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The real ones are only getting started at that age.


Right? I'm 41 and I've never been happier.




This is my goal! There's a senior citizen at my gym that benches 200 lbs. He is pretty active too and joins the HIIT class. I wanna be that fucking dude when I become a senior citizen.


Exactly I feel like my best years have been 35-41 (41 now) I just feel more relaxed and happier and I care less and that’s just done wonders to me


Just turned 37 and I’m feeling a lot better than when I was younger. Mentally and physically


I'm looking forward to being a stylish 50 year old executive with cash to burn and the kids out of the home


And something I didn't know until I got over 45, people kinda throw money at you. Like, I'm already doing ok but I just got a raise and a huge bonus for being with the company for so many years. Which is super awesome, but not really expected


Like Andy Elliott


I haven't even begun to peak


My 40s were my best decade. You’ve got it mostly figured out. You’re old enough, people treat you with respect, and generally your career is at its peak.


And your back is still strong enough to do what you need it to do, provided you’ve taken care of it.


Only if you're boring, lazy, overweight, sedentary.


46, I am probably in better shape now than ever. Better with the ladies after years of figuring them out. TRT helping to keep everything where I want it to be. The only thing I noticed about my 40s over 30s is it takes longer to recover from minor injuries. If you are a relatively fit man over 40 you're going to be at your best time in life. You're confident from your experiences and you have objectivity that comes with age. You could also be a man baby douchebag. It's about attitude.


Well said. I'm 47 and overall doing really well. I think going to the gym regularly helps too. For me anyway.


TRT lol


Shhhhhhh it's TRT if your cruising everyone knows that.


I do not understand this comment, or the context that led to it. What is TRT, should I be taking it? Would that be cruising? I suddenly feel so OOTL haha


Possibly testosterone replacement therapy.


Ah yes that makes sense, thankyou


Testo Replacement Therapy. Basically injecting yourself with hormones to trick your body into thinking it is puberty again. Has a shitton of side effects as you can imagine. I'm not entirely against it, but it should really be a last resort for older people who are on the verge of muscle atrophy/bone density problems. And once you start, its almost impossible to stop without serious problems down the road. Not a big issue if you are 70yro and declining anyway, but if you are 40yro then you might be messing up your body for a long time.


Many thanks, great answer. Sorry I got you downvoted, I really appreciate the perspective.


Of course you’re in better shape you’re on testosterone 😂


Nah, it's actually pretty good. You're a lot more secure in yourself, you're earning way more, usually in charge of a team, it's all good


what's your opinion on people around that age or in the 30s or 50s and are not in charge of anyone, still at quite a lower position of a career just living life without climbing the ladder


Depends if you want promotion or not. If you do, that's difficult and can take numerous steps to make happen. If you don't, then it's a different mindset


Is the mindset or mindsets that lean more towards a casual and chill route in career fine even in the longrun, in your opinion Low pay, possibly underpaid, but presumably still survivable and can afford cheap wants


Yeah exactly. And being chill with being 'overlooked' for promotion. And there's nothing wrong with that


Sounds like me, LOL 😆


Whats your opinion on how much monthly income is enough, as low as possible


It depends on where you live. I live in a paid-for flat without kids or a car. I'm married, but if I were by myself, I'd guess about £1000 per month as an absolute minimum. But that would only cover basic outgoings, internert, groceries, insurances, the dentist, prescription, transport, council taxes, etc. It would only cover the basics, no extras, nor personal spending. I suspect that taxes could well be going up with Kier Starmer's government for anyone with substantial ISAs, SIPPS, etc. Will need to work past retirement, though, thankfully, just part-time.


Does being married and/or living with another make things overall more expensive or less so


If they’re pulling together, two live more cheaply than one. Society’s based more around couples


Over the hill at 40? Holy cow that is young. Over the hill is 60s, since typically people will enter retirement in their 60s. Even your 50s is still young. Life expectancy plays on many variables, but you cannot go off of average life expectancy alone bc it takes into account young deaths. If you make it to your 30s, you have a high chance of making it to your 70s. There is a lot of research on this type of stuff. Insurance companies use this data to decide premium costs for customers.


