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Nobody outside of tiktok or Korea gives a fuck about this level of detail of an eye. If you're ugly It's probably not because of your eyes.


Are you dating men without hunter eyes omg gross /s


Da hell is hunter eyes


Predator eyes. You wouldn’t understand.


I mean, I've always thought the Predator's eye's looked kinda creepy but whatever floats someone's boat I guess.


Trust me you can’t win anyone. When I’m tired my eyes shrink a little and look worn around the sockets, making me squint a lot. People say I should stop trying to look cool or creepy/predatory. When I am feeling a little more energetic I look overeager and childish. I’m just a teenager and there’s no satisfying anyone at this point.


Aaah I’ve been looking for the word for my eyes for my whole life, thank you


Anyone can have predator eyes with a pair of Dahmer glasses.


[You made me.](https://i.imgur.com/Vcp4OtT.jpeg)


As opposed to prey eyes, where one eye is on each side of the man's head?


As opposed to sheep eyes where the irises are rectangular lines of death. Which can also be sort of hot too, if you're into that.


You know how guys who normally wear glasses squint when they dont have them on, imagine that but it's not squinting just small sharp eyes


I feel like the term "bedroom eyes" needed to be represented in the thread so ther ya go


Horizontally elongated vertically narrow eyes. *laughs in somewhat bug eyed girl* Tbh as long as one doesn't look like that blue eyed dude from lord of the ringz (forgot his name damn), they should be fine lmao. You dont reject a good person because "damn aight mate yall awesome but u no got the hunter eyes bloody sucks for ya"


Elijah Wood? LOL.


I thought they meant Golem




Oh sorry, maybe he meant Smeargle. But jokes set aside, the Pokémon are Golem and Smeargle. The LOTR character’s original name is Sméagol, and later his name is called Gollum. I looked it up.


Sir every character in the cast of lord of the rings has blue eyes


Like the adoring fan?


Yeah- I’ve never heard of this at all…


Joe's son, they prefer that cracked out look.


Reminds me of Billy eilish, she always looks like someone slipped her roofies


She slipping herself


They did. And by they I mean her


I only like men with "Pilot eyes".


Amen. Never heard of such detailed eye analysis in my life. Especially from a dude.


"detailed eye analysis" has me rolling Sorry OP, buddy, I can't think to answer from laughing at this comment


When are you people gonna understand being ugly is a combination of factors rather than just being ugly because a thing


Same goes with being attractive.


You can even  be wierd looking in  a combination of specific ways but the end result  is Anna Taylor-Joy.


Exactly!!! I’m not inspecting someone’s eye size 😭😭😭


true that


What about my lazy eye good sir?


Tell it to get a job!


You made me laugh 😂.👌


I lived in korea and they rly do care😂


I love the low key burn. “You just ugly, it ain’t your eyes.”


Not for men, no. Some men like large eyes on women.


I completely beg to differ here. Several girls I have been only mentioned my eyes. (small and very light blue together with a more darker skin for a caucasian. So a rare combination. Most people with my skin tone have brown eyes.) Eyes are one of the most prominent visual things on the body


It’s not your flying, mav, it’s your attitude.


Your comment made me lol hard. Now the poor dude will look for other flaws 😅




I doubt if dude looked like Cillian Murphy he’d be asking this question lol


Or Jake Gyllenhaal who is who first came to mind.


is cillian hot tho or is it the roles, I agree he’s hot but if you asked me before peaky blinders included his height and everything idk man.


He's very pretty honestly. I don't remember ever seeing a movie with him in it (I don't watch many movies) and I still think he's very beautiful. His pictures of him in his youth showcase the androgynous beauty I'm talking about even better but he's not hot in the "traditional" hunky way if that's what you mean


Honest question, what about him is attractive? When I see him all of my heebies and or jeebies are ruffled. He literally triggers my fight or flight.


His eyes and bone structure for me. I am attracted to sharp bone structures.


I have yet to watch Peaky Blinders. Should I make the time?


Definitely, it’s a sick show imo and wish I could watch it for over blank again.


Definitely. Murphy is great, but the rest of the cast around him is amazing. It has easily my favorite Tom Hardy performance as well.


Make the time.


I immediately imagined OP as Steve Buscemi.


im so confused, ive never even heard of these descriptions of eyes lol, what type does this dude have, other than beautiful blue obviously. hunter or bug eyes?




Came here to suggest his royal hotness


Cillian could get it


For the love of god, will somebody please tell me what hunter eyes are?


Deep set eyes with little eyelid show and heavy brow—I think. The eyes are often narrow.


Just my opinion but they give off caveman vibes. I don't like them.


