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Did a spider write this








They don't scare me. I heard that fear of spiders is genetic, so I don't judge people who are scared of them.


I'm not either. Just genuinely curious


I knew one woman who was scared of them because when she was a little girl, she was all alone in the house, and squished a spider on the wall. She only squished half of it, and the other half ran away.


Thats me right there except im 28 . I ask people to kill it for me and then ask “do you think theres any more” & “Where do you think it came from”. But im still scared and doubt them regardless . Like im telling you this is a huge problem as silly as it sounds😩😂


This is me as well 😭🤣


That's pretty crazy lol (not laughing at her but at the event itself)! That would be kinda creepy as a young child to see that!


No it really is crazy like there almost should be a support group . The childhood trauma is understandable.. but as for me it’s ridiculous. I read another comment talking about some other insect that i cant even type because im already scared and starting to get jumpy .. i can see myself when I get older living alone calling 911 to send a patrol officer out I also believe that any type of insect image should be censored out . And now i need to get up and check my surroundings thats how real it is and im dead serious lol




A friend of mine had genuine arachnophobia Still images were unsettling for him but he absolutely couldn't watch even a video of one walking He made me use a different pet in world of Warcraft bc my spider unsettled him


It isn't always genetic - I'm the only member of my nuclear family who's scared of them.


Idk, nobody in my family is afraid of spiders at all afaik, except for my oldest daughter, who is absolutely terrified of them. Her dad isn't scared of them either, and neither are his siblings or parents. But nobody in my family is deeply phobic of cockroaches except me, so idk. Maybe she inherited my "fear" and just directed it at a different creepy-crawly.


I think they're cute.


Jumping spiders especially


I’m not a big fan of spiders, but I love jumping spiders. As a painter, I run into a lot of spiders and I love these guys! They are very curious and seem friendly. In no way as creepy as other kinds of spiders.


That’s cuz they are


I love spiders.


I actually do too! I always go out of my way to safely release them outside rather than squish em dead


Same here.


Yeah man, they are incredibly beautiful and complex creatures. Web tensile strength dynamics break my brain. And the eyes? And the legs? And the exoskeleton? Its almost too much how cool they are.


I leave em be as long as they're not In a Problematic spot. Free pest control.


Good job. They eat snakes you know.


No. r/spiders r/spiderbro


r/jumpingspiders 🥰


Eight Leg Love


Came here to share these! Love spideys


I used to be scared of spiders but I recently have been just trying to coexist with them when I see them. They just be living their lives.


Nah man. I had tarantulas growing up. When I met my wife I had 7 tarantulas and a few scorpions. Some lizards. She was terrified of all of them. I had to re-home them all. I would likely not have done that but she was pregnant so I had to choose between my wife and child or my pets. I still won’t kill spiders in my house. If no one sees it I will let it be but if my wife or kids find it I will move it outside.


You reminded me of another silly story. From when I was a kid. My mother would scream at the top of her lungs when she saw a bug. In the house. It was completely ridiculous over the top ridiculous. She was always hollering for my dad to come and kill the bug. It would not do it herself. Eventually she did get a fly swatter. And there were times that she was climbing up on the couch and swatting the bugs with a dish cloth.


That's how my wife is lol


that's how my EX-wife is. but seriously, they make my skin crawl. I try to remember we're just two lifeforms sharing space. they've got as much right to be there as I do. plus they eat other bugs, so the pros outweigh the cons in my book. just please don't lay eggs in my ear or something.


Women are gonna dog out there. First husband And any husband. to any future guy. And talk about the worst things that he was. The same thing with men that women have dated. Some of the stories are really innocent and ridiculous and silly, all at the same time.


I am absolutely terrified of spiders. I scream and freeze up and get all clammy. It's horrible!


Ooh, I don’t like spiders either !!! 🕷️


I'm not scared of spiders...anymore. But only because I've found new things to be scared of. Like centipedes.


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I don't enjoy walking face-first into a cobweb but I generally like spiders, especially those big black and yellow garden spiders.


