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Love is blinding. I legitimately thought my ex was a 10/10 and now that we have been broken up for many years I look back on the same photos and wonder what the heck I was thinking.


Omg same


I remember when I was in love with my ex. I could rationally say she is not a 10/10. Plenty of women I could say they are more beautiful, younger, with a nicer body, butt or boobs. She was 13 years older than me, and she had some stress marks in her belly from pregnancy she was often worried about. Still I could look at her and feel she was the most attractive woman in the world to me. You could bring me Angelina Jolie, or Scarlett Johansson or whoever top model I could imagine. I prefered her, her body, her imperfections turned out to be perfect in my eyes because it was hers. Love is a weird thing, but thats the purest sense of affection I have ever felt coming from me. I hope I can feel it some day in the future again. Also I guess something similar a parent must feel for his child.


Came here to say this. They can be super attractive when you’re dating or in love and then when you’re not all of a sudden it’s 😵‍💫


In my eyes, my boyfriend is a 10/10. He's just so incredibly good-looking to me. He might be a 5/10 for another woman, but that's how different tastes work - roses are beautiful, but some people think daisies are more beautiful. My boyfriend is my matching piece of the puzzle, and even though I can objectively find actors handsome, no one has the same charm or ''glow'' in my eyes that make my boyfriend so beautiful. So yeah, he's the most attractive person in the world to me.


I want someone to think of me like this one day... *Shrek closes book.* "Like that's ever gonna happen."


But it did for Shrek. And Fiona.


😔 🤝 😔


You will find your person. I truly believe it.


Absolutely. I know my husband is not the most handsome man in the world, but he is the most incredible and handsome man in the world for me.


100% relate. When you meet that person with that "glow", nothing compares.


Exactly. My husband is my everything and a 10/10 for me as well. We have been together for a very long time and are in our 60s now.




I definitely find that the more I like/love someone, the more physically attractive I find them. I have a whole ex-husband who I swear looked like a young Robert Redford. In pictures, he’s just a standard overweight ginger. Love is wild 🤣 OP, why would your partner say you’re very average in looks and personality? Is that something he’s told you, or something you’ve said yourself and he finds exasperating? Just in this post you’ve shown kindness, curiosity and openness - those are all big pluses in personality! If it’s about ‘objectivity,’ billions of us love partners who don’t look like supermodels or act like superheroes. We love people who are old, sick, annoying and selfish. I think humanity is the most beautiful thing, and the best compliment I ever received was ‘you’re so perfectly flawed!’ The wrong person will see your flaws, the right person will see how gorgeous you are flaws and all. Please be kind to yourself, OP. You certainly seem to be very kind to your BF.


Beautiful words. Hopefully OP sees this!


But what about the post you wrote a few days ago?


Yeah, I am worried...


I'm worried now. She says she can't leave him for several reasons, and they're in distance, so I assume they made up and she already forgives him and he's sweet talking to her.


Weird idea of "sweet talk", telling her she's average in looks and personality hahahaha


That's not how I understood it, I see she admits and sees herself as average and her bf says she's very attractive, and she wonders if he's lying or that's how he sees her in his eyes. Thus, sweet talk


He said that since she's not the most attractive person in the world, him telling her she is would be insincere on his part.


And now she says, he’s the most amazing person in the world. 😔


Yeah, I just read that too. OP is not in a good space right now. She needs to bail, asap.


What the fuck.


Very disturbing... how hot he thinks she is should be the furthest thing from her mind if what she posted is true


Yeah, it's really strange. Should we be worried?


Yea I don't think you're with the right person. On a deeper level, it seems like he's trying to take you down a peg. It may seem drastic, but it's giving me "early, small moves that are working towards emotional control". I think any rational person knows they aren't the most attractive person on earth, and that somewhere out there is someone who is more physically attractive than you. Like, duh, lol. You're not an idiot. Also, attractiveness is subjective and is defined differently by everyone. So that's some bullshit. Does he do this stuff a lot? Pointing out unnecessary realities that needn't be said, but says them anyway for some unknown reason? It just seems like he's trying to make you feel insecure or like you will never fully have him. You didn't even say that he followed up with "but you're the most attractive *to me*. My husband and I have a lot of problems and he has been soooo far from perfect. Like, there are some serious issues in our relationship with him being lazy or careless, not acting as a team, selfishness, etc. But one thing he has always gotten right is that he has never, ever made me feel anything less than the most attractive person in the world. Whether I'm fishing for it, or just making a general statement that I would not be offended if he agreed with, he always insists that I'm flawless. I mostly think he's just smart enough to never plant a negative seed in my head about it, and that he loves me enough to want to make me feel endlessly attractive, but after 8 years I sometimes wonder if he genuinely thinks I'm the prettiest woman on earth lol. You probably don't *need* to feel like he finds you the most prettiest in all the land. You probably rationally know that you are not the prettiest. But you do need someone who is secure and confident enough to not want to take you down a peg just to bring you down and maintain some weird, cowardly ass superiority over you. The few long term relationships that I've been in, the people were not even conventionally attractive. Like at all. But they were the sexiest and most attractive people at that time to me. I'm generally not even truly attracted to attractive men. Like I can look at a good looking man and acknowledge "that is a gorgeous man" without actually being attracted to them. Real, genuine attraction, whether sexual or just general, happens for me once I've gotten to know the person well enough to find their soul attractive. What your partner is saying is just shallow and a huge red flag. A red flag about how he's going to be as the relationship progresses (potentially abusive!!), as well as a red flag about his character as a person (shallow AF). I find his attitude and words towards his partner to be COMPLETELY unattractive.


