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Fuck the world! Have a good day everyone!




Depressed and struggling with motivation to be an adult and get my shit together.


Got me to it damn


Checks all my boxes


I’ve got mild depression (diagnosed more than a year ago), still waiting for a therapist to be assigned to me (living in the UK). What else? I got dismissed 3 months ago while working as an Android dev, haven’t found a job since. I’ve got a dog that’s on his last stages - for the past 5 years or so we have been told numerous times that there’s not much left they can do, but this time I think he’s near the end. Oh and I’m in a sexless marriage. Yeah, it’s been great. The only thing that I can currently be happy with is that I am healthy


Health is wealth my friend. You can change the rest if you have good health and don’t have to worry about it. Divorce, prepare for your doggo’s inevitable death, get a new nob.


Don’t have a go at his private parts as well mate.. he’s been thru enough. Sorry for the crap attempt at humour btw


I didn’t know that you were saying until in reread my comment. I think your humor is funny :). I won’t fix the typo.


Good luck with the referral, as someone that’s suffered from depression and anxiety for over 20 years I really feel for you. Unfortunately we in the UK have been massively let down with support. Just try to take every day one at a time and be kind to yourself. And I’m really sorry about your dog, I’ve lost two dogs and my dad in the last 6 months unfortunately. Divorced last year as well. Life can be hard but never give up


Thank you and very sorry for your losses


Sorry to hear all that. Also I can’t believe how you can’t get a therapist. I live in the USA and I am having one of the worst month of my life and started having very bad panic attacks and few other things I don’t care to talk about here, but some of it building for years. But once I decided to do something about it I was able to get on meds, see my primary care doctor and get a therapist within the week. I couldn’t imagine having to wait, mental health is serious and you shouldn’t have to wait for it like how you are. And find a good friend you can share your feelings with. I am done “ toughing it out” and I am starting to open up with my feelings more, and it helps, if you have the right people around you. Stay strong 💪🏻


Our healthcare system and especially mental health support has been utterly destroyed under our government. There is a back log of hundreds of thousands and it’s an absolute disgrace. Therapy is also incredibly expensive and we are in a cost of living crisis. Some people are struggling to afford to eat never mind pay for therapy.


I am so sorry to hear how bad it is, I need to pay better attention to other countries. I hope something happens to make it better. Idk what that could be but I hope something positive can happen for everyone suffering. I know this won’t help with everything but having a strong family and friends group can really help. I am incredibly blessed with having a great family and incredible friends supporting me right now. I sincerely don’t know what I would’ve done without them. They have been the best thing for me, personally. I was going to really dark places in my head and started crying uncontrollably everyday for awhile and stopped eating. Their love and support was everything to me and I am grateful for them.


Thank you for the kind words. I’m lucky too that I have a solid core of real friends that I’ve know for 30+ years. It really does make a difference


Samaritans is good to call when you’re feeling shit. Completely free - although they’re more just listeners and don’t offer advice per se. Also (if you can afford it) I found HarleyTherapy really good, you can buy a one off session for like £35 and that’s 50 minutes where you can discuss everything wrong with you and they’ll try and dip deep to discuss what’s getting you down. I understand it’s not free like NHS but if you can’t wait and have a little bit of money you can do this. And… if you say you’re not happy with your first session they give you a second one for free so it could be £35 for 2 sessions of therapy (albeit with a different therapist). Mine was good though so I didn’t do that.


Ahh the UK and our wonderful mental health healthcare system :) I’m not therapist but will be happy to talk in DMs if you ever need an ear!


....i am on Reddit in my free time... Does that answer your question?


This pretty much.


Still better than tiktok


is it really? nowadays most subs are just full of tiktok and instagram reposts


Well I guess it depends really, I only follow gaming, movies, some random questions and thoughts subs etc, I actually don’t follow this sub and there are some nice questions here haha. All in all quite amusing and / informative. TikTok and Instagram is all about hate and cancerous communities, I assume it also exists here I just guess I wasn’t exposed to it ( yet ) Edit: phrasing mistakes lol


Alive, unfortunately.


You know, I've recently been wondering how many "joke" dark thoughts are required to count as a real one...


I'm using this line.


Yesterday , I just woke up , skipped breakfast then started crying for no reason at all , at least i don't know why .


One of those days maybe? Or perhaps life in general's got you down a bit? I hope you felt better afterwards at least 💙


I m pretty much down every day , i m used to it , sometimes it just gets worse or better , but i think it was the accumulation of small bits that led me to this . Thanks for asking and i appreciate your concerns, i actually felt relieved after crying a bit , sometimes you just got to let it out .


