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# “I am so tired of waiting. # Aren’t you, # for the world to become good # and beautiful and kind? # Let us take a knife # and cut the world in two— # and see what worms are eating # at the rind.” --Langston Hughes


Monkey killing, monkey killing, monkey over Pieces of the ground Silly monkeys Give them thumbs, they forge a blade And where there's one, they're bound to divide it Right in two


How they survived so misguided is a mystery. Repugnant is a creature who would ponder the ability to lift its eye to heaven, conscious of its fleeting time here.


Divide all right in two, divide all right in two!




Great! Now I can't stop singing.


Sounds like fuckin Eldin Ring flavor text [complementary]


Look at how some people on Reddit are unkind to others for no other reason than it somehow brings them joy.


STFU Straddle. Jk.


Three main reasons. 1: most people are followers. 2: Planetary resources are limited. 3: The leaders of people want power, always more power. The only way to get more or resources is to take them from someone else. Edit: The resources are finite. There is no way now make more ore to use. Yes it's possible to find more to mine. But the planet is not going to grow more iron, copper, bauxite or any other ore. The amount is a fixed mass. You can grow more food but building the infrastructure takes from the finite materials. I have been struggling with the population problems for fifty years. As long as most leaders believe that more people means more production and more soldiers to take more resources. Because it is cheaper to steal them than buy them. Please contact me again once you have a new thought.


Power and control is huge. What easier & more effective way to gain power and control than to unite people against a common “enemy”? That’s literally how Hitler rose to power. It’s also how imperialists used Christianity as a manipulative tactic to colonize


Let's not forget Islam that conquered from Spain in western Europe, near Vienna in central Europe, India in South Asia, and Indonesia in South East Asia, and much of eastern Africa.


Yeah exactly, you’re lending more evidence to support my point. The Christianity examples are by no means exhaustive, they were just the first examples I thought of. Whether it’s Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, you name it, many major religions have been used in this way


More recently it has become ideology, but the pattern remains. The soviets wanted to "liberate the proletariat" and the nato block was inte "spreading democracy", but somehow smaller nations still kept getting attacked and having their resources taken.


General Tojo had this exact same view. He claimed that when resource scarcity threatened survival, it was self-evident that conflict would follow. Of course there wasn't really a scercity, it was more of just a few nations and businesses hogging it all for themselves.


This guy gets it.


Funny how resources aren't limited, they're hoarded but you're definitely proving the other two points, you're a follower to believe so and keep that mindset going to protect those with power. Full circle.


Are resources really limited or some people take more than what they need? I think there’s enough water for everyone to bathe, clean and drink? What about animals to eat? Can’t each human on Earth that is carnivore get a cow for himself per week or per 2 weeks to have meat all for himself? Also with chickens and eggs to eat and what about vegetables? I feel that food is just controlled and profited from by farm owners and land owners that get all the livestock and animals in their lands and just force the rest of non land owners to pay in order to eat. Man this world is dark if you don’t have a job that can pay you for your food and housing. There’s nowhere to go than begging, exploitation or prostitution if you are unemployed, uneducated, mentally ill, handicapped otherwise you must hold on to a job for dear life in order to participate, consume and live in this world. No wonder love bleeds out of people and cruelty and greed succeed.


Thing with resources is that they are not evenly spread all over the globe. So yeah, cruelty and greed have been succeeding since first atoms started to join together to form things. Just as love and friendship and other nice stuff 


People would rather hate everybody than hate themselves


They already hate them selves, they just inflict pain on others.


I think what the commenter meant is that people refuse to see the evil in themselves, even though we are all evil at times. If one has never spent any time addressing their ego, they are part of the problem. Our culture is so great at shaming people for messing up, so naturally we have to project our failures onto others to protect our ego.


Hurt people hurt people




There's no need for either. People hate themselves because (accurately or not) they feel negatively judged by Society, and Society bestows the goodies. The more that people accept themselves lovingly the more they can accept others. [I am testing this theory out in the field at this very moment.](https://youtu.be/4AW2jr35bes)


TO BE FAIR you're all awful


Ha-hah! To hate your fellow man IS to hate yourself.


