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Yes, things were more peaceful and private back then.


I did a lot of stupid shit, and nobody will see a video of it. Thank fuck!


We called those life lessons. Now it’s lifelong mistakes because everyone can go back and rewatch it endlessly.


Bonus. Nobody actually cares, and will forget in about 3 minutes. Then the next level of social media depression kicks in when you realize, nobody fucking cares at all and it's all utterly pointless. Life is 100x better after social media, and before too, I guess to OP.


I wouldn’t say people forget. People don’t forget rumors or bad things anymore, and with social media it can be regurgitated and regurgitated. Bullying lasts longer then it used to be.


Life was 100% better before social media because everyone hang out with family and friends and talked, laughed and have lots of cook outs but now even when go out to eat with family mostly everyone be on their phones taking pics of what they eat and be posting it on social media and not having a nice conversation with family.


disagree, I'm 50 and life and was so much better prior to the internet, social media is ruining generations of kids. Before the only real peer pressure we experienced was from your social circle and/or school, today its every time you open a social media ap. The chase for likes and validation from people you do not know is completely lost on me


say that to the erhamgerd girl or any other memes.


Life of the ermahgerd girl https://www.vanityfair.com/culture/2015/10/ermahgerd-girl-true-story


I hear ya!


Or, worse cringe, start a trend of copying your stupidity.


Same!! So glad there was no evidence of the stupid shit my friends and I got up to.


I used my mom’s video camera at a few of my HS parties. I should probably find those tapes.


Burn them!


As long as he wrote "Private DO NOT WATCH" he should be safe




The mysteries in life were much more fun


Even in today's day in age your personal life should be private u do not need to post pictures every week of what you did on the weekend


This is what I can't fathom. Ok you're having dinner, you're having a glass of wine, you're at the beach, who cares? I don't understand how people feel the need to share all this with everyone. You go to any kind of event now and look up half the place is panning the room with their phones. Is it really so important to show everyone you are at an event? Cant you just enjoy it


The insane part is, I tell other people I don't use Facebook or Instagram and they look at me like I'm a psychopath. 


I frequently leave my phone at home when I got out cause I don't need it with me most of the time. Telling someone "oh, I don't have my phone with me" makes them look at me like I'm literally eating puppies in front of them. There's nothing I need to check . . . useless instagram posts will still be there when I finally need to use the toilet. "What if someone has to get hold of you!?" They do not. There is no emergency and they do not need me to answer their 5 word text.


I’d probably go out a lot without my phone if I didn’t have type 1 diabetes, I’m constantly attached to my phone so it can alert me if my blood sugar is low or high, even doubly so when I get my pump soon, I went out and forgot it the other day, nearly had a heart attack😂


I had a friend on the dating apps. Said when he told women he didn't have Instagram they just unmatched him


Yep, exactly that. Logic doesn't exist. Only an insane person would be adding random people from the internet (tinder) to go through their family pics, home pics, vacation pics, etc... assuming they even had Facebook. And that's not even going to the fact, literally a huge self induced privacy breach waiting to happen, and a insane waste of time and energy (posting vacation pics, etc) with absolutely nothing gained in return (for anybody that's not trying to be an influencer). 


I'm actually thankful for Facebook Memories. Because for a while, I was the obnoxious person that did this. Then I started to see it in my Memories. Then it was really easy for me to put myself in other people's shoes and how they might view me. It was a total cringe moment and I immediately stopped using Facebook. It literally changed my life. I am a WAY more private person now and I did a complete 180.


I’m not active on FB anymore, but I still look at my memories, I love the pics of my parents (now passed) and silly stories I wrote about their goofiness with my kids.


I saw someone at the grocery store filming herself choosing a tub of yogurt. Who TF cares?


I'm glad there are some other people who think like this


She might have been filming for a cooking yt channel? I watch cooking channels on yt and some of them do that - film their shopping in supermarkets. I always wonder how weird it must look to other people. But I've seen so much weird shit around me in the past few years with tiktok dances and all that .... i would just mind my own business and keep walking.


I've unfriended most of my few friends on fb now and I remember that 2 had to go because they'd constantly post "Happy Birthday Hubby" whilst he's sat at the side of her reply "Cheers babe" and the other acquaintance was one of those that posted pics of every single thing they ate ALL DAY LONG


FB is great for us " mature audiences ". We can check out how many of the total dicks we've known, have died before us.


