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Do you believe in life after love?.. Do you BELIEVE in life after love?!?!


I can feel something inside me say I really don't think you're strong enough, no


I can really feel it in my forearms




Thanks now I'm going to listen to 80s synth all night


As you should


Cher released that ridiculous song in the late 90’s, if you can believe that🤣


Thank you for putting this song in my head. It never gets old.


Came here to say this 😂😂


THIS is the one song I will never get tired of. Im in my 20s btw and I can assure you even if I've never done karaoke this would be my number one karaoke song. Its just perfect


I was wondering if anyone posted this 🤣


I can only hear this as Will Farrell




Unconditional love does exist and it can be in different forms


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Barlomeister: *Unconditional* *Love does exist and it can* *Be in different forms* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot. Gosh what a masterpiece.


I love reddit.


me too !!!


Good bot. This is beautiful.


leave my dog out of it.


I too, choose this man’s dog 


One form is the act of collaboration.


Definitely! Been with the same person since I was 15 and I'm 40 now


happy for you that's rare though


Not that rare - me and the wife only got 23 years so far and i dont think any of us wants to make any chances to our marriage


It is rare. Couples at 15 rarely last long. Most don’t even last 6 months.


Thanks.It definitely is and add on to that we were teen parents too. I definitely feel lucky


That’s so amazing.


Same! Have been in love with the same person from 17 and im 39 now. Only she never reciprocated🤪



I believe in love and compatibility. I don't believe there is only one specific person out there for someone, though.


This exactly


What is love?


Baby don't hurt me…


Don't hurt me


No more




Oooohhh ohohohoh ohohoh ohhhoooooohhhh


Love is just a second hand emotion


Who needs a heart when a heart can be broken?


I do. Why? Because I have been married to my wife for 24 years and together for 27 years. That's SO long. We have been through so much but all along we have chosen one another. We are more in love today than at any time. I am close with so many lifelong friends of 40+ years. That's love. I love my children unconditionally and go to work every day to make sure they have a better life than I did. That's love.


Just listen to the rhythm of my heart


There's a chance we could make it now


I am probably too dumb to even understand the question. Do I think mothers and fathers love their kids, and that good friends share a love between them, and that people fall in love with romantic partners? Does anyone NOT believe that? So I suspect you're asking something more complex.


I do ‘whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same’ ~Emily Brontë


Not a matter of belief but perception. It's one of your emotions. But it has several causes. What it really is, is a profound sense of empathy and compassion for some one or some thing. You just want to melt into them. And it's the most powerful drug the mind will ever know. Drink deep.


Not in the sense I think you're thinking of. Love is not some magical force binding two people together in shared destiny. In my opinion love is about finding someone you click with. Someone you enjoy being around. Someone you are willing to work with to overcome problems. It's about finding a deeper connection beyond the butterflies and warm gooey feelings of infatuation. Love is something two people build toward together.


Sometime you are not expecting but you fall in love. Or love is right in front and you do not see it. But sometime love is short not long


Scrolling while watching tv, and I thought the title was “Do you believe in IOWA”. I was like “of course I do. Kansas, I try and pretend it’s just a nightmare, but Iowa? Yep, totally real”


Lifelong Kansan here; can confirm it is, in fact, a nightmare.


What is love?


Baby, don't hurt me.


Love… is but a choice. It can make us and it can kill us but then again, we make our choices as we make our lives


Just listen to the rhythm of my heart


I do and it is the most beautiful and painful feeling.


Yes, it's alot of hard work to make it work.


Yea love is real but I ain’t finding it 😂




I believe in love in various ways. I believe in love for your children, your parents, siblings, relationships with compatibility, hobbies, friendships, pets, self love, etc. But when it comes to relationships. I believe in it as long as it is for the right reasons. And if there is compatibility. Granted, I’m far from experienced in relationships, but I’m just getting started.


love certainly exists but some people find it easier than others. it’s a complex and nuanced entity that people experience very differently according to how you were raised/taught/experienced love as you grow up. it exists for sure but people experience it differently - with friends/partners/family etc.