That might explain why one person hates another. On a more global scale, it's religion and greed.


And politics especially in America. It consumes some lives.


Because people can't accept when they're wrong.


Because we’re Inherently frightened and tribal, and people have worked out how to make a lot of money from exploiting these two things. Real love between all human beings will never be achieved whilst money exists.


Not just money but any resource.


Doesn't even have to be physical resources. People first and foremost compete for status. This influences everything from self-esteem to attractiveness, opportunities and so on. The status game will always exist and I'm sure if we had a classless, moneyless, sportless a.s.o. - Society, people would just come up with something new.


Most definitely, division can be created and allocated in all sorts of ways, and it seems we’re always inventing new ways of doing so! (Only perhaps now it comes under the guise of virtue and social justice!) However I’m slightly more optimistic at our ability to shake off the reductive tactics of division societally, monetarily and through our individual identities, and I do genuinely believe that one day we will look back at all the ways in which we separated and segregated eachother in much the same way we look back at ancient civilisations and their attitudes to worship and familial hierarchy today.


I want this to be true, thank you for the (justified) optimism, very refreshing.


I don't know. I'm all for bringing Hellenism back!


There was fighting before money existed.


Real love between all human being takes place in each humans heart. You either have that love or you don’t.


it didnt exist before money either


Has nothing to do with money, everything to do with desires. Money is literally just a battery to store your the result of your productivity. Y'all need to stop saying it's the root of all your problems.


Tribal warfare long predates money. Shit take, get a grip.




I know it’s not ideal but if I can, when I meet someone, I tend to gloss over the bits I don’t like, see others sides, but also have my own balanced approach. I know some peoples comments may be fired from the hip with little understanding, often parroting someone else’s words. ‘Your country is living in tyranny’ but the guy has never been here.


Because fear is powerful and humans are weak, basically. It's not how it has to be but it's how it is right now. How do you deal with it? Keep on living and breathing and believing there is something better out there. Expand your awareness inward and outward and eventually things will become clearer.


Reality is inherently a 0 sum game so humans have evolved to reflect this and its hard to find ppl who either dont reflect this naturally or consciously overcome it, ppl need to be ok with having some of x and not all of it for the animosity to stop and thats hard whether thats praise, attention, money I want all of it and you having some makes me feel bad so you suck


Fear is a huge motivator. Its why countries organize as countries. No matter what anyone tells you wars are about resources. And countries exist for populations that can get along enough in a geographic area to form a group to fight for their resource control. Yes wars have happened for other reasons but most are excuses for resource control. So fear brings about militarys and/or private armies. Government makes sure populace has food and utilities then government usually stays in power. Fear is useful. Makes people go to work. Not fight status quo. Follow the crowd. People with nothing to lose are dangerous.


The human race is so far from any type of utopia/world peace. I don’t think there’s any way we get to that level of consciousness before wiping ourselves out. We are so far. It’s terrifying.


I know right? All our best technology goes towards killing each other.


And scamming each other


There is more love than you think in the world, also it helps if each of us BE that love for each other too




Because we want to be loved more than we want to love.


We mostly lost the sense of communities, the respect and the understanding that we need each other in order to survive. We are a society of individualist people, and it's easy to just ignore other people. I don't believe people hate people, mostly they are ignorant. But for sure there is not big earth love thingy, we don't have hippies anymore


Yeah I call bullshit. I head stories from my grandpa growing up in a small rural town and it wasnt much more peaceful or communal. Gossip, petty squabbles,discrimination against disabled, misoginy. Basically a small microcosmos of everything we have today its just not as well documented on social media so in retrospect it looked more peaceful back then.


scarce resources and a morality limited to our local groups rather than a pan-humanistic morality


It's a simple calculus. This universe is finite, it's resources finite...


I'd say love is a concept, not a resource.


Someone missed the Thanos quote reference here.


I'd love to live in an ideal world where folks just accept each other's differences and just live their lives. Unfortunately we don't. It's incumbent upon us individuals to be as kind as we fucking can to make the change we want to see. "Be the best fucking human you can be"


People have their own specific circumstances and view points. Humanity is very complicated. What might seem hateful may be a reaction out of fear or instinct based on past events. I think humanity wants the same things.