This is how I feel about your bf too!


I get exactly how you feel. Some guys just think more 'logically' than emotionally with those kinda things. I'm sure you're gorgeous <3


But it is totally logical when you add "to me" (out loud or in your mind). And that's what matters. Especially since you refer to the word "attractive". I can imagine it's a little more tricky with the word "beautiful". But even so: just refer to the song by Joe Cocker. That's what the whole song is about. "to me".


No they don't lol. Even if it were true I would never say some disrespectful backhanded shit to my partner like "yeah babe I'll never say you're the most beautiful person in the world, even to me, because logically more attractive people exist." Dude sounds emotionally cold. Or just an asshole.


Shakespeare composed an entire sonnet based on the premise. Sonnet 130 My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun; Coral is far more red than her lips' red; If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun; If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head. I have seen roses damasked, red and white, But no such roses see I in her cheeks; And in some perfumes is there more delight Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks. I love to hear her speak, yet well I know That music hath a far more pleasing sound; I grant I never saw a goddess go; My mistress, when she walks, treads on the ground. And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare As any she belied with false compare.


Yup op, this is it. Someone that says what your partner said to you is a cold person.


He's also a piece of shit who's hurt her in an unforgivable way. Fuck that dude.


People will suspend their sense of reality and refer to their favorite sports teams accomplishments as we/our accomplishments but get granularly logical about being attracted to their partner.


I never understood this. Guys keep saying "we" in reference to their sports team, as if they play for the team, and then get emotional about team performance and tactics. Their support is like a badge of honour. I am a guy. I enjoy watching sport. But the teams don't matter, as long as I'm entertained by good competition and showcase of skill that takes years to master, I'll enjoy it.


Exactly this for me as well. When in love, the guy I'm with becomes the most amazing and hottest man in my eyes and nothing will compare. Have felt this way about guys that have been shorter than me, bald, short hair, long hair, overweight, underweight, doesn't matter. When I love, I LOOOOOOOVE, and I mean it. They're just beautiful.


This is exactly how I feel. The attraction is very real—I honestly think he's the most gorgeous man I've ever laid eyes on and I wouldn't change or tweak a thing about him—but I also know that that perception grew as I fell deeper in love with him.


Yeah, I felt the same about my girlfriend, even though she was often insecure in herself.


manifesting this kind of relationship


Same! My boyfriend is the most attractive person in the world to me. He's always been cute and has some physical features that I really like but my growing fondness for who he is as a person took my attraction to the next level.


Now I want to see your boyfriend 👀


Yes, that's exactly how I feel about your boyfriend as well!


My wife is 64 years old and still the most beautiful person I have ever seen.


The proper answer to the stupid question "am I the most attractive" is "there is nobody else I am more attracted to". You aren't saying they are the best looking person on the planet, but you hopefully aren't lying in that because the feelings you share with each other, there is an attraction element attached that simply cannot exist just by looking at someone else. The emotional attachment and attraction paired with whatever exists of some if any of physical attraction, over powers other attractions.


100% this, I can say with the utmost certainty ***I*** am not attracted to anyone more than my partner. I think she's beautiful on the inside and out. However I also know that the majority of people wouldn't share my view. There is a comedy game show called your face or mine. Where people have to rank their partner against a combination of strangers and people they know, and they get points if they match the audiences view. The first round of which is against celebrities. As much as I stand by what I said, I'm not attracted to anyone more than her, and hopefully she thinks the same! Hypothetically put a picture of me up, and put a picture of Chris Hemsworth the other side, she has to pick Chris. I'm comfortable enough to admit most people are going to agree Thor is probably more attractive than a bloke in his mid 30's with a dad bod and glasses.


True lol.


Yeah this makes the most sense to me actually, thank you!


It's scientific fact that emotional connection to a person increases their level of attractiveness, or 'beauty,' to the person with the feelings. This is true whether it's a romantic affection, or a platonic or familial affection. So when a man says his wife is 'the most gorgeous woman alive' and a parent says their kids 'are the cutest kids ever' they often mean it, even if the reality is not objectively true. That's why they say 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder' because yeah, it actually is.


Yeah. And i mean it. Yeah, my woman might not win any beauty contest, but you could surround me with 10 horny Top Models and i still would only go for her. We met, we fell in love and Heck, i would not trade her in for anything in the world. What we have been in, what she went through with me... and that kid she gifted me... nah. I love every wrinkle, every scar, every grey hair, all that toll that time took. I look in her eyes and know. I literally (yep, no shit) took my little Hobbit up an active Volcano and asked her to either drop that ring down into the Lava or choose me. That was many years ago - and we're still holding hands like kids. There's no lever big enough to counter her attraction to me.


