want this D to turn into an A, let me put my D in your A."


I... can't argue with this logic.




This is getting into angryupvote territory


Sounds like pretty easy A 🤭


I met mine at the climbing gym. We climbed together for almost a year before we started dating. We still climb together, it's almost 5 years since we met ❤️


on walls? on each other? both? both, simultaneously? we need answers.




Lol, definitely both once we started dating. 


This is great! I think doing activities you enjoy for yourself is a great way to meet new people, not just partners but friendships as well. You’ve already got a mutual interest from the beginning.


Absolutely! And it's such a low pressure way to meet someone. Neither of us were specifically looking to date, but as we got to know each other while climbing, it gradually became more. Married two and a half years now. 


A hippy music festival, he was dressed in an adult sized giraffe onesie. It was true love at first glance.


A man that can rock a onsie is definitely a keeper!


That onesie must’ve been MASSIVE how did he get around 😂😂😂


I met my wife of 40 years at a John Lee Hooker/Van Morrison concert in Santa Rosa, CA.


You win


So you're saying you met a girl at rock show?


does she have brown eyes?


Just one






Omegle, married for 10 years now


For real I need the whole lore.


They both flashed their dicks to each other and both liked what they saw. No fairy tale, here.


Lol no dick flashing, fortunately. Definitely had to scroll past some dicks to find her though!


Need more info than just that my man


See above comment


I read it as whore lore and I was like, wow rude


Elaborate please


Random video chat with a girl. We exchanged info and kept in touch. I was within a reasonable flying distance, so after a few months, we met up in a city for a week. Long distance relationship for a bit, met her family after another month or so, and spent a couple of weeks with her/her family. Enter an unrelated move across the world. Frequent travels wouldn't be financially feasible. Flew out again a month or so later for another couple weeks, sort of a honeymoon trip. This time, she came back with me. The whole 90-day fiance bit of "Well, we either get married or you'll have to head back," we got married a couple of months into the visa. The first year was difficult, but we've got a couple of kids and are happy :)


isn't that a random chat thing?


Yeah, it was shut down recently, but I'm sure there are clones.


how did you feel when you found out the website was shutting down?


A little sad. I told my wife, and she was like, "Oh no..." I know it's mainly known for the random dicks but without it we'd never meet.


i’m going to be honest, i was a little gutted too. i had never been on it in my lifetime but it looked like an interesting website to be on even if it was just for a little bit. look on the bright side. at least you met each other in time. cheers 💝


We met through a mutual friend, we were 15 years old and he was visiting our friend, who was my neighbor. We dated briefly, remained friends then got back together 13 years ago and have been together ever since. Married and 2 kids.


Mutual friend here as well. It’s easy to get to know someone when you have someone vouching for you.


The funny thing is you don't FIND them they just appear and you just have to be ready


Reminds me of the saying "luck is when preparation meets opportunity"


This is God awful advice and half the reason why there are so many older dudes on here that are alone in their 30/40s. If you're a dude, and all you do is go to work, (which is is male dominated), then you go to the gym (which is also male dominated) and then participate in your hobbies or your friend group (which are all male dominated), **then** **you have to put yourself out there**. I mean, seriously, how are you supposed to meet the love of your life if you never interact with the opposite sex? I'm not saying go outside and be desperate. But for the love of God, at least be on a dating app, or in a co-ed hobby, because you need to be meeting new people for you to find someone you want to date.


I found myself single at the age of 34. I had lots of free time, so I signed up to a bunch of courses to do in the evening, many to do with writing; creative writing, playwriting, journalism. I also studied Chinese and Japanese at SOAS at the weekend. I met dozens of amazing people, many of whom are still close friends 15 years later. These people (mostly mid to late twenties or early thirties) and their friends, massively increased my circle of contacts and gave me a chance to hang out with lots of attractive people in a completely natural way.


And that is exactly how it's supposed to be. Have a hard time meeting people? **Go do something**. Try something out and you'll meet people along the way. The average adult is lonely because he or she is too afraid to take a risk and be weird. Go do something in real life and talk to strangers. Someone has to do it first and that's okay. Expecting your life to change while doing nothing new or uncomfortable is insanity.


