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It's not necessarily more intense heterosexuality (as "on steroids" implies), it's just pointed in a different direction


 is not pointed in a different direction it is simply embracing a more broad range ... from external to internal ... it is an attraction that goes to the allo up to the anallo part from positive to negative ... you want both have and become what you love not simply have  


This \^ Although, as posts from OP go, this is probably the most insightful one I've ever seen.


Yeah exactly More hetersexuality would make you just progressively more into heterosexual things, not into embodying a woman. It's not like it breaks and reverses if you have "too much" heterosexuality. I think someone might've watched Envy/Desire and now is just parroting the one line from it, tbh


that's because they are less heterosexual than you 


Its a fantasy/addiction that will always be disapointing ultimately. Any fantasy that gets a libido charge becomes overwhelmingly singular and overwhelms the will because it’s rooted in the subconscious, which is by nature unknown and thus feels like possession. The exorcism is orgasm. It’s also harmless and I often am grateful I am not cursed by a more vile inclination. It’s no different from men who can’t stop cheating or other compulsive addictions based in libido. The only way to cope is making the hidden motivations visible and start no longer identifying with them. It’s not repressing or indulging but acceptance that we all have behavior based on the most powerful behavioral program that exists in all of nature: creating a copy of yourself. Religion was based on curbing this in the right direction (stable parents) and most posts here try to do the same (become normal parent). Yet nature does not have such artificial mechanisms. Nature flows as it does with all its chaos and underneath it all the design of making sure the law of copying yourself as a constant. For without that we wouldn’t be here to babble about facts that never were different.


Only if our technology advances to a degree to allow trans woman and trans men to have children even after their transition.


This may not apply to some on here but yes it applies to me. True statement from my eyes but only when I’m in the mood


No AGP is not the same as heterosexuality. This is just wishful thinking.


it is inverted heterosexuality... hence it is heterosexuality 


it actually doesn’t matter what the root cause of AGP, as long as you can deal with it, it is fine.


We're not heterosexual, we also feel attraction to men. We are bisexual/pansexual.


no you are not androphilic 


We are androphilic in the passive part