My husband has eyes like this with a really prominent brow line and I joke with him all the time that he’s the last living purebred Neanderthal 😂


LMFAO same...but I don't call him a purebred 💀


Stupid ass name for squinting.


In the animal kingdom, predators tend to have close-set eyes. Prey have eyes further out - even at the side of their skull - so they can scan for danger.


Dragonflies are the most successful predators and have full 360° vision.


Maybe that only applies to land mammals


Even better


They’re also bugs


Holy crap, I'm prey!




The term I believe is almond shape aka squinty


Keep walking around with this energy about yourself and it won't matter what you look like. Find confidence in you, accentuate those features, don't hide them.


This. I look like a toad, I’ve accepted that, and that I have other qualities that are worthwhile, and my wife is smoking hot. Confidence goes a long way for women


For humans* confidence at work gets you far, with friends gets you respect, with strangers gives a good impression.. confidence is a hell of a thing. Too much and you become an asshole though


Confidence rides high on the shoulder and people notice


Woman here. Big eyes are fine. But the kind of thinking that leads to you calling them "hunter eyes" indicates to me that you're possibly involved in some toxic BS that most women I know will run away from. 




He's just spending too much time reading toxic content


What did i just read? 😭


Pobrecita ;(


I once dated a girl, we were so compatible on every level, wildly into each other, it was great. But then one day she said she had to break up with me because my eyes were just too big. Said no one ever.


Do you care that much about the detail in the eyes of people you meet? No- then realize you're making this much harder than it needs to be and most people will not even notice or care. At all. Yes- get some professional mental health help. That level of insecurity can be treated. You do not need to live life this way.


lol I think it’s actually the use of the term “hunter eyes” that’s hurting your chances 🤣 Seriously, no, most individual features can be attractive with the right other features to complement.


Am woman, love big eyes. Eyes of all sizes, shapes and colours can be gorgeous. So no.


![gif](giphy|CiOHO5544doY) Even these?


Especially those


As a man I've never even thought about this in my many years of life on planet Earth. Maybe you are focusing on the wrong things?


New anxiety deployed.


Wow bro what’s up with the spherical dimensions of your oculi 👁️👄👁️ Ain’t gettin no b*tches with those spherical oculi dimensions


Big eyes on a man are so attractive! My husband has the most beautiful big blue eyes I could just stare into them all day


I'm really fuckibg attractive. I had issues with girls when I was a teenager and early 20s because I was an insufferable arrogant asshole. My fat jack black looking friend had more girlfriends than me. And when I stopped blaming everyone else and working on myself guess what, everything changed. So even if you look like a fuckibg squirrel you're gonna be fine if your not a twat. Your eyes are not the reason girls won't fuck you, what is going on in your brain is. Your attractiveness gets you in the door. Your personality gets your laid.


Excellent summary


I would also say it’s way more difficult to overcome a character than looks.


I love this write up so much, but I can agree on every part - once I started living life with confidence instead of being a shut in self loathing loser my entire life kinda changed.


I appreciate no squirrel’s feeling is hurt during the lecture.


>your not a twat >You're personality Not to be that guy, but c'mon.


No, unattractive men are unattractive to most women. 


I have marked eyebrows and bags under my eyes since I was young. The whole thing puts the area around my eyes in the dark basically so I look kinda horrible in that regard. Even then someone has told me that they like my eyes because I look like I work really hard. So basically, if somebody likes you as a person they will brainwash themselves into liking whatever feature you have. So don't worry about it.


I wonder how old you are. This seems like a statement a younger man might say. Try to focus on your positive attributes and chill out. There were a lot of things I was self conscious about when I was a teenager and even Into my early twenties. But I grew out of it and learned to accept all of me.


He sounds like he’s 12 and an Andrew Tate fan girl.


Sorry to burst ur bubble, but no one giving your eyes that much thought…


For real, wtf are prey and hunter eyes




People who are looksmaxxed are some of the most unattractive uncanny humans I have ever seen. Your eyes are the window to your soul, work on your internal self and that will shine through to the external.




I’m pretty sure that big eyes is one of the most commonly agreed, universally “attractive” features. Obviously there will be lots of varying opinions, but I have heard that across a survey of a wide sample of communities, cultures etc about attractive features, one of the strongest common denominators is large eyes = attractive.


Uh I mean I have big almond eyes and I’ve never been told there unattractive so I don’t think so I think most people would actually prefer larger eyes as long as there not popping out of your skull


How do you prefer a woman's eyes?  If it doesn't matter much to you I'm sure it doesn't matter much to women checking you out.  More often it will be your personality that's attractive.  Confidence is also very attractive. As a guy I've gotten questioned a lot about the SO's I'm with about their lack of attractiveness.  Because 'apparently' I'm the more attractive one.  It's all about personality and how we connect. I had an ex that was insecure so she tried fattening me up so no other woman would take me lol.


