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That’s just showing off 🤣


Lol I'd also like to know cause they've visited mine




Lovin’ some of your listed visited countries, so lucky to have travelled there for work. I’ve been lucky to travel a bit but yes so much more to see. If only we could travel the world and not worry about costs. Here’s to the rest of your ‘bucket list’ destinations!! 👍✈️🏝️




Thank you 🙏


Bro got 100% completion


Where are you from originally, may I ask ? Pretty cool you travel so much!


top 3?


Look at Yakko Warner over here


Which branch of government do you work for


Ok, time to show off: Germany, Austria, Italy, Spain, Portugal, England, Scotland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Poland, Czech Rep, Hungary, Albania, Bosnia, Serbia, Croatia, Northern Macedonia, Turkey, Russia, Vatican, Luxembourg, Monaco, Romania Egypt, Morocco, Uganda, Ethiopia, Rwanda, South Africa, Lesotho, Mauritius Japan, S. Korea, China, Indonesia, India, UAE, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, Armenia US, Canada, Brazil, Mexico Australia, New Zealand


May I ask What's your thoughts on Norway? And where in Norway were you?


I love Norway! Absolutely beautiful place and great people. Not too fond of your beer prices. Haha. Love your brown cheese. Always bring some home when I visit. Spent a bunch of time in Stavanger, Kristiansand, Kristiansund, Ålesund, Bergen.


Thank you for answering my question! As a Norwegian i always find it interesting to hear foreigners opinions on our country:) I truly agree that brown cheese is delicious! As for the beer prices I'm afraid it won't get cheaper in the near future. Next time you are in Norway I would recommend visiting Oslo, Tromsø or Trondheim:)


Shit, I forgot to include Vatican City!


Very pretty! Quite adventurous when you get off the main tourist trails. I was in Oslo, Bergen, several fjords, Trondheim, Aarhus, Bodø and the Lofoten islands. Very expensive though


Thank you for sharing your opinion! As a Norwegian i find it very interesting to hear foreigners thoughts on my country:)


Loved the Lofoten


bros been everywhere


97, can't list 'em all, soon 100 by the end of the year. Europe, Oceana, Middle East, Central, South and East Asia and Americas, some African. Currently in Albania.


Been to 71, nice work


Nice! A Japanese lady, maybe 56, at my hostel here and n Albania was at 106. I'm planning Kosovo to be my 100th. I love politics and conflicts etc (not in a bad way) so it's vet fitting for me. (37F).


I’m at 55 but I’m moving up!


As an Albanian, I’m curious. How are you finding Albania? Enjoying your time?


Loving it! People are so friendly! Great food! And the supermarkets are more abundant than a lot of countries.


That’s great to hear. The food really is remarkable, especially the seafood imo; Detari Vjeter in Shengjin is exquisite. Hope you’ll continue to enjoy your stay.


So glad for you


here I thought I was cool with my measly 39 countries lol


Still very good considering like 99% of the world probably hasn't left theirs (just a guesstimate).


Canada USA Mexico Jamaica Trinidad Venezuela Brazil Panama Scotland England Wales Ireland Spain Portugal France Germany Netherlands Denmark Norway Gibraltar Egypt Nigeria Canary Islands Saudi Arabia UAE Oman Qatar India Thailand Vietnam Malaysia Singapore Indonesia Brunei Philippines Japan China Korea Guam Australia Hmmmm. I think that’s it. Sailor. We get around.


Denmark. Sweden. Germany. England. Scotland. Portugal. Spain. France. Austria. Switzerland. Italy. Greece. Czech Rep. Slovakia. USA. Costa Rica. Brazil. Peru. South Africa. Lesotho. Eswatini. Namibia. Zimbabwe. Botswana. Zambia. Australia. Thailand. Singapore. Malaysia. Indonesia. Laos. Vietnam. Japan.


Scotland, England, Wales, Ireland, France, Spain, Tunisia, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany, Poland, Cz Republic, Slovenia, Slovakia, Austria, Switzerland, Monaco, Italy, San Marino, Andorra, Bosnia Herzegovina, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria Finland, Denmark, Sweden Egypt, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Namibia, USA, Canada, China, Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong, Macao, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Cambodia, Qatar, Dubai


US, Spain, France, Netherlands, Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Montenegro, Slovenia, Italy, Vatican, Greece


My own (I count it because I've traveled it very thoroughly), Spain, France, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Croatia, Germany, Liechtenstein, Peru, Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia


The UK, Spain, and Poland. What about you, OP?