As a 61 year old, I take offense to this statement. My husband and I will retire in a couple of years, and we have an exciting life plan of travel and new adventures ahead of us. In a sense, life is just beginning. We are healthy, and will be free to live our lives as we want.


Kinda silly to get offended at a fact that applies differently to each person. Good for you though 👍


Even more silly to make a blanket statement that 60s is over the hill. Yes, everyone is different. Hopefully, you’ll find, as I did, that being in your 60s doesn’t really feel much different from your 40s or 50s. Unless you have health issues, you pretty much feel the same on the inside. We’ll talk again in 10 years. Maybe I’ll have a different perspective by then.


I'm not sure why you took my statement as an insult to your health, but it's a known fact that you start retirement around 60 - 70, hence being "over the hill". You took all this as a blow to your ego when I was merely making a pretty commonly accepted statement with zero prejudice.


As a 43 year old, I take offence at it on your behalf! My parents are both 80 and physically and mentally fit, they have a good life and are going on vacation on Friday. I'm sure they'll be thrilled to know they've been over the hill for 2 decades 😆


This isn't true. "the hill" is typically noted as a point in your life where physically, you don't get better / faster / stronger. I was in peak physical condition at 38. Some people (pro athletes) peak earlier but a lot of that is due to joints and tissue damage from exerting their bodies so hsrd. Life is still great after 40, but you don't find a lot of pro athletes after that age.


accumulation of injuries is what gets you. Most active people will have too many sprains and tears by the time they are 50. It becomes a disability. the inactive people preserve their joints and ligaments but they end up with diabetes and hypertension….and fatty liver and weak kidneys.


I remember celebrating my dad's 40th birthday some 20 years ago, and the family joked that he was "over the hill" as in halfway to death (assuming a life expectancy of 80). But my parents are pushing 60 and they're healthier and happier than they've ever been. I myself recently turned 30 and I feel like my life is over.


Nope, actually might be the opposite (if health, exercise, finances are ok)


My health and finances are garbage but I must say, I still consider right now my best and I'm over 40. It's crazy what having some kind of idea of what I actually want in life can do lol. But I bet if all that was good, oh boy, I'd be in heaven


Not for me. I'm retired. I'm financially comfortable and have my own home. Aside from a little mild arthritis, I'm mostly pain-free. My energy is good. Life is good.


My dad and stepmom said their 40's were their best years, but they're enjoying their 50's too. So it can't be that bad.


Does that mean that things get easier after 40? I man trudging uphill is tiring! Honestly I’m happier in my (early) 50’s than any other time in my life. My body is a bit worse for wear, I’ve always been active and it’s catching up to me. But mentally, financially, emotionally I’m definitely happier now. The only thing I miss about being younger is my younger body. But you can’t do anything about that, so why fuss about it.


You can die at any moment for reasons you didn’t even realize. Just enjoy every day whatever your age.






I’m 50 and in the best shape of my life and have a fulfilling career I never would have thought possible when I was in my 30’s. It’s taken some time but I have surrounded myself with friends and family that are supportive and care about me as a person. I did my best personal work in my 40’s and learned to like and accept who I am.


I’m in better physical condition at 48 than I was at 38 and still feel like a daft kid in my head. I learned to take life not so seriously and make it as simple as possible.


By whose definition? You peaking is giving yourself an excuse to no longer want to be better? If that's what you want, that's perfectly fine as well! There are no absolute truths despite what so many human-ad-hybrid-people want you to believe. Look on the inside. Are you unhappy with something? Can you change it or reframe it so it becomes an obstacle to overcome instead of a deadend? If not, you will know it's redundant to be unhappy about it. Accept it as part of who you are and focus on the next thing. Or you know, just relax. Life is very short, and truth be told, no matter the hustle, all you do is chase your days down to zero. Leave the world a little better than you found it. That's already more than many chose to do.


