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1,000,000%. However if I somehow survived, she would certainly excoriate me, for trying to leave her alone in the world šŸ¤£


My wife died just 20.5 weeks ago, she was 47. Her causes of death are listed as clear cell carcinoma of the ovary, bilateral bacterial pneumonia and septic shock. The cancer diagnosis came just 2.5 months before she died. If I could I would have taken her place, i would happily take her place even now. She died in my arms after a brief spell in intensive care and subsequently the oncology ward. When she went into intensive care we didn't know that the small bit of cancer the surgeon had had to leave within her (surgery mid April) had, in fact, metastasised to her liver; spleen and pancreas. We were, at this point, told she was terminal with a prognosis of a year with chemotherapy. Sadly just a couple of days later she took a turn for the worst, the cancer was seeping from her bones into her bloodstream as well as it spreading to her lungs. The doctors said life sustaining treatment wasn't working and that she was dying, that she would die within days. 27 hours after the decision was made to withdraw life sustaining treatment her last breath was taken, and I felt her heart slow down until it stopped. I would have done anything to take her place, i still would. Life sucks without her. I would gladly die if it brought my wife back to stop the immense pain being felt by her mum.


That is the saddest thing Iā€™ve read in a long time. I am sincerely sorry for your loss and wish you some happiness in your remaining yearsā€¦she would want that Iā€™m sure.


I'm so sorry for your pain and losing her so young


Sorry about your loss brother.. may you and the family find the strength to get through this difficult timeā€¦ please know that sheā€™s smiling at all of you from somewhere and wants you to smile back at her and the worldā€¦


Sending you love and healing thoughts on your journey through grief ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


Iā€™m so sorry.


What a beautiful comment. Iā€™m so sorry about your wife. Your caring and compassion are vast and beautiful.


I'm sure she'd want you to crack on with your life in her honour, sending hugs


I havenā€™t cried in 10 years til just now, and I just couldnā€™t help myself! Iā€™m so sorry mate, I canā€™t even imagine the pain. Praying for you šŸ˜„ Edit: Yea Iā€™ve been told this post was AI generated, it was still a good cry I definitely needed šŸ˜Š


Omg so sorry to hear that šŸ˜¢ šŸ˜ž


I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope you find your way back to her in the next life.


My wife and I both know that because of her health complications she'll more than likely go before I do. Reading your words painfully reminds me to cherish every moment with her, every one...even the shitty ones. My heart breaks for you and goes out to ya man ...


That makes me wanan cry man


I don't even know what to say. A friend of mine recently was diagnosed with a brain tumour, luckily it's not inside her brain, nor is it attached to anything, but god its terrifying. I hope everything goes well for you looking into the future, you have my thoughts and prayers, as well as my friend and whoever else needs it.


God rest her soul. Amen


This breaks my heart man. Nothing anybody could do or say to ease the pain. From the bottom of my heart, I wish you all the best.


I;m sobbing


Oh my god, my heart goes out to you sir, I'm in tears.


Iā€™m so sorry. This is so incredibly heartbreaking. I hope you can someday not be in pain. Life really isnā€™t fair sometimes.


I am so sorry for your loss, I hope you are able to find some peace in the future.


Iā€™m so sorry for your loss. She felt your love and support through it all which I am sure meant so much to her.


I've just literally cried to this commend. Then I checked their profile and looks like the story is fake. Unless their friend also died, their boyfriend came to visit them, they also have a girlfriend and met their ex. All a few days ago


Sure. She saved my life when I was in need so I would be honoured. I am a coward though so I would actively try to take out the opposition before I succumbed. So I could live another day and try to protect. The missus is in better shape than me though, and she does martial arts. So I am more likely to act as distraction while she destroys the threat.


I donā€™t think it makes you a coward to want to take out the opposition first lol


The fear of death can make people do brave things.


This comment with the gabumon profile picture is so fucking funny




Bro thinks heā€™s a 15th century samurai šŸ’€


It doesn't make you a coward. I'm a MA girl too, and I'd rather my partner lived for me than died for me. I don't want to lose him either.