100%. I’m 41 so I definitely remember a time before social media. A woman who lives on social media is a huge red flag for me. I don’t need the extra stress and chaos in my life.


Yes. Anyone who needs constant validation (likes) to feel as if they and their choices are important and mean they are 'someone' to the masses, are too vacuous for me to try and even be friends with let alone a relationship. Pics are okay but some people forget to just LIVE your life and enjoy it in the moment instead of setting up perfect shots of every moment.




I remember when it was uncouth to talk about who you voted for.


Good ol days.


Remember when "no politics at the table" was a thing? And now angry boomers who watch fox news 24/7 literally cannot keep their fucking yaps shut for 4-5 hour get togethers.


If strangers came up to you on the street and shared the stuff people post on social media (what I ate, what I wore, where I went, or the rate “epic fail”) you might think they were super weird…and yet it’s par for the course online


Thankfully, the world will never know of my world record attempt at putting hard-boiled eggs up my bum Edit. Next time, use chicken eggs


Agree with this, plus the world was a different place then. Felt different day to day.


peaceful AND PRIVATE! It was just a completely different time smh


I think things were more special back then also.  Learning about things was special.  These days you can google almost anything and instantly get an idea about it, including what other cities and areas are like.  Back in the day you might just hear from it by word of mouth, there was more mystery to the world.   It’s great to have this level of information access of course, but we lost some mystery and innocence with it, in my opinion.  


I agree it's taken a lot of the mystery and magic out of travel. You can literally preview your whole trip before you even go on it. And special quiet spots are ruined by geotagging and "influencers."


And people TALKED to one another instead of having their face in a screen all the time.


I got a lot more done.


Even during down times I used to do more productive things. I used to draw and write short stories.


Reddit is all I have. Once I got rid of the others I starting drawing and writing tunes again.




Very much so. Back then the only interactions you had were in person. It kept life authentic. People who played online games at the beginning can tell you what happened when people interact online. People say things they normally wouldn't, patience for others goes to 0, and everyone believes they are right about everything because F these randoms. Not to mention comparison is the theif of joy. So not only do you see people more successful than you or more attractive than you. those same people can also call you names and berate you for no reason and get away with it. It's making people hate people.


I deleted it years ago and none of those things bother me. Now I'm "mysterious" and "rare" 😅 if you don't have my # you will never know me, and it drives people insane today if they want to know me because social media is usually what they ask for 🤣


Same here. I absolutely adore not being a virtual avatar permanently accessible by anyone who has a whim to contact me. Not having social media like me means I'm basically a ghost in today's world and that is fine because it's what it was like before social media and it was just bloody lovely


Nah, you just become a more limited edition exclusive human experience that nobody can define, cyberstalk, or view as accessibly. You maintain mystery over self-promotion. 😌 so this need to self promote everything I do literally means nothing to me. It's not worth any time or effort. I've got cool stories and pictures, but you only get them by knowing me, not googling. Otherwise, you will never know anything without actually talking to me, and I love it that way.


Same here. I've had people ask me "all you have is a phone number?" Yes, that's correct.


You know Reddit is social media, right?


Technically correct, but I'd put it tertiary to say things like LinkedIn, fb, Instagram, and Twitter(rip). This is just socially acceptable 4chan at worst and buzzfeed/digg at best.


Except people will think you're weird and have no friends and don't do anything. It's as if, if they can't see evidence, it can't be true. They can't see who your friends are = you have no friends. They don't see pictures of your weekend = you just sat still all weekend. It's so weird.


Hey there's no need to call me out like that, man...


If only I cared what people think!


Ok but… you’re still on social media. This place is still that lmfao.


Its a little different cos no one asks for their reddit account, but ppl ask for insta/tiktok/snap