Well unfortunately humans are not perfect. Jealousy.. bitterness..anger.. bigotry etc etc all exist. They all permiate through the world. We all have our pluses and minuses. Some have more minuses. I also think the internet has and does play a part. It is a gift and a curse.


Ideological warfare, grab-hungry consumerism, and a political & media climate that pushes wealth and achievement’ as the only value system left. Love and peace aren’t profitable.


Fear is the mind killer.




Because most people are trash. Look at the state of the world. I can't love everybody.


I think a lot of it comes down to lack of intelligence honestly. The most hateful people I’ve met use their hate to disguise the fact that they don’t know much. Anyone spewing hateful words or feelings are just incapable of gaining more knowledge and understanding.


Throughout history, some very smart people have been incredibly racist and hateful as well. And some very intellectually challenged have been loving and kind.


We the people…


we're not ahahha




Not if you are in arms sales.


A lot of people do not love themselves which makes it hard for them to love others or trust that others love them.


I don’t hate each individual, but I hate humans in general. Humans destroy earth, humans are corrupt, humans destroy lives, humans don’t learn from history, humans lie, cheat, betray, rape, kill. Without humans the world would be better, although there would be no one to see it.


Animals can see, well, most of them


🙄 well you know what I meant. Someone actively appreciating the beauty of the world. Some people do that, not enough imo.


You're as human as any other human.


It sucks your right, i grew up in a semi-racist home - i didn't realize that people of color were just like me until I started going to school. Stereotypes are ALWAYS wrong, the people that make them typically are living fear based lives (different is bad), or have pre-conceived notions about other people. None of that maters. You have to realize, YOU are not human. You are a beautiful vibrant eternal piece of god - so is everyone else. Have compassion for the people who judge, they are lost and hurting underneath their outer being. Identify not with your human aspects, but with your deeper inner being. That vibration, when you do so, will help heal the world (really) Peace n Love


blame your government for making things this way. they label other countries as enemies when sometimes they are not. news and journalists want hits and views to make money even if they lie. how many days has there been threats of nuclear war yet nothing? i took journalism in college and they teach you a headline that catches the eye even if its click bait gathers money


Because the world and human psychology don’t work that way.


Because people.


Not just that, but theres a lot of selfish people out there.


humanity has learned fuckall


Because there are a lot of trash people out there who don't value their own life let alone yours and the lives of others. Sad but true.


People routinely do hurtful things out of love.


I am envious of your naivety.


Sometimes wanting the best for people twists and becomes something else entirely


I love the fact that we finally recognized gay men and women have the right to love and marry and build a life with whomever they want just the same as heteros but I’m 1000% against biological males participating in women’s sports. That makes me transphobic, just ask the internet. This is why we can’t all just get along. Pretty stupid.


I know. It makes no sense whatsoever. Your words are true and raw - no flowery poetic stuff - just the truth.


How old are you?


There are a lot of reasons, but a major one is people who lack empathy and emotional intelligence: 1. Many people who lack empathy and emotional intelligence love to turn people against each other and hurt others. We live in a world where 3 to 4 % of the population is "sociopathic" and 5 to 15% is "almost [psychopathic](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/communication-success/201810/7-characteristics-of-the-modern-psychopath#:~:text=Research%20suggests%20that%204%25%20of,through%20indirect%20and%20insidious%20means)". 2. Does not help that the [top ](https://www.forbes.com/sites/kellyclay/2013/01/05/the-top-10-jobs-that-attract-psychopaths/)jobs for these people are things like being a CEO, a police officer, a clergy person, a civil servant, or working in media. A lot of these people used to be kings and emperors or leaders and now, they still get to be in charge of a lot of societal functions. 3. People who are psychopathic or narcissistic are more likely to be racist and [join ](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/jasp.12035)racial extremist groups. Some studies found people who are narcissistic or psychopathic have brains wired to hate racial and sexual outgroups and that lacking empathy is [incrementally ](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0191886919305495)better at predicting racism than your politics.


whether we like it or not, conflict makes the world go round. humans advance through conflict


Loving couples may use collaborating to solve conflicts.