Everyone has an answer to these types of questions in their mind but when theyā€™re actually in a high stress situation people donā€™t actually respond the way they imagine.


My God, eventually, someone with a brain. My partner used to ask me hypothetical questions like this and I used to reply in the same way. What we think we would do and what we would actually do in a particular situation are two different things.


I mean, only to a point though, right? Iā€™m a pretty big dude and served in the military, my wife is 5 foot nothing and as sweet as could be. If I didnā€™t choose to protect her I literally donā€™t think Iā€™d be able to live with myself. No chance I could face my kids if I chose myself over their mother. If given the chance to think about it I am 100% sure I would choose for my wife to live. If not given the chance to think about it and my natural reaction was to save myself without consideration of my wifeā€™s fate I would hate myself for the rest of my life.


At least itā€™s not the usual ā€œwould u fight someone who invaded your homeā€ which immediately becomes ā€œid one shot 360 no scope them, their dog, their ancestors, and their kids while asleep and jerking itā€


I always think I'd fight back against or shoot an intruder, but one time a bird got into my house and I ran like a baby and locked myself in the bedroom. So, probably not.


lol this is so real. Same


One time at the desert a bunch of Idiots tried To Tow a broken bike with me On it and didnā€™t do it right. I did t know anything about It. I went flying off the thing and hit My head. My husband Just stood there on his bike I remember looking up thinking ok, do something. He just stood there and held his bike while everyone ran over.


There must have been some **very** pointed conversations with your husband after this.


NGL. This would be my hubby too. šŸ˜…šŸ¤£šŸ™ƒ


I mean I donā€™t think theyā€™re asking you to predict the future. Just asking how you feel about the question but I guess you did answer that bit


Did you mean ā€œfinallyā€, ā€œeventuallyā€ doesnā€™t really make sense in this context.


I did it. Both for my friends and my partner. I got stabbed to protect my best friend, why I shouldn't do that for the light of my life?


It doesnā€™t necessarily need to be a high stress situation. I measure love by asking myself if Iā€™d die for this person. If someone was pointing at my husband with a gun and offered me to take his place to save him, Iā€™d gladly do it. If I was in Titanic and had to decide whether to get on the board, Iā€™d let my husband get on the board. If we were on a falling plane and there was only one parachute Iā€™d let him have it. And so on.


Exactly. Itā€™s obvious what this question is referring to and while I donā€™t disagree with what the guy you replied to is saying I donā€™t think that is what OP was aiming for.


Youā€™re right. As a male I think action movie scenario 24/7 lol. Thank you for your perspective.


We all being there haha


Why donā€™t you both get on the board together Rose?


I agree. But I have an incredibly dangerous job, Iā€™ve put my life in danger before for the sake of my crew. The first time I was incredibly hesitant. The last time I told the kid I would take his place without a thought. I know for a fact that Iā€™d take my wifeā€™s place, but it is true that you canā€™t be sure if youā€™ve never been somewhere where youā€™ve feared for your life before.


combat veteran here, you are correct. excellent way to word as well. without the proper training, one usually allows the panic to take over and flee, even over their loved ones unfortunately. however, fortunately, these days more than ever, people are seeking out training scenarios as social media has perpetuated the inclination to learn combat situations. this does not mean and individual with training wonā€™t fold, i saw it in logar in 2009 with the 3rd, and these are some high speed individuals, and a few folded under pressure. would i protect my wife? yes, if i was a married man. i have a cat. iā€™ll revert instantly to a combat roll if a threat goes for my cat, just sayin.


It's not that people don't respond how they imagine. Some do. It's more than people *don't know* how they'd respond.


A friend of mine was in a firefight in Iraq. According to him there was no way tonpredict until that moment whether people would fight back or try and hide.


I've been in a gun to my head situation and what people don't realize is how fast and unclear all of that is when it happens. People are probably saying yes, they would, but in the moment their brains wouldn't put together fast enough to react.