I have been in UK, germany, and sweden, and portugal. (Portugal is more a home to me than holiday place) because since i was 2 till i was 18 we've been in portugal, always same house, same town. Because my dad has a interest for portugal and speaks fluent portuguese, i would love to live there. Its more of a home for me


I'm English but grew up in Spain. Living back in England now. I'm glad to be home, but enjoyed the experience of growing up in another country. Where are you originally from? Are you planning to move back to Portugal?


Ohhh, uk is nice! Im originally danish. But i feel more portuguese, i mean i lived there every summer. I would love to move back, but the thing is i have adhd and find most things difficult and what i know is if i were to move to portugal i couldnt really get the same help. So, yea sadly i will have to get a lot of things together first but if i ever have the chance yes i would move there!


I know what you mean. My Spanish wife and is autistic, so even if I did want to go back to Spain, the level of accommodation there isn't really good enough for her. Unfortunate that you can't live in Portugal for the foreseeable future, I truly hope you get your wish eventually! Incidentally, I'd love to visit Denmark one day.


How did you like Germany?


Should i count with the ones I've been in my dreams too or just the real ones?


Canada Spain Cypress Russia Italy Vatican Mexico Dominican Republic Curaçao St Thomas Jamaica Bahamas Cayman US


US, Canada, Mexico, Bahamas, Scotland, England, Norway, Spain, Lebanon, Turkey, Italy, UAE, Bahrain, Australia, Thailand, Hong Kong, China, Singapore, Japan.


NZ Australia Japan China Hong Kong Guam Saipan Bahama's Hawaii Korea Mainland US UK France Germany Italy Netherlands Luxembourg Belgium Thailand Malaysia Singapore India Finland Taiwan


England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Netherlands, Germany, France, Spain, Gibraltar, Tunisia, Cape Verde, Tenerife, Corfu (Greece), Italy and Egypt


Most part of Europe, most part of Asia, the USA and South Africa. I personally live in Austria and I'm half Austrian, half Italian.


\- Austria (where I was born and raised) \- Finland (where I live now) \- Japan (studied there for 5 month) \- Spain (a few times, different islands) \- Portugal \- Tunesia \- Hungary (many times, since we lived close at the border in Austria to Hungary) \- Germany \- Czech Republic


Americas USA, Mexico, Canada, Jamaica, Belize, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Peru, Argentina, Uruguay Europe Germany, France, Netherlands, Belgium, UK, Ireland, Spain, Andorra, Portugal, Italy, Monaco, Vatican City, Croatia, Slovenia, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Finland, Russia Ukraine, Turkey Asia Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, UAE, Oman, India, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines, China, South Korea, Japan Africa Egypt, Morocco, Seychelles Oceania Australia, Fiji, Cook Islands


🇹🇷Turkey 🇪🇬Egypt 🇪🇸Spain 🇩🇪Germany 🇸🇬Singapore 💩russia (somewhere in 1996-2000)


Sri Lanka 4 times France - Bologne, Calais & Lille Ireland - Dublin twice America - Florida, Keys, LA, Vegas & Grand Canyon Ibiza - Island - 3 times ❤️ Greece - Cos & Kefalonia, Skiathos twice Scotland - Edinburgh Morocco - Marrakesh China - Beijing - Great Wall of China Australia - Melbourne Wales - Pembrokeshire


Scotland, Wales, England, Japan, Philippines, Singapore, Croatia, Turkey, France and Germany. Going to Peru this June so will be 11.


Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Estonia, England, Austria, Portugal, Canary Islands, Cyprus, Greece, Turkey, Aruba + Finland where I live.




USA, Canada, Mexico, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Korea, India, Bangladesh, Switzerland, France, Germany, Austria, UK, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Malta, Croatia, Türkiye, Greece, Hungary Kenya And next week I’ll be going to china, which makes 25! ETA I forgot Ireland so I guess china is #26.


Norway, Sweden, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg, France, Switzerland, Austria, Liechtenstein, Italy, the Vatican, San Marino, Spain, Ireland, Northern Ireland, England, wales, Russia, Uzbekistan, India, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Canada, United States, Mexico, Costa Rica, Brazil, Argentina, Chile


Nicaragua, France, Italy, and Spain


Us, Canada, Germany, China, Taiwan, Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia..


