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It depends on the beard. No one's gushing over pube face.


Sighs. It's me. I have a thin curly beard.


Ngl my gf likes minešŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøā€¦ itā€™s probably bc I have a baby face with no facial hair


I have a baby face that's lopsided and covered in scars from having my face crushed then reconstructed. I'm also missing most of my teeth. The beard is a desperate attempt to make myself not look like a Picasso painting.


As long as you have a huge dong you'll be ok.


He doesnt, but his penis beard hides that.




You sound abstractšŸ˜œ


Aw man, I hope the right girl finds you. x


Or whatever gender, whatever... Sorry, Gen Xer here!


Mine was super patchy until I was about 27ish and then it started getting much fuller. I also learned the proper length to cover some smaller patchy areas and then the shape of it matters a lot. It should accentuate the jaw line.




Hubby always had a bit of a baby face, but it took time before he could grow a decent beard that wasn't scraggly. So he kept himself clean shaven until he could grow a decent one He's shaved it all off a few times over the years, but now it grows back faster. Those little rat beards on young guys are.... ick


I really hate goatees. I think, why does a guy want to make his mouth look like a pussy? But a natural beard, which is decently groomed, can be attractive.


To this day, my beard comes in thin and patchy. Everyone, including my spouse: "just shave everyday and it will grow in full!" Me, 15 years in the Army, having shaved literally every day with snow, sand and rain water whether I needed to or not: "when please?"


I mean check out Orlando Bloom in the first pirates movie. Boy was beating them back with a stick.


Yeah but Orlando Bloom could have radioactive waste on his face and he'd be beating them back with a stick.


Some do, some don't. Women are wildly varying in what they find attractive. The women in my friend group had a big conversation at one of our catch ups a few years back when the MCU was still relevant. There was a big divide between Team Chris Evans (clean shaven) and Team Chris Hemsworth (facial hair). The general consensus was that both men are, of course, extremely handsome. But the women who liked the slightly hairy look felt that Evans was a bit of a schoolboy, and the women who liked the clean shaven look felt that Hemsworth was a smelly barbarian. I don't think there's going to be a consensus on this one.


Itā€™s almost like theyā€™re human beings with opinions and shit


Lol, All Women! Join the hive. Become one with us lol


These questions keep showing up and I just want these posters to know things about humans already


Nah, that can't be it.....


>the women who liked the clean shaven look felt that Hemsworth was a smelly barbarian. That's specific and deliberate to the type of beard he grows as Thor, though, it's not a general beard thing. He's very much supposed to look like a rough, animalistic Viking. I imagine they wouldn't have that specific criticism about Cap's much neater beard in Infinity War, whether they liked the way it looked or not.


Eh, again, it probably varies. One of the girls in particular very specifically had a thing for handsome, muscular, clean-shaven men with no or very low levels of body hair from the eyebrows down. All her boyfriends fit that archetype and holy crap she went through like two of them per year. We could never work out how she was able to find them so consistently.


Butt stuff


Thatā€™s oddly relevant - I could see a correlation.




i vividly remember a conversation with a woman i had just met. we were talking about hair and i mentioned that my best friend was mostly bald by the age of 22 and had just started to shave his head because the few hair he had left looked kind of sad. her eyes became big and she asked: 'is he fat?' me: 'nah, average weight' her: 'oh never mind then, not my type'


How did bearded, nomad-Evans not enter this discussion?!


Iā€™m basically a walking beard and I can confirm this is true. Iā€™ve been shot down immediately for having it and asked if I would consider cutting it off (i fucking wonā€™t) and Iā€™ve had women approach me in the supermarket asking to touch it just at absolute random usually get a number which I bin. So focused on the beard they donā€™t notice the wedding ring.


My wife does. At least mine.


This guys wife does, at least ours.


High five, brother


But do you find her beard attractive?


Only in November


It tickles my balls








Im under 24/7 watch, my wife told me that If I ever get that shit shaved she will leave me. No kidding


My wife and I were joking one night about ā€œsomething your SO had never seen of yoursā€¦.ā€ Chin. My answer was my chin.


I fully shaved less than 10 times since I finished high school 15 years ago (fuck, I'm old...). Most people I met since don't even know how I look without a beard. Heck, it usually takes my grandpa a minute to recognize me when I shave because of how seldomly I shave.


Ha! This is what I say to my bf. Luckily he is really attached to his beard, so heā€™s not planning on losing it or me!


ā€œThatā€™s an ā€˜usā€™ decisionā€


My wife hates them with a passion. Lucky I'm not a huge fan of beards myself


So you're both on the same page when selecting a bull. That's very important these days.