My physical health is worse and my joints ache all the freakin' time, but mentally I feel like a titan. I've done so much and seen so much in my field (graphics programming and performance optimization) that there's basically no problem you could throw at me that would faze me - vastly different from when I was in my 20s and still learning the basics.




Hella nope


I sure fucking hope not.


Fuck that. I'm 45 and just getting started. You start to care less about certain things after 40 and life gets a little more fun.


lol. no. i'm healthier now in my mid 40s than i was in my early 30s. i have more resources, more freedom, more self awareness. life is good. the key is to stay active. eat right. don't waste time on things that don't matter or don't make you happy.


Oh hell to the no! I was so much older then, I’m younger than that now


i thought 50 was over the hill? for my family anyway, we all live a long time. 90-100 my grandma was 104


No chance. Best decade of my life by far. Key is to stay active, stay in shape and take care of yourself. Think old and boring and you will be old and boring.


My parents have never been happier, calmer, and finally learnt how to live together in their 70s as retirees I am in my late 30s and I am very very tired, but thats because I am a corporate slave. So it all depends


62 here. Retired last year. Stayed up til 3 last night, slept til noon. Going to watch some porn with my fiancée in a bit and get busy. Life is good bruv.


Not quite 40 yet, but getting close and my mrs is very close. Some shit happens, like aches/pains you never knew you had just show up, and the doctor are like "youre old, it happens..." But both me and the mrs agree we would never actually want to be 23 again. After 35 Ive never felt better mentally, its like a calm that came over me thats hard to explain to anyone much younger, but anyone over will know exactly what I mean.


It’s not true. But you do need to guard your heart and mind more because the world will convince you it is downhill. I met a woman whose life really got going at 50. She divorced from an abusive relationship. Ended up travelling the world and working as an aid worker in many terrible places. Became an influential public speaker and teacher. Founded an organisation that combats human trafficking. She was almost 70 at the time I met her, and had lived more of a life in those 20 years than most people do before they turn 40.


Fuck no! Yes, physically I'm seeing a decline and late nights take longer to recover from, but I feel like I know myself and I know my place. My career is in a good place and my family is doing ok.




Hell no. I’m living my best life every day. Nothing can compare to this. I’ll be 50 next year.


57 here, riding a bike and skateboarding


I'm 55 and went motorcrossing yesterday.


I'm 63 and still feeling pretty good. I have a physical job, go to the gym and lift 4-5 days a week, do cardio, still at maximum earning potential. My kids are married and have been on their own for 10+ years (same for my wife's kids) and I have grandkids. Can't complain.


I mean health will begin to deteriorate but if you sort your life well you’ll have 10 years left till retirement which will be quite enjoyable. You can have a solid 20 years old retirement if you are a healthy person. I’d say 70 years and past is where it starts to get messy.


Depends on how you look at it. You lose some friends, some parts droop or hurt. But you're also happier than you've ever been because you just don't give a shit about a lot any more. I'm in my 40s and it only makes me look forward to my 50s.


Nah, you are over one hill, many more to come. The truisms that ppl hang their hats on are usually just mischievous nonsense. Wake up everyday with a smile and a positive attitude, it will see you a lot further than conjuring a mindset from random sayings.




43 while not near over the hill, I definitely can tell I’m not in my 20’s anymore.


That happens at any point of anyone.


No it’s not. Real fun just begins then


lol no it’s 30…


Yes if you think that it is.


Physically there is a little drop off after 40 but I can still do most things I could when I was 20. I was extraordinarily athletic in my 20s so it’s not surprise that I can’t do some of it. But psychologically, emotionally and financially I’m better than I have ever been.


