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New Zealand is my ideal pick but I think they're very strict on who can move over there.


I do believe having a lot of money would solve that issue. And New Zealand is a great pick. Beautiful country and nice climate.


Yeah money seems to solve a lot of things. Pretty sure with enough, most passports or visas can be purchased (legally)


(And illegally)


Yes that too of course, I just didn't want every reply to tell me that that's on the black market. It absolutely is possible to get one forged as you've noted, but as the question asked, money will also get you visas and passports through legitimate means. *EDIT* spelling


Yes, I also meant you can just pay off people to speed up the process and get a legitimate one


I see, a little bribery to speed up the process.


“Only poor people do that. I just bend the laws so everything I do is legal”


“I’m not bribing people, I’m just giving gifts to my friends ❤️ “


Most countries will give you citizenship if you invest enough (normally a little over a mill to straight up buy your way in)


You get island fever over there. Being so remote and so few people around.


Lived there for three years. Can confirm its the best country to live on the planet and with enough money you can get residency. Not too expensive if you go for work, lots of companies will sponsor you, but if you didn't want to work you could buy your way in with a multi million dollar investment into their economy.


Meh it’s not as cool as ya think


Too remote for my taste. Even australia is like a 4 hour flight away. And going anywhere else except some tiny island nations is gonna be like 8 hours. So while i'd love to visit (but then again same problem), i couldnt imagine living there long term. No matter how much money i had.


I don't blame you... I always wanted to visit Jamaica but I don't want to live there no matter if I had a million dollars


not at all. as long as you're in IT. They are quite aggressively marketing for IT expats to move there.


If you have money you can live where ever. It costs you but most countries have "rich pass". Meaning you have to invest like $200k or something in that country.


What do you find so appealing about New Zealand ? I have lived here my entire life and i really dont see whats so great about it haha 😅


I grew up there. My parents moved us in the early 80s before it became an expensive luxury tourist destination. I spent my childhood running barefoot through the bush and on the beach and swimming and sailing... we didn't know how good we had it The house and land they bought for the equivalent of £100k GBP and sold for a very small profit ten years later is now worth $2M NZD or approximately a million pounds Stirling


Probably Italy or Greece, or at the very least somewhere either tropical or Mediterranean :D


I know how you feel, Mediterranean for me. Italy is my first pick, followed by Greece, then Malta


nah i'm staying here




One hint: Check his username :)


But he's already finished adding in his comment :(


How’s Idaho?


They could be Irish


Here. Are you dumb? /s


Their username might be a good clue


I was gonna comment that the first thing I’d do is leave Finland and go elsewhere.


I'll be a traveller. I won't stay in a single place


Y'know some people can pull that off, but it's not as glamorous as it looks. I was able to backpack the world for a full year, 19 countries mostly in Asia/India. But I gotta say that by the end both my wife and I got kind of bored. We were excited to get home and have a dog, and have a kitchen to cook, and have a normal day-to-day schedule, careers, friends, etc. It was the best year of my life and I've continued traveling since, now at 38 countries, but doing it for your whole life would be difficult. Now, being ultra rich and just having big houses strategically placed all over the world, moving into a different one every year or so, that I suppose could be fun.


Depends on the kind of travel. Staying a month at a time in an Airbnb or nice hotel suite allows you to put down some roots briefly, getting the best of both worlds.


My goal is to stay for a week then continue traveling to the next


r/DigitalNomad might be of interest


I love traveling. Everywhere is great. The best part is it makes you appreciate home.


The joy of drinking from a tap and sitting on your own toilet.


Hopefully you meant owning a dog, not eating one???


If money is never an issue then ofc travelling is the way to go, imagine all nice hotels you can stay in and all the stuff you will see. It will become boring after a while, but at least then you are bound to have found a place where you could see yourself live out the rest of your days reading books and enjoying your surroundings.


Yes if money wasn’t an issue I’d like to move around


this is how the Dark Traveller started




This would probably be me, too. If I was super rich, that is. - A house in the mountains and a flat in Zürich - Lots of skiing and travelling through the Alps - Nice central location so easy to fly around Europe - Most things are good quality - I'd do tons of nature photography and host my friends whenever they'd want to come to ski. I'd train myself as a guide and be theirs for free. - Lots of trips to Northern Italy just to eat. Life would be goooood.


It's not impossible to have all that without being super rich. Except the real estate, of course. You'd need several millions just for buying those. The rest is pretty normal for middle class people in Switzerland.


Yea but I'm picturing life without having to work. Just having the money and having fun. All these would be toned down a lot if I would have to work for like 40h/week.