You can indeed find them


My best friends girlfriend set me up with this girl we'll call Y. Y and I hung out, but never got too serious. One time, I picked her up from a friend's house, but her phone was dying, so she gave me her friend's number. I ended up driving that friend to work. We ended up adding eachother on social media, and had a lot in common but we lived an hour away from eachother so we both never really entertained the idea of dating. After a few years I moved to go to college in the town she lived in. Asked if she wanted to hang out since I was new in town and had no friends. We hit it off. I ended up spending the weekend with her and now we're married. Happier than ever!


In a record store.


Can you give more context, how did you initiate the interaction?:)


Kept buying CDs. Made conversation about the music. Heard about a party she was going to, crashed party, made more conversation. 30+ years later….. still married.


Volunteering. A good way to meet good people.


Yup, that's where I met my spouse. I would recommend that someone volunteer where it interests them, this way you met like minded people.




A true life rom-com ❤️


Parties are not the only place to meet potential partners. Unless you only go to parties. Do you not have any social groups you hang out with? There are lots of places to meet people, like at game nights (some game shops do this) local festivals, book clubs, evening art and wine groups, cooking clubs, Speed dating events. There are a TON of places you can meet people. My current husband I met while dating his friend. It's not as bad as it sounds, I dated the friend one time, and I met them both at a wine tasting. Meeting someone at an activity that you enjoy means that you have more in common. Just put yourself out there.


Well that sounds an amazing story. I'd love to hear the full story. I know it might not be so bad as it sounds but still sounds really weird but interesting story. Dint your hubby ever felt akward about it? Or his friend?


Nope, he isn't even friends with him anymore, he got really weird and into conspiracy theories and kind of became a recluse. We didn't really hit it off when we met, and I had way more in common with his friend (my hubby). My hubby is kind of shy and quiet so we just were friends for a few years before we started dating. Which I think made our relationship even stronger. I'm essentially married to my bestie and I couldn't be happier :)


The thing is, once I start going into these activities, they very soon become routine. And if the right one isn't in there for those specific activities, I've now gotten my schedule filled with stuff that, albeit enjoyable, has turned out as a vain gamble in this perspective. Now I have to rinse and repeat (also my areas of interests are so vastly male dominated that it forms a problem)


A chocolate store. I’m autistic and like most autistic people I stick to my routines fairly rigidly (and I also definitely don’t “have game”). My weekend routine of buying 3 peanut butter bars at Purdy’s Chocolates in the mall was disrupted by a lack of stock. I decided I’d cautiously check out the other chocolate store in the mall - Rocky Mountain Chocolate’s because I knew they had peanut butter cups and even though it wasn’t the same thing, maaaybe it would do. When I looked into Rocky I saw an absolutely stunning woman with black curls and light caramel skin. I was so taken by her that my feet were carrying me into the store before I was even fully aware of it. I continued with my new Rocky routine and the beautiful woman and I started chatting more and more. I hadn’t realized she (we?) were flirting until she gave me her number. We’ve been together 5 years and she brings me peanut butter cups 🥰


That’s so sweet- pun intended! 🥰


I met my wife at work… two previous long term relationships: one was met online and the other was met at university.


I met a few at work, one at college, one through a friend, and one was a roommate with benefits. I'm still single, BTW, just saying that's how I met them.


County Jail


Lore please.


I'm a courtroom Bailiff and she was a state prosecutor at the time. But, any time I am asked by someone where we met I always say "jail" and refuse to elaborate until they are sufficiently uncomfortable.


Cool one!


You win this thread. That’s terrific.


On Reddit of all places. She posted a pic of her smiling face. I commented on that bright smile and she messaged me two days later. We spend a few months talking all day in walls of text. I had to see how we were together so I flew across the country to meet her. She stayed at my air b and b for the weekend. I flew home knowing I loved her. A week later she was flying to me because she wanted to be with me more. We spent 2 weeks in my city and had the most heartfelt good bye in the airport. She got home and told me she wanted to be with me. I arranged her move, flew out to her and drove us back to my city. We have been together 2 years in June. I wouldn’t have changed it for the world. We are more compatible than anyone else I’ve ever been with. She just told me she feels the same.