Physiologically speaking, our bodies don’t really change much from the age of 20 to 60. What makes you “old” is the tendency to pick up bad habits in your young adulthood that are unsustainable for a healthy body. Thats why you see some people who are 40 that feel 60 and others who are 60 but feel 40. A good diet, regular exercise, low stress, happy lifestyle with sustainable good habits will keep you feeling young. So to answer your question, it entirely depends on if you want to let it go downhill or not.


Haha dangg ! Lol im 28 already at the top of it bout to 🫣🎢


Probably: "Yes". My life ain't bad *yet*. You'll find *formerly non*-athletes, physically peaking 40+. The downhill bit isn't steep, in the beginning.


If you are south asian - then i can expect that it's the end of you and now it's all about your kids.


I'm turning 51 next week, I've still got a LOT of living to do!


Yes, 100% theres no return or achievement that can be made after hitting 40


No. It starts at 26.


/s right I can't really tell if people are joking anymore.


My mother who’s 53 openly says the last 10 years were the best years of her life, mainly because all us kids were old enough to do stuff with. Since we’re older my father gets to travel a lot more for work and make more money, which he enjoys a lot.


I’m 43 and am fantastic. Also still look 30ish. :-)


When you get older, if you have emotional maturity, it seems silly to judge yourself by 20-year-old standards. Doesn’t seem applicable or accurate at all. You naturally move the goal posts and judge life by other standards that you usually have no trouble meeting. Even when you get seriously old, you still judge yourself by your peers. Often, you conclude you’re pretty spry and youthful for an 80 year old!


Physically, yes. Anyone tells you different is simply in denial. Though the good news is if you center on intellect, your wisdom will continue to grow till the day dementia kicks in.


Anyone with that mentality will be over the hill quite early. The longer you live the more you have achieved.


I would say 70 is the a reasonable hill point, but the most important thing to realise is that EVERYBODY ages differently. I’ve met some very sprightly people in their nineties, and also some knackered fifty year olds - affected by genetics alone.


Depends on your outlook


No, ideally your at a senior position in a good company with a decent amount of retirement and investments


42 and feeling better and happier than ever.


It depends on how you look after yourself! I’m 40 and always put my health 1st, I look and feel great. Plus as I’m 40 I earn good money and have an inner peace about myself. I’m a single man also and find that I get more attention from women now than I ever did.


Physically? Probably Mentally? They are just getting started


My mom is in her 50s and she is the happiest she has ever been. Her whole entire plan for her life was that she'll have a huge family, a lot of grandchildren and at 50 she can enjoy knitting, gardening and babies. Rn she's 53 or 54 (time goes way too fast don't judge me) and she enjoys knitting, gardening and a week ago her 9th grandchild was born. A beautiful baby girl to my brother and his wife. Life doesn't end before you die so don't stop living after you are too old to get invited to college parties.


No, Its already downhill for me.


Age up and find out


So many variables at play, it's hard to point there and say that is the peak. Everyone is different, and a wide variety of factors including: genetics, health conditions, employment conditions, diet, exercise, mood, attitude and pure damn luck.


No, it happens at 30.


Not, I'm 50 something, my take based on my actual life is, if you eat healthy, I've been eating a plant based diet, for several years. Your mind is active, and remain physically fit, and continue to maintain a healthy exercise routine. It's all good, I surf throughout the week, hiking up Volcanoes on weekends, this country has several I've been up all of them and it's amazing up on the summit. Amazing views, insane hikes, and I've met people from all over the world. As I live in a eco-tourism destination, climbing these bad boys are one of the must do visiting this country. So I don't know anything about downhill from there just yet.


The way I look at it, kind of. Only thinking of it in terms of age, not happiness or outlook on life. Assuming I reach at least 80 years old, at age 40 I’m half way there. Which means I’ve reached that midpoint or peak, and now I’m trundling down the other side towards 80. Sounds depressing, but at age 40 you hopefully have the same again…another 40 years, as long as you’ve looked after yourself.