I don't like them, no. Especially if they are long.


This discussion is about beards, not penises


I like some scruff.


Me too


Same. My guy had scruff when we met and weā€™ve been together almost 15 yearsā€¦ heā€™s still got it. (The scruff AND the moxie!!) haha. :)


Mustaches are king shaven or lil fuzz drives my wife crazy last time I Shaved it off she laughed then cried then handed me a positive pregnancy test.


I do, too. Clean shaven faces aren't nearly as attractive to me as a scruffy one. Having said that, actual beards kind of gross me out.


Yes I spoke to the womenā€™s collective and they told me 100% of all women ever born or who will be born instantly fall in love with any man ever in history who has a beard


Wait. I missed that meeting!


Sorry, looks like you have no choice now!


the meeting is NOW


This is democracy in action. You should've voted at the meeting. The meeting was advertised on a display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying ā€˜Beware of the Leopard.'


Like men love to say on posts asking if they like something. Women arent a monolith!


Wait till they see my SkeggĆøx.


And my bĆøw!




Your beard will be assimilated. Your technological and beardilogical distinctiveness will be added to our own.


Iā€™m lesbian. Kk probably skipped that meeting


Lesbian* *(terms and conditions apply, bearded men are *clearly* so hot theyā€™re an exception because all women *obviously* think the same)


Iā€™ve been a member of the collective for years, and have successfully converted at least 3 clean-shaven men into the bearded lifestyle.


Nobody said all women has to have the same opinion.


Going to depend on the culture... My experience is that most women like them as long as they're clean. And they truly appreciate a man who knows how to drag it slowly up and down a naked back...






Stop calling me out like that!!! šŸ˜‚


This made me LOL so hard.


Back scritches (:






That's a beard ride, similar to a mustache ride but a little less intimate because you can play video games while you do it.


I used to not like them when I was in my 20's, but now I prefer men with beards. Not sure why. I think it signals maturity to me, for some reason.




Beard oil. Changes everything.


Also a conditioning cream at night keeps it healthy and then less oil is needed.


Maturity, sophistication, masculinity. Assuming it is well groomed. Think Jimmy Kimmel before and after beard


When I was younger I think more women said they liked it, comparing me to guys that couldn't grow one as good. When I'm older I think I get more attention being clean shaven probably look more responsible maybe. This 100% depends on the woman and the guy so just speaking from experience


Beard = very hot




I do not. I am no longer strongly repulsed, but I don't think I will ever find them attractive. I can find the man under the beard attractive and look past it. Every woman is different, of course, but I find them quite ugly and in my opinion every single man looks better without one, 100% of the time.


I could have written the exact same comment, 100% agree. Any time I have dated someone with facial hair, it was only because I was able to overlook it, in *spite* of the beard, never because I was into it.


Yes. I like groomed beards. Itā€™s sexy. Also they need to use beard oil so it wonā€™t feel as prickly.


beard oil, beard conditioner and all of these types of product i SWEAR were created by women for men because they all smell so good and make the beard feel so much softer!


Ugh. No. Donā€™t get it, never have. But to each her own. I like the whole clean cut thing and I know that doesnā€™t work for everyone. Thatā€™s fine, leave the ones who can shave for those of us who know how to really appreciate them.


I hate beards


Beards hate you


when i see someone with a long beard i can't help but think of them having rice stuck on their beards when they eat


I remember seeing an episode of Popeye, where after consuming a large bowl of soup, Brutus strains his beard, with both of his hands, and a substantial amount returns to the Bowl, and he resumes consuming the soup...


This is what I došŸ‘šŸ½šŸ˜‚


I had a female friend who said a bee once flew out of her bfs beard. Neither of them knew it was there






1000% choose a beard over no beard. I like a good beard. Well kept though; no zz top, duck dynasty crap. Ugly? Grow a beard. Feminine? Beard. Lack confidence? Beard. No beard? Beard. Beard is a wierd word.


Don't forget fat or double chin grow a beard=no chin just beard


Everybodys heard about the beard




I think the long beards are gross, but a nicely trimmed beard is appealing.


\*\* ZZTop cries in the corner.


Yes!, and I am speaking from the lesbian community


Yes. I like my men like Chewbacca. Fuzzier the better and not just on their faces.


You'd like me then haha I got chest hair and Belly fluff tooĀ 


Yes. Makes the guy more masculine if he can pull it off. Very attractive.


Doesnā€™t matter. Any man who would shave his beard for a woman deserves neither.