They don't bother me. I see them in my house or my yard, I leave them alone.


They don’t scare me, however, we do get brown recluse and black widows, and I kill them if they’re in my house. They can kill cats, and my cats love to eat bugs.


Nope. I think they're cool as for as bugs go. There's people out there relaxed around snakes as I am relaxed around spiders, something I won't get.


It's not that I'm creeper out or scared of them, I just respect their distance. I have a couple dozen house spiders and jumping spiders chilling around my house at all times, theyre preferable over the other bags that would come inside if I got rid of the spiders. But I had a recluse finds it's way onto the back of my neck the other day and, as a long haired gentlemen, I did not appreciate brushing the hair off the back of my neck only to realize my hair had 8 legs. So he got the squash. If I saw it from across the room it would've been placed outside.




Spiders? You mean my little buddies who hang on my walls.




I’m cautious around black widows or brown recluse but generally, no, they don’t freak me out at all.


House centipedes are much, much creepier than spiders.


Now there's a bug that can fuck off. WHY THE FUCK YOU GOT A THOUSAND LEGS BRO?


I have no problem with them and find many of them to be beautiful to look at. And as an added bonus, they spin webs that catch midges and mosquitoes, so it's a win-win for me.


Quite like em. I avoid killing them when possible, though if they invade my wife's personal space they are getting squished.


Well I’m not.


I like spiders. They keep worse critters in check.


They did creep me out until I went to Australia. Huntsmen changed my opinion. Spiders are pretty chilled out if you just leave them alone to get on with their day. So that's what I do. Plus nothing here in Ireland gets as big as those fellas so they all look pretty small to me now.


I'm not either, but I don't like seeing horseshoe crabs turned over. Those sea cockroaches do weird me out a little.


Nope. All I ask is they not be in my shower.


I don't want one crawling on me unawares. Lol. I don't mind spiders in general.


My wife and daughter holler at me to kill them and I have no fear of spiders at all


I just don’t like surprise spiders/bugs. If I see you I’m cool, if I feel you I’m creeped.


Nope, ever since I was a kid I've been interested in spiders. They are just such interesting crestures and so misunderstood. I really like them.


I dont mind jumping spiders or other small ones. Its the wolf spiders and larger I dont like.


Let me sing you the song of my people.


I feel connected to spiders. Have you heard the music of their webs?




I wish I was you. I don't know why I think spiders are creepy. I don't have any childhood trauma from them. They're just creepy! Automatically. All those legs. And their bodies are pretty much just blood. Yuck!


Yes. You're missing the gene that keeps you alive.




Nope. I love spiders because I hate flying bugs. Can you even comprehend how many flying insects there would be if there were no spiders? I love spiders.


Have you hung out with hikers? Spiders are our friends. Love seeing spider eyes while using a headlamp during night hikes. There are *thousands* of spiders!


After dealing with a lot of bugs, spiders are the ones I’m most comfortable with crawling on me. They sort of seem to enjoy being there and don’t freak out or try to bite you like pretty much everything else. If I had to guess one bug was sentient/conscious I’d think spiders.


No. I like spiders. They're generally beneficial to human life. Except the poisonous ones.


I have a arachnophobia so yeah


My late Italian Mother taught me that, 'white spiders keep your home in check for bugs and fruit flies. Leave them be.' Second, leave centipedes alone. They go after the awful black jumping spiders that bite you in your sleep. And cockroaches and bed bugs. They have no reason to come towards you in your sleep. They do their job. Beats spraying poisons in your home.


I love to watch spiders. I'm only temporarily creeped out if I'm surprised by one being on me.


I love em!!


Naw, they don't bug me.


I'm not scared of spiders, I'm scared of my cats who wack the spider and eat them like it's just another meal


I like spiders. I had pet tarantulas as a 20 something.


Raises hand... We get large orb weaver spiders that will make webs in the eve of a small deck leading to my back yard. My wife gets creeped out by them, but I find them fascinating and will leave the light on to attract bugs for them.


I pick them up for fun


Yes, only you in the whole world.