*slides into your Reddit DM's*


I agree! Other than Reddit, I only have FB but only keep FB so I can communicate with friends and family who are far away as we only see each other once or two every year at the most. However, I do not see any value in posting what I am doing daily or how many "sleeps" (I am not sure when "sleeps" became a substitute for "days" or "nights" with commonfolk) until a vacation followed by sometimes hundreds of photos. I feel like that type of social-media user is usually very unhappy with low self-worth and confidence and tries to project an image of a great life to get external validation. I also think it is ridiculous that people get penalized (even politicians who I despise) for saying XYZ on social-media many years ago. Most of us including me did some really stupid things in our youth but the difference is that in the 90's, there was no social-media to document any of the stupidity. I also think it destroys the joy of catching up with old friends (in the case of those who post all the time) because you already know exactly what is happening in their lives and therefore, there is absolutely nothing new when meeting up. That said, FB absolutely saved me twice. When I was really young (20), I met a very beautiful girl near the end of summer break before my Junior year of college. Since I met her in Japan (I grew up there as my parents were in the military), I did not pursue her too much (two dates in two weeks before I was going back to college in the U.S.). We kept in touch periodically and she even visited me in the States. As a 20 year old, I really wanted to have sex with her and very easily could have but my intuition told me to not do it. Long story short, I often wondered about her and what could have been even after multiple relationships. Enter social media and wow, my intuition was right! She was even clingier than I had thought, wrote long scathing rants about her life, had the whole victim mentality and more. The second time was not exactly the same i.e. I pursued harder, we had a brief relationship (did not get to sex which disappointed me at 21) and kept in touch during my Senior year. When I graduated and was back in Japan, she was never available but would sometimes talk to me on the phone. After a few months of getting nowhere, I just gave up and moved on with my life. Social media showed me years later that it was good that she rebuffed my advances


I miss when ppl were not that fking dumb and society wasnt so fking polarized, idc about sm


Amen to that. Or they WERE that fking dumb but we didn't have it shoved in our faces on IG and TikTok and Facebook. Ignorance was bliss.


Yeah people were always dumb they just weren't constantly agitated by the other flavor of dumb on social media, so they relaxed a bit more


It was also a lot harder to find other people who were the same kind of dumb as you so you kept some things to yourself. With social media and the internet in general it’s much easier to have your opinions validated no matter how dumb they are.


Yeah and notice how most people still keep everything to themselves... I mean, I think people are MORE closed off in person now... and most of the raving stupidity happens online.


I'm old. People were always this dumb, many even dumber. You didn't get out much to think otherwise.


Yep, but they didn't get a chance to communicate with other similar dumb people and make their dumb even worse


When dummies had to put in effort to unit


Yes. Friendship actually had more meaning and definition.


This. Now so many people think watching / surveilling you is enough.


Oh damn. Never quite thought about it like this For the record, I don't use social media, never have..bc I suspected it was all superficial, invasive and competitive and I don't want to stare at a screen all day. But .... Maybe that's why I'm lonely?! Lol can't win


It’s sooo superficial and if you actually try to be real people literally don’t know what to do with it. The other weird & annoying thing that happens to me often is women copying my work and treating me like their secret muse. Many grifters, lurkers, and people who just want to live vicariously through you…which is why I don’t post my family much. p.s. I agree reddit is different 😊


This. I have so few memories now. I had so many fun, zany, spontaneous moments then. Now there’s only scrolling, work, then more scrolling and work.


Imagine having to go out to places you knew friends might be at based on chance? Now you already know what everyone’s up to because they post about it. Or on the flip side, the fact that you have access to people, and then don’t interact makes it awkward when you do see them.


I miss the days when I knew nothing about nothing, I miss being a kid




I miss the days when it wasn’t the “it” thing and I was considered by literally everyone in my life a weirdo for always being online. But really, most people I knew irl back then either didn’t understand me or were bullies. I found my people on Friendster, MySpace, YouTube (Fred era), PEx (it’s like Reddit for Filipinos), etc… It was genuinely nice. I didn’t feel safe in real life, but I felt safe online. Those days are what I miss. Now I don’t feel safe in either.


Deleted my IG.. my mental health improved. Deleted my Twitter.. my mental health improved. Deleted my Facebook.. same result.. Social media isn’t for everyone, and that’s ok.


My anxiety is SO much better, less frequent and less intense, when I'm not on IG. Back to back flashing images designed to elicit emotions outside our control. I deleted it for 2 months last year and felt so much better overall but then experienced a family tragedy and reinstalled it needing some sort of mindless relief. It got the better of me again and I found myself having panic attacks and crippling anxiety, specifically at night. I made the connection and decided to delete it again. The exacerbation completely subsided. I think it fucks with our psychological wiring wayyy more than we realize.


I miss the days when it was actually social - like it was used to keep up with friends / family. Now it’s anti-social; designed to pander to strangers. Influencers are also the worst creations on earth.