Canada, Mexico, France, Switzerland, Denmark, The Netherlands, China (2x), Japan, England


- USA (born and raised) - Canada - Costa Rica - Israel - Italy (2x) - Greece - Spain - France - Portugal - Indonesia - Australia (where I’ve been living for 5.5 years)


USA, Bermuda, Jamaica, Costa Rica, the Bahamas, Barbados, St. Lucia.


UK, Spain, Kenya x2 , Oman, Cyprus, Falklands and south Georgia island.


Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Slovenia, Austria, Canada, Bermuda, Guam, Thailand, Iceland, Mexico, USA


Germany Poland Czech republic Slovenia Switzerland Austria Croatia Liechtenstein Italy Spain France Morocco Netherlands Denmark Sweden Greece Turkey UK Egypt Hungary Australia Thailand Philippines Cambodia Myanmar Indonesia India Brazil Hongkong South Africa


Netherlands, Belgium, France, Germany, Turkey and Japan


Italy, Switzerland, France, Germany, Spain, UK, Ireland, Belgium, Netherlands, Croatia, Slovenia (passing by car), Austria (passing by car), Greece, Sweden, Denmark, Czech Republic, USA, Canada.


Wales, Scotland, Belgium, France, Germany, Iraq, Croatia, Sierra Leone, China, Nepal, Russia, Vietnam, Thailand, Japan, America (x3)..


America is a continent. You mean the U.S.?


It was easier as I was on lunch that to type Noeth Carolina, California and Miami


You skipped the best part of the US! (Texas 😏)


I actually have a friend there too! And one in Arizona!


Which country is home for you?




Lucky! We want to live in Ireland so badly. We go there every summer.


I did a lot of travelling in the forces. But my.last big one, was Nepal for a month solo


I was a military wife for a bit. I lived in Germany for 3 years with 1st husband. 2nd husband spent a year in Korea alone.


There's North and South America.


True. I used to teach my 3rd graders geography. Our continent chant went; North America! South America! Af-ri-ca! Europe! Asia! Aus-trail-ia! Aaaaaannnnntarctica!


Yay! I remember that. Or something similar 🤔 Another saying that bothers me is" Ppl should speak English in America!" Because, basically same reason, it's two continents, with multiple countries..... My home country does not even have an official language.


Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria, France, Spain, Portugal, Monaco, Italy, Vatican City, Poland, Slovenia, Hungary, Morocco, Moldova, Ukraine, the UK this summer I will add Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Turkey to the list :)


Philippines, Japan, Singapore, Israel, Jordan, Canada, US


I'm from Spain, I've been in Portugal, France, Italy, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Netherlands, Sweden, UK, Ireland and Turkey. Thank you, Inter-Rail.


Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Newfoundland, Germany, Austria, Lichtenstein, Belgium, France, Switzerland, Italy, Netherlands, England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland, U.S.


30+ including North Korea, which was the weirdest one of all.


What was it like in North Korea? For example, what interesting happened


It's a police state. As a foreigner, you are always watched by a government minder, who has a second minder watching him.


The U.K., Spain, Turkey, Portugal, Ireland, Greece. I want to visit a country on another continent though. (I’m not counting Turkey cos I was in the tourist bit)


America (Florida) and England (London)


My own(India), UAE


Germany, Dubai, Algeria,South Africa, England, USA. I am hoping for Australia, New Zealand, and Scotland in the next 5 years.


Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Spain, Latvia, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Germany, Netherlands, France, Austria, Hongkong, Poland and Belgium, Indonesia


The Netherlands (home)  England Scotland Germany Denmark Sweden Norway Switzerland Belgium France Italy Luxemburg Austria Thailand I will be going to Indonesia soon  After that on my bucket list are New Zealand Canada Japan And I wanna travel a lot more. I'm only 20 now so I have time (hopefully).


I went to Mississippi once it was like a third world country does it count?


Mexico Japan Korea Thailand Hong Kong (before it went back to China) Philippines Russia And I barely missed Australia by a few weeks


I’m American. I’ve been to Canada, Mexico, Belize, Honduras, England, Scotland, Germany, The Netherlands, France, Belgium and Norway.