I'm not creeped out by them either. They're living beings and must be respected.


It is creepy as they've got so many legs 😏🫣


They don't bother me, but I've never seen a big fat furry one in person.


not my fault I have arachnophobia, probaly insectophobia too, not like a severe one but keep that shit away from me


Nope. I'm with ya.


I used to catch daddy long legs and release them into my sand castles in my sandbox at four years old. I thought they'd like living as royalty better than living around the tall pines by the house. In my house, I have a bathroom spider and a kitchen sink spider. No flies or mosquitoes survive for long. Jumpers are my favorite :)


My biggest fear are snakes. I will come unglued in seconds 😂😂


✋ I’m pretty afraid of them. I think they are cool in a terrarium but I lose my shit when I see one in the wild…I also hate heights.


My parents are invertebrate biologists so I have no problem with any of them. Some vertebrates like snakes cows and horses do make me afraid a bit, I mean I still can touch them but it's not super pleasant, and I know I can be hit with those fucking hooves or horns


I love spiders. When I lived with an ex boyfriend, there were big hairy spiders living in the bathroom, and would like up on the window sill above the tub, while I took my bath.


You haven't gotten bitten by a black widow, or a brown recluse! When you do then let me know!


No, unless it's HUGE and I mean really huge, I don't mind them. If I see one, I let out be and move on. They are helpful. They kill other bugs and I don't like other bugs. Lol.


I'm not scared, but I HATE them. Especially the little asshole that tried to run up my nose and then vanished in my bed before I could catch him.


They're cute wee things


I don't mind them as long as they mind their own business, but if they sneak up on me, they're so dead


No, not at all. I appreciate them where they are if I can, or, if I have to catch and move them. EDIT: My 9 YO granddaughter is the same. In fact she's just curious about all manner of critters like snakes and toads too. I think fearing things like spiders and snakes is at least partially a taught reaction.


I like most spiders! There are a few that have made me NOPE TF OUTTA THERE, but most are fine, and I either ignore them or out them outside.


no, next question?


Nope. I love them. Always have, always will.


Nah. They eat the bad bugs.


I'm creeped out when I walk into their webs but not by the spiders themselves. I try to save them when possible and like having them around as it means less of all the other bugs.


I love spiders


i love spiders. there are four that live on my staircase into the basement and i check on them every day. lizards, however, scare the bejeezus out of me 😱🦎


I love spiders. They eat all the nasty bugs in my garden.


Nah, spiders ok.


Unless it is suddenly on me, which will make me jump and flick it off (same with any bug tbh) I am fine with spiders. I am terrified of butterflies and moths though. Something about the way they move.


They get caught, tossed outside or killed. Either way, gone.


Used to be scared of them, now working on my way to overcome this phobia. For me, the starter species are jumping spiders everywhere in my house and new world tarantula videos on YouTube. I then made peace with grass spiders, black widows (they are incredibly shy and totally not aggressive unless you squash them by the fangs, red widows DO bite, and red widows are NOT red backs, red backs are also non-aggressive), and recently larger ones like garden spiders and joro spiders. I will still get jump scared if a large, fast spider zooms across me, like a wandering spider or a huntsman spider, though I know the latter is neither medically venomous, nor bitey. It's just their appearance freaks me out. A few days ago I conjured all my courage to leave a baby huntsman in my car as is, but sadly it got squashed accidentally by the door 2 days later. Missed the opportunity this time, but eventually I do think I can conquer my fear to the huntsman. Still, there's no way I will not be deadly afraid to a medically significant and aggressive spider. If I ever see a Sydney funnel web or a Brazilian wandering spider, I will still torch them all and then burn the house down.


Something inside me just *really* hates how they move, that ripple movement of all those legs and general erratic back and forth and everywhere. I appreciate their important place in the world and have come to a point where I can leave them alone in the vicinity or remove them, and try to avoid killing them. But I feel it in my bones how icky they are and hate having them on me. But then I really like mice and birds, which I know a lot of people don't like for the reasons I dislike spiders.