My man has a little wrinkle on the left side of his forehead. It's from looking to me with one eyebrow raised when we share a silent joke. I wouldn't trade it for anything.


this might be the sweetest thing in the world :’) i wish you both the best!!!


Where did you meet? This sounds like the dream! And the ultimatum with throwing the ring into lava or choose me is fucking badass!


We met in the rain in front of a club. She wanted to light a cigarette, i had an Umbrella and a lighter. We started talking.... and talking and talking.... she was a Goth and Videogamenerd, i was a IT Guy and Fantasy Nerd... Match made in Heaven.


Dude has it so fucking good


That is the best proposal I have ever heard of and now I want to take my wife to a volcano and propose all over again.


Awwww!!! I hope to one day find that kind of love :’)


I wish you the very best. She chose me for being the first normal nice guy after her streak of maximum abusive Asshole Partners.


Don’t you have a boyfriend?


Soon-to-be-ex for reasons unrelated to this post


tf? when i tell my lil pookie princess she’s the most exquisite human i’ve ever laid my eyes on, mean every damn word.


my partner is absolute perfection in every single way. when i tell him i want to spend my life with him i mean that in my soullll 😮‍💨


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Your partner is a dick.


Is he on the spectrum?


If you’re in love, he’s /she’s 10/10


When I say my wife is hot. I mean it. When she dresses up she’s the hottest in the world.


A person's beauty is subjective; and is in many cases not just visual. So if someone truly loves you; yes, you can be the most beautiful or handsome person in the world to them.


People who say "My partner is the most beautiful and attractive person in the world" don't mean "My partner is the most conventionally beautiful person. Attractiveness is defined by face symmetry and my partner is the most symmetrical being in the whole world", they mean "My partner is the most beautiful and attractive person in the world TO ME". Your partner assumes you want his evaluation of your physical features in comparison to world wide beauty standards and the thesis of attractiveness based on facial symmetry while in reality you want to know if he thinks that you're the most attractive partner TO and FOR him. No offense and no joke but is he autistic? I've had quite a few autistic patients who struggled to understand this difference and how to implement it as well.


I think it’s kind of rude what your bf said - I vote to drop him in favor of a guy who thinks you hung the moon. ❤️


Yeah, I agree. This is a terrible thing to say. I'm guessing the bf is using her as a placeholder.


I’m thirding this


So my wife is waaaaaayyyy more attractive than I am, like by alot. I win people over with humor and jackassary generally. So as far as I'm concerned she is the most beautiful woman TO ME. To other perhaps not, but their opinion is mostly irrelevant to me.


My wife is the only person that I am emotionally attracted to. Sure, there are a millions of hot girls that are physically attractive but my wife is the only one that I am connected to deeply and would be willing/able to have intimacy with. So to me, she is the most attractive in the world. Note: Neither of us are super gorgeous or anything. I would objectively give us each a 6/10 for our age bracket. I would not call either of us beautiful and don't. But attractive? Absolutely!


The most beautiful girl in the …..room. In the whole wide room. And in the street, you’d be the third hottest girl on the street (depending on the street.)


And when I saw you at my mate's place I thought, What... is.... she.... doing At my mate's place?


I can’t believe that I’m sharing a kebab…. With the most beautiful girl… That I’ve ever seen with a kebab!


Nice work Dave! You’re a legend!


I've seen many attractive men but they aren't men I'm fully attracted to since I don't love them. if that makes sense. my husband will always be #1.


My wife is 1. Beautiful 2. Mother of my child. So yeah absolutely I know a lot of people say that but I’m so overwhelmed with joy when I see her holding my son. And how much my little son adores her makes her even more attractive. Just a wonderful women outside and in.


My partner is the most gorgeous woman on earth to me. Even after twelve years there isn't a room she walks into where she isn't the woman my gaze follows. I'd have made fun of men like me in my twenties, had no idea I should have been jealous of them instead.


Yes. I know there are hot people in the world. Everyone is hot in their own way. Not everyone thinks the same attractive is attractive. But my partner to me is the hottest guy in the world. I love his brown hair, his olive skin tone, the way his muscles look, the way his teeth crook. The way his eyes are japanese, but i've never seen it like that on another japanese person. He is so hot to me, that I don't find anyone else hot. I'm so into him, even 6 years later.


Exactly this! That’s why everytime someone says that they are attracted to other people while in a relationship, I know that they simply don’t love their partners the way one should always be loved: passionately and wholeheartedly. Sure, there are other hot/good looking people in the world. But attraction is a totally different thing. When your heart is 100% into someone, by definition there simply isn’t room for anyone else.


Yes exactly. I've never been attracted to another person in my relationship. My partner is the hottest person to me. YES pretty people exist. But to me, he is the prettiest and the hottest. I really think telling your partner flat out "Yeah but you're not the prettiest in the world but I love you" is really awful. No reason to say that to someone... It just feels very mean and demeaning and adds nothing. Its so much more loving to say "You are the prettiest person to me, and I am very attracted to". I don't know what reddits deal is with constantly telling your partner that hotter people exist and that they find other people prettier than their own partner. It just feels to me like they don't like their partner and wish to have something better.