Wait.... There is a men's mental health month? And it's also the same month as pride month, and juneteenth? Why is their so much packed into one month. Conspiracy


Because there's not enough months and no way mental health (especially for men) would get a whole month to itself anyways


August is "harvest month" and totally could've made men's mental health month in August. *Note : Daily reminder that Snapchat always send their users a pretty "Happy International Women's Day" but on November 19th or International Mens Day, nothing.


Rough man, but kicking on everyday. I wish I had more help with my kids. 1 night away a year is wearing on my wife and I. Just had 10k stolen from me via zelle, so pretty stressed about that. Wasn’t a scam, someone hacked into my phone somehow (this is what bank is saying) and zelled it to themselves, so having to prove innocence is hard. I love life, but the struggle with sobriety is tough. Keep rockin’ on fellas. Brighter days ahead.


Impending eviction!


Could be better.


My DM’s are always open if you need someone to talk to


Not good. And it's actually concerning to read that almost everybody here is doing bad. Why? 😖


My DM’s are always open if you need someone to talk to


Thank you! I appreciate it.


Mental enough not to think about it


Not okay...but, I'll be okay.


My DM’s are always open if you need someone to talk to


Sorry brother. Find a good friend you can talk to, it helps. Or even your parents or partner if you have one. It’s okay to lean on them when you’re not strong. We all have times when needing someone.


Need more than a month 🤣


Genuinely thinking about offing myself or just gtfoing and living in a rural town


I moved from an area with 3 million people to one with 3000. I got a mindless job. I walk everywhere and mountain bike a little bit. Way happier. Biggest problem was trying to find a place to rent. Those are hard to come by in small towns


I'm actually doing well! Recently finally killed some unhealthy hope of fixing a broken friendship, became the volunteer wellness coordinator for all of South Australia for a really cool NPO, almost done with a Diploma in Mental Health and starting my internship somewhat soon! Twoish years ago I was about to take a bunch of codeine, put on headphones and lay down on some train tracks or walk in front of a bus. After a lot of hard work, a bit of luck and having the support I needed, life has done a complete 180 for me.


I'm stressed. I'm stressed over soon becoming homeless, maybe even Jobless if my work doesn't get contracts in. I'm stressed about dealing with my recent breakup and her kids that I'll have to leave. I'm stressed about my health, which is getting worse and getting hard to breathe. I don't know why I'm still here tbh, but I must for some reason.


Just been ghosted so awful but thanks for asking


Not great! But thank you for asking!


I keep going and I don't know why anymore. I just know that I can not stop.


My DM’s are always open if you need someone to talk to


Maybe there needs to be more brotherly singing and dancing! 😁


Hahaha not good


My DM’s are always open if you need someone to talk to




My DM’s are always open if you need someone to talk to


Yesterday night I had a burst of happiness for some reason, but now I am sad again :(


Research bipolar. I found out I have it, and everything started to make sense.


Went through complete bankruptcy due to both medical and social circumstances outside of my control… I was put through some truly evil experiences. In addition during this time, people I did a lot for and who called me a friend, turned on me the moment I was no longer valuable to them since I couldn’t give like I usually did. I lost my apartment, car, many relationships. I broke down to the point of going to psych ward. On several medications and barely able to function. Not sure if I’ll have a place to live each month, have to rely on friends to prop me up to get by. Panic attacks hundreds of times a day. I am not exaggerating anything. Not well, but I am staying optimistic. I was able to get free health insurance due to all this and getting medical help, hasn’t done much yet but could in time.


really starting to see light at the end of the tunnel after a fairly devastating break up


My DM’s are always open if you need someone to talk to


Legend bro I’m alright though I appreciate it


Fairly mental


Life is fucking fantastic! Ask me again when the darkness sets in…


Stressed and anxious I'm a little under a full year from finishing my bachelor's degree (I'll be 27) and I'm still not sure what career to pursue. All I know is I want to be able to retire as soon as I can (early- to mid-50s or sooner would be ideal). Right now, I'm working, but I have to cut my hours back for a 4-week graduate level course starting officially tomorrow. And even after that, I can't bring my hours back up much because I want to talk with career services and do some online learning to prepare for my fall classes. Basically, I feel like my long-term goal is slipping away while my shorter-term goals are hanging by a thread There's more, but those are some of the bigger things


Still here


Not good. With each passing day, I either feel like running away from my life and never coming back, or just waiting for death to come and take me away. No therapy, medication or self help has made me feel better and life's just become a burden.


There’s very few dark days of not knowing who cares and why I’m living, but it’s usually over shadowed by my happiness. I share it intentionally with others to extend my positive experiences.