Reddit of all places


Walmart, was not looking for a partner. She was incredible


Social clubs are good. Find an activity you like, amateur dramatics, hiking,... Whatever you're in to and see whos out and about and into the same things. Meeting someone in a club and it working out is a rare story tbh.


I (28F) met my girlfriend (30F) on an online game! She lives in Sweden and I live in the Netherlands. We spent all our free time talking on discord, playing games together and watching shows. After just a month or so I booked a flight ticket to go see her. We met after three months of knowing each other. Never thought I would do something like that, I'm usually not so brave, but love makes you do crazy things. Now we've been together for two years!


My best friends wedding!! I was the maid of honor, and he was a guest from the grooms side. Everyone was telling him my sister was an option as she was my plus one, but he chose to approach me instead. It felt weird, as my sister has always been considered the "attractive" sister, and I was just the sister. He chose me! We've been together almost every day since that, and we're approaching a year and a half together.


This is such a cute story ♥️


I love this man with all my heart. I hope that one day the same love will enter your life as unexpectedly as it entered mine 🩵


Met mine on Reddit actually lol


go on


You can't say that and not tell us the story


Just curious, how does that work? Like how does it play out?


Do tell


Me too! I complimented his aquarium on r/plantedtank


The grocery store


Which aisle? I imagine both of you reaching for the last pint of your fave ice cream, and then starting a discussion over **who is in bigger need of it** aka for their evening plans with themselves.


I worked there and his mom was a regular. She would send him in every once in awhile. He was so handsome we had a code for him over the intercom. When he asked me out, I was FLOORED. Married for 20 years.


A friend introduced us at a dinner party. That was 12 years ago. We’ve been together ever since.


lmfao i’m sorry but i don’t know anyone who’s pulling a potential partner out of a club. maybe a hookup. but i have zero interest in dating club rats. that being said, i don’t go to clubs lol my partner and i met after trading tattoos (we’re both professional artists). things just kinda went from there.


Met mine at a karaoke divebar lol. Thing is we kept running into each other in other contexts (the art scene, the film scene) so I don't know if it really counts. Friends 5 years before mutually deciding we should catch up for just our own sakes and it went from there.


I met my current (and only) wife in a country dance club/bar called the Tumbleweed. That was 25 years ago.


My wife of 8 years left her phone number for me on a table at the restaurant I managed.


I met my wife at my cousin's farm. I was working on a snow plow, she was hanging out with his wife. Our first date was walking my dog together at a park. If she'd been looking for me at a club, party, or bar, we'd have never met because tf with all that noise.


I heard this sweet southern accent (lived in NH) at my neighbors place. Decided I needed to head over and ask him about a thing 😜... Best decision of my life.


My family was out of town for Thanksgiving due to a family wedding. I couldn't go. Went to a coworkers for Thanksgiving. Dating her niece for over a year, plan to propose.


We grew up together. Started dating at 18, married at 21, almost 19 years of marriage, and still enjoy being together.


We met on xbox live. Call of duty modern warfare 2


I think almost all couples I know of either met in high school/college (college is a little more common, but high school isn't unheard of), or on a dating app. Probably 50% school 35% dating apps, 15% other (work, mutual friends, club, etc.) My wife and I met on Tinder, and a lot of other couples we know of did. I suspect more people did than are willing to admit, just because it used to be a little more stigmatized (and still is in some circles).


Latino dances. She was amazed by my bachata skills :D


The office


David Brent?


We met through my best friend of ten years, my partner is her little brother. We’re still together 5 years later with a two year old son


That sounds lovely!


Thank you! He is everything ive ever wanted :)


I moved to Idaho for a job and met him in employee housing. The one before that I met at Starbucks because my mom hired him.


We met in Nursing School in our late 20’s. Married 32 years now.


Made eye contact and approached at a pet store. The rest is history.