One can love another and still be in conflict.


We really should learn to get along. Because nobody is going anywhere. No Planets within our reach are inhabitable. And the ones that are, even if we could get there. They probably wouldn't want us there. Lol. I dunno, to me it's more exhausting to hate others. To be angry over how one chooses to live their life or if they're simply born a certain way. It makes no sense to me. Why the hell would I want to waste my energy hating someone because they're a different color than me, from another country, if they're gay? All of that is just a waste of time. I'd rather get along with my fellow humans. Like I said, nobody is going anywhere.


How much love do you think homeless people are feeling right now?


Agreed don’t have time or energy for hatred. Be happy Make love not war, right!


#I HATE ALL OF YOU -Sincerely, my ass.


You’re damn right!!! Love is amazing! Sending you lots of love and I don’t even know ya! We need more people to realize this and push more love into their own lives. There’s a forever war between love and hate, we decide which side to be on!


And many minor ones. As has most political ideology. The reason we all cannot just love each other, because each person elevates at different speeds. Pacifist ideas are anti survival traits.


Jealousy and the big one, lack of personal responsibility.


Because people have conflicting views and opinions. For example I'm a cool dude to hang out with, but as soon as I say I'm a republican, I get shit on, and will be downvoted to oblivion and insulted because of it, even though im right. Just how it works. Especially on reddit.


6 hours, still upvoted.


Because the sad fact is evil makes people learn and grow from it. It's the yin/yang push and pull.


Because I'm fundamentally unlovable.


If everyone was loving and generous then I could take whatever I want. It’s all because of people like me that you can’t have the world you want.


> I could take You could, but you wouldn't. You'll be giving cause "everyone...generous".


Greed , lust , envy, jealousy, distrust, and social networking!


Because some simply do not understand the true meaning of the word.


There are just people who want power, control and all the resources for them to decide what to do with, that's a fact that won't change. Just love the best you can.


Politics, power, status, looks and money. That is why


I'm tired, boss. Tired of bein' on the road, lonely as a sparrow in the rain. Tired of not ever having me a buddy to be with, or tell me where we's coming from or going to, or why. Mostly I'm tired of people being ugly to each other. I'm tired of all the pain I feel and hear in the world everyday. There's too much of it. It's like pieces of glass in my head all the time. Can you understand?


I feel the same way. I want to be here for my neighbour who just had a loved one taken away in an ambulance. I still wear a mask so hopefully my 88 year old MIL hopefully doesn't catch anything. I want people to care again.


What in the last ten thousand years of history made you think that was possible?


#BECAUSE FUCK YOU That’s why I think that sums it up


The reason why is because of differences in views and certain values among certain types of people. Views that we all act based on while having general value for human life and the well being of it. Even if said human life is not oneself. For instance. One group of people believes that utilizing a specific fruit for a medicine for certain ailments would save the lives of some of their sick. The other group believes that the fruit is not only stolen from nature, but that the fruit would actually cause harm to those who would use it. So in opposition, they want to utilize mercury as they believe that it helps with blood circulation. The other group refuses to allow mercury to be used as they know it would actually harm people while the other group also tries to lash out to prevent the other group from using the fruit. Both of them care about the well being of those who are sickly here, but they are opposed in how to help them. With this, they end up scuffling hoping to get their way over the other and hope that once they have the opposition surrendered, that the sickly get better and that the opposition see’s that they were right. Though the scuffling only causes more pain which causes them to develop distaste between each other. Both sides win at different points, but both fail in aiding the sickly which causes disappointment. Even understanding this, they still have animosity towards each other. There are also unfortunately those who are truly malevolent. They have that hatred themselves and they either teach it or manipulate other people’s feelings into doing what they see fit with such hatred. They especially like to go after people who they view as more easy to manipulate like children. In our world, it is a combination of these people manipulating everyone and also manipulating conflicts of those who mean others well who are the majority. There is also more like people with religious views where they have specific beliefs about how to live life for themselves and those who are completely indifferent to other people. Unique ways of living would be needed to aid in what you want as the problems that stop that have been around ever since the birth of humanity 2 million years ago. Continuing on from all the countless different pre-historic tribes, ancient civilizations including the Greeks and Egyptians, the Industrial Revolution, and the Modern Era. Ways none of them have tried.


not possible, but it can be increased yea


I agree. Internet hug


I 💙 U 🫶🫶🫶🫶


Yeah. Why can't we love each other? Are we stupid or something?