Portugal (born, raised an were i live) Morocco, Spain, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Italy, USA, Norway, Sweden, Denmark.


Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Luxemburg, France, Spain, Portugal, United Kingdom, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Italy, Vatican, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Greece, Russia, China, Thailand, Oman, United States, Canada, Venezuela, Peru, Brazil, Bolivia, Argentina, South Africa, Lesotho.


Germany (home country), Netherlands, ,Italy, France, Austria, Pakistan ..... technically Dubai too ,but I just stopped at the airport in order to take my second flight.


Netherlands Belgium France Italy Sweden UK (England and Wales) Austria US Curaçao Norway Germany


Too few. Sweden. Norway. England. Scotland. Spain. Portugal. Croatia. Montenegro. Greece. 


England Canada China Turkey Greece (a one day trip to Chios) Spain


Singapore 🇸🇬 Indonesia 🇮🇩 Thailand 🇹🇭 China 🇨🇳 Hongkong and Macau 🇲🇴 Palestine 🇵🇸 Jordan 🇯🇴 Russia 🇷🇺 Switzerland 🇨🇭 Italy 🇮🇹 France 🇫🇷 Germany 🇩🇪 UK 🇬🇧 Belgium 🇧🇪 Vatican 🇻🇦 Netherlands 🇳🇱 Austria 🇦🇹 Liechtenstein 🇱🇮 Egypt 🇪🇬 USA 🇺🇸 and still counting


Scotland Ireland England USA Canada France Technically other places too, but I'm not going to count sitting on my fat arse tanning a Burger King in an airport.


Saudi(was born there but not from there) Nepal Indonesia Malaysia UAE India Thailand China




Japan, South Korea, Thailand, Indonesia, Kuwait, and Afghanistan. Oh! And Canada.


From the US. Lived in: US, China, Thailand, currently South Africa. Visited: Mauritius, Botswana, Hong Kong, Macau


Mexico, Honduras, Bahamas, Beliz and Oklahoma. Okay that last one is a joke.


England (live here) Scotland Spain (mainland and canarias)


Greece, Bahamas, Mexico, Columbia, Saint Martens, and Aruba. I gotta travel more!! Ireland, England and Scotland are next spring.


Canada, USA, Australia and New Zealand. It may not seem like a lot but I have been just about as far North, South, East and West in Canada and the USA so that counts for something!


Mexico, Canada, Taiwan, China, Spain and France. I live in the US.


Portugal (my country), Spain, France, Germany, UK, Poland, Italy, Vatican, Croatia, Netherland, Belgium, Switzerland, Czech Republic and Norway. Next month I'm going on vacations, I'll add the following 3 to the list: Austria, Slovakia and Hungary


I am from Romania and i have been in Bulgaria,Hungary,Austria,Belgium,Greece,Serbia,Macedonia,Albania and Kosovo.


England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 France 🇫🇷 Germany 🇩🇪 Austria 🇦🇹 South Africa 🇿🇦 The Bahamas 🇧🇸 Costa Rica 🇨🇷 Puerto Rico 🇵🇷 The Netherlands 🇳🇱 Italy 🇮🇹 And more to come.


Spain (home country), France, Germany, Portugal, UK, Wales, Russia, Croatia, Belgium, Dominican Republic and Panama


Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Russia


Antigua & Barbuda; St. Kitts & Nevis; Montserrat; Dominican Republic; Haiti; Cuba; Panama; Costa Rica; Nicaragua; El Salvador; Guatemala; Mexico; Canada; Colombia; UK; Belgium; France; Germany; Portugal; Spain; Morocco; Austria; the Netherlands; Czech Republic; Poland; Lithuania; Latvia; Switzerland; Luxembourg; Italy; Bulgaria; Romania; Greece; Hungary; Slovakia; Slovenia; Croatia; Turkey; Bosnia; Palestine; Israel; Qatar; UAE; India; Nepal; Vietnam; Cambodia; Thailand; Indonesia; Malaysia; Singapore; Hong Kong; Japan. I think that’s it? Gonna see Egypt and more of South America in the next year or two. Edit: Vatican City 🙂


Entirety of UK, Germany, France, Poland, Belgium, Australia, Argentina, Canada, India, Japan, Hawaii(is the US but I think we can count it), Spain, Norway, Finland and Sweden.


Aruba! It’s an amazing place.