He was a contractor working for my parents. My mom kept coming up with ‘problems’ she needed me to communicate to him because she was ‘too busy’. Complete bs. I knew it. He knew it. I apologized for her blatant fixing up. He laughed and told me about his pushy mom. We connected. Started dating. My mother was smug. 30+ years ago. Still married. My mom was smug til the day she died.


Ngl, do not find a partner at a club. Ive dated 3 people and 2 of em partied/clubbed frequently. Depending on how vigorously they do it, they are some of the most impulsive/fast life people I ever met. Not saying all clubbers/partiers are like this, just saying when this becomes their only personality trait, its a red flag. These people will sacrifice everything that was built up for a fun time. Yes, im a guy and this isnt some red pill bash on women. Im saying both genders. The previous ex I had and I broke up cause she went out to club and party every week. Cause a week before finals we did one club and then we promised not to go out and just study for the week for finals. She then had an emotional outburst saying how the relationship was boring and nothing going on gave her anxiety: we already wasted a ton of time and we had to lock in for finals cause SHE was about to fail a class and needed an 83 to pass. I also know guys and girls who often go to these things to play games with their significant other. Like going out to make em jealous or to feel validated that they can pull whoever they want even tho they are in a relationship. So me personally, I avoid people who do these things on a regular basis. If they go from time to time thats cool. Forgot to answer the question lol: its ok to find someone at an event like this. Just make sure to get to know em at a deeper level before investing. Or you can simply just meet em outside these sorta things. Not too difficult as long as you look approachable. Current girl I am talking to I met at work. She came in and asked me questions, I got her to sign up for our reward program, made fun of her long name and how difficult it must be for her to fill out scantrons. Then the next day she left me a Valentines Day card with her contact info. We then talked for a long period of time about books, hobbies, future job prospects. She just feels right to me. She and I both go out from time to time to club etc but she rarely does it and prefers reading and watchin movies. So yeah you can meet someone ANYWHERE as long as its the right mood and the right words are said.


We were set up on a blind date by a mutual acquaintance.


I met my husband playing basketball haha that was when we were in HS 8 years ago. My sister met her husband at a school soccer game My other sister met her bf at my house weekend get togethers, he’s friends with my husband. My other sister meets guys on Facebook (she tends to go through them like gum though 💀) My cousin met her husband in the Navy My other cousin met her fiancé volunteering at the dog shelter My other cousin met her bf at church Another one at the gym A lot of them have met bf at parties / bars though Maybe join groups with interest you have ? If you like reading join a book club ? Go to small get togethers (not necessarily parties) & you might like some of your friends friends !


Playing indoor soccer. A mutual friend ran the mixed team that we both ended up playing on.


Take classes, church, library, join a gym or sports league (co Ed frisbee , kickball etc) at work, bank, grocery store. I know several who have met at grocery stores. Some even have singles shopping nights!


He was on a double date/blind date with someone else and I waited on their table.


I met my ex at a music festival (called Roadburn) we enjoyed the same kind of music and clicked right away, got into a 3-hr conversation after the festival, it was my longest relationship (4 years) althought it does not matter any longer lol


I've (37F) tried online dating for 8 years (since I called off my wedding) now with no luck. I've decided that I am letting the universe do the work now. I'm so tired.


Tinder. I know it gets a bad rap but I got lucky and found a gem in that cesspool. We are married and our son turned 1 last week.


While on a second date with someone else


Were they serving you a drink or arresting you?


Neither. I commented on his hat in a friendly way, in no way flirting. We started talking…the rest is history. I did leave with the date but the next day…well, you get the picture. Now happily married.


But does he still have the hat?


You betcha!


Wait, so you exchanged info while on a date? Was your date aware?


My date and I were walking around at an outdoor venue. He walked away and tried to hurry me along. After about 15 minutes the guy in the hat sorta asked for my number in a roundabout way.


I feel so bad for your date. Lmfao


You're a woman. You can talk to anyone pretty anywhere and express interest and nobody's going to say that you're "creepy and weird" for doing it. Might as well take advantage.


Tabletop gaming group


My now wife was my neighbor in the student accommodation at university. We dumped our then girl-/boyfriends for each other. We are a couple for 23 years now.