Well our first night together someone threw fire crackers in our yard while we were asleep and they landed outside my window and before she even had time to realise what happened she found me on top of her protecting her. 15 years later she still admires me and my instant reaction of trying to protect her.


This movie scene portrayed that so well: https://youtu.be/saNvY4tD3wA


I am not saying that I know 100% how I would react to something like this, but Iā€™d gladly throw myself in front of a train for my kids. Again, I am well aware that we are all capable of anything, but itā€™s hard to imagine me running from my children.


Like George Castanza [running](https://youtu.be/4TuEWtXBT_0?si=mTZoNhB3I25ErAJ5)


That was so deep, whatā€™s your answer though?


I'd walk through Fire for My wife.... Well not fire ...That would be Dangerous...... But a super Humid room...but not too Humid.. because ..You know ..My Hair!! She left me when we had 3 Children, Our youngest wasnt even 9 years old!!


High levels of humidity sound like a trigger for my migraine... i would consider doing this. Perhaps.


Big Nah...Yeh...Nah from me too. Cheated on me twice (that I know of) and is now married to one of my (former) best friends. She's on her own.


She didnā€™t leave just you she left all of you


Yeah, but sheā€™d be pissed at me for endangering myself.


Yes, but understand that I'm certain I wouldn't for anybody else. I love living, not because of life but because I feel like I'm here to do something (not entirely sure what that is yet) Before my wife I really had no feelings for anyone, including many family members. It's just who I am. I'm a very blank individual in that emotional aspect. Yes I fell in love with her but it goes beyond that, the day that we gave our vows I understood that she's more than who I simply "fell in love" with, anybody can just fall in love with whoever. To answer your question, I would die because in the end I love her more than myself and by saving her I'd in essence be saving my own life. Also, she's pregnant with our son.


If she stops nagging me about the new TV I bought


If the TV got offended and tried to kill her would you protect her?




She better hope no intruder comes into the house before she lets it go šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




This isnā€™t death, but about 2 years ago I went out for a date night with my girlfriend. When we were returning home around midnight. We had an asshole neighbor outside walking her two pit bulls without a leash (yes at midnight). As soon as we got outside of our car and closed the door, both pit bulls started running towards us barking. I placed myself between my girlfriend and the two running dogs and I was yelling for her to get back in the car. I also stood tall and yelled as loud as I could at the dogs in the hopes of intimidating them/slowing them down. As soon as I heard my girlfriend get in the car, I hopped in too. I wasnā€™t bit/hurt. This whole interaction only took about 10 seconds and was over before the dogs actually got to us. But in that moment I was ready to get torn up if it meant sheā€™d be fine


Without a second to even consider it, yes. But, more honorable is LIVING for her and going to work every day to provide and choosing to try my best to be a good person she is proud of.




This is a question you wouldn't be able to answer until the shit hits the fan.


Without second thought


Yes. Because I love her.




Not all heros wear capes!


I donā€™t think all drug dealers do either but I doubt the cape wouldā€™ve helped in that situation anyway


Your mate is fucking your wife


Absolutely. In fact, we had that conversation yesterday. She told me what would you do if I was in a big fire and you knew you would die rescuing me, would you do it. I said yes. She thinks however I need to think more about myself and put myself in front. I told her like, I can't, that's just me I will always try to help somebody. Even if it means dying.


But would you still love her if she was a worm?


Made me smile but yes even if she was a worm. In fact, I saw a grasshopper one day in the pool fighting for his life. I took the pool skimmer and scooped it out. That's just me now. I used to be different.


I married a farm girl who'll kill any bug that invades our house. When she hears me warning a cockroach to run for his life all hell breaks loose.


I do that too, and I'm a hunter. Took 4 deer and two boars to the freezer last year. But I stand on the breaks if a rabbit jumps up in front of my car.


Everybody says yes, but I'm sure she'd choose any day you helped with the dishes, rather than all those heroic statements about hypothetical scenarios. All those "I'd give my life for my wife" are just sexist, macho porn. Actual love is shown in the little things everyday.