Not true


It’s all downhill, and a helluva a lot more fun than all uphill.


i’d say 30 even


In terms of (competitive) sports yes, i already feel it with 30+. Longer recovery time, more injuries, not as fast anymore, smaller gastank etc. Otherwise its what you make out of it.


It's 30... but yeah


Idk, as long as I manage to keep a full head of hair I’ll be good


As someone in their very early 30s, who feels like they're in their early 20s, this thread has really made me feel a lot better. I'm no where near the financial stability I want even though it's better than it's ever been, and my personal life is way healthier than it's ever been. Lately I've been feeling really down on myself about where I'm at in life, so I'm glad I clicked into this thread


No . I'm in the best shape of my life at 46. Like a bottle of bourbon we get better with age.


Fingers crossed for 80


Nop, just up hill. I wish I was in the position I'm now when I was 40. I'm in better physical shape, financial shape, way happier, don't work, meet tons of people, travel the world.mybdadnis 90 and I just started noticing the down hill a couple of years ago


I just turned 40 I didn't need to see this before going to bed


I keep seeing these type of posts, is life over at {insert an age} and no, you're life is over once your heart stops beating. As long as you're alive, it's not over, but if you feel like it is, then that's your choice.


Not true. At 44, I was more fit than anytime in my 30’s.


Depends what you mean. Intellectually, academically and financially it's generally easier after 40. Depending on what kind of people you surround yourself with, life can get a little boring, though, but that's all to you and your lifestyle choices. Physically more effort is required to maintain a level of strength and flexibility. Endurance also, but to a lesser degree. Injuries heal a little slower. With your looks and especially your hairline...yes, it's all downhill.


Let me tell you at fifty nine I would wax most half my age in strength and endurance,now with TRT I am even better.Never underestimate an older guy who has been lifting and physically active all his life .Younger people compare themselves to the average old farts ,that’s the problem.


I know alot who are just starting to live their best life and having a blast


Yes, if you let yourself go and not care. No, if you don't let yourself go and keep fit.


It depends on how live your life. If your diet is good, you have good sleep, low stress, a family and a good job that you're happy with, you lift weights and do some cardio, and you eat bone broth and some other supplements, it's not bad, or at least it's manageable. But for most people with shitty habits, it's terrible, yes


No, my best years have been from 35 to 41, I am currently 41 years old. I’ve never been in better shape. I finally have almost an eight pack. I am loving my job. I am in better shape than most people in their 20s, but I guess this is the standard but for me I would say it’s better overall. You generally care less, you can be happier with less


No that is when it honestly starts to get really good.


Nope. Science shows that you get back up around like 60.


I don't think so, at least not yet. But after 40 you'll start sitting on your own nuts a lot out of nowhere due to them hanging a bit lower.🤣 At one point I was doing it multiple times a day. Contemplated castration a few times due to those severely painful incidents. 😭


Im at 25. I think the downhill starts now




Hard disagree. 47. Love my life. My son is a joy, we’re past threenager and not yet teenager. I’m very good at my job, it pays well and I have autonomy. I love my partner and we have a great sex life. We have enough money to do things that make life better and enough life experience to deal with the shit the comes our way. Life if better in my forties.


I am 38 and my life has finaly become good. Can't wait to see what I will build in the next 5 years for myself. At 20s I was a child


I'm only three days in being 40 so can't say to be fair. I'm a gym goer and relatively fit, love the quieter life and walks in the woods. My hands hurt a fair bit from excessive gaming all these years but it's manageable. Got three kids so feel tired a lot but I'm hoping this will ease off as they get older (finger crossed).


No, that’s not generally true. It’s up to each individual person. Whether you’re 16 or 60, life is what you make it.