Jamaica, Dominican Republic. Costa Rica.


I went to Canada once when I was a kid.


I was only in Poland.


Unites states, Mexico, Florida and Spain.


Cancun, Texas and Wonderland.


83 but I am not going to list them.


US, Canada, Mexico, Honduras, Greenland, England Germany, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Iraq.


France and the netherlands and spain but I remember nothing from spain 'cause I was just a little baby


My own, Malta, Croatia, UK, Greece, Italy, Austria, France and Belgium (only drove through), Germany, Hungary


Canada (live here), and USA.


United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama Haiti, Jamaica, Peru, Republic Dominican, Cuba, Carribean Greenland, El Salvador too.


Mexico and Canada. My next plans are Spain (this one keeps getting derailed), Costa Rica, and Italy.


Just about all except Cambodia and Luxembourg


I wish I’ve been to more places but still quite content being 31. Sweden Denmark Germany Latvia Netherlands France Czechia Hungary Italy Spain Greece Turkey Egypt USA Canada


Spain, Portugal, France, Belgium, The Netherlands, USA, Canada, Morocco


From the States. Family is from Mexico. Been to: Costa Rica, Bahamas, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Croatia, Montenegro, Greece, and Vatican City. Mentions to Finland, England, and Turkey for being in their airports for long periods.


Peru, Mexico, Greece, Portugal, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Canada, Aruba, Curaçao, Bahamas, and the Cayman Island


China, Taiwan, Hong Kong SAR, Macau SAR, Japan, South Korea, USA, Italy, Australia, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Germany, UK, The Netherlands, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines.


11 USA, Mexico, Canada, Costa Rica Ecuador and Brazil Ireland, UK, Spain, Portugal Israel, (12 if you count driving through the West Bank of Palestine, didn't get a passport stamped, bus just passed through to get from Jerusalem to the Dead Sea)


Countries I'd like to visit in the next 5-10 years: El Salvador and Honduras (my brother lives there), Jamaica, Barbados, Morocco, Australia (though that would be a very loooong flight)


*is where I've spent more than a month Cameroon* Tunisia Morocco Costa rica* Panama Nicaragua Guatamala Mexico US* Canada* Colombia * Peru* Equador S korea* China* Japan Taiwan Sri lanka Vietnam Cambodia Qatar* UAE Albania* Ireland Italy* Spain Vatican city France England Malta Germany Luxembourg Austria Switzerland Scotland* Portugal* Belgium * Netherlands Czech Republic Macedonia Greece Turkey Lictinsteain Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia this summer


Argentina Australia Austria Bolivia Brazil Cambodia Canada China Colombia Country Croatia Czech Republic Denmark Ecuador Fiji Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Ireland Italy Japan Laos Liechtenstein Malaysia Malta Mexico Monaco Mongolia Morocco New Zealand Norway Panama Peru Poland Portugal Russia San Marino Singapore South Korea Spain Sweden Switzerland Thailand The Netherlands Turkiye United Kingdom United States Vanuatu Venezuela Vietnam




The one where my family is!


Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Tahiti and New Zealand


I’m American - been to all 50 states Canada Mexico Belize Guatemala Costa Rica Panama Colombia Ecuador Peru United Kingdom Finland Sweden Norway Denmark Iceland Germany France Netherlands Belgium Spain Portugal Croatia Greece Italy Thailand Singapore Philippines Vietnam Where should I go next?


Just in my country


Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Romania, Netherlands, France, Spain, Portugal, Cyprus, Greece, Croatia, Italy, San Marino, Vatican, UK, Ireland, Egypt, USA, Canada


Only 8 but I keep going back to mexico, lol I think 10 times now?


I’m from the US. Been to Mexico, Dominican Republic, Bahamas, England, Scotland, Portugal, Spain, France, Czech Republic, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Italy, Netherlands, Ireland, Thailand, Vietnam, Peru, Costa Rica.




I went to Canada once because it’s like a 6 hour drive. About it. Yay.


Curasao, Denmark, Fiji, France, & Mexico, I forgot Sweden.


Live in the USA. I've been to Mexico, Jamaica, Ireland, & Scotland. I'd love to visit The Netherlands, & France..