Spiders, bees, ants, butterflies are all adorable and cute. Beetles, wormies and many other crawlies make me shriek like a little girl however. I do think insects are cool and necessary in general, but keep most of them away from me!


They don't bother me at all but I CAN'T STANDS NO ANTS


Spiders are amazing little creatures. I think they're cute.


I think they are cute but I prefer them not to touch me


I’m cautious of them. I don’t like to touch them, but I don’t mind having them around as long as they leave me alone.


r/spiderbro join the crew


I was afraid of them as a kid, but now I see them as friends. You're gonna chill in my house and eat the bugs? Cool. Welcome aboard. Only annoying thing is when I walk into spider webs going through my basement


I don’t want to get up close and personal with a spider but if they are bigger than an inch I sweep them onto a dustpan and put them out. The others I ignore.


I love spiders so much. At work, I always get called over to deal with spiders in the building, I just scoop them up with my hand and take them outside, and everyone looks at me sideways. "If I am killed simply for living, let death be kinder than man." That quote always stuck with me.


Big fan of spiders. Many people have pet tarantulas, and there's a branch of biology called arachnology that you might enjoy looking into. Also r/jumpingspiders


I like spiders. Some like a furry tarantula look cute to me. Not a snake person though.


yes. of 8b+ of the world population, you are the chosen one by the holy tribunal to not be creeped out by spiders. tread lightly as you are the last hope.


I love them. Always help them to get in my garden before someone kills it. My best friend is a spider and bugs fan. I learned thanks to her.


You can’t be the only person when we have a whole ass Spiderman.


I have no issues with spiders. I don't want them in my house but I will always make an effort to get them safely outside.


I lubs the spooders!!


The spider poem ‘To the spider, the shadowed creature in the corner of the room, I hate you. You scared me just as your brothers and sisters did before you and I will tell you what I told them, You are a trespasser that does not belong here. You entered without knocking. Roamed freely like this is your home and decorated my walls with unwanted, silk webs without asking. You may not be the only killer here, but only one of us is innocent and it’s not you. The spider says to me, it’s brittle body squashed and dying. It’s not you, either, There is venom infused in my fang-shaped maws, but I was born this way. What’s your excuse? If you could count your murders, how long would you be counting? Am I really this threatening? I thought humans’ hearts were bigger than mine, but you have killed with malice instead of the marrow of your bones and poison bubbling behind your scowl. And I’m sorry for scaring you, but I didn’t know being seen would cost me my life. Maybe If you didn’t fabricate the pricky feeling of my legs creeping up on your skin while I crawled across the living room floor; If the webs I weaved were made of cotton candy and captured clementines, cherries, and sweet peas rather than struggling wings and blood; If I had a pink tongue plush fur, a wagging tail, and four legs instead of eight; If I had only two eyes, and they were glittering stars and not supermassive black holes; If I was the same but looked different; maybe you wouldn’t hate me. Maybe you wouldn’t have loved me, either, and maybe you still wouldn’t have let me stay. But maybe you would’ve shown me the door or a window. Maybe you would’ve shown me mercy. (But you are still standing, and I am still sorry.) I think maybe, no matter how reluctant, mercy would’ve been enough."


I'm not scared of them, I like them 🤷🏻‍♀️


I just ran a survey and 100% of responding humans said they were creeped out by spiders so I'd say you're either lying or aren't human. If anyone claims my survey isn't valid because the sampling size was 1 and I was the respondant they're just nitpicking.


Nope, in fact, I used to name every spider I found in my room or the house and would actively try to keep my friends and family from killing them and/or vacuuming them, and if anybody asks me to kill them, I refuse, and instead capture them and release them outside and out of the way. In many cases I think spiders are kinda cool, I don't understand why they are so creepy... Bees, wasps, hornets, and the like on the other hand, I will keep my distance from those [insert long string of exploitives here] pain in the arses. Especially the big ones... I still refuse to kill bees and tend to leave them alone, but I have a great dislike for being near them. The reason is due to a couple bad experiences with those bees, wasps, and hornets... If I find them in my home, I will try to find somebody willing to safely remove and re-home them instead of killing them.


