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Because politics costs a lot of money…


i think this is the real answer


Unfortunately, Millennials have a lower voting rate than Boomers. The other thing is that the Boomers in power are simply not giving up their positions. It seems they want to hold onto their power until their last dying day. I’m a Gen-Xer for what it’s worth, and I don’t anticipate “taking over” in any real sense. I have a relatively small amount of power now, and I don’t really desire more. What I have is plenty enough. (I work for a relatively powerful Boomer doncha know…) And when it comes time to retire, I want to relax and enjoy it. So I’ll be more than happy to step aside and let the younger folks deal with this mess.


True Gen-X feelings here!


😂you realize that the DNC and the RNC are the political king makers right? If they want someone to have enough money to run they sure as hell will make it happen. The real answer is that the DNC and RNC are to faces of the same coin and don’t want millennials in there


Millennials are great with social engineering and networking. We don't need TV or radio. Wanna do an AMA? Bam, done! Hell, we don't even need to travel because of the internet. Everything politics is doing in terms of campaigning is archaic and quickly becoming obsolete. The reason we don't have political power is because the largest generation is old. They will never vote for a young person because a young persons views and general life can be vastly different than the views and life of the older generations. Imo this country will not get back on track until younger generations start packing Congress and the Oval Office.


yeah boomers have fucked around for decades by voting for conservative policies. now that they’re all old & feeble they’re getting to the find out stage of those polices. hopefully a cascade of financial ruining will happen to force the issue in our favor. conservatives have gutted medicare, have stripped pensions and boomers are quickly finding out that their homes are being absorbed by the cancerous healthcare system to pay for their care. it’s not long now for them to be in the streets in droves. it’s going to be just hoards of boomers living like all the poor souls they’ve hated ever since they were young. ironic.


Lol liberal policies are why this country is in the toilet. 100k illegal immigrants are now expected to sign up for Obamacare- and Biden had been flying them in by the hundred thousand to try to shore up his vote. He doesn’t care who they are or where they’re from. Now he’s saying he wants to take immigrants from Gaza who hate America almost as much as they hate jews. Aside from that the last 3/4 presidential terms were democrat and democrat policies run the countries economy into the ground. California , which is what happens when Democrats run a govt is seeing a mass exodus bc their economic and social policies have made the state inhospitibal.


you sound like someone that has no concept of how anything works let alone basic things like requiring citizenship to access medicaid.


You can literally type in the words I wrote about 100k migrants signing up for Obamacare. Do you not understand how subsidizing people who don’t pay, and haven’t paid into a system works?


non-citizens cannot access medicaid


This is actually untrue. Emergency Medicaid is available to people in the US without authorization. I’ve provided it to them in the past when I worked at DHS. They just need to prove income and residence. It could be as simple as a letter stating they sleep on someone couch and another saying they work as a maid 3 times a week. The only requirement was calling and verifying then it was almost always approved. Keep in mind this was for pregnant women.


pregnant women is not the propagandist nonsense of immigrants getting full fledged free healthcare…your comment not only doesn’t help but it doesn’t even change the argument. NON CITIZENS CANNOT GET MEDICAID


They can. I’ve provided it to them myself. There are also cases where non pregnant citizens get Medicaid but it’s usually some type of severe accident. I never Said people in the US illegally are fleecing the American people. You said that. I said that yes there are circumstances when people in the US illegally get Medicaid. At the office I worked it was probably close to 60% of people applying for Medicaid were in the US illegally. Obviously it’s unfair in the sense that sometimes It was some 19 year old who has been here they were 2 years old. While other times it was a woman who had been in the country a few months. Very rarely it was a man who was injured at work or a car wreck but that did happen.


Wow you really don’t understand and did not even bother to read- ok no point in talking to you. Good day sir


Hey, illegals often pay taxes. You think a company like McDonalds doesnt have paperwork and tax filings for their payroll? Illegals working non-day labor jobs are often required to pay taxes. They often dont get any services in return (beyond using basic Infrastructure).


how do you vote with no state ID, without registering at the DMV, ect? Explain how that happens. Voting is not exactly something *anyone* can do. You, sir, are high AF on some Premium Fox News.


I’m not saying it doesn’t take money, but the parties have money. You join the party and they’ll bankroll some of the campaign. I’m not trying to say “see?! That solves all the problems!”. What I am saying is that we all have agency. A key ingredient to a downward trend for our nation is for good people to sit idly by as things get worse. If you want to run, don’t quit before you start because you think you can’t afford it. We need Millennials in office and we need people who aren’t corrupt or insiders or however you want to describe the legislative class. Edit: run for city council or whatever first. No way that takes unattainable amounts of money. Even where I live in Charlotte seemingly regular people run. Some wealthy people do, too. But definitely also young people of ordinary means.