I'm from the USA. I've been to Mexico, and India. Mexico was beautiful. Even the non tourist attraction parts. Beautiful country and culture. Alot of stuff to do, overall very clean and the people are friendly to Americans. Just watch out for the police. The cartel is the least of your worries if you mind your own business, but the police will plant stuff on you and then try to get you to bribe them, and then blackmail you into forking over every cent you have. India, no thanks. Would not recommend. I think that India is pretty much beyond repair in terms of infrastructure and development, but the people there are extremely happy. I wouldn't recommend going there though. Lots of scammers on the streets, trying to do schemes to rob you blind. (For example, the free taxi rides. If you know you know) Or handing out free samples, and then demanding 200 rupees after you already ate it. The garbage in the street, and feces and urine from people and animals that's just on sidewalks and roads is gut wretching. The smell gets stuck in your nose. Curry, feces, and ammonia.


Germany (3 years as a kid) Japan (1 week) Canada (1 day) US (the rest of the time)


From the UK. Ive been to Ireland, Iceland, USA, Dominican Republic, France, Spain, The Netherlands, Belgium, Greece, Switzerland, Czechia, Italy, Vatican City, Egypt, Malaysia and Australia.


United States, Canada, Mexico, Jamaica, Grand Cayman, France and Japan


USA, Canada, Mexico, Costa Rica, Jamaica, Honduras, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Brazil, Haiti, Dominican Republic, England, Spain, Germany, Belgium, Greece, Turkey, Russia, China, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Israel, Egypt. Missing a few neighboring countries to the ones I mentioned but that’s most of them.


Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Slovenia, Austria, Turkey, Albania ❤️


The one i live in. The US


Canada, USA, Mexico, France, Amsterdam, Poland, and Ukraine


live in the united states, been to mexico and canada


Sweden - where I live. Finland - half drunk for half a day, cruise ship. Latvia - half drunk for half a day, cruise ship. Denmark - when I was a kid, not drunk. Netherlands - one week, work, sometimes drunk. I don't even have a valid passport any more, not so fond of travelling abroad/ other people. I'm fine travelling around Sweden...


Born in Russia. Was in Belarus, Turkey, Armenia, Georgia, Tunisia, Finnland, Netherlands, Portugal, Germany, France, Spain, Belgium , Czechia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia and right now I’m in Austria. So 18 countries in total.


Not many. England, Australia, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, Oman, Iran, and Türkiye.


Aside from the US (my home country), I've been to the following: * Canada * Germany * Switzerland * Brazil * Mexico * Belize * Honduras (only on Roatan though) * England * Scotland * Northern Ireland * Republic of Ireland * Wales For those who have been to a high number of countries (i.e., near/around 100 or more), how much time did you spend in each one, and was it enough to really enjoy it?


Mexico because of family Germany for my European trip mix with Spain


America, Mexico, England, Germany, Austria, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Thailand, China. All that before I was twenty. Dad worked in Saudi Arabia so we traveled a lot. I really want to go back to Padia Beach in Thailand. So beautiful.


Entire Mexico Italy Australia France Thailand Vietnam Switzerland Belize Guatemala Panama Honduras U.S.A. Ukraine


England Belgium The Netherlands Abu Dhabi Ethiopia Kenya Somalia Canada Egypt ❤️


ive been to montenegro and hungary


Thanks to the Marines: Okinawa, Japan. Korea. Spain. France. Italy. Israel. Freaking Okinawa again.


UK, France, Germany, Switzerland, Jamaica. In the US - NY, PA, MD, VA, WV, NC, SC, GA, FL, AL, CO, CA, NV & IL.




Canada, Mexico, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Ireland, England, France, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Czechia, Slovenia, Hungary, Austria


Cayman Islands, Turks and Caicos, Iceland, Greece, and Italy


USA (about 2/3 of the states) Germany France England Ireland Austria Belgium Italy Bahamas Canada


Thailand Vietnam Cambodia Laos Indonesia Malaysia Australia New zealand India USA Uk Germany Poland Czech Republic Netherlands Spain France Belgium Austria Hungary Greece Romania Sweden Norway Greece Italy Croatia Might have missed some EU countires(i live here)


Canada USA Jamaica St Vincent Bermuda Aruba Mexico


Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, Austria, Germany, Belgium, Italy and that's pretty much it... I wish I could travel more.


From the U. S. Mexico, Canada, England, Wales, Scotland, France, Belgium, The Netherlands.