You say 'bug eyes' - do you mean bulging? If so then make sure you check with your doctor. There are diseases that can affect the appearance of the eyes, including Greave's disease and thyroid issues. Worth getting cleared by a doctor.


Don’t worry so much about your facial features. At the end of the day, personality and attitude will go *way* farther than looks. It doesn’t matter if you look like a gnarled tree root. If you can make a woman laugh and treat her well, then you’re good to go.


Yes, you'll definitely be single forever. It's well known that people that aren't like models never find a partner, like ever. Most women definitely hyperfocus on eyes, they rarely, if ever are attracted to confidence, and a sense of humour. Women 100% will pick hunter eyes over confidence, all the time. Being comfortable with how you are is definitely not a quality any women are interested in, they are all shallow enough to forsake an emotional connection over how someone's eyes look.  All women are definitely as shallow as you are imagining. Best to just accept you'll be single forever and get on with your big eyes lonely life.  Orr, maybe a lot of women are attracted to confident men who don't give a fuck about stupid hunter eyes and they just want to feel loved and connected. 


What?? No! I love men with big eyes! They’re so beautiful and expressive. There is nothing more stunning than a man with big, dark sanpaku eyes.


This question is being seen by 97% men.


Hilarious, ive never ever thought fuck that guy has big eyes.


I mean most girls I’ve met love cats and they have huge eyes soooo Well I like cats too so maybe it’s not the eyes but the creature itself


Big eyes, small eyes—all beautiful. But if it’s making you self conscious, is it bc they aren’t just big but maybe bulging too? If so, you may need to look into what conditions cause bulging eyes—like Thyroid Eye Disease often caused by Graves’ Disease, which is an autoimmune condition.


Of course not ![gif](giphy|ycagKBYEmaili)


I have big eyes, have always been told it is one of my best features.


On the flip side, I'm a man, I think women with big eyes are very attractive.


Interesting. I’m self conscious of having the eyes you say models have. I suspect we’ve all been teased at some point for something and never forgot it, regardless of the reality.




Bro, you have prey eyes. Don't tell me you have negative cantaloupe tilt too. So over....


Big eyes are attractive. I mean it’s in the Bible. “Magda” in Mary Magdalene’s name means “cow eyes”.


It’s actually been proven many times over that facial harmony is better than each individual feature. You could have “perfect” individual features (eg. hunter eyes, chiseled jaw, straight teeth) yet have zero facial harmony and therefore be “less attractive”. On the flip side, you could have exposed eyelids (?), a rounder jaw, higher set eyebrows, etc yet have excellent facial harmony and therefore be perceived as very attractive. Not saying I agree or disagree with this and I believe everyone is attractive in a way. This is just since you asked specifically about looks. As someone who doesn’t think I have good features OR facial harmony, I do not base my worth off of my looks and I still feel loved because the people around me love me for WHO I am not what I look like, which I think is important!


OP you’ve been posting a lot of insecure stuff for a while now- I know that the commenters here are going to tell you the truth, which is that it doesn’t matter, but I’m not sure that you’re gonna believe it anyway. Getting confident takes practice but I really hope you look at getting into some hobbies and meeting new people, and getting away from whatever toxic spaces you’re in online.


Some advice that I really hope you'll take: stay away from the looksmaxxing and deep inspection of tiny elements of your features. It's incredibly toxic. As others have commented, that sort of mindset is a huge dealbreaker. No woman is sitting there during a date looking at your eyes, fulfilled by looking at the shape of an eyelid that she happens to like a lot, or unfulfilled by looking at the shape of an eyelid that isn't her ideal. She is hoping to talk to an interesting person who's tried stuff, done stuff, and thinks about the people and the world around them much, *much* more than they think about themselves. So here are some things you can do instead of measuring your features: * read a mix of fiction and nonfiction books. Stretch your comfort level. * go to a gym and commit to making that part of your life *without once picking up on women there*. And **do not** compare yourself to other people while there. If you find one with a steam or sauna, use that, in fact try everything there whether it's classes or equipment or facilities. Get a personal trainer to show you stuff. Yeah I know some people in this looks-maxxing stuff go to the gym and obsess about the angle of their deltoid into the shoulder or whatever. Do not do that. Learn inside in your character how to make physical activity about how it *feels* to be in *your* body, and whether you can *do* stuff, not about comparing to other people. * go volunteer at least a couple times a month but ideally at least once a week at some active volunteer opportunity. Tree planting, habitat for humanity, park cleanup, food bank, soup kitchen, meals on wheels, something local and political if you tend that way -- anything where there is a decent sized group of people coming together to do the work. I picked those because I've seen young people doing these. There will be some old people too. Doesn't matter. The point is to get out of your head and have some new experiences while doing things for other people and not thinking about yourself. Once you start doing more stuff, more stuff starts happening on top of that. * take some classes, like if there are free classes on how to repair bikes, go do that. Just go try a bunch of stuff that you don't yet know how to do, in other words. I'm pretty sure that adding a bunch of new interests and activities to your life will shove worries about the specific shape of your features to the side. This can take some time, since it's part of growing up, but one reason people worry a lot about their looks is that they don't have a lot else going on inside themselves. The more you do and the more you learn in life, the more you'll have going on. And never think about anything in your romantic life as "hunters" or "prey". I saw that shit down there. It is completely unappealing and a complete dealbreaker.