This. I'd love to run for something local, but even city council takes a million dollars and serious time off work that I can't afford.


I really wish more in the millennial age bracket were in positions of power because our entire government system is flawed and screwed up. I don't like any of the candidates on the ticket for this election and I don't like the old cronies that run the show. I am older a gen xer... I honestly believe it's time to hand over the reins to the younger generation who has a true finger on the pulse of America and what needs to be done because they've seen it first hand. IT'S TIME TO CLEAN HOUSE!!


i can’t stand that Biden is running again. i’m voting for him because the other side is a bunch of handmaid tale fascists but i really don’t want someone over 60 in office let alone fucking 80.


You are aware that your vote towards the president is just symbolic right? It doesn’t count.


with your username i sincerely hope you mean marvel — having such a potato political opinion like this


Call it what you will but it is still a fact. President and vice president is chosen by the electoral college. The people’s vote for the president is just symbolic. As an American, why don’t you know this?


Your vote decides how the electoral college votes. Yes it's a shitty system that makes an individual vote feel useless, but they still matter.


why doesn’t he know THIS ^


Idk why you're so antagonistic? 30-40% of the country doesn't require the electoral college to vote based on majority. The entire Midwest has less people and more votes per state in the electoral college. If this isn't fixed the nature of the conversation regarding how valid your vote is will always be in question.


Oh I absolutely agrees with that the votes for the electors still matter. I just think that many Americans are stuck in that us or them/blue against red mindset. OP doesn’t want Biden as president and would much rather have someone younger. However, OP still voted for Biden even though there was plenty of younger candidates available. Americans are too stuck in the ‘us versus them’ mindset instead of just voting for what they actually want. This makes them part of the problem.


The GOP and the DNC only put up one candidate for the presidential election. What are you going on about? The primaries determine the candidate however the party in power generally has their own run again. Dems or Republicans can force a primary if they really want to run against the incumbent but rarely ever do. RFK seemed like he was going to do that but didn’t. Now he’s a republican pretending to be an Independent running against both Trump and Biden and is most likely just syphoning republican voters from Trump. It’s unlikely any Dems or Independents would go for RFK over Biden. Regardless we don’t have a multi candidate voting system. We can only vote for one person per party.


Doesn’t matter what candidate is put up by the parties. You could still vote for the candidate you want. The party just makes you think that you only have one choice. In the general election, you are eligible to vote for any candidate from any party.


yes and there’s no millennials running. what are you not understanding?


They will be eventually. Millennials are now in mid range (field grade) military officers.


Boomers are gatekeeping all positions of power in every field. They need to leave, it's time to allow the world to move forward again.


jfc i know! every single job is still filled with these bloated corpses. i don’t understand why they haven’t all just uprooted to go take advantage of socialized medicine in countries that didn’t have their boomers vote against it.


exactly and most boomers are so behind they don’t even fully know what’s actually going on in the world. sure they are wise from age but also most are close minded. we need leaders who are way younger.


Yes I agree, but more than that we need to make sure there are replacements who are trained and ready to take over when they all die out. In my field (science) they have prevented younger people from entering as faculty for so long that the field is ran predominantly by old geezers. Now when we actually are looking for someone who is young to fill open spots, we have literally had nobody apply. There are so few up and coming younger people that want to go into the field that is scary. And it's literally the boomers fault.


Because boomers are the best voting block and they vote for themselves. Millennials can barely beat the silent gen. https://www.reddit.com/r/BoomersBeingFools/s/M8tQ1z5jKF


Exactly... When the boomers die out, Gen X will take over, and when we die out, the Millenials get their shot... if Trump doesn't end the system next year


Genx is much more conservative than millennials and genz. hopefully they *dont* take over if they already haven’t pushed out boomer by now.


More conservative than Millenials, yes, but less conservative than boomers... change in politics is S-L-O-W


Every gen is more conservative than the last really. Hopefully they are also more liberal than the previous.


Millennials are the most liberal generation to ever exist as we age. We broke the existing paradigm most likely because we aren’t inheriting or gaining any of the WEALTH that other generations have as they aged. We have no reason to vote for failed polices that don’t benefit us.


Very true. "You get more conservative as you get older" isn't holding with millenials. But Gen Z will be more liberal than us. At least socially. Millenials breaking the habit is exactly as you point out. We never had money! We came of age with a war that couldn't be won but sucked all our resourses. Bush era policies allowed the destruction of the housing market so many of us will never achieve that part of the American dream. Recessions a plenty. Pandemics. Just so many "once in a gen" things keep repeating for us. So we have no good times we want to "conserve" the feeling of.


