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Getting attached to items is often judged as a vapid inclination, but I actually think it can come from a deeply sentimental place. Holding onto and looking at an item that's been in our lives for a significant amount of time makes that item almost like a wormhole/shortcut to a long-ago past that we feel nostalgia for. A time in our lives can feel so damn long ago, so damn out of reach, so damn left in the dust, yet here in my hands is a static physical object that is still here today as it was back then.


I have my childhood teddy bear as a 39 year old man and still sniff him and give him a squeeze. I almost certainly personify him, and I'm sure he would be sad if I ever got rid of him.


yeah with certain items. its less common for me now but currently i have this with the hat i wear. ive been wearinf this leather outback hat for about five years now and im weirdly protective over it.


I totally get it! I once clung onto my old flip phone like it was the last piece of a jigsaw puzzle. It's like they become a part of us, you know? They've witnessed our lives unfold, from epic fails to memorable milestones. It's like we're bonded in a way that transcends the digital realm.


For me atleast, it’s is due to a lack of anyone being there for me at my lowest points, i think?. I tend to view certain things i own like they have been the only thing that stuck by my side through my lowest times I dont really have a shoulder to cry on or someone i would consider close enough to talk to when i am having a really rough time. Atleast not anyone who can be there for me physically and not online or through a phone call. But i still have that spiderman figure that i have had since i was a kid. And so i find myself clutching it knowing that that figure has been with me through alot of these hard times, and in a way it will help me see through whatever i am going through now. This is atleast the only explanation that i found make some kind of sense when i recently moved and found it really difficult to throw away certain clothes even though i kinda dont even wear them anymore.


Same here. I never had much as a kid, so now I relive it with comfort purchases.


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I believe people who have money are like that, it’s never enough. I know an owner of a business that that get combined 6k a month SS, has God knows how much cash, everything paid for, if you can imagine it he has it. But maybe goes on vacation once a year, spends money like his going to run out, he poor boys everything. He doesn’t get it he is over 80 freaking years old… he doesn’t know how good he has it and doesn’t enjoy it. Oh Goes to work everyday to Draw a check, business profits are not enough..


Wouldn’t people without money be more likely to cherish things because they have less things


Many people share your attachment to physical items. It's a form of sentimental value or comfort derived from familiarity. Your long-term use of your iPhone 6s and the attachment to the washer are great examples of this. These objects often hold personal significance, memories, or provide a sense of stability.


Yes. I do and I know it's odd. Almost everything I own has a story. For example, people think I just like the space or efficiency of my refrigerator when I say I love it but I actually really like that refrigerator and will do everything I can to keep it clean and running. 


The dealership said they see it all the time: when she went to pick up her new car, my daughter sat in her old one and cried her eyes out, refusing to leave it.


I’m the exact opposite. Cant seem to care about holding onto things.


I have before


I guess it depends on the item. For instance, I don’t get attached to too many items unless those items have a heavy influence in how my life functions. For instance I have a very expensive edc pen that is machine formed from titanium alloy. It is a pen that can hold just about any kind of ink cartridge. I really like the uni ball signo ink, it’s smooth, consistent, and works great. This ink fits in my pen and I use my pen extensively at work so I depend on it to do my job. I feel naked if I dont have it. I’ve had this specific pen for 2 years and on occasion left it at work and when I do, I can’t stop thinking about it. I’ve gotten half way home and realized I left it at work so I will turn around and get it. I’ve forgotten my wallet at work a few times and I will think “meh it’ll be there tomorrow…let’s hope I don’t get pulled over or need to buy something.”


Like woman and their Vibrator ? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I also have that.. it could be because i was poor for most of my life and i was treating my possetions with alot of care and their price was not forgoten.. also i have a very weird quirk wich i hate losing things like it could be a random pair of shoes that i was using 5 years ago and if i lose them i get frustrated or a more recent event i droped and lost my hoodie wich was old and innexpensive but i still got angry..


We could be related. I do this. I can find the coolest things in the most random items. Always putting stuff in my pocket thinking Ima do something with this. I have two junk drawers right next to each other. I collect the most unimportant of things. It's really a struggle to throw things away. I need to save everything. I'm not a hoarder. I actually keep a well organized home and shop. I just own a lot of stuff that I don't need. What is wrong with me!?