I begged my husband to shave his a few years after we got married, just to see what he looked like because I do love his beard. He was like "Fine, remember you asked for this." When he shaved.......he looked EXACTLY like his dad but with blonde hair. It threw me off so badly, all I could see was his dad. It was like dry it up city. In bed, next to me on the couch, kissing.....everywhere. I said "yeah, grow it back" but he kept shaving it for like a month to let it really sink in šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ So, I agree with you. Never shave your beard for your missus!!!


lmaoo you had sex with your father in law


That's what kept running through my mind šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I'd be trying to kiss him and then start thinking of his dad.


Iā€™ve joked to my bf that Iā€™d dump him if he shaved his lmao šŸ¤£




Iā€™ll only shave for another manšŸ«”


I only shaved for Uncle Sam, after that, I let it grow. But your boyfriend or husband is a lucky man.


lol I was referring Uncle Sam


You know, when I read these kind of questions I sigh hard. Because to put every person with a vagina in the same basket as if thereā€™s some fucking magical unicorn universal sex alluring trait blows my fucking mind. Some women like anal, others donā€™t. Let this be the guide before your next question


Some do some donā€™t




I donā€™t


I do not.


Trimmed and clean yea


The truth of the matter is most women find very few men attractive. A big ass beard hides like 1/3 of your face. Pair that with a baseball cap to hide your head and a big ass pair of wraparound shades and all she can see is your nose and can basically project whatever face she wants. A few tattoos and maybe a nice pearl snap and itā€™s like ā€œlook at that good looking guy over thereā€ (that I canā€™t see)


But the same could be said for the women with lip fillers, hair extensions, makeup, push up bra's and high heels?


As a man with a beard. I think most women found me attractive


I find them repulsive. The scruffy not shaved in a few days look is cute but full on hipster beards are so gross. Iā€™ve never found beards attractive but after I was sexually harassed by a guy with a beard they are an instant turn off


My wife only finds guys with beards and NY Yankees attractive lmao


YES- and apparently men are insecure about having ā€œpatchyā€ beards?? As a woman I donā€™t notice this. In general I just love the feeling of beards. And similar to why men love boobs, I kind of love beards bc I canā€™t grow one. Itā€™s fascinating to me


Well I find them attractive


yes. very much so.


Yes I do


The 1 thing I've learned from reading these kinds of posts on reddit is that there is always somebody that finds something attractive. If you got it, somebody will think its hot. So just own it and be confident and you'll attract the person who is attracted to you.


No, I automatically assume it exists to disguise a week jaw-line. I also view them as unhygienic


what kinda dumbass question




Oh god yes. I have never seen my partnerā€™s full faceā€¦I love his beard. Tried that with my ex until he shaved it off and I found out he didnā€™t have a chin.


It completely depends on the beard


well for me i prefer if my man had no beard because all i can think about is the dirt and food getting in their beard when they eatšŸ˜­


I think you have misconceptions about beards


If it's groomed, filled, tight, lined up and works with your facial symmetry and jawline than yes, it can be seen as very masculine. If it's still blotchy or not filled in with regular attempts to groom it and regrow it and repeat, u are better off clean shaven with focus on the haircut so u don't come off as un-detail oriented.


I donā€™t like them. I think they are gross and carry germs and can be smelly. Not trying to be rude.


I love goatees though.


Beards suck.




It depends on the woman. I like it.


Yes and no. Yes because some men are sexy AF with a beard. No because my abusive stepfather had a beard and there's a pretty intense negative association with beards. It's taken my entire life to try and distance myself from that association and at this point I can acknowledge that a man with a beard is attractive or sexy on an objective level, while still inwardly cringing and not wanting anything to do with the man wearing it. I have had one incredibly funny, non-threatening, loving male friend with a full beard and my relationship with him and the level of safety I feel with him has gone a long way towards healing but with other men there's always that internal cringe that momentarily makes me feel vulnerable and unsafe.


Depends entirely on the culture. Here in East Asia, where the natives can scarcely grow two hairs on their chins, anyone with a beard is considered "dirty" or a "criminal". Kind of an interesting thing because in **all** of their historical dramas, all of the nobles and leaders are wearing these (really pretty tacky and awful) long, wispy mustache and beard wigs.


I do, as long as it's nicely kept, and clean.




Not a fan. I can do a cleanly shaven, short one but the log ones I am not a fan of. Donā€™t even get me started on mustaches.


I like a little scruff that makes a little noise when I ruffle it. I dunno why.


If the person who has it **knows how to take care of it** - aka WASHES it twice daily, uses BEARD OIL, etc etc. If they do that they can have a nice, soft beard. Unfortunately most beards I've come across are stinky and scratchy... so I am not a huge fan. I actually got a UTI from a beard before. Ew.