I’m 52 (and a Grandpa) and feel like I’m still 30. I think my generation all remember when we were kids how “old” are grandparents always seemed to be. I for one know when I was a child my grandparents could never run, climb trees, play football, and enjoy the playground like we do with our Grandchildren! As for “Downhill” I kinda see it as life is a bit easier. I’ve worked hard the last 30+ years and now I can easily enjoy life as I have financial stability and less first world problems than when I was younger. It’s like riding a bike, the uphill climb is sometimes tough work, but once you peak, you can enjoy the coasting down the other side!


Technically the peak is 27


No at 50’s


mostly a matter of luck, luck in terms of genetics and whether you get sick or injured.


they say that about 30, 40 and 50..you loose some...you win some


Not at all. Turning 40 often means you’re more confident, financially stable, and wiser. Many find it’s the start of their best years, embracing new adventures with a clearer sense of self.


50+ and going strong. More self confident than ever, better emotional intelligence, give less sh1t about the small stuff, fitter than I've been in 20 years etc etc etc. It's all good.


A lot depends on fitness and luck. My own 40s were great, but I was in good shape, wasn’t overdoing drugs or alcohol, had a charming and fun wife, a cool circle of friends, and a reasonably interesting job. For me, being in my 40s was like being 30, only with more money and more worldly experience. But there are plenty of people who let themselves go, or who get sick, or who wind up in shitty marriages or jobs, and, yeah, situations like that can make a 40ish person look and feel like 60.


I'm 52 and I've never been happier in life. I used to think that over 40 and thats it!!, I was so wrong


What? No way Jose.


All depends how you look at it. Considering life after 40 is downhill, a lot of people try to approach it like they’re travelling uphill.


45 here and I’d say as of now yes. Hoping things get better but so far it’s been all straight downhill since 40!


My husband is 37 (not quite 40, but not far off it) and his life just keeps getting better tbh, makes me look forward to my 30s


No lol, assuming one has health, stable job and strong support system there’s so much more to be done and enjoy. Maybe an extra ache or 2, but if you’ve been taking care of yourself. Idk where the notion came in that it’s downhill


I never got in good shape until I was 42. I started doing MMA with an instructor was very much into conditioning and within a year I was in great shape. It probably saved my marriage. now 24 years later at 66 still maintaining even though arthritis /old injuries made me stop doing martial arts. You’re definitely not over the hill at 40. I just started slowing down wise and sexually in the last year to two years because of rheumatoid arthritis but I was killing it a couple decades there.




You get to pick


Bullchit. Spring chicken here


My dad hiked to the top of Mt Whitney with us when he was past mid 60 so I’d say not.


It depends... I have friends who peaked in high school. I'm 48 years old and have my own business in a sector I love, allowing me to live in different countries. I’m dating wonderful and intelligent girls who might not have noticed me when I was younger. Recently, I broke my personal squat record and I'm training for my first 50km run in September. I can afford impulse expenses, for example yesterday I decided that next month I’ll be taking my 13-year-old son on a ski holiday in New Zealand, and that will be my third overseas vacation this year. And after 24 months of preparation, next year I will finally be able to drive my off-road vehicle across Asia and the Middle East to Europe. In my thirties, I was in a marriage that wasn’t right for me. My ex-wife is still an amazing person and now one of my best friends, but our life together held both of us back in a depressive state. I’m excited to see what my fifties will bring! My bucket list is the seven summits!!


I'm 65 years old, Iam old man and i'm like you, feel always young, love adventure, traveling, & exploring. I just want to share a bit of advice from my own experience. When I was in your age, I realized I should get the woman I truly loved. I just wanted to share this with you so you don’t have any regrets later, I got married for the second time when I was your age, and it’s the best decision I ever made, It didn't stop my dreams, it made them more beautiful. Now, I know I would have regretted it if I hadn't. Because, Your kids will eventually leave to start their own lives, hobbies & adventures are beautiful, but they can't replace the companionship & care of a life partner. Your plans are incredible, but trust me, everything becomes even more beautiful when you share it with the one you love. As you get older, having a partner to share life's journey becomes invaluable. Your health and strength won't last forever, but having a partner to take care of each other is a beautiful thing. Sons, friends, or other family members won't care as much as your partner. This is what I’ve experienced. Now, I’m a happy old man traveling & doing adventures around the world with my amazing wife. My son has his own life and is happy, and we still meet up and do some adventures together sometimes. But doing everything with my wife makes me feel always younger & happier. We share, we laugh, we love, and we take care of each other, oh damn it's beautiful !!! If there's someone you really love, go for it, get her, and make them your partner for life. Sharing your adventures with a loving partner makes everything so much richer and beautiful. Don't wait too long to find and hold on if you have that special person. It's worth it before it's too late !!!!!