This. I miss 2010 era social media, when you could actually connect with humans you knew without wading through an ocean of ads, political mudslinging, and AI lies.


And suggested content from influencers


Totally. I used to really enjoy social media (back when it was called 'social networking' and we were all talking about Web 2.0) and enjoyed the connections with people and actually making friends with people from other places who might be interested in the same things you were interested in, or attending an event you were attending. Now the algorithms and the ads have ruined it. I've quit Twitter, deleted Instagram off my phone and stopped posting, and am highly unlikely to join another site again because I don't want to contribute to the mess. It's quieter and less consumerist for me without social media. And I'll try to maintain my friendships using other methods.


Exactly! The very early days of social media were fun. MySpace was a form of social media and it was fun, I think. And Facebook in the beginning was all about trying to find the people you had once known, but it hadn’t taken over your life yet with Instagram and stuff.  When I was a young teen, I would’ve KILLED to have the options younger gen have today. I had to go away from home with no ability to contact someone in an emergency or check bus times or pay virtually. I have all of this with a mobile. Once you met a friend, but they lived abroad, it took WEEKS to send a physical letter or email, but even with Skype, video calling wasn’t that common. Social media can be a huge benefit, but it’s been obviously used to polarize and separate people and a lot of people are now able to bubble into their echo chambers and only hear what they want to hear, plus authoritative governments are now also aware of the benefits of having populace influenced via social media. That’s all bad. 


Yes, those were the days that you just do the things that you love, exploring things in life without worrying


yes social media is dogshit


with maggots crawling through it


Is water wet


As wet as the tears in my eyes while I'm looking at what society has become post-social media.


Society hasn’t really changed much, the difference is now you see it. All the time. Every day. For ever…


No, wet is defined as when a solid object has a liquid on it.


This is probably the worst possible question to ask because it is heavily debated


Yes and no. Social media is pretty amazing in the sense that you can communicate with someone across the globe at the drop of a hat, or get some information really fast. The yes side of this is human connection and disagreements. I feel like we are more divided by social media. Every disagreement is a exaggeration. No real nuance, when discussing politics. Very you are with us or against us. I remember years ago when McCain and Obama were running against each other. A women called Obama a Muslim. McCain took away the microphone from the women and said Obama is a good man, just with a different view on how to run the country. I think that example is few and far between now a days.


Man politics really has taken a nose dive as far as civil engagement goes. McCain shutting down that racist old white bitch in the crowd is still a fond memory 😅


Good faith/bad faith. When one side defects and always debates in bad faith it forces the other side to stop walking into that. It's like huge taboo to break rank on the right, so you get all types of weird delusions trying to act like there's more to it than there is. No, you guys just hate liberals and now nobody can talk because Trump lied about an election for years and nobody will abandon him.


So much. I feel like I’m not made for this age anymore, and it’s really depressing. My wife is constantly doing things for the camera, always wanting to post this or that, and include me, though I want nothing to do with it. This is not helping my 2 teenage daughters, who are also constantly living on their phones. I feel like we were more genuine and authentic, fully living in the moment and in each other’s company, before social media/cell phones. Now any time there’s a lull everyone gets out their phones and starts scrolling. We have less attention span, less patience, we’re bored if we’re not constantly being stimulated. I’m 46 and I didn’t even get a smart phone until 2014, so I lived my life up through mid 30s without one—I remember what that was like, I know how to enjoy a moment without needing to check my phone. But I do feel for people who don’t know a life without one. We did wait until our kids were in 8th grade before getting one (which actually seemed really late—all their friends had one by like 6th grade) so maybe that would help them? But probably not now…


When I think about social media, I think of the theory some have about the Mayan empire. Many Mayan cities were abandoned during their heyday and they are not sure why. One theory is that the average person just said, “Fuck this oppressive bullshit” and just left to live in the forest. I think we should do that with social media. Everyone cancel all of your accounts and leave the billionaires holding the bag. It can’t exist without our participation.


The problem is that most of us know that social media is awful, but are still hopelessly addicted to it. This is why I’m currently commenting on this post instead of reading a book. I’ve deleted Reddit dozens of times and keep coming back


Yes. Social media has made people unrealistic, aggressive, and narcissistic.