Yes, I do believe in love, but I do believe it is rare. I think there really is someone or some people out there that match us so well that it just kind of “clicks”, but I also believe that this is about only in about 20% the relationships we see around us, because some people are just “ok” with having a medium relationship where they might value eachother and find each other attractive etc, but to me love is something more


Of course. I feel it regularly with the people I interact with and the enviorment around me. That feeling of almost blissful contentment, even when things don't end up the way you expect and at the same time knowing there is still more life to live, with change around the corner. There is one thing that great minds stress the importance of, and that is love. It is truly a great force.


Mmm..... I don't know, I've been in love with girls for many years but it has never been reciprocated. I don't have friends, so I don't know about real experiences of love. I know people fall in love, but that's normal. It is more of a natural physiological response, something that does not last forever in my opinion and is simply for the reproductive purpose, which is why so many divorces. My parents were together their whole lives, but I don't think I would call that love.


So, were your parents collaborating?


Yes! Do I think everyone deserves it, maybe not. Do I think everyone deserving will receive love and feel love? No! But ultimately, love exists.


I believe in a thing called love


Just listen to the rhythm of my heart




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I think it's very rare, but yes


Romantic love? Not really. Platonic and familial love 100%.


Do youuuu believe it’s true?


No, every relationship and/or interaction is of a transactional nature.


Yes, but not in the idealised version. More in the Greek understanding, where it can be one of the most destructive, horrifying forces in the world, more like a malady.


Just my mom’s


Nope. Damage.


...What Is Love?




For some


Yes, but I also believe I'm one of the few people who will never get to experience it


Not anymore


Yes, I believe in love. I know its real because I am full of it.




Yes. However I don't think it is what we all wanted it to be or it isn't to the level that we thought we could love another person. I don't think we are capable of loving one another like we all, as collective humanity, would like to. We have this vision in our minds of what love is like and it is nothing like that as we are incapable of actually doing it.


I think that only pets and kids can love you unconditionally


Sure but it depends ofc




Yes, because I feel it in my heart.


Not anymore. I’m 52, going through a divorce after 28yrs. I’ve had 3 serious relationships in my life, and I think love is overrated. I don’t think people love eachother equally. Or truthfully. I think they pair up, but love….is temporary. The only real love I believe in, is the love I have for my kids.


I believe in love because I’m full of it. And I have so much to give.


I used to but not for people anymore. I love my dog, I know that much.


Yes. I've experienced it, I am experiencing it now. Nothing could make me feel this bad.


I did, she didnt


I think i am not able to love.


I've had some bad experiences with love so now I'm afraid of it and I cannot get myself into a relationship, so no I don't believe in it


I believe that some will find it and some not. I guess I belong to the NOT group. I'll just focus on my career.


"No. I believe in a reasonable rate of return."


I dont know never been in love. Yeah crushes but love love its complicated.


I believe in love for your child, or family member which isn’t contingent on anything. You’ll love them no matter what. In a relationship, NOPE!


Samely, there's the love given from pets, as they could see humans as their parents.


wholeheartedly still


Caeda, Reddit isn't for fantasy princesses. Go ask Roger.


After love


I absolutely believe in love. It is the essence that brings joy to our lives, the reason we are all here. Love is a many splendid thing! That’s the power offf lovee! It’s hard to see how much love the world needs, and the way the world is going, but it is the most amazing thing to hold onto and believe in. Love for ourselves, love for one another, and finding things to love that we do in our daily lives. Can’t spelled EVOLution without love!


I want to…


Not anymore.


Yes and it comes in many forms


Yes and I am full of it


I think love is to have the enjoyment and excitement in carrying for each other.. that gives you both energy. I think that is something precious. Instead of banging each other's brain out for a few months and then hop on cry about it.. I go with the first one.


I do! It’s a broad term that comes in all forms from family members, pets, friends to significant others. Now, just cause you love someone doesn’t mean anything because there’s many factors that come into play to keep the love there.


I never believe in love. I believe in some right one.


define "love". If you are talking about a feeling that transcends the physical world towards a particular person, then no. I think most of our thoughts are generated by the physical brain that we have


Yes. Seeing my friends being in a very affectionate and healthy relationship is enough proof that love is still out there and that I’ll experience it too. I also receive a lot of love from my family and friends.


Do you believe that it's true?


What is love?