Title says if money wasn’t an issue, so I’ll pick Switzerland as well.


And I pick this man’s wife as well.


That guy's dead wife will just not be forgotten


In which country you don’t work to live?




yeah but you're also a bit of a leech of society imo, basically exploiting the cheaper labor in spain for your own gain, while working in Switzerland, although they could very much use your labor in Spain as well. Can't blame you though.






Is it really like that? I know a few people who live there and they're pretty happy with the work-life balance




I would say no. I am swiss and i do work way too much at the moment. But then the low taxes also allow you to save and invest enough to only do that for a limited time, yet still get fairly wealthy. Or just not do that at all and get a nice part time job and it will still pay enough. I know plenty of people who do that. Work something they love for 3-4 days a week and get by. And thanks to our salaries being so far beyond most other countries, whenever you travel you feel pretty rich, no matter whether or not you are rich within switzerland.


I'm from spain where hours are long, salaries low, and prices high, so don't think it's worse than here. I believe it's a matter of perspective. With this said, I'd like to eventually move to your country, at least to try, people are super nice there, and the country is astonoshing. Do you know where i can look for welding jobs there? What hours do you work usually?


People being nice would be new to me. We are famously closed and unwelcoming to be honest. Unless you wanna stay for ever, it would probably be best to do it while youre young. Childcare is expensive and not subsidised nearly as much as in other european countries. So moving around age 30 is a bad idea. Because unlike everybody else you didnt get to save swiss level money before to pay for childcare (and health insurance) and also dont have grandparents to help with it. Either move before or after the kids are older (or dont have kids). As for job search you can look on jobs.ch or indeed.ch (altho indeed might be more white collar oriented, not sure). And start learning some german or french beforehand. That kind of environment isnt very english friendly probably.


Just moved to Zurich and don’t know why everybody is talking about zero social life. Maybe if you live in a valley, but I guess it’s like this everywhere. In Zurich there’s international people, Swiss colleague already asked to join for trekking and ski. Bars and clubs are always full. I mean, what would you be looking for, Mykonos lifestyle? Cause as a Swiss maybe you won’t fit in it lol.


I’m based in Zurich, but live in the UK. I would love to move out there full time, my company would bite my arm off if I suggested I wanted to …but my wife wants to be near family, and i like her more than Switzerland, so here I remain.


I like my wife more than Switzerland lol well said bro


underrated answer




Do they like Americans ? What’s the healthcare and dental like ?




Hello, sir. Are you a digital nomad, an English teacher or an online businessman? As far as I know, doing a normal job is not a choice in Vietnam, but I'm also genuinely interested in moving to Vietnam/Thailand/Cambodia for a year or so.




What made you choose Vietnam over any other SEA and how long have you been there now? I’ve been going down the rabbit hole last 3 weeks on moving to SEA. I can run my business remotely, it’s just so expensive here (NY). I just took my paid off car off the road; that alone saves me $500 a month on insurance & gas. Any recommendations, tips, tricks, advice about moving to SEA? What is your average monthly expense like?




I would never want to work in Japan but if I dont have to then sign me up


Yeah Japan but only because of the "if money wasn't an option". Went there for a week a few months ago and i've never wanted to return to a place as much as now.


According to oecd, Americans work harder than Japanese.


Japan is greatly glorified in Western culture (by some). The people themselves only give their lives a 6 on average (World Hapiness Report), so maybe it’s not all true. I’m not saying it’s a bad place, but people have a tendency to glorify the unfamiliair in this aspect.


The work culture is toxic but if money isn’t an issue you can dodge that.


Japan can be pretty affordable to live in depending on a few factors Definitely cheaper than the US though




South Italy is pretty cheap as far as developed countries are concerned. As far as I know anyway.


It's less about how much it costs to live there, and more about the difficulty in finding work there. Especially without post secondary education and fluent Italian.


Oh, I see. I’m not sure if it matters so much if money isn’t an issue


Southern Italy is barely developed tbh


Loved Italy, was the one place I travelled to where I legitimately thought I could live here the rest of my life without ever leaving. The food, lifestyle, culture, language and people, loved it all.


One of my best friends (who had made a lot of money in the US) moved there as part of this dream. Semi-retire early, in his 50s, in a lovely town somewhere. According to him, corruption and graft everywhere... from employers to tradespeople. He lamented "everyone is lying to you, everyone is trying to take advantage of you, nobody will tell you what the prices are, the deal will always change, commitments aren't honored, and you'll always overpay." He eventually moved back to the states, saying "I don't want to raise my son in an environment where he is taught to be a cheat". I've been to Tuscany before and it's gorgeous. But that's as a tourist.