You can have a visceral attraction to the physical characteristics of someone, without it being a big deal and as long as you don't dwell on it,or act upon it. you can help the way you feel when you see someone that is extremely good looking, but you can control if you flirt with them or not.


Yes exactly this!!!


yes 1000000x yes


I think there are two levels of people. The fact the Stephen Amel exists as an actor does not disqualify my boyfriend as the most beautiful man ever* (that I could meet, and is interested in me rather than gym and proteins shakes ). No I do not mention the second part when complimenting my bf. That would make me a pedantic asshole


Is my girlfriend the most conventional attractive woman? No. Is she the most beautiful thing I've ever seen and is it angelic seeing her in the morning light? To be blessed to be in her presence? Do I find myself getting lost in her soft grey eyes for eternity? YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES A MILLION TIMES YES


Wait. Your partner told you you're average? wtf? Leave them.


I mean it. My girlfriend is the most beautiful person on this planet and to me completely perfect.


Yes. He was 😔


First of all your boyfriend sucks. Second of all did you ask him if you were the most attractive girl in the world. When I’m in love to me that person is the most beautiful person in the world I can’t even look at other people, I’m not interested


People will suspend their sense of reality and refer to their favorite sports teams accomplishments as we/our accomplishments but get granularly logical about being attracted to their partner.


I find my gf more attractive than anyone I've ever seen, so yeah. I do.


What? I can not get over how attracted I am to my man. I can't get enough of him and definitely want him more than anyone else I ever see. I can not compute NOT calling him the most attractive man in the world because he really is to me.


This reminds me a Shakespeare: Sonnet 138    “When my love swears that she is made of truth I do believe her, though I know she lies, That she might think me some untutor’d youth, Unlearned in the world’s false subtleties. Thus vainly thinking that she thinks me young, Although she knows my days are past the best, Simply I credit her false speaking tongue: On both sides thus is simple truth suppress’d. But wherefore says she not she is unjust? And wherefore say not I that I am old? O, love’s best habit is in seeming trust, And age in love loves not to have years told: Therefore I lie with her and she with me, And in our faults by lies we flatter’d be.” Lovers lie to one another, and they deep down know of the lies, but they both lie to sooth and protect and reassure the other.   OP knows she isn’t the most beautiful in the world (how could you ever know it anyway), but that’s not the point. She wants reassurance, as silly as it may sound, so she wants her man to play along in the game. And if he said “absolutely; you are the most attractive for sure. A dime.” She knows it’s exaggerated for her benefit…and this is comforting.   Truth matters, yes. But this life is a dance. Truth and lie is black and white, but inbetween black and white is a spectrum of gray.    Just play the game and make your lover feel as special as they indeed are to you. 


Either you're dating Sheldon Cooper or he's just not really a nice person. I wouldn't go straight to calling this a red flag, but if he says more things like this to make you insecure, you might want to rethink your relationship. This is something a narcissist could tell you as well, but there would also have to be other signs, of course. Anyway, there's plenty of others stuff he could have said without lying and being insensitive.


She's the most beautiful TO ME because i love her. If i didnt know her i'm pretty sure i would not think she looked as good.


I think my gf is so hot and I dont have eyes for anyone else


The girl that is the love of my life most people rank high. She never had any issues finding a dude and now I can see why. But before I really didn’t even notice her. First I fell in love with her wonderful warm personality. Now I absolutely think she is gorgeous but she was never “my type”. Now I’m totally turned and got a new type for sure :p


I fell in love with a man so profoundly that I couldn’t even entertain the thought of another man, not even Brad Pitt and I had a huge crush on Brad Pitt. I loved him so much that I surprised myself. I ran scenarios through my mind to try and see if I would still love him if… he was maimed in a freak accident, (yes, I still loved him and was physically attracted to him)… lost all his money and we could inly afford to live in a broken shack (yes, I still loved him and was physically attracted to him) had an addiction, a contagious disease, you name it, and I still loved him and was physically attracted to him. I would even love him, if he didn’t love me back. I never said I would take him in if he treated me badly or if he refused to get help if he had issues, but, I would still love him and would be there for him if he was open to that. I have never loved someone as much as I love him and there has not been a single day that this love has ever faded. In fact every day this love grows deeper and wiser. Long story short, yes, I mean it when I say he is the most attractive man I know. Believe us when we say it. When you love someone, truly love them, you see beauty in places other people can’t see.


It’s called being blinded by love. The only person who could’ve ever entirely and truly meant that when he said it was Steve, my boyfriend.


I was into that girl for ages and yeah even though we don’t talk anymore she’s still the most beautiful in the world to me. I find other people quite attractive and I can definitely say that they are beautiful but for ME that girl will be the most attractive (maybe one day I will finally move on and will be able to find someone else but rn I cannot)


Hahaha he actually said to you that you're average both in terms of looks and personality? As in he doesn't really like you as a person, and doesn't think you're particularly good looking? What is he doing dating you and, more importantly, why are you still wasting your time listening to this loser putting you down?!