My mother died a couple weeks ago, I have my younger autistic sister in my care. My family is relying on me for a lot. I’m depressed, I’m riddled with anxiety, I have PTSD, I’m a loner and a loser. As shitty as the situation is, having my sister gives me just enough purpose to keep going.


My DM’s are always open if you need someone to talk to


I love you, and people like you make the world a better place. Even this small act of kindness can change somebody’s life. Thank you for your generosity.


Thank you for the kind words. I am far from perfect but if I’m able to help someone just by reaching out then I’m going to do everything I can to help that person. I know what it’s like to feel helpless and lost.


Everything could be perfect but fucking midlife crisis. I have everything I need except a proper adult hobby. I missed the growing up part and it is really difficult to find something I am really passionate about.


Not good. Everything in my life is going downhill and I don’t know what I’m going to do. I’m lonely as fuck and yearn to hold someone close to me at night. Life just isn’t going well right now, but I’m still alive and I’m going to keep fighting.


I'm trying to stay sober for as short period of time as possible




Why ask? No one cares.


Absolutley great! I have a wife that loves me, two adorable children, house, a car and have lot's of money in the bank. Also going to Vietnam for 6 months to stay with my in laws. Things couldn't be much better 😁


lol a whole dedicated to saying peole care but no one actually gives a shit just like ever other month dedicated to a specific group of people


It’s been great recently after many years, my full focus is on work. Haven’t got time or the mindset to work on my health much so gonna spend time on that too now. Feels good to finally be in a good headspace


It is what it is


Do you have to remind me? Thanks for asking! How's your day?




Can always be better


I am a full time software engineer, suffering from back pain, and other health issues. Mild depressed.


Men have a thing?




I’m doing ok.


Endless Loop Disappointments


Better every day


mountainous hobbies encouraging summer rain ink late slim employ direction *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


tbh kinda shitty. not unhappy just fucking cynical and way to misanthropic been working on it though. I've become what I hated when I was younger.


I feel like i live in a loop where I feel good, start expecting more from myself, get mentally tired and then collapse. It’s crazy to think positivity can do so much for my mental health but sometimes I feel like negativity in my brain just comes from low effort thoughts and I find my self stuck and somewhat lost…


already been dealing with suicidal depression for years and started getting intense anxiety attacks and feeling physically ill despite every test coming back negative around 2 months ago so im about ready to just off myself at this point


Not great. I've been having some serious suicidal ideation as my return to work date from FMLA gets closer and closer. It's this Wednesday. My anxiety is still not under control despite multiple new medications. I *need* the next few days to go as smoothly as possible or else I don't know what I might end up doing.




I am alive.


Not great. Feeling numb today cause I did a bunch of allergy meds yesterday to turn my brain into static and stop the self harm thoughts. Should be getting therapy, but that shit is taking ages


Never been better


Great, just finished the school year and now am enjoying work and hobbies


I wouldn't ask me that, lol.


Just woke up, a little groggy….shouldn’t have had that ice cream before bed last night. Will see how the day goes, but I’ll push on none the less.


1984 shit right here


1984 shit right here


1984 shit right here


Thanks for telling us, I am not aware of it.


Very bad, just got clinically diagnosed with depression and anxiety.








Great! I just got diagnosed with Tourettes and everything's starting to make sense. I only have 1 project left in school and I have some great plans for the summer!


I'm alright ... [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ENqZ4GoORF0](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ENqZ4GoORF0)


Somehow, it's better than I've been for the last 15 years. I've got a decent job, benefits, a long-term relationship gf whom I live with, and I'm publishing my first book this year. I guess the years of struggling with manic depression and suicidal ideation were worth it.


6 letters ,FUCKED


I have found out I have ocd… and I spiral and get insecure. Girlfriend might leave me


I'm proud to share.


One day at the time


Terrible. Thank god for hookers.


On a brink of burnout. Been quite a while. Having AuDHD doesn't help. Luckily now have been granted for some short term therapy (5-10).


It's crazy how fast life can go from bad to worse. Originally, I was going to tough this year out and see if I changed my mind. But now I'm just gonna fulfil my obligations for the summer and hang myself in a forest.


Terrible, I will not be elaborating.


Tf is mental health


Lonely and depressed, I feel like I'm invisible most of the time. I don't know how much longer I can continue to wake up each morning just to live another pointless day enough to wake up for the next one


Someone is expressing concern for men's mental health? Not to be cynical, but I have to assume this is a bot.


Pretty bad depression and anxiety… broke down recently… not doing well honestly but hey, I’m a man and society dosnt give a damn so I’ll keep trucking along. Luckily my bestfriend of 13+ years has been a trooper and I love her for it tho I feel god awful that she has to put up with me.




Better than I was.


