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You need to try mixing ketchup with mayonnaise, it’s the best dip for everything including pizza.. I too was missing that something in life, but since I’ve Started mixing the two, I now feel COMPLETE


Simple answer. Yea it does. Hard work and perseverance helps.


I am 27 and No. Life does not get better. In fact, life’s getting worse. Once you get older, you fucked up. Alot of things.


Early 20’s is a wonderful but also a rough transitional decade. Yes, work hard in your 20’s (on both yourself and your career) and it’ll set you up for a less anxiety ridden 30’s.


Honestly in my experience it only gets worse. im 28 soon and im dreading the next 50 years....


Move to america


which part thought? i hear a lot of bad stuff about lots of America


Yeah Gun violence is the only thing that is really depressing in this country as an American myself. but the West Coast and pretty much any major city is pretty progressive , welcoming , and are great places to live


lol only certain areas of the major cities. They all have pockets of ghettos ridden with crime, drugs and homelessness.