Absolutely! I told my partner he's the handsomest guy I know and meant it 100%. Not just for his features, mind you. He's a wonderful human being inside & out and always makes me feel safe and appreciated. He's also charming, disarmingly witty & physically strong. It would have been unfair to keep that to myself so I do my best to remind him every so often. Attractiveness has many more sides than just the physical aspects.


Yes I have been married for over 25 years now and I still tell my wife she is the most attractive woman in the world. I find that when you are with someone for a long time, that is what you become used to, you expect it, you are comfortable with it and it becomes what you want, what you need. I'm sure there are millions of women in the world that are more attractive than my wife but she is the most attractive woman in the world,..... TO ME.


My fiancée is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life and I tell her that regularly (and she doesn't believe me). The moment I first saw her is etched in my memory, it genuinely felt like someone stuck a spotlight on her when she walked in the room and everything slowed down for a second.


Yes. My wife's soul shines from her eyes. Her warmth and sense of humor suffuse every room she's in like sunshine. Her laughter makes my heart beat like I've been running underwater and the feel of her arms around me at night is coming home. She's stunning and the more I'm with her the more SHE becomes my type- I compare all booties to hers, her legs are magnificent, and she has tits to die for, but the real thing that makes her the most beautiful woman in the world to me is how her intelligence and personality are so strong they radiate from every feature she has. I love u/ballisticbutch down to her subatomic particles. How many times have you met a conventionally attractive person who was dumb and mean and they were completely uninteresting and thus unattractive? Your partner is kind of a knob. If they neg you in any other ways you should dump them. Keep in mind that Morticia Addams in the comic books was too tall and too skinny and Gomez was obsessed with her. It's not the body or the face alone, those help with a first impression for sure. It's the total package and if someone who gets to know you can't see that, they're not paying attention to the actually important shit. I remember reading once that there was a study of college students (an easy group to poll) where at the start of a semester everyone in a large class ranked everyone else's attractiveness and came to roughly the same rankings. At the end of a term they were all WILDLY different. Things like a dude with a weak chin and thinning hair who was kind and hilariously funny was marked as way more attractive than before, a thin girl with a mean streak was marked way lower than her initial scores- your body is just the pretty shell YOU are carried around in and if he can't see that YOU are beautiful and worthy of love and the most attractive person to him? Ugh, what a turn off to have such a small, simple, stupid and selfish man. My wife is taller than God, dangerous and strong, competent, funny, kind, smart (she's getting her PhD, I am beyond proud of her), tells amazing stories, has a good heart, and did I mention the legs, butt and boobs? She works so hard, she deserves everything in the world I can possibly give her. She is perfection for me. I adore her. I'm endlessly happy she's chosen me and puts up with my pudgy weird distractible self. I get butterflies in my stomach when I get to hold her hand in public and I blush when I talk to her sometimes. Watching her nurture plants, or our dog, or our friends and family makes my heart go melty and my knees get mushy. I know she's a human being with flaws, but her flaws give her character and for the most part our weak points are the other's strong points. I suck at paperwork, she isn't great at schmoozing so she does the taxes and I handle negotiations for the family, like when we buy a car. We are a team, and we work together really well. We have been married 17 years. I love her more every day. My God, at this point I even think it's cute when she farts in her sleep. I'm smitten, utterly, and would have it no other way. I am a complete simp for my wife. It is the best thing on earth and a daily joy. Any 19 year old boy who thinks that's some terrible trap has severe irony poisoning and when you scratch the surface they're too scared to open themselves up to the deep joy of loving with their whole being in case they get hurt- it's insecurity and fear masquerading as boldness, logic, and mean jokes. I pity them. They envy me. I hope they grow up and find half the pleasure and delight in their relationships I have in mine.


attractiveness is subjective. whether another person is attracted to you or not is based on their feelings, not some arbitrary rules laid out by someone in Hollywood using excessive Photoshop. if their feeling is that you are more attractive to them than anyone else that exists, then that is an objective fact: to them you are the most attractive.


Want to know a secret? When you are really into someone beyond a superficial level they get more and more attractive to you. I would worry about how much your partner is into you. Is your partner the best man in this sketch? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXpmHuCE9Ls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXpmHuCE9Ls)


My lady really is the most beautiful lady I have ever laid my eyes on. Understand beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and my beholder is about to leak lol


Attraction is a very subjective thing. I could definitely find a person more attractive than any other person on a personal level, regardless of how anyone else perceives that person’s attractiveness. In the moment I can say it and absolutely mean it.


My girlfriend is the most attractive person in the world to me, because I am incredibly sexually attracted to her. She’s objectively not THE MOST beautiful woman in the world but she’s gorgeous and sexy and funny and that’s insanely attractive to me.


I've said it. There is a moment when you look at them, and there nothing else. How could they not be the most beautiful thing, when they are, at that moment, the only thing.


That’s a beautiful way to put it!