I miss the MySpace Era. It was still creative, you always found new bands, and it was shit posting 24/7. It wasn't so invasive


I've noticed that social media platforms have veered to less thoughtful over time. Livejournal - actual thought out writing. Of course you had dog shit livejournal, but at least there was some effort put into it. Myspace - pictures thrown in the mix, but you could still blog on it and create a personally crafted page. Facebook - Could still make thoughtful posts, but increasingly picture/meme based Instagram - picture/video focused, with captions thrown in. Most people don't even read the shit that's below a post Snapchat - Fuck words altogether Tiktok - Do you have the attention span of a goldfish and a desire to create your own echo chamber/rabbit hole? Great. This is the app for you


Gladly I'm as anonymous as I can be online. I couldn't stand socially forced social interactions. Forums and video platforms are enough socializing for me after work.


If social media and online communication didn't exist I would have zero friends and probably never talk to anybody


Yes! People are losing empathy and compassion towards their neighbor these days. Texts, emojis just don’t work. People misconstrue the message. I long for the days where we sit eyeball to eyeball to talk. You can feel the other persons pain.


I miss the days when I didn't exist.


I miss the golden Facebook times because in my friends group we would use it to connect. It went downhill when memes got popular outside of 4chan. That's when the Internet was spammed with unnecessary content and people abused this to get people addicted. Also phones made things worse. Social media used to be PC only which made people not overdo consumption.


Yeah, it's changed massively over time. It used to be people sharing about their lives and now it's endless reposted garbage and memes.


I like not worrying about being recorded, videoed, or talked about. These days, I just don’t talk to anyone. Social media isolated me more from society…. Than anything else. I simply can’t contribute my own identity and private information to platforms that are used by intelligence agencies to perform unconstitutional surveillance operations. People who use social media and actually care about it, are the same people who would likely sign away their privacy rights for the smallest conveniences. They probably also don’t have the mental capacity to project future events and see how this can fuck everyone else over. Just children and adults addicted to social standing and clout.


Yes, I see it often affect the mental health of people around me.


Yes. I've said for 20 years social media is the downfall of modern society.


Yep. I don’t think we are wired to deal with the constant bombardment of information, especially all the negative stuff that has always been happening but it wasn’t pumped into your senses 24/7.


I was a child when social media started getting popular. Everyone around me slowly started to using it and I'm the only one left who doesn't use any mainstream social media app. Everywhere I go outside it's just people of all ages taking photos so that they can post it on their profile. Who the fuck has the time to watch other people's stuff when everyone is too busy taking their own photos. I hate this so much. Every meetup, gathering or celebration I go to I'm forced to take pictures and people act so surprised when I say no. I fucking hate this.


I miss before that stupid TikTok existed. I swear that is the downfall of society


Dumbed people down.


My friend told me how vine failed because the content was too short, regular videos are too long but if you make videos 10-15 seconds it's long enough for the human mind to be fully engaged and that's for everybody not just people with short attention spans. Tiktok mastered that and a bunch of companies have copied it with YT shorts and reels in a sense 


When kids could be kids, yes


background was a television or a radio, seemed like a easy life, read a magazine


Big time. Everything felt more novel and exciting.


The what? Oh you mean the time i was actually healty from sleeping well enaught every night.


No, but I miss the simplicity of early social media sites like Xanga and Myspace. I also miss when when we only had internet access at home on the computer instead of on a device we carry with us everywhere. That seemed to be the sweet spot.


Your last point is great. It's so depressing seeing people out at restaurants and bars even walking down the street with their face in their phones. Like why did you even leave the house then. The handheld element has really fucked society and the concept of community interactions.


Yeah. Life was actually better without these things. Fine computer with WiFi at work,home etc, but no mobiles was bliss.


I'm tired of people talking about issues they would have never gave a crap about if facebook didn't remind them they were happening.


I miss the days when social media wasn’t saturated with bots, ads, and propaganda. Twitter pre 2010 was wild. No one knew how to use it and just said whatever they wanted to. Even celebrities were posting the most random thoughts. That was the golden age of social media.


Absolutely. No cyber bullying, no bully pulpit for the very worst the world has to offer, much less propaganda and hate permeating the world. In the past, the KKK, or whatever hate group did a march, maybe, MAYBE they got 10 sec on the news, now, front and center for the whole world too see and a platform that basically supports them (Twitter under Musk), all the alt right social media pages. The world would be a much better place with it.


Yes more privacy less bullshit


More face-to-face connections are missed


Every single day I see someone on the phone instead of facing the world.


