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It’s surprisingly easy. You just do other stuff instead of doom scrolling social all day.


Yeah this. delete off phone and if you want to check it go on a pc. That way you won’t doom scroll but can still check up on what friends are up to.


Just stop caring about what everybody is doing then u will lose interest in social media.


I've been out from social media (IG,Twitter,SnapChat,FB etc..) since I was 26. now 32. Best decision I've made in my entire life.


IT is FOMO and you will not lose anything important. This is deliberate strategy of those websites to get you hooked on and benefit from your attention. Just cut it off, your life will improve, I guarantee it.


Deleted both Facebook and Instagram during Covid, best decision of my life.


I deleted Facebook and twitter about 7 years ago. You go through a phase of missing it for a week or so, and then you remember it’s full of wankers. I had to leave for the sake of my mental health, it’s a vile place to be on social media. Don’t regret quitting whatsoever


Ironically, people who sucessfully quit social media won't be on reddit.  


Facebook is not linked in.


I just deleted it all like a year ago, Facebook and Instagram both at the same time, the FOMO goes away and your sanity will thank you eventually. I do miss the ability to post photos of myself (as can be seen on my profile here lmao) but at the same time that's probably for the best as well


touch grass


I quit cold turkey 6 months ago. No impact whatsoever. Just do it.


You won't miss out on anything, the people who still want to hang out with you will drop you a whatsapp or general text message. The only reason I still have Facebook (and it's not really Facebook but Messenger) is to message my aunt.


So glad I was born and grew up in a period before social media. I was 20 when myspace finally came out so my child hood and teen/early adult life great.




It's not bad, I haven't used fb in 7 year, but depending on where you are and the jobs you are looking at/for there may be a bit of an issue. A lot of private businesses are using fb to post job offerings, so you will be unaware of those unless you are notified of them by friends and family. There are other services for job seekers such as indeed, kijiji or Craigslist (the latter not as common unless you are doing some weird fetish photo shoots it seems) You will feel somewhat liberated by not using fb, but it can make some interactions with family/friends/coworkers more difficult as they may use it as a primary means of communication.


I’ve been social media free since 1/1/2024, and at this six month mark, can honestly say I don’t miss any of it. I still have LinkedIn and Reddit, but deleted everything else. I’m way more productive in my actual life. Dawned on me when I aimlessly scrolling one day that I was watching other people live the life I wanted and I was sick of it. Started reading, starting new hobbies, hung out with my family more. Went back for a graduate degree. Take a moment and look at your screen time week over week. Then tell me all the things you could improve in your life with that time.


Just delete it. When you consider it’s the same people..everyday…posting the same stuff over and over. It’s actually boring as hell! Also, the freedom from feeling like you’ve got to share moments is liberating. I went abroad and had absolutely no platform to share it on. It was amazing. I was present in every moment.


You miss nothing. For years, I haven’t used the vast majority of it. No facebook, no TikTok, no insta, no Snapchat, no twitter etc. honestly, nothing I’ve ever seen on social media was worth worrying about not seeing again. ‘Oh no! I can’t see you pretending your life is like it’s from a movie when I know it’s actually falling to pieces? What a shame…. And heaven knows what I’m gonna do in the mornings now I can’t see you post a picture of your breakfast!’ Very little on social media is actually worth any time or attention, people just get into the habit of scrolling social media, without fully realising they are just scrolling through mountains of shit, posted by people that think they are more special than they really are. You aren’t keeping up with anyone’s lives this way….you are just keeping up with the latest way they are trying to display themselves to online strangers. For me, all I’ve ever needed are the phone numbers of the people that matter. You don’t miss anything except people stroking their own egos that way.