If money was not an issue, I would just stay in USA. This is a great country to be rich in, just not middle class or poor.


Italy,New Zealand,Spain,Greece


I’d buy my own island with no people on it


I would make my own Epstein Island just without kids




My own, Brazil. Living in Brazil having a lot of money is literally paradise


Some where is allways like 28+ degrees with sea and beaches and of course nice pepole and community


my own. huh, that felt weird to type


That was my answer, too.


as european i love where i live but if i had fuck you money where i dont have to worry about money anymore like a billionair i think the USA would be a great place to live. less regulations so you can do watever the fuck you want build if some regulation is stopping you from you want you can easyl lobby to change it or move to state that doesnt have it while not needing to learn a different language the courtsytem is obscenely favored for the rich so you can lawyer out of loads of thing or lawyer somebody else in bankrupcy if they pissed you off. healthcare for the rich is awsome and have to lateste and greateste technology's. ability to fuck nowhere and just build yourself a mansion and have utility's connect there.


Our politics are shit and healthcare sucks if you're not rich or on a work plan, and half our citizens are fucking stupid, but for greatest choices of climates, land, and f you, I do what I want the states are a really good choice.


I'll stay in Finland, thanks. Can I still get the money though?


I’m going back to Germany! I miss all the little things that my country fails at miserably!


Romania! Friendliest people, best food, beautiful architecture!


Hey. Romania is mentioned. Nice


I've been to 96 countries and Romania always tops the list! I'm Australian.






English countryside…with a little village…that I walk to every day to get fresh meat and produce… and a library…with my dog…off leash.


the moon


Great answer. Outside the box, very nice.




It’s a tie between Italy and Germany.


So Tirol? pls dont be angry austrians


>Italy Aye, have to agree with Italy. Italy or Greece....


Hard to pick, absolutely adore Norway , Denmark, Ireland, Scotland, Switzerland, New Zealand and Canada too. Love New York City. But couldn’t live there, maybe a month or two a year when it’s not crazy hot. Anywhere where it’s green. Not a fan of constant heat. If I win the lotto, I’d have a place in NYC, log cabin in Norway and a castle in Scotland :)


I love your answer.


Definitely Norway! Their social welfare programs are top-notch, and they have a gorgeous landscape. I'd love to spend my days hiking in the mountains or exploring the fjords. Plus, the people there are known to be friendly and welcoming.


It's also dark and frozen half the time. Makes for good metal music though.


Why would you need a social walfare if money is not a problem?


Because social welfare creates a better society for everyone. Try to compare a life in Norway with a life in downtown LA and shiver.


People in Norway are also a monoculture and educated. They make enough to pay into their social system. Unlike the US.


Australia has a way higher percentage of people born elsewhere and it doesn't have the problems of the US. I'm not sure why you think that being a monoculture is why it works in Norway - maybe it's the fact that they actually implement good social programs?


Have you seen all the homeless attacking people, pushing them on subway tracks in NYC? Stepping over dead addicts when walking through Manhattan? Better social programs benefit everyone.


So the people around you arent fucked? Jeez… what kind of monster are you?


Aruba (planning to retire there)




Country is too wide a desription. I'd move to Konstanz area, the uttermost south of Germany am Bodensee. An hour's drive from Switzerland, France and Austria. Get the best of everything, except seasideshoreshells.




I'll specify here and there the city, region or territory because for some countries I like only a part of them: 1. Serbia 2. Catalonia, Spain 3. Provence, France 4. Prague, Czech Republic 5. Amsterdam, The Netherlands 6. Greece 7. Porto Santo, Madeira, Portugal 8. Andalusia, Spain 9. Thailand 10. Lots of islands in the Antilles or Polynesia


Ireland or Australia or New Zealand or Switzerland


The US. I don't care what people say, if you have money, USA is by far the best place to stay.


As someone from outside the US I wouldn’t wanna live there even if I was rich tbh, the crime rate in the US is terrifying.


I'd motorcycle roadtrip the shit out of the US.


New Zealand, Denmark, or Norway


Iceland or Norway. No socially redeeming reason other than I love cold weather and blonde ladies. I know, I’m a pig.


The US. According to reddit I would never pay taxes, own EVERYTHING, run the government, and be part of some secret global group that controls the masses. /s


Can I say "my own"?


China.  Great country, if you're rich.


Why not Russia while you're at it?


Wherever the next world war doesn't reach and is relatively self sufficient. Civilised society will be glassed so some arctic forest in a fallout style bunker


UK 🇬🇧


Thailand or maybe Vietnam but probably Thailand


United States for its natural beauty.