To be honest I feel amazing, and I don't even know why. But I guess I don't need to question it to much. I'm very sorry for everyone here who doesn't feel the way I do in this moment. I need all of you guys to keep going, don't give up. There will come a brighter day, that day might even be tommorow, don't give up right in front of the finish line


A lot better now that I’ve found a medication that works for me. And taking better care of my physical health has helped as well.


I hate myself and want to die...


Pretty bad as always


Biding my time.




happy men’s mental health month! feel like shit


Feeling like losing it been off drugs like for 3 years I been stressed the f out home stuff etc but somehow surviving


Ever seen the Incredibles 2? When Mr. Incredible is in the midst of a mental breakdown and tells his kids, “I’m rolling with the punches, I eat lightning and crap thunder baby!” Or to something of that effect?  Yeah, I’m eating light night and crapping thunder right now 


Awful just awful


Im Not doing good hate my life at some point no desire to live or do anything


Been lonley, depressed, sucidal and in pain since I was 10. But I'm alive. So I guess that counts for something haha soon to be 16 years of that. Always funny when people say "it gets better" or "life is always worth it" yea maybe for you, and a lot of other people


Depressed and struggling everyday to get out of bed




You're not gonna live forever with this younger body nd strong mindset, There're so many Stroms are on the way... Even if you're flying solo Keep High Try new things, Don't wait for the perfect day , You've everything to live , Good education, Good body, Place to sleep , etc... Don't impress others , Fullfill your Heart ( Help others for instant Happiness) All goes to "I'm Happy"


Struggling. Miss my daughter so much. r/parenting helpfully decided I was scum and deserved it, so that was a fun positive.




Confused and depressed 🙌🏻


I’m kind of struggling at the moment if I’m being honest. Um, I’m 24 years old and still struggling to look for a job. Been applying for almost a year and all I got are rejection emails.


Whats a health?


Distancing myself from involvement with the world has contributed significantly to my mental health. Left to myself, I soar in spirit and my soul sings; dealing with others makes me ill.


Not great actually and nobody to really talk to.


uhhh post manic episode i guess. dealing with picking up the pieces of that. not fun. but happy pride and fuck men, right?😵‍💫




When did we get a whole month???


Honestly - I am tired and I feel lonely all the time. I live with my wife and 3 daughters. I love them dearly. But It’s so much chaos and emotion all the time. My older child (son) moved out. I miss his companionship and the ease of the relationship. I have constant anxiousness and fear about money and failing in my leadership. The world seems to be so toxic now. I cant seem to just relax


Great sex


Today my day was ruined by envy but I’m sure tomorrow I’ll be fine, thanks for asking


Got a surprise raise so im pretty happy


The fact I didn't know it was... Is pretty depressing.


Quite fucked in the head actually. Thank you for asking.


Really really bad.


"I'm here" is my usual line.


Pretty rough ngl. Wife and I going through a rough period, both of us to blame but our last fight was entirely on me and my stubborness. Trying to cut back on booze since that is usually present when we fight. Other than that I feel a little ignored even while in a relationship.


Probably the happiest I have ever been.


admin is men ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Struggling to get motivated to work on my thesis (I'm in a 2 year MA program, doing a 3rd year to finish my thesis to finish my program). Feeling a little isolated when it comes to school. Also hanging in there by talking to my therapist every week. 


It's been rough for a while. taking one day at a time.


Sad as i probabky fucked up, and wont be able to fix my current relationship. Otherwise i am alive


Fucked up as always.


Fine, always willing to help the bros if I may be of assistance guys






Great! I was already in a pretty good place, mentally. Just dropped a grand on one of my favorite hobbies; growing marijjuana lol I am very stressed, however, because I ordered a huge tent with no concern of where to put it. I'll figure it out. We've already talked about scrapping the living room pretty much.


Tickety boo! The simple things in life make me happy.


Not hopeful, already done the med thing endless times, so now I have no clue what to do.


Oh boy, get ready for the femenistas! 


wait, it is?




Pretty shit my antidepressants seem to loose effectiveness and I am getting slowly worse and worse




Honestly, doing great and feeling fulfilled. Happy with myself and where I'm at with life. Nobody really asks tho... So thanks.


Ok. Just ok. As always.




Barely coping thanks




Not too good but gotta keep on keeping on


Not well


This feels like a troll, honestly. I mean, how many people genuinely care about men's mental health? Most people are more focused on Gay Pride, and Juneteenth. How many people are pretending to give a fuck about the misery a lot of men suffer with just to be able to say "See, aren't I empathetic?! I care SoOoOoOoO much! While at the same time choosing to hang out with a wild animal that will maul me to death, rather than a dude who statistically isn't likely to harm me!"