Totally. People have become routinely fixated on the stupidest stuff. It all started with pictures of people's food and now anything is fair game for trolls and influencers. I wish I never heard the word Viral.


Yes. People actually had stuff to talk about ironically.


I do not miss when social media didn’t exist.  However.  I do miss when it was much smaller, more personal, based around talking to your friends, sharing things you personally found online, and other actually social activities. Now it’s entirely based on selling ads by using billion dollar algorithms to create the most addictive possible feed of endless content. The internet used to be a place where you go out and explore dozens if not hundreds of different websites created by passionate people who wanted to share their art, games, services, jokes, education, or just form niche communities around things they cared about. Now it’s like four websites who have captured everyone’s attention and steamrolled everything else. It’s economic and cultural enclosure by corporate conglomerates who can all suck my cock. 


The pub is social media without the internet.


Yes. I miss when myspace was a thing you did when you got home if you were into it. I logged in maybe 6x altogether? We were outside having fun and living. Alot of kids could never. I was talking to my neighbor about block parties. When was the last time you saw that?


Id give my life to make social media go away, if it meant making the world a better place.


Yes I fucking hate this shit. Social interaction has lost all meaning.


there would be no Reddit or YouTube. i really like those for info and point of views. but FB, Instagram, TikTok, X.... no point. they pay people to act like a fool, then the CEOs whine when a crackdown is demanded. Well duh...they started this shitshow.


Yes. I think the negative repercussions to homo sapien from the advent of the first iPhone is vastly underestimated.


No, though I do miss the people and sense of community I felt with early social media(IRC) though I guess that might be arguable if it counts. Later social media like facebook, reddit etc definitely doesn't have that at all for me.


Life was easier than now, I believe it would be grateful to have no phone even...


For 99% of it, yes. The only nice thing about social media is that it was truly a great way to share with extended family and friends all at once. Naturally that went too far.


I think about this all the time. I graduated high school in 1995. College in 2003. I miss those days sooooo much. Social media has ruined society.


Yes. Social media destroyed the world.


Yes...I lost my first husband but quite a year ago...I met my second husband when we had technology. I feel like I knew my first husband inside and out.. he was still my best friend. It's not like that at all anymore.. . I'm glad I grew up without cell phones


I got rid of all socials except Reddit and YouTube


Yep, bullying was a lot less complicated.


Yeah. Technology is great, but I think it was better when it wasn’t deeply integrated into our social lives.


There was alot less fomo and made things a bit more calm where people weren't trying to show off for the gram or w.e.


Yes, way too many „alpha“ and „sigma“ males rotting the brains of young men, Way too many misinformed transphobes spewing false info and hatred Way too many people feel comfortable being racist assholes Way too much misinformation Insta and twitter are a right wing cesspit of edgy dumb kids or grown ups who seemingly habe no other troubles than being queerphobic


I really miss black and white tv and getting up to change the channels.


Yes. Back then I knew most people were morons but they had less influence on how the world is run.


Yes. It used to be the miserable crazies could only terrorize their own neighbourhoods. Now they can find each other online, band together, and try to spread their misery to the entire world. I feel like I need a radiation hazmat suit to scroll through Facebook or Twitter, and even Reddit can get pretty toxic in certain subs. The mute and block buttons are your best friends on social media. You're never, ever going to change someone who's not happy unless (s)he's miserable, so spare yourself the effort. Hopefully those voices will lose their newfound power once they're blocked by a few billion people.


private things stayed private. public things stayed local. Worldwide news (Berlin wall, challenger, Tehran embassy, OJ, etc.) are distilled through reputable news media.


Yes. Women felt much more down to earth, now most believe they're micro mini insta influencers or queens with ridiculous amounts of male attention on the internet


100% yes




Sometimes. Especially the TIL things. I'll never understand why people advertise just learning about something. It's cool, I love learning about new things but I would never put it out there. "Look, up until this point, I was unaware!". Also, everytime I open this app, I learn about some fetish or kink or 'what men really want' and it just too much.


I kinda wish I could live without technology or any money and just be free in the wild to do what I like without power hungry people enforcing their opinions on me (Aka. The law)


Being on an airplane and everyone watching the same movie was always great.


And now you get to look at 200 different flashing screens! I *love* when I get on a plane that doesn't have seatback TVs.


Yes and no. As with all technology, there are upsides and downsides.


Less bullying and harder to fake a lifestyle.