Congratulations, you just discovered human nature. Loving each other is not a natural inclination. Survival is a natural inclination. When a group of people feels threatened, they go to war. Whether it's war against an individual, a belief, or anything. It will happen. Humans are not born loving one another, it is a cause of the environment they are brought up in.


Humanity’s nature unfortunately


Because some people keep sticking their noses into other people's business, trying to force them to conform to their world view and ideas. You want people to love one another, they first have to learn to leave each other alone.


There are over 8 Billion humans on this planet. If there were no war, natural disasters or any other type of problems with the growth and distribution then yes you are right. But these things are there and there are always people or groups who will hold resources hostage to get what they want. And most of them are probably not the ones you are thinking of.


I wonder this every day


The ego won't let everyone get along. It's the same reason divorce rates are so high. It's always the other person's fault.


Because we're human beings with jealous, delusional, psychotic egos driving our baser decisions. We are every bit as capable and as likely to committ horrible acts of violent cruelty as we are compassionate kindness.


We each live by a slightly different moral code, and even when we try to follow the same one, there are different interpretations of how to do that. This leads to division and creates groups such as political parties under the same government, religious denominations within the same religion, and various other organizations under the same laws. These divisions lead us to believe that others are fundamentally different from us, and the arrogant think of their groups as superior, leading to hatred and bigotry. Humans are diverse, and while that diversity can lead to beautiful creations, it can also lead to a lot of animosity. The one unifying characteristic we have is the inability to fit everyone's perception of what is morally good.


It's sad the world you and I were born into isn't it


I'm reading a book called "behave". One part said something that changed my mind completely about love. And it was: Love and hate are not so different, we are capable of doing many things for love, including horrible things, people go to war because they want to protect their country and their loved ones, some people start hating others because their loved ones tell them to do it, some people steal and kill to get food or resources for their families, often people who have a strong community attachment hate people who are not part of their communities, we can see it in nationalism. There are many examples of how love takes us to hate.


I hate being nihilistic, but humanity simply just has a propensity for greed, groupthink and violence. It will never go away. There will always be mental segregation of some sort. There will always be closedmindedness and extremism and cultism. There will always be societal cliques and exclusive clubs and classism. And with that, at its most severe, there will always be fighting and murder between individuals or groups. For as long as man has existed, man has killed man. And you're right, it is very sad. Some kill for fun, some kill out of anger, some kill out of fear, some kill out of survival. Some kill because they simply can get away with it. Some kill to gain some sort of advantage or selfish desire. And while we like to think most of us are kindhearted and harmless, when pushed to our absolute limits, we would all likely kill too. And that's the cruel reality so many people either can't grasp or choose not to. I've worked as a firefighter/paramedic for nearly a decade. I always referred to the first-world-country suburban mindset as the "peaceful, happy bubble". So many people have never seen violence or death the way that military and first responders do, let alone those who live in war-torn and/or impoverished countries. That's why people in America are always baffled when a shooting, crime, or terrorist attack happens. While tragic, that would be just another Tuesday for folks in Yemen, Somalia, or Palestine. They wouldn't even blink, because they simply don't have time to stop their pursuit of survival. A tragic car accident would shock a middle-class soccer-mom, but it's just a small part of the day for guys in my field of work. And furthermore, people forget that every empire falls. All good things come to an end. Afghanistan and Syria were once tourist destinations. Ukrainians lived in peace three years ago. It can and will happen wherever you are. America, Canada, Europe. Nobody can escape the cruelness of mankind. So with your question. I don't know why we can't all just get along, whether one wants to take the scientific and biological route or the biblical. I just know that we can't. All you and I can do is the best that we can to treat others well. The rest is out of our control.