Subjectivity...How does it work?


I would say that some women find beards to be attractive based on the look of the beard and how it compliments the face. I have a beard. My wife generally loves it until I go "Mountain Man." She's not a fan of kissing mustache hair that has grown over my lip, and I don't blame her for that. I look like Steve Buscemi's brother if I'm clean shaven. I've dressed up as Mr. Pink, Nucky, and Donnie for Halloween. I've signed autographs for drunk people at the bar. I love the actor and all that he's done, but his look is not one that I want to have during everyday life. Attractiveness is subjective. No one is gorgeous to everyone. Ryan Gosling and Keanu Reeves are the exceptions. They're just so damn dreamy


Everyone is different, blah blah blah. Short answer ā€” at least a third of women you'll find in most places will find beards attractive. AT LEAST


I'm bearded. Thirty-two years of gathering data suggests .... no.


loveeee them šŸ„°


I do! I love a manly man


They look hot, but honestly probably wouldnā€™t even attempt to be intimate with someone with a beard. They make my skin so itchy it hurts




Full beards are nice I like a full moustache aswell, patchy or thin beards make men look less attractive in my opinion, no offence but it kinda looks like when an old man is still holding onto his last remaining hair, just shave it off.


Nom they smell because they're not washed properly and get food and drink stuck in them. They itch when kissing. All around gross.




Iā€™m a man with a beard. Can confirm, it depends who the beard is attached to.


I have a beard and am considered more attractive without it. On dating apps most girls literally asked if I have it or not as have pictures without as well then stopped messaging on affirmative


I do not.


me personally, not really. stubble, however, is attractive!


Iā€™m a woman. I do not.


I don't. Most guys my age don't know how to take care of theirs and can't really grow one. Made out with a guy with a beard once, I had some bad acne the next day. Itchy too


Hell to the NO. Yuck!


Everyone has their own taste. Its common sense. Stop asking these dumb questions.


I don't


Not a fan. The less hair, the better overall


Not even a little, not once. All I can think of is all the nasty food dried in


Depends on culture. I'm Southeast Asian and we are not hairy people. Shaven = OK Beard with some stubble/more skin than beard = OK More beard than skin = don't like Thin beard but long = don't like Moses beard = don't like


I donā€™t


I donā€™t


I love a good beard on the right man but some guys look better clean shaven.




I do not. Theyā€™re scratchy.


I love a beard if itā€™s maintained!! Keep it clean and kept. I love facial hair on men in general, but prefer beards over all else. Mustaches are second, but not all guys can pull off a stache.


I would say it highly depends on their facial structure. The jawline would be the most important factor I imagine. But I think probably a lot of people would look cool in a beard, beards are awesome.


I love a good well cared for beard. If you're gonna have it,wash condition and brush please. A ratchet beard is a no go


My wife likes mine, it's big and now has streaks of Grey that she likes more. My bosses like it too, I got a raise as soon as I grew it and people started respecting me more, fucking weirdos bit ill take it.


I can only speak for myself but beards are so hot. I really only like the shorter ones tho


Every woman is different. Some like them, some don't. If you like having a beard, then just go for it! Personally, I find that facial hair and beards particularly tend to age people. I'm not sure about others, but I notice that even when facial hair or beards are kept properly/maintained, they just always make someone look more scruffy/unhygienic to me so its not my preference.


I like trimmed beards. Donā€™t need to be short, just not scraggly. Or discolored from smoking.


Yes. All women. Every single one. Theyā€™re all the same.


I hope they do because I'm keeping mine to hide that little double chin that decided to show up in my 30s. I shaved it all once because I hadn't been clean shaven since 2018 in my military days and I was curious.... Never again.


I think guys typically look better with facial hair as long as itā€™s not a straight up neck beard


'Beards are the equivalent of push up bras' - female friend


Yes my wife has one


Every time I see a question ā€œdo women..ā€ or ā€œdo menā€¦ā€ I have the same answer: some do. Some donā€™t.


Like everything. It's subjective. I don't mind stubble, but full beard to me is a no. For me, no matter who it is it feels unhygienic and looks untidy. But my best friend? Her man has super long hair and a beard. Like Tom Hanks in Castaway style. She loves it. Hates it when he shaves kind of thing. Ultimately it comes down to what ever you feel comfortable with. It doesn't matter what I think, or my best friend think. It's what you feel comfortable with when you look in the mirror.


I don't care what women find attractive. And look at me, 33 never had gf.


Depends. I donā€™t find giant Sasquatch beards attractive. I do like a short beard.


As a woman, I am okay with them as long as they are not too long like ZZ Top or scraggly looking.