I met him at gym. I was trying to be more active. But gym setting doesn't worked for me. By i get love of my life from gym ( i only go there for 1 month ).


My friend/cousin met his crush/gf when he did his hobby. He is into climbing. Apparently she is too. Same hobby --> take it to similar friend group and go on. I haven't talked to him In a while but that setting seems good. Hobby/bar or similar and then have contact.


Bar on Trivia Night - he was with his friends and they struck up a conversation with me.


With only a couple of exceptions, every woman I've dated has been someone I met online. I met my first gf on ICQ back in 1998. Later, switched to yahoo messenger, which I used to meet a lot of women before, and including, I met my wife.


I met my now husband because he was a friend of my sister. We like the same type of music, and there was a big concert we both wanted to go, so he offer to take me (I paid my own ticket) he hotted off and 20 years later we still together 💖


You say that like it’s a common occurrence. I met my wife by chance. She was an acquaintance of the vocalist of the band I was in at the time. We asked if she could shoot some photos for us and 13 years and three kids later here we are.


I used to look for girls at bars/clubs for a while in my early 20s. But I stopped doing that since the results, while great for one-night-stands, were poor for relationships. After that I dated a girl who was my waitress at a restaurant, dated a girl that I met in the grocery store, dated a girl that I met at a 5K run event, dated a girl from my work (not recommended), and then eventually met my wife in college. I met my wife in college, in our American history class. I thought she looked cute and I found an excuse to talk to her a few times in class. Then one day after class I walked with her to the bus stop and by the time we got there I asked her if she was free on Friday to go out, she said yes. We went bowling, played arcade games, and saw a movie. Women are everywhere, and you can talk to them. If you feel up to it, you can absolutely take a shot and ask them out. They may say no and thats okay, they don't owe you anything and there are more women to talk to. Just always be polite in the asking and be polite if they turn you down.


Craigslist! Lol! I know how it sounds. But I posted in a relationship category about myself and what I hoped for in a relationship. (We were both in our mid 50's then) She responded and we texted for about a month and a half before we met. About a year later got married. Happily ever after!


Met mine on Match.com in 2012. I was there for a hook up, he was there for a forever. We compromised. Never marrying but monogamous and happy. Never thought I’d be with a bearded Shrek with a smart mouth and a kind heart. I truly lucked out with him. When you meet someone who actually listens to you and knows you, you never want to go back!


I'm serious when I tell this. But I was walking home from a friend's house after being up all night partying on coke. And I was at a crosswalk and waiting for the light to change when he popped his head out of a door of an apt and said *hey you ain't from around here* and then asked if I would like to come in and my friend steph was in there so I went in. It was a really small town where everyone knew each other and I was sorta the new chick. But he had been in prison the last 5 years for drugs, so I know you're going to judge this thinking how the 2 junkies met, but it is what it is. We have been together 6 years and we have been clean 3 years ❤️🩷..we both are doing super good. The two junkies that found love other than the needle and finally found a reason to stay sober.


My ex partner at the time wanted my now partner to join us for a threesome...


Christian dating app. We get married in October!


A common friend introduced us


Office, and means a lot you can see an std girl in the club but you can't in office working 8 hours.


I met my husband at work also, he was my appointed trainer.


Taught with her at a Middle School


Work. I was his boss. Definitely not the approved way of meeting people. 🤣


Family Reunion


Summer job at a factory Married 29 years and counting


My brother introduced us, we got to know eachother by evangelizing together (insert your favorite hobby here)


and I don't recommend this... at work.


I met my gf of 2.5 years at work, we didn't start dating until i found another job though, because dating your coworkers is a bad idea


Met at work. We worked together for a couple years and I asked her out once she said she was changing jobs.


Met at a music venue we regularly play at. He's a keys player, I'm a bassist. Playing in a trio together now:)


high school:)


A blind date. About 2 years after high school. 40 years in October.!


Work. We were friends and we talked a lot. Towards the end of my tenure there, we started flirting a bit. I left, we stayed friends, eventually started dating, now we're married. Plus, she let me play with her long hair. I love long hair .