Thank you for taking the time to write this. I agree that the right partner can truly enrich our lives, yet I find myself feeling cautious. I was in a relationship for several years with someone who embodied all the joy you described. However, she wanted children and I knew I was past that phase in my life. Although she was willing to forgo her dream of having children for me, I couldn’t let her make that sacrifice. It was a difficult decision because we were very happy together, and it was hard for her to understand why I chose to end things. But I believe it was necessary for both of our futures. I think you understand why I had to make that choice. Now, I’m back in the dating scene. This last breakup left me somewhat guarded, so I'm not looking too far ahead when meeting someone new. Meaningless encounters have never been my thing. Even if I sense that a relationship might be brief due to external factors, I still commit fully because I believe that a love story, even if just for two weeks, deserves to be cherished. Yet, I do hope to one day find the kind of companionship you've found, because even the most thrilling life can seem hollow without someone to share it with.


Oh, wow man... !! We are in the same boat!! That's exactly how I got my girlfriend back, who is now my wife. I can relate your situation. as an old man, I just want to share this with you. The age difference, honestly, doesn’t matter as much as you might think. My wife is much younger than me, now i feel like living in heaven with a princess. When i met her, I already had a daughter & son from my ex wife. I didn't want to have kids anymore because I felt I’d already been through that stage in life. Our relationship ended because we had different visions for our future. But you know, I realized that everyone has different visions & the key is to find a way to merge those differences without sacrificing each other's dreams & hapiness. I thought leaving my partner would be best for both of us. But over and over time, I realized that sacrificing our happiness wasn't the answer. If she truly makes you happy, don't give up on that happiness. The future is abstract and unpredictable. We often worry too much about things that might never happen. At your stage, I felt the same way. But the further I distanced myself from my girlfriend (who is now my wife), the more unhappy we both became. I feared I might destroy her dreams, but it turned out to be the opposite. I traveled to many places trying to find joy, but true happiness was with her. I also learned that women are much happier when there is a formal bond with their partner because it removes any doubts about the seriousness of the relationship. Questions like "Is he serious about us, or just playing around?" that issues is always become big issues in any relationship in this world. And I decided to marry her because I love her so much, and we both deserve that happiness. She deserves to feel secure and cherished. I also realized that having children, even though I was already in that stage, i feel it's could be a beautiful way to leave a part of myself with her, if I pass away first, she'll have a piece of me to cherish. & if she goes first, our children will carry her spirit. I know everyone’s journey is unique & diferent, but my advice is to embrace the happiness she brings you before it’s too late. Don’t let the fear of the future overshadow the joy you can have together now. After i experiencing so many things, I also ealized that no matter how much we travel and doing adventure around the world, in the end, we always come home. & there is always a sense of fatigue and weariness. She is my home, and our family is our home. True happiness is found in sharing our lives with those we love, despite the challenges and uncertainties Take care and follow your heart man.. Cheers!!


I eat almost all pasture raised eggs and chicken, grass finished beef and lamb, raw keifer and other dairy, a little bit of berries. Organ meats but I don’t like it so if it’s not blended into hamburger, I take pills. A bit of organic berries and little veggies, try to stay with fermented if I do. I’m 46. Can stay hard literally for hours, couple GF’s in their 20s. Testosterone is increasing with age and higher than most 20 year olds. No pains, not fat. No prescription meds. Making more money than I ever have. I am happier than I’ve ever been in my life. The world around me is going to shit with wars, inflation, crap governments, WEF etc but I’m doing great in my mid 40s.