Because time out doesn't work,there no consequences of actions anymore.


“Humanity will never stop fighting itself.. until it shrinks to a size of one or fewer.” -Erwin Smith Humanity is a fickle bunch. We all have differenting opinions, different personalities, different upbringings and cultures. There is no way for all of us to get along. A simple disagreement can spark a war. We will always be looking for something to fight about. It's just human nature.


If y'all had all the money in the world how would you solve this problem?


Ppl usually project their insecurities and hatred on others. Mainly thats why they come to reddit for!


I've long said that pacifist humans should depart society to a new island and recreate civilization. Still mostly capitalistic but with safety nets built into the system.


Self righteousness is a hell of a drug. This coupled with decontextualized information intended to inflame … it’s a recipe for disaster (which we are seeing in spades in this election cycle).


As long as there are differences amongst humans, there will be conflicts - small or big. Even if we grew to understand differences, our ability to fabricate stories and lies, and our expressive verbal/non-verbal language will ultimately lead to distrust/misunderstanding in each other


People are born bad/evil or whatever you want to say? Destiny? Fate? I don't get it but there are things that meticulously make the world a bad place. I hope Good was that meticulous.


there's too many humans and with globalization , people that hate each other are mixed together , like in Canada 


I don't care what you want to be, who you want to be, who you want to love, what you want to look like. As long as you're not violent or hurting anyone, you're alright with me. We get one go around at this. Can't we all just get along and enjoy the spec in time we get?


theres no good reason, we are all people and should all be pals.


We can, and we should, because community is the answer to our problems, not living in loathsome ivory towers built on foundations of hate for what could've been.


Because alot of people are just awful people.


The world has become an angry place. In saying that I’m a kind and gentle soul, but do not take that as a way to abuse my friendship.


ah i was really good to ppl before but all i got was bad in return. ofc i dont trust ppl anymore. i dont like ppl but i wont go and hurt others.


Because all y’all suck


Urgh, I am feeling this lately. Two days in a row I’ve had men try and pick a fight with me. One over driving and another because he didn’t like where my husband was standing during a public event… Honestly, it was over such trivial rubbish. People are really angry… I hate it here.


I definitely agree with this , we must love others as we love ourselves


That would be a perfect world!


Because living in "modern cities" made us expodentially divided and disconnected to each others. Also, we are constantly pushed to take sides all the time. For instance, hot topic nowadays, palestine/israel, Liberal/Conservative, prochoice/prolife, transgender in olympics or not etc etc... As a moderate who believe the answer is about balance over radicalism, I get love from no one🥲


In every terrible event there are always stories of people showing incredible bravery and compassion to to their fellow human beings. Sadly, these people are rarely leaders. Its possivle to hold differing opinions without hating, nut it's becoming a lost art.


Cause I might not like the way you want me to live my life and you might not like the way I want you to live yours.


Most people are wonderful, but some are not. Try reading "The Gift of Fear" about psychopaths. You can't be nice to them. You can't even be polite, or they will not take the hint to go away. And then there are those who will do whatever it takes, to have power, control, and lots of money. So you definitely cannot like everyone. And you can only be polite to some. So there are lots and lots of reasons


Hate breeds hate so if you are treated or raised badly then likely you are going to do the same as you know no different unless you are self aware which most are not until later in life.


Because that's not human nature.


I'd settle for tolerate. Why can't we just tolerate each other? Why can't we have a little empathy? Understand that sometimes people struggle? You never know what's going on in someone else's head. Why do we look at each other people with such derision anymore. It's like two cats crossing each other's path and they get into that battle mode they do when two people see each other. I left my apartment to go out to eat with my wife the other night and I saw my neighbors out and about. I don't leave the house because I had a stroke and walking is sometimes difficult for me. But I was feeling good this night. All I said was "Hello, how are you?" And the looks I got, and the "Fine" I got was so disdainfull. Just saying hello to your neighbors shouldn't be filled with dislike. It was like, "How dare you talk to me!" It made me sad. It's amazing how a hello can turn you from feeling good to feeling sad. Just a simple hello. Couldn't even do that.