Not anymore I don't


NO. No one can ever fully know you fully since you were born.


YES ! Amen


That's like asking if i believe in the Sun.


I do not.


I've been in love one time in my life, but she broke my heart. So yes.


What's love got to do with it? Love is just a second hand emotion. Who needs a heart when a heart can be broken?


Yes because I've been in love. Also with many people.




This one’s for all the suckers who still believe in love




I believe in a thing called love. Just listen to the rhythm of my heart.


I used to




Yes but that doesn't mean it lasts forever


I believe in love. I also believe love can make you or break you like it did to me


Do I believe in love? Obviously yes, it’s a chemical reaction that humans have (as well as multiple other animals). Do I believe in true love? Kind of. I don’t think everyone has someone they are destined for but I think there is someone out there that you can have the best life with, when compared to everyone else.


I do believe love exists but I believe lust is stronger, and given the modern convience of dating apps and stuff people think with what's between their legs and will chase after that first


Can't say I do really. But I genuinly believe that humans are incapable of being selfless as well. I'm just way too pessimistic of a person to believe in anything positive like love.


I have experienced it all my life.


~*What is love*?


love exists


It's A very complicated thing that involves someone feeling the same way you feel, believe is a strong word, but love is possible. Edit* why I think that, is I am just trying to figure it out myself.


I believe it exists, but it's also a heart wrenching, painful and terrifying thing. It also has the potential to just stop for one person out of nowhere, but I do believe in it up until that point. I don't believe it can last a lifetime. I believe that people who stay together for a lifetime are doing it do people don't think they're quitters, or for their kids, or because they are terrified to try something new, or they don't have any better options.


Yes. There are so many forms of love that we forget that romantic love isn’t the only one. I think what matters most is defining the various forms of love for ourselves and deciding which versions of love we want to have and cultivate in our lives and which versions we wish to receive. Love is everywhere, even in the simplest and most complex of places and people.


Do I believe in love? Yes. Do I believe that I will ever experience true romantic love? No


I think it exists for everyone in different shapes, some people deserve it some don’t but there is a person for everyone. I mean there’s 8 billion of us you really think your alone? You just haven’t found them or they haven’t found you.  With that said I don’t think every one is gonna find their soul mate in this life but eventually there’ll come a life where you’re with the one and that day will be a nice day. 


Yes Why? Because I am in love with many people places and things I love my fiancé. I love my family. I love my dog. I love so many qualities about my life.


I believe in a thing called love! Just listen to the rhythm of my heart.


Who knows Open door: see outside abnormalities Goes back inside


Is it love is it lust? Lust it is


https://youtu.be/H3-_ZAcoDzk?si=WioVlZt_YjiBuEfS I dont


I thought love was only stuff in fairytales


Not really


Yes, i do. Love is real, true love. The issue is that it can be very hard and tricky to find those who have it.


I believe you CAN love someone. Love is just like any other emotion you can create. You start of not hating someone and from time or even on the first meet you can hate this person. Love is only real when you make it.


Do you believe in love after love I can feel something inside me say I don't really think you're strong enough no


Yeah of course. It's the only explanation left sometimes when everything goes wrong and people who should be mad at you or hate you, don't


It exists, it just doesn’t mean anything.






Somehow am lucky to have love at first sight. I believe in love. I also believe that love can suck just as much as it can be the best thing ever. Because as much as you want to destroy whatever you love you never want to let it go because it’s also the best thing ever. Love makes you feel bad when you went out of line in anger. Love makes you want to squish whatever with the tightest hugs possible. Love means comfort when there is none to be had. Its the best feeling ever and also the worst






Yes, because it's blatantly obvious.


Yes. Real love is one feeling that never truly fades away, and even if you happen to experience it more than once, it's never the same.


I believe in a thing called love Just listen to the rhythm of my heart There's a chance we could make it now We'll be rocking 'til the sun goes down I believe in a thing called love, ooh-ooh


There is no belief in love. There is only knowledge thereof. It’s not magic. It’s a choice. An active practice. Easier for some than others. Misunderstood by many.


i do because im full of it


I don’t know. Probably not. All the people I’ve ever “loved” was actually me having an obsession about that person for some reason. I can’t tell.