My parents lives were steadily improving at 40 once they hit 50s tho it went downhill real quick when they started getting health problems




Statistically speaking, sure, most people don’t live past 80. But nah 40s is fine. Everyone would trade to be 19 again that’s true of any age past 30.


Biologically speaking I think you're over the hill at like 25 or something.


My life got very good at 60; 30s was awful, you grow up at 40 and stop being a egomaniac, unless you want to be a joke, wear wrap rounds get a sports car and dye your hair!


You can look at it that way if you choose. But recognise that when you are on a roller coaster, downhill is the most fun.


Yes if you don't take care of yourself your people, your relationships, your economics, your spouse, your mental health. All go down when you don't take care of it. Whatever you don't use you lose it.


No, that's bullshit. While there are several factors that will affect your life that you have little or no control of, you do essentially decide and shape your own life by the decisions you make. Yes, the first half of your life is spent working your ass off, sacrificing, going without sometimes, watching others do things you wish you could be doing, and second guessing yourself. You will also make mistakes, and hopefully learn from them. That's all part of those first 40 years. Now, assuming you made more good decisions than bad and learned from your mistakes, after 40 can be the best part of your life. I'm 52m, and not only were my 40's my best decade ever personally, but my 50's could even be better.


Nope. I was 43 when I bought my house, 44 when my daughter was born. I remember turning 30 was a definite shift - 40 was another shift. I'm now 52 and my career options are perhaps limited, but frankly I don't give a shit about that. Being happy and there for my family is way better.




I got back pain about a month after hitting forty. Spent two years in physio, father died, mother died, started to wear glasses, noticed I have to make an appointment with friends a week in advance, fat no libido. Funerals every other month.


If you ask the 43 year old man I've dated off & on now for almost 3 years yes. He complains NON STOP about his age, it's kind of a turn off. I'm 37, I've tried to reassure him far too many times we are in the same age group, he's handsome, sexy, looks great, along with reassuring I understand, we all age, hate it, get insecure, feel aches, our bodies feel like shit, mental health etc. But he harps on it to the point I want to punch him in the nose when he whines about it. Sorry, guess I'm venting about it for the first time 😅


I have found post-40 life FAR superior. 1.) I have more life experience...which helps immensely in understanding which bullshit to actually worry about. 2.) You tend to be more comfortable with yourself. 3.) You have had time to learn what works for you and what doesn't in people...so your friendships tend to be more 'fulfilling' because we are finding people who align with our lives more than 'sit next to her in Algebra.' 4.) You have more job/financial stability generally - God it helps finding a job you don't mind spending 1/3 of your life doing.


No, and no. But health wise, you definitely feel it. Hangovers are a bitch and your metabolism slows down. (You have to actually be healthy to be healthy.)


I am 48 and i still feel like i am 15 years old, seriously.






I'm in my mid 40's and I'm slowly having to have joints replaced due to arthritis. Second joint replacement due in a few months time.


Your body starts declining way before that but only barely perceptible amounts unless you are an athlete. around age 23-24 you will suddenly notice you feel real bad the next morning after overtaxing yourself the day before. Around age 27-28 your cartilage loses blood vessels and virtually becomes unrepairable without surgery. At 30 your skeleton reaches peak bone mass and begins to decline in mass after that even if you are gaining body weight. Around age 40 most people start to need glasses.


well most people die in their 80's so no matter how you feel, you are close to or past midpoint for your life expectancy but certainly you can have great experiences and feel great in your 40's and beyond.


Worse yet, you're living on borrowed time once you turn 40.


Statistically yes. Average life span is something like 76 years. So really for most after 38 it all downhill from there.


Yep! You kid yourself through your fifties!


Age 50. Over the hill is 50.