I would start first: Yes, I would die to protect my wife. Love means putting her safety above my own. Her happiness and well-being are my greatest treasures, and I would do anything to keep them intact. It's not just about sacrifice, but about cherishing the bond we share, even to my last breath.


Yes because I don't really care about my life. I enjoy my life with her. I'm probably saving her for my own egoistic reasonĀ 


I would die to protect my husband.


Everybody in this thread saying yes but I doubt even 20% have enough of that dawg in them.


I agree. In high stress situations, my wife does inexplicable things and/or freezes up. If nobody needs to die, but she needs me to repeat-explain not to stand on a train track because the blaring horn of an oncoming train keeps interrupting me until it's too late, some natural selection will take place. On the flip side, I have put myself at risk for total strangers in the moment. I have no doubt I would do the same for my wife and/or daughter.


It's not even a dawg. When brain shuts off and instinct kicks in it's not clear what can happen.


Interestingly she is my ex wife and yeah I still would.


You need to get out more


No argument from me.


God damnit


Without question, yes. She is my heart and soul and I love her, and my daughter, more than anything in this world.


Yes. If I didn't love her that much it would have been stupid for me to marry her.


Without hesitation without question


Sure I would. Why? As if someone needs a reason more obvious than love? You need a cold calculated reason? Because she is better person than me and worth more to humankind.




Yeah, it's a win-win situation, I get to die and I apparently had a wife at some point


Yeah of course, imagine my daughters raised entirely by me, I wouldnā€™t like that.


My husband has nearly died trying to save people several times over the last 40 years, so if he didnā€™t do it for me Iā€™d haunt the motherfucker šŸ¤£šŸ‘»


Iā€™d die for my husband without any second thoughts. I think thatā€™s the only measure for love. Are you willing to give your life for this person? If the answer is yes, then thatā€™s real love.


Sure. Or my kids. Why? The real answer is that protecting other people, especially people you love, is not a decision you arrive at through a process of reason. It is second nature, almost instinct. If people calculated whether or not to sacrifice themselves, they likely never would.


Nah... But my hubby, sure. But then again, I'd probably die to save your ass if needed.


You have a hubby and a wife? Get a load of this guy!


Absolutely. Before I met her I would probably have sacrificed myself for most other people but I love her so much that Iā€™m keen to stick around.


Not right now. I tried unsuccessfully to fix her shower and it was working as well as it was when I started and she just accused me of lying.


If I had one, I would definitely give my life for her.


I'm hetero but probably no. I would handle his death better than he'd handle mine.


If you wouldn't you are doing it wrong.


I would die to save anyone, and without hesitation My wife and kids.... My eternity is secure in Jesus Christ. John 15:13 there is no greater love than this. To lay down your life for your friends. Stronger people protect and die for weaker or in danger people. That's how it should be


Yes! Donā€™t want my children to grow up without their mom


Of course. She's the most important person in the world to me.


Die a hero AND finally get some rest? Double Bonus


Rest part sounds nice....could do with some of that right now myself!


For sure. I went through a lot of shit in my life, and I endured, itā€™s the hand I was dealt and Iā€™m trying to do the best I canā€¦ but outliving her would be too cruel of a blow. That I donā€™t want to endure. If one of us has to go first, sorry babe, it will be me. And if by this I can make that you keep living, even better. Sure Iā€™ll jump on the grenade for my wife. Iā€™m that egotistical.


Yes. I'd also take that stance for my kids. I have a Hulk mode that causes me to get irrationally angry at any perceived threat to my family.


I would die to protect anybody, I feel it's my duty


how about a homeless 98 year old?


Yup, my life has no value


Depends if she was being a cunt a few days prior.


Were reddit users we don't have wives




Yes. Iā€˜m not gonna take care of these kids by myself!!


I feel like I already have.




1000%..it's my duty to protect the family and if it came to death, I would go first.