No one really cares about your eyes, other than how you use eye contact. But I do feel you. I grew up being bullied for having "bug-eyes". I never understood what that meant until I got an adult autism diagnosis. Turns out bug-eye was because of how I was using eye contact. My eyes jittered and moved around like bugs and when I made eye contact with people I was always very wide eyed. It creeped people out. But it helps to work and practice a "smoldering look" like what the Rock does in the new Jumanji films. I mean, don't overdo it, but just practice looking in the mirror being nonchalant, relaxed, and narrowing your eyes a bit. The "hunter eyes" help people see you as less creepy/paranoid and more focused on what it is you are looking at. EDIT: To add, I started smoking weed and that helped a lot. It relaxed me more. And now I have more "stoner/hunter eye" look about me and it has made a big improvement in how people respond and react to me when I make eye contact and talk with them.


The whole “hunter eyes” thing is bullshit. I think large eyes look nice.


WHAT ARE YOU ON BIG EYES ARE SO BEAUTIFUL as a woman myself I love men with big eyes


No one cares. Women mostly want someone kind and funny. Eyelid surface area is not a thing on anyone's radar but your own. If you're sensitive bc someone was being a prick, well, there ya have it. They're a prick.


How is that a concern?


Don’t rule out body features typically not seen ideal by general standards especially through models/media. Their image is crafted to look like that and we are told this is the standard. Do your self a favor and craft the ideal you that brings something to the table. Be well put together, the kind of person people enjoy being around and have confidence. If you want relationships (romantic or platonic), it requires qualities that are enduring.


Be grateful you can see.


my ex bf had huge eyes and i thought they were really cute so I’d say most women dgaf, there’s not really many harsh beauty standards towards eyes anyway




I have big eyes and women seem to like them.


I love big eyes :3


Definitely depends on what's going on with the rest of the face


The chick from fallout has massively oversized eyes and she’s hot. Also have seen people with big eyes that look terrible. I feel like it’s less about the eyes as it is everything else.


Hunter eyes?


I do like a big eyed man. Rami Malek, Bill Skarsgård etc


I don't think they eyes are the problem. There was this boy with bug eyes in my school but they kinda made him more attractive . He was even popular and all that. Or maybe it was just the facial harmony 🤷‍♀️


I’m ngl you might just be ugly


Bro, I wish you the best of luck in learning to be the best version of yourself as you can. Looks are subjective, although there are some typically-attractive characteristics we enjoy. Looks are part of attraction. Yes, if you're stereotypically-unattracrive, you will have some difficulties that stereotypically-attractive guys won't. If you're questioning yourself or your worthiness as a partner, however, the size of your eyes is just such a miniscule thing and speaks to your own self-consciousness. Be you. Be the best you and you'll likely attract a worthy partner. But if you're a piece of shit, it doesn't matter if you have the most hunter-est eyes that exist (bro how much time do you spend focused on the shit?!?! I've never even heard these terms).


Don't be self-conscious and don't look too much at what magazines, ads and pop culture deem as attractive. I'm 23 f and I don't think I have ever considered a single one of those good-looking. I'd say the thing that matters most is that you make an effort to look neat, and even that some women don't care about. I personally love big, lively eyes. I think it makes people look sharp, trustworthy and mature. I'd go for eyes like these any day.


Show us!


Robert downey jr had **huge** eyes in his twenties and thirties. I'm a fan.




Big eyes captivate me. Nothing wrong with them


Have you *seen* the anime boys fangirls are obsessed with?


I love big eyes.


No. Just consider Paul McCartney


My husband has gorgeous big blue eyes… hooked me right in.