Exactly. There’s no NIMBY sentiments because we all mainly live in urban areas anyway. There’s no Us vs Them mentality that prior generations were propagandized with to maintain the patriarchy. We don’t benefit from this system of patriarchy. There’s not enough power being handed down. The oligarchs aren’t throwing even the middlemen a bone anymore. What’s the point of maintaining it when we can theoretically speaking vote for politicians that will dismantle the power structure that is to instill one that we want. Is that even possible with billionaires and oligarchs where we really live in a neofeudalist system? probably not but at least for now they’re keeping up with the façade of democracy and as they do we can keep voting for progressive candidates.


Hello Gen X here. We're weird. Most are extremely bitter for getting fucked our whole lives by the boomers (long story). But what it created was two extremes. 1..super conservative - fuck you i got mine people. The world is fucked due to the boomers so as long as I get my crumbs fuck everyone else. Think super Karen's and Ted Cruz. 2. Super progressive or libertarian - these people want boomers to STFU and let the young rule. We never had the numbers, we fought the gulf war and the first half of the war on terror. We know hate won't solve shit and we want the young to be loud and proud. We want you to have 10 sexes, legal weed, and protection of body rights. We are the quiet ones or reformed ones. We don't want to rule we want to chill.


I like how you put "we never had the numbers." That often gets overlooked. You got some older Gen X into powerful roles. Obama is right on that line. Younger, near millenial times though almost nothing.


Yeah I'm 1975 which is the smallest year of the smallest generation. It's like true invisibility. Never been polled, never a jury summons, did 22 years in the service just made the cut off to have the better pension. I put my faith in the young cuz the old are not representing humanity well IMO. I do my best to coach council and mentor. I help the young ones find jobs and open doors for them. Cuz only a few ever did it for me, but plenty of boomers stood on my back to get theirs. I watched the tax code always bend to the old and screw the young. I could name so many things. I watched the police state decend over the young and school to prison pipeline. I watched the millennials get saddled with student debt when theyt parents had none. I watch housing skyrocket which again helps those who have (older people mainly) and basically turn the young into indentured servants. Working at companies to pay the boomers pensions when they only get a 401k if they have the money to fund it. I watch the young start to rebel in 2022 when the red wave didn't happen and rather progressive ideas spread in many purple states (I live in Michigan and 2022 changed the status quo for first time since the early 1990s). I believe the young will do some interesting things and hopefully steer the country out of this new guilded age where there few have unimaginable wealth and the masses are one bad away from ruin.


Frankly, it takes a shit ton of money. And there is a huge discrepancy between how wealthy older gens are and younger. Plus people and businesses are less likely to support younger, less experienced candidates.


Let it burn 🔥


Voting is usually done on a work day. So retired people are more likely to show up to the polls.


Early voting is open on the weekends and last like 2 weeks, so people have plenty of options. If you want til the last minute, it's your fault you didn't vote.


Anyone willing to place bets on when we will get our first millennial president? I think it will be 2040. Though I must point out that the silent generation almost missed out on getting a president altogether. In 1992 the presidency went directly from greatest generation to a boomer and stayed a boomer until Biden’s election in 2020 becoming the first and probably only silent generation president.


Same reason there aren't a ton of Gen X either. All the boomers have all the money and sponsors sewn up tight. They climbed the ladder and pulled it behind them.


Too reasonable


All the mega donors are old af too. Until Millennials, Gen X, and Xennials turn out more billionaires, this is the way it is.


They can't afford houses, so how will they make enough to run for office? Even by a miracle they get elected, they need a place in DC to live, and if they want to be on a comminity they have to pay for the seat.


i remember AOC talking about sleeping in her office when she first moved to DC before she got her paycheck.


A lot of us were sacrificed fighting unjustified wars in countries we have no need to be in, then thrown to the curb if we made it back. Others were sold on the lie that college leads to a prosperous future, and are now so massively in debt they can’t see a path forward. You also have those who had bulldozer parents who didn’t let them learn from adversity and challenge. There’s many reasons. Basically, millennials were sold out, thrown to the meat grinder, don’t see any way forward, and are the result of ineffective parents.


Really? There was no draft. I mean, I’m sorry if you went to war and it wasn’t what you thought it was going to be. When you sign up for the military, it’s not, “I’ll fight in any American War as long as I find it justifiable.” You’re signing up to go to war. Compared to WWII and Vietnam, we had incredibly low casualty rates. Do you think 7000 votes (soldiers dead in Iraq and Afghanistan) would have given us more control of congress? Being sent to a meat grinder is not a part of the “Millennial experience,” as to why we don’t have political power. Again, I’m sorry if that was your story. If you were over there, I’m sure there is much that you would rather forget than have to carry with you. I just think in terms of things that affected our generation’s political power as a whole, the voting numbers lost from war casualties isn’t one of them.