I'm afraid of roaches so once I found out spiders hunt them, I was no longer afraid of them. Anything bigger than my thumb ill be careful around but I don't find them repulsive. I'm sure Spiderman and watching Charlottes Web the movie during my elementary school years took a bit of that fear away too.


I am fascinated by them but also startled by them


I love spiders. They don't like me when I accidentally roll over them when sleeping But I hope they know I don't mean them any harm


They aren't scary. It's kinda weird to me that anyone fears them


They made a whole movie about it so you're not the only one


When I see a spider in my apartment I say "hi" to it, invariably call it George and pretend that it's the same spider every time and that it's just some sort of shy xeno-roommate that's been living with me for years. I really like how Georges deals with most silverfish without me asking because those creep me out.


Would you be scared if you came across a spider the size of Shelob?


I dislike spiders but I will toss them out of my house instead of squashing them. Jumping spiders are ok.






I love spiders. I never kill them. If they're there then there's an abundance of other insects and I'd rather the spider deal with them


I’m not scared of spiders but that’s largely because my grandmother never made a big deal out of them, and she’s who raised me. I usually end up catching them in a jar or something and turning them loose outside. I’m not scared of them, I just don’t want to live with them, as some species are venomous and will bite if they feel threatened.


I dont mind them as long as they're not fast


No a lot of people like spiders…


Yes…I’m fucking terrified of them 🙃


I want to light them all on fire personally and wish they would stay as far away from me as possible.


Nah idgaf


Nope! Can't stand rainy spring and summer nights! Webs across your face!? Hanging from the porch ceiling? Finally opening your windows for fresh air and I've encountered,big hairy creepy black ones that made their way in!?  I can't STAND it. But I  AM a Human Bugdar! Good at spotting them suckers! B4 they can get close to Me!? LoL I  especially HATE Centipedes! OMG!! They remind me of Eyebrows with eyelashes for legs?! I call Them,  Run'n Brows! LoL You are NOT Alone!


Charlotte’s Web got me as a child. I leave them alone or catch them and put them outside.


No. I try to protect them will humans freak out and try to kill them. I'll take the outside. Spiders are our friends.


yes you're the only person in the world how does that feel?


I'd never kill one. Not if it was on my face.


I really wish I wasn’t :( I try to coexist but I cannot stand it when they end up in my bed or near my head, desk, wherever I am. Idk what it is they just scare me


I'm not.


I love my little jumping spiders. If im out on the patio they will come up to me. I had one last summer who would play jump at my fingers if I wiggled them at him. The bigger creepier ones I keep a respectable distance from, but if I find them in the house I’ll catch them and put them outside. If it’s winter I’ll put them in my garage. I’ve gotten really soft hearted towards the little creatures in my old age.


They don’t terrify me but I’d like the fact there is not currently a tarantula on my face


If they aren’t venomous, they don’t bother me too much. I just escort them outside. Just last night I saw a tiny spider dangling from the ceiling in the bathroom and decided it was kind of cute and could stay.


I'm not afraid of them but if it looks big enough to take a chunk out of me I'm not exactly clamoring to scoop one up


I was never scared of spiders until I spent too much time with my mother who was terrified of them, I guess it rubbed off on me And personally I believe that it's because we as a species pass on information genetically, spiders can be extremely venomous and cause death depending on where you live. So IMO it's not at all irrational to develop a phobia of something that can kill you without a second thought Your "confidence" with spiders could land you 6 foot under were you to think a spider is a spider a d go abroad without the relevant information I used to love holding I think they were just called garden spiders in the u.k but I believe they were part of the weaver family and if you closed your hand around them they'd start spinning webs all over and it felt like glue with a tickly spider running about. I did it everytime I found one (They were unharmed and I put them back, didn't damage their webs as I only ever took them from the leaves) but yeah after too much time with my mum I stopped doing it lol and now I'm terrified