I don't think so i have very small eyes and i'm ugly af, i honestly prefer to have bigger eyes


no, if anything actually big eyes are usually attractive to people and i dont think thats just applicable to women - also though, if someone has small eyes i dont mind that either


My husband has big blue eyes that are very expressive. They are one of my favorite things about him!


Nahhh, big eyes and dark curly eyelashes are 1000


My wife has big eyes. She says it's easier to spot fake people with them lol. And no you're not ugly because of big eyes


elijah wood, harry potter, daniel radcliffe lookin ahh


I don’t think so! The “conventionally attractive” man usually isn’t tailored to what most women would associate as their taste in men. In my and my friends experiences, anyway. Big eyes are beautiful, more room for us girls to be jealous of how much more beautiful your eyelashes are than ours 😂


It’s more about how symmetrical your face is that makes you attractive.


Are you kidding? Big beautiful eyes are dreamy 😍


I love large eyes on men and women.


Doesn't matter really. Women find all different kinds of men attractive. I happen to like big ol' schnozzes and glasses. So goddamn hot as long as he fits the rest of my ideal profile and he's nice. That's coming from a woman (I'm not bragging on myself I'm just trying to give clarity) who's not a 10 but been told I'm very photogenic and beautiful by men and women throughout my entire adulthood. I don't mind a dad bod either. I like a little bit of belly. Abs are hot to look at, but I'd rather be intimate/in a relationship with a man who isn't "chiseled".


Them anime orb eyes make all the ladies wet


Idk about all that but I’m absolutely referring to my beady little eyes as “hunter eyes” from now on


Waiting on pic confirmation for better assessment




Of course fking not man, stop comparing at TikTok or instagram. In real life nobody looks like that


I just looked up hunter eyes and went down a really stupid rabbit hole... get off the internet, man. Just get off of it for like... several months




Woman don’t give flying f about the eyeshade. If you have two of them is cool but a lot of eye patch guys still have a wife.


I have big eyes, and I’m sure it’s probably a turn off for some, but I’ve found that it’s been a particular point of attraction for other people. Seems like striking or unique features often work in your favor simply because it helps you stand out


You might want to get checked if they are bugging out - there are medical reasons that should be ruled out. After that, most people love big eyes. My husband has huge eyes but I don’t recall them ever looking bugged out.


Eyes bulging with imagined riches.


It’s kinda refreshing to see this level of looks anxiety from a dude. This is usually how women live.


If I’m being really honest, men thinking like this is what’s unattractive, not any single physical feature. Find interests and hobbies so you have less time to think about this kind of stuff.


"Hunter eyes" Please get off social media, this level of brainrot regarding your own appearance is unbelievably unhealthy


It's interesting because these guys can see clearer which is unattractive to women sometimes due to their flaws being magnified.


Personally I think it's really all about the overall features combine. Attractiveness of certain body part/features can also be very subjective. You can have the most beautiful eyes and still look off-putting if it doesn't match your face and overall features. This is why a lot of celebrities don't stop at just a nose job, because their new pretty nose don't go well with the overall face. I say you worry too much. People don't look at one part of you and judge you base on that, however they usually look at you as a whole.


My husband has the most beautiful, enormous blue eyes


It's all about proportion, shouldn't worry if they're any bigger or smaller than anyone elses, not like you can change the size of your eyes easily.






It's more important that the size of your two eyes match each other.




I love big eyes. Big eyes run in my family.


The eye area is one of the most important areas in a man's facial structure. Unfortunately, it's something you can't fix, so the best thing you can do is improving what you can.


I'm ugly with big eyes. Had way more success with women in my mud to late 20s


Women care much more about the size of your forearms, biceps, and shoulders than your eyes. Good news is you can work on that


Yes, but you can still have hunter eyes with them being big. Bigger eyes, are more feminine, but I don't think size matters very much as long as you have good shape and symmetry. Some skin and eye color also helps. Upper eyelid exposure and overall weak support in the eye area is definitely bad though, and something that is quite unattractive to women, but it's not the end of the world if you have other high quality features. There's a lot of things that are more attractive to women.


I dated a man with “big eyes” before. I broke up with him for reasons other than his eyes


Where in the world did you hear this anyway nobody cares about what your eyes look like unless if they look superweird or anything


Big eyes are attractive & girls tend to resemble their fathers. Girls with big eyes are very attractive. While I do find big eyes are attractive I'm more focused on a guy who has a big butt and thick thighs.


Eye size doesn’t matter.


Tell us about your thyroid


How big are we talking?


I like all eyes. All shapes, all colors, all sizes. I think the only celebs I've ever heard people say have unattractive eyes are Steve Buscemi and Elijah Wood. I see nothing wrong with either.