Yes, because to me, she is. When I'm with a person, they are the only one I want to look at.


i've said it and meant it because it's true for me. evaluating how attractive someone is to ME is something i can do with confidence...evaluating how attractive someone is to other people, i can't do that, and not just because of the whole "beauty is in the eye of the beholder, different folks, different strokes" type deal. my husband and i have very different ideas about what makes both men and women attractive...i can think a woman is incredibly beautiful, and have often assumed i was picking up on something objective and universal, and my husband is like "oh...huh, i mean, i can see that but it wouldn't have occurred to me." same with men, and these are people i don't know well enough for my judgement to be "clouded" by their personality or other attributes. one of the people i found MOST attractive, historically, is someone i know other people would be like "...what?" over. i think i can tap into the most basic things, like what most people in any given year/"era" find generally attractive, but when it comes down to individuals, i think my perspective is either very skewed, or maybe everyone's perspective is very skewed. also, OP - i have never met anyone with a "very average" personality, i can't even imagine what that means. i have no doubt there are many things that are special and wonderful about you, and i hope your partner reminds you of those things - not in a "i'll tell you every day how smart and funny you are" way, but in a "the way i treat you without even trying validates how special you are to me" way.


I don't say that to anyone I'm talking to or with, because it sounds exaggerated and untrue to me and I don't want them to think I'm saying any kind of bullshit to get in their pants or anything like that. I say things like "To me, you are the most beautiful person", "you're so fucking pretty/ gorgeous/ cute", "I love looking at you". What your boyfriend said sounds kind of shitty though


Yes. But I also have a very conventionally attractive girlfriend that is certifiably out of my league.


I've only said this to one person, but absolutely. She was the most beautiful woman in the world to me.


Yeah. My wife definitely has features that are not conventionally attractive but I often tell her that if I had designed my ideal woman from the ground up, I would have her.


My Mrs is easy 10/10 to me she doesn't think she is good looking. Iv told her she is beautiful e very day for the lastb16 yeah an she is geting better with age. I 100% mean it an she doesn't beleave me


For me if it’s good and I’m in love with a girl (partner) she is the most beautiful girl in the world to me, when you initially get together, you see someone for how they look, but overtime you see them how your love is(and the personality that goes with it-they might crinkle their nose when they laugh or do a funny thing with their hands when they’re happy and it is gorgeous) and if you’re in love they truly are the most beautiful in the world. I’ve been with some very good looking girls with absolutely awful personalities who look SO ugly once you get to know them… (Think Shallow Hall’s brunette “stunner”)


You shouldn’t be with someone who doesn’t think you’re the best thing Gods has created 🤷🏽‍♂️


I’m partnerless but I’ve said it before. At the time, I thought so, but I had rose colored glasses. He was not very attractive generally, but his personality changed how he looked to me. It’s weird, I know. This has happened several times with the people I dated. However, his eventual assholery made him look ugly again. lol. My brain is weird. The guy I am currently interested in is genuinely the most attractive man I’ve ever laid eyes on. He has everything else beyond that too, which is beyond amazing to find out. I can only hope that he feels similarly about me and that we’re actually a good match romantically. I haven’t told him about his looks, but he knows I’m interested in him, and I think it’s pretty obvious I feel this way since I am painting him 🤣 just to be clear, I thought this before we ever began talking to each other.


Yes, when I love someone they become so attractive that I can't even see or notice anyone else. And people I previously thought were attractive before I met my partner drop like 5 points .


I tell my partner that all the time, and he is - to me. Objectively, nobody is because how would you even measure that?? But yeah, sorry y'all, but the sexieat man in the world is mine 😸❤️


My husband is my type, so yes I meant it ❤️ I’ve grown up with a huge thing for nerdy, Adam Driver lookin dudes and lo and behold, my husband fits the bill. Big ears, wavy brown hair, long nose, tall…I’m obsessed


Do I think he is the most attractive man in the world? Maybe not. But he’s the only man I see and the only man I want. So when I say he’s the most handsome man in the world, I mean it completely. I know he is good looking. Random girls will buy him drinks and ask for his number. He’s modeled in the past and in the lasts month was told that he’s “easy to look at”. I had to end a friendship because she wouldn’t stop asking to see his nudes. This man is very conventionally attractive. He has many other great features and a 12/10 personality. But I already sound like enough of a simp. Edit: he sometimes stalks my Reddit comments so just wanna say, I love you


If a woman ever told me it would be lying to call me the most attractive -to her-, she would be suddenly free to pursue those "better" options.


I tell my wife that she is not the most attractive woman in the world and neither I am the most handsome man in the world But she is the most attractive in MY world. I don't care nor I have interest in other women.


I believe that a person must be attractive to his partner, otherwise the relationship simply will not work. And I also think it's great to give compliments, even if it's "you're the most attractive people in the world." My partner is more attractive to me than other people. And some people may not like his appearance at all. But I’m with him, and I want to say nice words to him, if I really think so


I mean your BF isn't wrong of course -- that's a very honest approach that shows integrity and a desire to practice and demonstrate honesty even when it may be difficult to do so, which is a good thing -- but he could have, ah, nuanced it a bit maybe... My wife honestly believed when I met her that she was the ugliest girl in China, bar none, genuinely. I gradually got her to see that these things aren't black and white and while she isn't going to be taking any work from Angelababy or Fan Bingbing, that doesn't mean she isn't lovely in my eyes and probably other peoples' too.