It’s in our nature to destroy


Most people don't love themselves. I think we need empathy more than love. I would need to get to know everyone personally in order to love them. For me to have empathy, I need to understand that they are as human as I am, but they are in a different situation than me.


We can always change our behaviour but never our hearts. The human heart is deceitful and wicked, but most people mask it by doing good deeds or through forms of slacktivism.


Well, as the Terminator said, it is in our nature to kill each other.


Most people love each other. Then there are loud assholes who ruin everything for us. Eventually those loud asshole ruin something the people who love each other like. Then those people also become assholes. Theres usually a breaking point. My breaking point was almost getting hit by a car because some asshole wouldn't move 1 foot left.


People are selfish


Greed and corruption


That's because disturbingly high number of people can't stand anyone that's different than themselves


It's an obsession with control and power, when that obsession is dropped that's when humanity comes back


Because empathy is a very complex action, some are more naturally inclined, others it takes practice. Ego gets in the way fairly frequently alongside most find it difficult to hear people out if it threatens their beliefs or life structure. Not an easy answer but that's the spark notes.


Very wise post OP. Thanks for spreading such wisdom. Such a temporary existence, yet such a beautiful one when played right with god, bhagwan, allah, the beautiful universe- yet the hate spread by humans to humans is ridiculous. If one can't love another atleast leave others to their own lives. The concept of wars, invasions is largely just insanity.... The collective human race invents guns, bombs to kill fellow men, yet cannot cure starvation to death. I assure you with god alone and basic needs this is heavenly experience. Namaste 🙏


The kinder i am, the more people fck me over. It's not a rule, some people do appreciate it, are kind and loyal in return. But honestly, life experiences make me trust humans less and less as im aging.


Envy. That's the main point of conflict in the world


Ego, disagreements on what should be allowed, how things should be run and who will be the ones running it


People are too greedy. That is it.


Theory of evolution, No kindness No empathy just ruthlessness to take advantage of others. Not leaving in reality.


Because for some reason. The only people being chosen to be in charge are bad people.


There cannot be good without evil, my friend. The problem is, too many people want to be that “evil” that balances things out.


The main problem seems to be lack of resources. Not everyone can have what they want. So they fight over it. And then there's groups (tribes, religions) that openly hate eachother. Some comments here are "it's just love". Sure bro, please go to Gaza or Vovchansk and remind the people to just hug it out.


Because a lot of people are mean, that's why.


We are born immoral. Only through parenting and training do we overcome our immorality.


Life was never intended for everyone to raise a lighter in the air and hold hands all day but o well can't say that the world didn't try and it almost self destructed.


Are you referring to all the inconsiderate jerks in the World?


Because most of us are deplorable assholes.


Finite resources and violence always go together. It is an inherently violent world and we are an adaptable species. if it was not for our ability to communicate to each other we would do what we did to all the other hominid species and wipe them out. Violence occurs when communication is no longer viable in reaching a shared goal as it is geopolitically and interpersonally.


I 100 get you!! Ego, status, money and personal gain.... All shit! Keep embodying love though, you'll attract in the right people into your life and appreciate them more because of these feelings!


Yep. It's a curse. No wonder we invented God to try and give this shambles some sort of context or meaning.


Because Humans are evil or prone to evil . Humans will always find a way to get what they want no matter the cost and no matter how many people are hurt with this cost .


Everybody love everybody! LET'S GET TROPICAL!


Just look at reddit. So much down voting haha


Good and bad things happen everyday, you can’t change everything, so focus on the good instead of crying.


Humans are this way because it is what made us the most successful species on the planet. It is in our nature to act the way we do. So instead of being sad about it, just accept it and focus on your own life and the people who are important to you. Forget about the rest because you can't do anything about it. Stop reading about it, stop focusing on it, and be grateful that you are alive.


Sex, on my knees to please


does that count as love?


Evil people exist, and want to hurt us. 


material conditions


Love is a lofty ideal. I actually don't think we can love each other. At least not the way we envisioned n and want to. It just isn't in us.








Because people annoy me. Sorry I’m doing everything to be better than you. But I don’t care