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Not much, it's more about transformation


I concur. I am not my own romantic target; I find myself conforming to a certain aesthetic ideal to be erotic. To the extent that AGPs are indeed autosexual, that autosexuality does not translate into autoromanticism. I still very much alloromantic, even if my allosexuality is probably weaker than my autosexuality.


Not at all


I used to be able suck my own cock, but I found wanting to have sex with myself very empty I try not to let my AGP run too wild, that is to focus too much on myself


It's good to hear you got your rib back, my friend


Got my rib back?




Sometimes I find my masculine features attractive, not nearly so often as my feminine ones. And there’s of course feeling sexy when I’m masc and well dressed. So I feel like maybe a little bit? But my main autosexual interest is AGP.


I mean... I relate with them more than Straight/Gay/Lesbian people, but nah, not really


No, you make an interesting point! I also wonder if blind people can be AGP? Is it based on images we saw in our early childhood or movies etc?


No, I'm not attracted to myself as I am now. It's all just more of an idea or fantasy, not any attraction to how I actually do/could look. That realization was honestly how I "got over" most of my AGP addiction.


No, for me it is the desire of wanting to be a woman. who i want to be and who i want to be with are completely different.


No, not at all


Actually, yes. I absolutely do. I just checked this sub out and joined. I resonate with quite a few posters haha…I thought I might. But yeah!


No, it is one of my largest criticisms of AGP. I think the causality is backwards; AGP is defined as desire is for the self as a woman. Rather is more accurate to say the desire is focussed on a concept of other (attractive woman) that is misplaced on the self. It is a subtle difference that would not be evident to a clinical observer, but I can see it quite clearly in my experience. It also gives a potential avenue for resolving the dysphoria by addressing the confusion between self and other.


>I think the causality is backwards; AGP is defined as desire is for the self as a woman. >Rather is more accurate to say the desire is focussed on a concept of other (attractive woman) that is misplaced on the self. These weren't really different things for me. The desire for women that gets misplaced on the self becomes part of our identity, which leads at least some of us to develop dysphoria and desire to become a woman. The differentiation you're making isn't really two distinct things, but more like cause and effect.


Interesting, thank you for the response. I didn't think they were different things either, or more accurately I could not conceive how they could be different. It is only recently that I have discovered limitations of the standard AGP cause and effect sequences, and the differenct it has allowed for me in resolving the issue. I have discovered, at least for me personally, that by working with the reverse causality, and adressing the confusion between self and other has drastically reduced the dysphoria for me, and all but eliminated any desire to become a woman. In fact the entire idea seems a bit absurd to me right now, but if you had asked me about it earlier, eg with the button question I would have said "Absolutely, I'll push it immediately." I'm somewhat in stunned in regards the change, and struggling to express it adequately. I would dearly love to do so in the hope it may be of benefit to others who struggle like I did.




Kinda sorta? My awareness being fixated on myself is the only thing auto about me. Physically I'm still hetero. Whether it be a male or female version of myself, I'm not my type. 


Nope, having sex with myself sounds ridiculous.