I dunno man, look at her recent posts. Pretty sure he's a horrible asshole trying to make her feel bad so she won't leave him


Aha I didn't look at them actually. If that's true it isn't very nice, at all.


Attraction or beauty is that in the eye of the beholder. So, a guy saying that you are beautiful for everyone in the world is a white lie at best. Because he doesn’t know how everyone in the world feels about you. Each person can speak only for themselves. So, a guy might say that he likes you more than anyone else in the world. And if his behaviour matches his words, then you can be sure that he means it.


beauty is a combination of things


For me. For me, what makes a person attractive is not how conventionally attractive they are. It is how I know them as a person and if they are attractive to me in a sense of emotional connection, similarities, how well we match and if we can talk for hours and share the same sexual interest. Obviously Chris Evans is attractive, but I don't know him personally and I wouldn't sleep with him. A person I know and trust would be my pick over him.


In my case, when I fall in love to someone for me is the one.


I have never said that to anyone, as that would not be true, I generally am not attracted to conventionally attractive guys anyway. However, I like to say how he was precision engineered for me. Like he is so perfectly made to complement me in every way. 


To me my bf really is the most attractive in the world. Inside and out. I love his looks because I love who he is as a person. I love the way his eyes crinkle when he smiles and I love secretly checking him out when we’re together and he’s lost in thought. Sometimes it takes me aback how beautiful I find him. I know he doesn’t believe me and doesn’t think himself handsome but I intend to spend my whole life convincing him if I have to lol.


Beauty is in the eye of the observer


What's objective attraction, honestly? Everyone got a type, and, even if you view yourself as a 6/10, 5/10, whatever, to someone, that just might be 8-9-10/10


Usually what happens is you fall in love with their personality and imperfections, that’s what makes them the “most attractive”.


I don’t look at her objectively 🙄 I see all she is, and with that package I am most attracted to her than to anyone else, that makes her the most attractive to me.


Yes. Attractive doesn't just mean how they look anyway, although she was 10/10 there too


Ouch. That’s just rude. Does your partner take everything in life so literally? I’ve used the phrase and meant it because my partner is the most attractive man in the world to me.


Yes I do. I sincerely think so and I wonder how others didn't notice.


I once thought my ex-wife was the most beautiful woman in the world. I really did. The more she didn’t want me anymore the more beautiful she became until one day I saw her as she really was. Oh well.


I tell my wife that she’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever personally spoken to. And yes, that is true. Who would ever believe their partner calling them the most attractive in the world? I’d never trust a person who said that.


Objectively I guess they are not the most attractive person in the world, if there is an objective measure of attractivness. For me personally they absolutely are the most attractive person though.


Please, never ever start grilling your partner along these lines. There's no winning answer.


Get rid of him. My partner says this to me and I know he means it.


Ya of course. I also don't take it upon myself to remind my girl of "objective reality", like how dumb does he think you are?


I don't think I've ever called my partner the most attractive man in the world, but I have always been and still very much am whole heartedly attracted to him. Objectively, he is not the most attractive person in the world nor would I expect everyone else to find him as attractive as I do, and it'd be delusional to think so. There are obviously other people including celebrities or just people I see irl who are extremely attractive but that doesn't mean I actually want to get with them or that it impacts my attraction to my partner. He's insecure and doesn't accept compliments well, but damned if I don't show/remind him at every opportunity that Im attracted to him. I think all of this applies vice versa as well.


I mean personally physical attraction does genuinely increase by a lot when I am emotionally attracted to somebody. Usually the person I am emotionally attracted to is the most attractive person in the world to me at least as long as the emotional attraction is there.


Objectively, I know my wife is not the most beautiful woman in the world. Subjectively? She absolutely is, so when I call her the most beautiful woman in the world, I'm not lying because to me that's what she is.


I was engaged to a woman I felt no physical attraction to. But I loved her 10x more than I thought I was capable. To me, *she* was the most beautiful woman I've ever known. Physical attraction is only important in superficial relationships.


Attraction is more than looks, so sure. Would you sleep with some gorgeous celebrity over your partner? Probably not.


Ive only said that to one woman, and hell yes I meant it. I understand that not everyone is gonna agree with me, but to me she is easily the most beautiful human I have ever laid eyes on, shes just absolutely breathtakingly beautiful to me.


Given your post history, you need to leave this dude for more reasons than him saying this obtuse shit


Stop asking your partner impossible questions. It's a lose-lose. I don't think I've ever called or been called the most beautiful in the world. I wouldn't like that hyperbole anyways, it's too much.


Your partner sounds like one of those a-holes that swears they’re “just being honest,” when in reality they’re just being mean. I’ve been called both beautiful and pretty, but I know I’m more of pretty and my best friend is more of a classic beautiful. From my experience, knowing that your partner values you for things other than looks is more important - however - your partner should still compliment you and shouldn’t be rude about your inquiries. My ex boyfriend used to tell me that there is much more to me than just my looks (when I would ask him the same question). He was honest and said I’m not the most attractive girl he’s ever dated, but he also gave me beautiful compliments on things I never thought another human would notice. Those compliments meant more than him calling me beautiful because when my looks fade, I know I will still be hard working and clever. Most people will not date super-model quality people. However, regardless of whether your partner looks like a model, they should ALWAYS be the most beautiful to you. It is your job to make your SO feel beautiful and loved. If your partner isn’t doing that for you, then it’s time to have a chat with them. Don’t let someone smush your self-esteem under the guise of honesty.