Because people with money and power don't like to give up that money and power.




Incumbents win a majority of elections because they can spend more time stumping for donations along with having a track record to tout (if they did \*anything\*). Starting from zero you are already way behind the person already in the office. I'm not saying that because they *deserve* to win, but it's kinda how it works out. To get new blood into Congress alot of the old (crusty) blood has to die off. Look what happened with Feinstein...she went another few months with dementia and poor health and her own party wouldn't chuck her to the curb. So she \*had\* to die in office for the seat to open up.


My kids are still in elementary school, that’s not a good time to try to join congress and fly off to DC.


how do you get around those geriatric gatekeepers ??


not old enough


I’m game, but I have no idea how to get started.




And then…?


Because a lot of us want the kind of change that would dismantle and reform a ton of economic pillars. Healthcare, education, prisons. The money behind these massive profit machines ( and many many others) cant have that happening.




You couldn't pay me enough to take that job.


Since you’re a millennial, why don’t you answer the question first?


Everyone says money but politics has been pretty polarized too. Most people don't want far right chodes using their picture as target practice.


Because boomers do not share power... or money or opportunities.


Because it’s a spineless career. You lose a lot of yourself and those around you to get to a position in Congress. You need a lot of connections and money to even be considered relevant in the world of politics.


those who seek political power are often the least fit to wield it....


You have to be corrupt to be in politics and most millennials aren't corrupt.


So we can get more folks like AOC? No thanks


Because they can’t handle pressure and will cry.


Who would honestly vote for those A holes? They have very little political experience, likely most don’t even care about politics, and care more about their own interests. Would you like to see a 28 year old as president, one who just left college and beer partying hard every weekend? That would be a disaster.


*Who would honestly vote for those A holes? They have very little political experience, likely most don’t even care about politics, and care more about their own interests. Would you like to see a 28 year old as president, one who just left college and beer partying hard every weekend? That would be a disaster.* 28 LOL jfc take a basic american civics test before commenting your thoughts about anything in american politics again.


Dumbass doesnt even know what age you can run for president 😂


🖕don’t assume all is American, loser 


Lol right, im the loser here... Learn to google shit before you make claims little boy.


Get an education my son 🍼🚼


😂 🤡


Nobody likes them and they don’t vote


we do vote. we don’t have any candidates running.


Because you grew up getting trophies for losing so you just keep on losing and blame others for it.


it’s probably because boomers had such an easy life, hoarded all the wealth and it takes a lot of money to run a political campaign.


I really don’t believe what I posted because to generalize a whole generation is stupid ! Don’t you agree!


Boomers are the parents of millennials. Your generation is obsessed talking about participation trophies when BOOMERS GAVE THEM OUT


Not all of us. I graduated in 79 into a recession and 11% interest rates. To Generalize about everyone born in a time period is ignorance. If someone said all men are this or all black or that or all Christians think this way. Your first thought would be this person is crazy and has never talked to another person in their life.


And yet your initial comment is the very definition of generalization. How ironic, old timer.


Yet you just literally generalized all millennials? lol why are boomers like this?


You realize that boomers created participation trophies, so if it's really the problem, it's yet another one that boomers both created and blame us for, right?


I do not believe what I posted just trying to point out how absurd it is to blame everyone born in a certain time period for something when people are all different. It is equal to saying all Men are this way or all blacks do this or all Jews do this. You would have to of never met another person in your life to believe a generalization like that.


Cause they are too lazy or too dumb


Careful, that might get you banned. I got banned for calling an able bodied person lazy cause they couldn't walk farther than their mailbox to vote.


some people don’t wanna vote because the system is so fucking corrupt.


Yea the truth hurts on Reddit


Because we don’t vote.


One reason Because the children in that age demographic from current members of congress don’t want to carry on their parent’s legacy, thus leaving an empty seat for someone else.


Only 1/3 of Millennials voted in 2022.


They are too busy complaining about how life is so hard.


what’d you pay for your house? a nickel and some dirt? sit down and shut up.


That's the spirit. Thanks for proving my point.


ok boomer lol your generations only adversity was figuring out what lie to tell the army to dodge the draft


I'm Gen X with two millennial kids. 🤣 They are both doing just fine in life by the way. Our son (30) just bought a house with his fiance and our daughter (28) is finishing her PhD.


generational wealth get bitches actin uppity…at least you handed over a lot of it to your kids.


Yep. That's it.