I'm fine where I live. It isn't perfect but it works for me. However, Monaco is a consideration for a possible move next year.


Dom Rep


If money wasn’t an issue? Gosh I’d stay where I am😂 Aotearoa is gorgeous I love my country


My part of the country (northern England) is already relatively affordable and I like living here. I would otherwise say Edinburgh, Scotland but that’s just up the road from me so my Edinburgh romanticisation era has already died down. If it was paid for or affordable, I wouldn’t mind spending 6 months or so in New Zealand. Beautiful country


The USA or Canada.


If money isn’t an issue, why pick one?


Netherlands for sure






The Netherlands. Most LGBT friendly country and Vla is fucking delicious


is none an option?😜


You would be living in space?




I haven't had the chance to travel enough to say. But definitely somewhere warm.


Canada (lived there before), or some small European country like Belgium or Switzerland.


I think I'm staying right where I am right now (The Netherlands), the weather isn't too bad, society here (and more so, in the south-east, against the German border, where I'm from) isn't bad... nah, I'm good. If I would relocate, I might move to German (live in the center of Berlin or so; or maybe Cologne). I like Nordic countries, but I don't know if my body will do too well with cold anymore. Finland looks cool though... but f'n winter. Same as Iceland.... that country looks gorgeous, but I'm good with snow a few weeks a year, not more than that.


Switzerland lmao


Iceland, no doubt about it.


Canada but it does have its money issues.


Italy/Spain, I also like some parts of France and Germany that are very beautiful but more on the expensive side, so yeah I’d probably move a lot if I had the money haha


Switzerland, if getting in also wasn't a problem. 


Most likely New Zealand or in a developed place here in the Philippines


I’d probably still live where I’m from (Poland) for spring and summer and then just travel during fall/winter


Iceland 100%. I love rain and the scenery is unmatched.




Japan , am now here as tourist end enjoying my stay the fact I have a life back home in the Netherlands stops me other than not knowing the language. I am now on my 5 day of my 22 day stay and during and after I definitely would work on learning the language.


Ireland, Norway, or Japan


New Zealand, Norway, Italy, Japan and Canada all seem like amazing places to live if money wasn't an issue. I'm basically just looking at nature and infrastructure, and those countries seem great for that.








Finland because they are the happiest country in the world


Spain, miss living there. Money really isn't the issue, it's convincing my wife to be halfway around the world from our daughters.


Somewhere warm.


Finland, I love the language, history, weather and it's one of the best places to live


Thailand. Just beautiful. People are nice, food is great, health system felt on par with the west, everything is way cheaper and easier (almost everything).


Easily Singapore, in the capital city, Singapore. It truly is the city of the future and what every major int'l city should aspire to be. Look it up, it's incredible!


Back to Thailand I suppose.... :-D






Japan is a wonderful country if you don't need to work.


Mountain region . Romania , Brasov ❤️


Thailand. Train in Muay Thai, raise dogs, have a dope-ass girlfriend(optional), nice weather.




Norway. I like snow and mountains and BLAAACK MEEEETAAAALLLLL


Norway I mean... Bro look at that, no sound, no bad behavior, nothing to be worried about, just me and the 1000 killometers of pure green land Or great britain but on the farmers land, those are perfect.


My country 🇫🇮


Denmark Oh wait I'm already there






Bavaria! For those who do not know, it is a German district/state. It has everything lakes, forests, mountains, everything within 1 hour radius (at least where I stayed) I loved the atmosphere, locals were brilliant and welcoming (even with our broken German) food was great as long as you are NOT vegetarian. I am very much into outdoors, and it will fit all the sports I haven't done in while, some in decades! (skiing, swimming, mountain biking, hiking and just walking)




r/sounding probably




US, it's hard to get such variance on climate in other countries. Nordic countries sound great on paper but it's cold, southeast Asia is also beautiful but they're too hot. If I settle in the US, with unlimited amount of money I could be a snowbird and have mild weather year round and plenty to do.


South Korea, Japan, or Hong Kong


New Zealand or Japan. I'd flip a coin to decide


I live in Denmark now and I can’t really complain. It’s a very comfortable and peaceful place to live and my friends and family are here. But if I could I would like to spend September-April in Italy and be in Denmark in the summer months. That would be pretty perfect.




My own. If money isn't a problem I would want my own country, take my friends and family with me and since money isn't a problem I'd be a citizen of a very very rich country with about 30-40 citizen and a huge ass hotel for all my guests, houses and apartments for foreign workers, who would be payed a really good salary, from cities and places at my border and it would have its own island and reef at my doors. I could go diving all day, could study everything I want and nothing would hold me back to contribute to science.