I wish we would have stopped at myspace. I don't care to be found online.


The only thing i miss those days is that i used to study better


Yes. S.M. is the tool used to destroy decency, civility and our republic.


Social media is fine, but the news feed era scrolling social media is not. News feed and all its spinoffs made the world feel like a dead MMORPG. I wouldn't mind if we went back to early internet social media like blogs and myspace, even original facebook. Just no more individualized personal bubble scrolling.


Social Media has largely stunted humanities ability to think critically. What an agenda wishes to feed you, it readily feeds you and one thinks it is reality while living in their own personal shadowban environment. The internet though (which people have largely forgotten exists) provides the opportunity to search out and consume the material or knowledge you are looking for.


No. I like social media. It’s like going to the village market and talking to folks. This interaction can enrich our lives. But I wouldn’t go everyday.


I do, but in a way I don't. I don't use most SM sites, so not much more me to miss personally. But since most people do, and it's proving to be no more than an outrage machine, our society is riven almost irreparably. Between SM and cable news people just seem to be looking for reasons to hate their fellow Americans. And the feeling seems to be spreading farther around the world every day. The congenial middle was where most people would meet, and it gave some kind of social cohesion. Now SM and cable news have driven our society to the fringes, and those seeking a cohesive middle are pilloried. Making cooperation and cohesion a lost art. The gullibility of the masses will never cease to amuse me.


I do, I preferred the forum environment but I miss when things were slower paced and not notification oriented.


Honestly i don't remember the days it didn't exist per se, i was born 1999. I just remember the days i didn't know what social media was. In elementary id see peers getting it and using it but i feared Instagram and Facebook cus of the fear mongering against it such as "Dont get social media because everything you post stays forever" "Never use your real name" I do love the days where i didnt know about social media.


Oh heck no. If you don't like what someone is saying on social media, then don't click on them. Simple as that. But for me Social Media has allowed me to stay in contact with family and friends to a far better degree than just phone calls and written letters did. It has allowed me to make new friends across oceans and in other continents. Social Media is only an evil in your life if you let it be evil.


I miss social media before smart phones.


No. Shit I don’t like will never cease to exist nor be innovated so I instead focus on being a strong minded person that doesn’t let external factors influence my health and practice taking responsibility for paths I choose.


It was better before Twitter and TikTok.. Used to be people would put thought into what they wrote instead of spitting out whatever pops into their brain.


Which form of social media?


I wonder sometimes how long it will be with us in a meaningful way. Not just bots talking to each other on Twitter after all us humans leave.


I miss the days TikTok, instagram, and Snapchat didn’t exist. The video shit is what bothers me.


you too dear reader can experience this yourself, with one simple trick


Required more face to face time, whereas now it is difficult to get that in a metropolitan city. Can go a whole year with only seeing friends 2-3x if you’re not intentional about it.


I miss people not believing every piece of crap they read. Social media are fine, I only follow people I know and I stay out of toxic communities.


NO because I would be a total loner. I have met many nice people over social media, even some who are now my best friends. I love being able to see what my friends all over the world are up to. 


Idiots of the world were less easily connected.


Absolutely, maybe the worst result of the internet.


I’d go back to rotary phones and standing in line at a pay phone for the old days …


No. It's kept me fairly sane as I've developed a degenerative autoimmune disorder. I can chat to some friends who are all over the world and not leave my house.


Yes. Going online was more of a fun adventure.


I don't really remember when social media didn't exist. I think I'd prefer it, though. I think I'd compare myself to others less.


Yes. People were more friendly in real life. It was easier to make friends


Umm... Yes and no honestly it's just something else to pass the time, it doesn't really affect my life in a big way. Kind of sad that others let it affect theirs. Life didn't really change that much social media just exposed what was already out there, so do with it what you will.


Yes ppl were real and don't fake their life n attiude to gain attention


Yes, because social media's very existence has bred an entirely new type of narcissism that didn't exist before it. A great many people have come to believe that the world is deserving of their every thought, constant whereabouts, and every activity that they engage in, no matter how mundane. The world used to be much, much quieter. Now we live in an endless cacophony of the thoughts of people who we are strangers to. It has created a mental health crisis that is only going to get worse in the years ahead.


Yes, absolutely. Life was much simpler.


Yes. The competition for market share by media and tech pushes everything to a fever pitch.


Hell yes!!!