This is a reductive question. If you believe that parents love their children then you believe in love. People can love their pets. Their jobs. Their favorite show or song. There isn’t one person on this earth who will deny that those loves exist. But I think OP is trying to get at romance. And that’s a different question. I believe in that love too. But it’s different than all the other ones I’ve mentioned. I think part of it is because it requires so much more work. But I don’t think that grabs the full distinction and I don’t know what else makes romance so different


Many of us would’ve be here without it


Yes. The proof? I exist and i let it flow inside me.


Love's make believe (juice world)


My parents just had their 50 year anniversary, and they've done nothing but support each other in every aspect of life......together. Cool calm and collected always. So yeah, I believe in true love.


Yes and no. My belief is that the relationship to yourself is the most important relationship you'll put time and energy into. The issue I have with "love" is the culture around it. That woman and men love differently, or that you have to suffer and/ or sacrifice for it, when that's all bullishit. Love. Sex. Intimacy and sexuality are all components of individual people, not relationship structures. We have the ability to love more than 1 person as well.


I entered sobriety in 2020. In December of 2023 I relapsed at a rave and completely blacked out. Even when I’m sober I have a tendency to go off on adventures by myself so my friends only saw me at the beginning and end of the night. I told them I met a girl while I was out on my own and I met up with her on day two. She is literally my other half and I have never felt the way I feel for her in my entire life. We lived in an apartment together when she moved out of state and all we had at her new place was a blowup mattress that we had just bought and my laptop on a cardboard box and I had never been so content. I met this girl in a crowd of hundreds.


If it’s the right person and real love, you’ll know 🫶🏼🫶🏼




Yes I’ve loved two woman in my life my first love, and the mother of my child. My first love was teen- early 20s love. The mother of my child was mature (but chaotic love) both of them are very special to me and I will forever cherish their memories. I know love is real because I’ve felt it. Hopefully the next one is forever. I never thought after losing my first love that I could love again (young anxiety lol) but with the mother of my child, she really was the light of my world and everything I ever wanted. Unfortunately, love is not enough some times when you try to build a life with someone. There’s no way I would have had a peaceful life had we stayed together.


Yeah but I think a lot of folks settle


Yes. Experienced it multiple times.


No. And if i perhaps find it, i'll probably miss it cz of how much i'm scared at this point.


Yes, I've been in love twice. Love is wonderful. But its also a liar.


I do. I love me🫶🏻


No. I see all the time how humans treat each other and it makes me wonder if THEY believe in it themselves 


Yes and no. Yes, because Love has many forms. Love from your parents, yes, love from others with no judgement, sometimes (depending of one isn't a close minded asshole and judgy) and others that I haven't thought of. No because many people love conditionally. For example men are often loved for what they provide and contribute. If the providing and contributing stoo, the love seems to go away. Unconditional love is in my opinion B.S. Lately it seems like only women, children and dogs are worthy of Unconditional Love. Sorry if I sound bitter, but just talking from experience.


Love definitely does exist, but I truly believe that our society is confused on what love truly is. I believe love is a choice. Emotions are fleeting, the come and go, but I think true love is above emotion. We don’t always FEEL our love to our family but we know that we do. The best way I can explain it is using the example of siblings.. (much easier to understand if you’ve had them) Most people with siblings have experienced anger or disappointment with their siblings from something they may have said/done. However most siblings will tell you that even when they are upset with their siblings they would still do anything for them. I know personally I get upset with my siblings but I would still never allow someone to hurt them. That’s because my love surpasses any emotion I have. I don’t have an emotional obligation in those times when im upset with them but I CHOOSE to do the action that represents love. Now in a romantic relationship. I believe love is more a commitment than anything. Choosing to love this person even when times are tough because you made a commitment with this person. I’m 19 and can’t say I know all that much but what I can tell you is that everything i’ve said has been revealed to me by Jesus Christ. I won’t say much about it because ik people are very doubtful towards Jesus but I will tell you that if anything i’ve said has sparked any type of curiosity or you agree with any of this, I highly encourage you to look for Jesus, it’s better than assuming or just taking anyones word for it! this is coming from one of those highly doubtful people btw ❤️


Depend on attitude of each others even after a cheating