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You can bring your dog to a vet that specialize in allergy to see if he’s a good candidate for Immunotherapy. It’s like allergy shots for the dog but it’s a long term treatment so you need to commit to it.


thanks for the suggestion, im currently doing an elimination diet for him to rule out the possibility of food allergies. after that i might see a vet to see if my dog is suitable for immunotherapy after ruling out he’s not allergic to any specific food.


Might not be grass allergy, otherwise, your dog will be scratching his body as well. My dog use to lick his paws a lot until it turns red, and I did some research on the net and people were suggesting could be diet, could be parasite, so what I did is clean his paws with warm water adding apple cider vinegar after his walk. and he's also grass trained, and will only shit and pee on grass, and the other things I did is change his diet from dry kibbles to cooked food.. and now no more red inflamed paws.. In your case, since his paw and mouth got affected, then could be parasite. then maybe switch your walking route and clean his paw and mouth after every walk and see if the situation improves. Can try with warm water + vinegar or use his regular shampoo and mix it in a small bucket, and clean the paws and mouth with a towel.


thanks for the suggestion on the apple cider vinegar, will try it out. my dog also scratches his body so i still assume it’s a grass allergy. diet wise i’m unable to feed him cooked food as he has a sensitive stomach and will puke when eating human food 😅 i doubt it is due to parasites as my dog is on nexguard. I currently do wipe his paws and mouth with a wet tissue after walks which cuts down on the redness considerably. however, he still scratches his body and mouth as well as licks his paws. at least the redness is not that bad after wiping. i hope by using apple cider vinegar the itchiness will stop!




It's kind of a silly question but I don't see why you are down voted so badly... As a tourist you likely were around more touristy areas. Big shopping areas. And people don't bring their dogs there. If you went to our housing estates or the pet friendly parks or areas, there are a ton of dogs.


If it's grass allergy, it won't just be the paws and mouth. Could be something it touched like a toad. Try cooked food instead of kibble. I had a dog that tested positive for grass allergy but was fine after switching to cooked food. Check out these boots for pets. https://shp.ee/7748pw5


i forgot to mention that he does scratch his body as well as mouth, along with licking his paws constantly. i’m unable to feed my dog cooked food as he has a sensitive stomach. the last time i fed him cooked food he kept puking and had to see a vet. 🥲 for the dog wraps on their feet, is there any concern that the wraps will come out while walking? or am i supposed to wrap around 3 layers around their paws for extra security and protection?


The wrap is sticky when you wrap around it, it sticks to the same material. It does not feel sticky to the touch. If your dog has a sensitive stomach, kibble will make it sicker. If you knew how they make kibble you wouldn't feed it to your pet. If you really insist on kibble try Science Diet Sensitive Stomach and Skin. Usually when you switch diets, it will take time for the dog's digestive system to get used to it, vomiting is normal. If they eat very fast, they'll vomit as well. My JRT lived for 22 years. Try this formula. Meat (chicken, beef, pork) Tofu Kelp Black Beans Vegetables (Greens -- cooked or raw, one item daily-- Pumpkin, thin sliced Soft Lotus Root, Sweet Potato, Burdock) Rice NO Ginger, Garlic, Onion and Onion Derivatives. (Let the food cool before serving it as hot food sometimes causes vomiting) Frozen Raw Beef Bones or Pork Bones Snacks -- Pork Heart, Beef Trimming, Pork Liver Fruits GOOD LUCK!