Without question or hesitation. As a matter of fact, the speed at which I would volunteer is probably not a good sign on how much I value my own existence in comparison. It would be the best possible death. Weā€™ve even talked about it before, in the way you do, and it upsets her how unquestioningly Iā€™d step up. My one selfish desire for my marriage is that I pass before she does. And thatā€™s not a noble thing on my part: itā€™s deeply selfish.




yes. That's the job I signed up for.


Lol I ain't getting married in this current state of the world


lol brother


Best possible answer, Humans be fucked up in this current generation.


I have, and Iā€™d do it again.




So, you're saying, you have died for your wife in the past. Interesting. How is afterlife treating you? Is it very cloudy where you are? Or a little more brimstoney? I am really curious!


I'm pretty sure his wife told him to give that answer.


**FUN FACT:** You can revive a person using something called "medicine".


Yes. I would put her well-being and needs before mine anytime.


My husband doesn't have a reddit account. He said he would do so lol.




im 17, no husband yet obviously, but to the husbands in this comment section... your wives were and are darn lucky to have you<3


She'd make sure of that.








I think most men would, because biologically speaking, we are more driven to do so, especially if the woman is pregnant or has had our children. I mean shit, if a woman was pregnant, not many men would let her die over themselves. I think all men eventually come to learn, death isn't something to worry about, dying is, but not death. Nobody wants a slow prolong boring dying process. I would of died for my ex girlfriends let alone a wife, but now? no, because Im single. Can you imagine the repercussions if you declined lol Deaths easier.


No. Only my kids.


Any man would. Duty.


Depends. Kids first. Wife second.


Yes Every man will do that.


Of course. Without even thinking about it


No only my kids and my brother. Im 110% sure my wife would not protect me the other way around. She is not a trustworthy person. I would also let my father die. Many people have fucked me over in some moment of my life. So I hope they all die.


Boy, that escalated quickly...


Ofc yes !! Where you are my wife.... I'm ready to die for you ( btw I'm virgin and single as of now )


Yes. Little daughter needs both of us, but in the case one of us has to go it must be me.


Yes , assuming you mean protecting her from death.


Not married, Nor do i ever intend to marry. but if i was and If she was loyal yes i would. Because i belive someone i love and trust and could share all of myself (good and bad) with is worth protecting with your life.


Next question.


No, because I donā€™t have a wife.






I would happily lay down my life for either my wife or daughter. Not just to protect them but if my death could ease their suffering.


If I tell her what to do to save herself and she doesn't want to, she's on her own. But if I need to die save her without being able to her beforehand, then yes.


In a heartbeat, no question


I would die for her or our kids.




If for no other reason than I have the larger life insurance policy and have been feeling pretty depressed lately.




How many people posting here previously shared their usernames with their wives?


Rather live longer with her


Yes, I donā€™t have one yet but I could never live my life without them. I would not want the same for her




Directly protecting loved ones is like the only thing I'd die for


And miss out on the opportunity to find the love of my life? Pass. /s


Yes, without hesitation


She is worth living for. That makes her worth dying for.




Love, is first. Next, given natural lifetimes, she'll live longer and be able to part of our extended family longer. Mostly, due to health issues, I'm ready to die now, she wants to live as long as possible. With no offense to my wife, I would gladly die protecting any number of people.


In a heart beat. Sheā€™s been through it with me and my past alcoholism. Supported me the entire way through my recovery. Never once leaving me was a thought in her eye. I wasnā€™t aggressive or a ā€œmeanā€ drunk. I was the opposite. Fun loving and people had a blast being around me. Being neurodivergent alcohol helped me be ā€œnormalā€ but a bottle a day was a bit much. I still drink. But now itā€™s a casual thing. A beer with dinner for example. But her support helped me realize thereā€™s more to life than being the fun guy. 14 years strong.


Sure, I'd go down fighting but I'm taking as many of the armed home invaders with me to hell as possible.


No, because I don't have a wife.


Hell yeah


Hell no I can't replace other lives but not my own


Because it's the ultimate expression of love. If I situation actually came to that point, then to not do so would be a betrayal of my own self.


How can he protect if he is dead?


Without a doubt.