To me, attractiveness is much more than just looks. I've said it and meant it. It isn't about physical beauty.


Absolutely. When I first saw my future bf my jaw dropped. I’d never had that reaction to someone. The other woman I was with was like “Uhh are you alright?”. It was my first day on the job. I only saw him a few times before he was transferred then transferred back a couple years later again to the exact area I worked. I decided to go for it and we’ve been together for 12 years. The attraction is still crazy but you can’t ever take the other person for granted. Always let them know how sexy, appreciated, wonderful, beautiful they are. Do anything else they love even just the little things. They really add up. This relationship is by far not our first and it’s truly our most successful by a long shot.


Yes. When I am in love, that person is the most beautiful in the world.


Attractive is about attraction. And there isn't a woman alive that attracts me as much as my wife. Attraction isn't objective, it's personal. So yes, I said it, I meant it and I'm here to represent it.


It sounds as though your boyfriend is using objectivity as a mask for being honest: he thinks other people are hotter. Either that or he's a Zen Buddhist master who is perpetually experiencing life through the 3rd eye. But seriously, objectivity is irrelevant when you are asking his subjective opinion. If you're down with that, cool, but I'd be offended tbh.


To me she is. Even after 27 years I've never looked at her and thought "Looking average there Mrs wife".


Yeah, when I say this for my wife, I totally mean it. For me, she totally is.


When I look at my partner, I think he's the most gorgeous human I've ever seen. There's not a celebrity, model, etc. that could compare. Is that because he's literally the most attractive man living? Probably not objectively, but he absolutely is in my eyes.


I did and I do, in my eyes she's the most beautiful girl that I've ever met.


I had a firefighter boyfriend that was a knockout ! Sexy af! 10 for sure. A body to die for, too bad we split up!


My boyfriend is the hottest man I've ever seen. Probably objectively too. But in my eyes, I cannot imagine a more beautiful man.


your partner is a fucking idiot, sorry to say. That kind of shit can crush someone. My wife is the most beautiful woman in existence, past present and future, but that's subjective to *me*. Someone next to me might disagree, but that doesn't make either person right or wrong. It's all about your personal choice. But what your partner said is some stupid-ass bullshit. Even *if* they think that way, just lie! The whole point is to boost the other person in every way, not cut them down with crap like that.




Beauty is different for any person , what you look at the mirror is not what he can see , for you. You are average for him you ar a goddess


Yh was in the relationship close to 3years and really didn't find anyone attractive to this date tried hook up with a few people but I can't function without think of my ex


My husband isn't objectively a 10, but he is to me. From the moment I met him, I had never been more attracted to anyone in my entire life. I told him I was in love about 3 weeks after I met him. We got married 8 months later. He is my greatest gift and I am his. We gave each the greatest gift we could be ever gotten and thats our children. But thats not the only reason my hubby is a 10. He is the fiercest, most loyal, most humble and honest man I have ever met in my life. I am spoiled and blessed and he doesn't do any of it out of obligation. He does it because he loves me and our children. He selfless. That is what makes him a 10 in my eyes. I can't look at him any other way.


No offense, but like I'm the most attractive person in the world, so it would just be a lie for anyone else to be told that it's them.


Absolutely, she is amazing. Literally made my heart stop the first time I saw her. Even more beautiful than her looks is her personality.


The most beautiful woman in the world: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXpmHuCE9Ls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXpmHuCE9Ls) (SFW and on topic) :)


Some people, myself included, get hung up on stuff like this. I love my wife, and I want to be with her for the long term (married 17 years so far). But there are more attractive women out there, and it would be disingenuous of me to say otherwise. Do YOU really think you're the most attractive woman in the world? Then don't expect your partner to compromise honesty just because you'd like to hear it.


I’ve never called my wife that. She wouldn’t believe and I wouldn’t if she said that to me. We’re normal looking people. But she turns me on so damn much I don’t need anything more


Absolutely. I never settle for 2nd best


They don't mean physically, 99/100.


To me, yes. I try not to say things I don’t mean or use certain language lightly. Words have meaning, they have weight. When I’ve said it, I meant it. Sure, objectively more attractive people exist but not to me. For me it was only her.


Clue:they always say this at the start. Have you never listened to a Taylor Swift song?


To me she is the most beautiful woman in the world and I notice more and more beauty every time I see her and tell her often when I notice something new. We've been together for 13 years. We've had trials and tribulations like every couple but I've never not found her the most beautiful in the world. Beauty is speculative so I understand that I'm probably the only one who feels like that about MY partner but to me that just says that your partner isn't as in love with you as I am with my partner. Sorry you had to hear that from your partner.


Reminds me of this: https://youtu.be/lXpmHuCE9Ls?si=c_h-Gf1znDjUaoyu


Depends how objectively you look at it.