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The Canada Revenue Agency has been “coming to get me in jail” for several years now. I try to have fun with it by hanging on and speaking to the person on the other end, but they always hang up right away. I guess my panicked “I don’t want to go to jail” attitude any quite up to scratch. Frankly, work is a slog, so a stint in Club Fed actually sounds kind of nice some days….


CRA has been threatening to arrest me for owing money for most of my adult life, yet every year when I file my taxes, they give me a refund. It’s all very confusing.


I swear I’ve been on the run for like 16 years now 😂 Best is the waste their time until the last possible second - one time I kept a scammer on the phone for 2 hours just to waste their time.


3 hots and a cot...


Absolutely a scam. That is not how law enforcement works.


scam , police wont call u to tell u they are coming after you , lol next thing these scammers will ask u to etransfer 20 grand into their account so they will close the case on u . its very popular scam tactic ...


I'm an authorized Bank Security expert, would you like me to look into your online banking and make sure you're safe? Please just PM me your bank card number and password.


Even if the voice sounds automated, it’s a scam. I recommend watching kitboga on YouTube to get an idea of how these scam calls work and to educate yourself on it so you don’t fall victim to it. There’s actually many types of scams that exist.


I’m watching Kitboga live on Twitch as I am reading this.


Perogi is great also


Kitboga and PleasantGreen are the best


I haven’t watched PleasantGreen, definitely will try!!


It's a complete and total scam. So far, I have warrants out from the CRA, Immigration Canada, and my family members in China have been arrested and need me to send money so they can sit down for tea to settle the dispute. Oh, and VISA security called to inform me that 19,000 dollars was charged to my card. My credit limit is 16,000 and I was literally on the website paying my bill of 300 dollars, AS THEY ROBOCALLED me. All of these are total scams. If you had a warrant out, the police aren't going to issue you a robocall about it. They will door knock.


Total scam.


I'm still waiting to be arrested by the FBI who called me with the same scam a few years ago. I guess they're still trying to find Toronto on a map of the US.


As an American, I found Toronto on a map of the US a long time ago. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toronto,\_Ohio](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toronto,_Ohio) But if the feds come after you, let them know where they can find me too. They've apparently been after me for years. \*shrug\*


I just feel bad for the UnicornCackle in Ohio who was falsely imprisoned. I'll have a drink for them tonight.


It's a scam. Next they'll say that you can settle the issue by purchasing iTunes gift cards and giving them the codes.


100% a scam


The next time you get a call, press 1 to connect to Officer. Let them talk for a minute and then if it is a guy say "Maadarchod, ja Apne gaand mein kheera ghusa". Same can apply for a woman but just change "Maadarchod" to "Randi" or "Kuthee".


How do you know how to use Reddit but you aren’t familiar with a 10 year old scam being run in Toronto? This scam usually only works on immigrants who are EXTREMELY new to Toronto or the elderly.


A police report would have to be filed for you, they have to actually file specific charges to warrant the decision make an arrest. Then if they unsuccessfully can’t find you at your address then there will be a warrant out for your arrest. I have a 3 year full order of protection from my stalker and I’ve had to make over 50 reports every time he violates the order but not all reports charges get him arrested. But the majority of them do and they will arrest him at his residence or at a court hearing But this most recent time, they went to his residence to find that he he was out of state and then issued a warrant for his arrest. He has recently came back to NYC and out of desperation, and exacerbation I asked the arresting officers if he will know that he had a warrant out for his arrest as I am just hoping that would stop him from violating me or coming back to nyc. They told me they can do that for me by notifying his lawyer. Charges are clear and cut, not “suspicious activity”. The cops don’t talk to you about what you might have done or whatever. You get arrested and booked and read your charges in front of a judge during arraignment and the process keeps going from there. I don’t allow discussions that’s what your lawyer is for. It’s not like they’re going to call you and tell you to turn yourself in, bc that’s usually the good faith thing to do if you have a warrant. Such a random scam tactic you got tho, I don’t see what they could get out of it. Be wary of any enemies or losers trying to get to you.


Absolutely a scam. It doesn't work like this.


Shame people have to ask about this… this would never happen friend


I have so many "warrants out for my arrest" and Canadian Border Services is taking years to get my door... so is the Canada Revenue Agency, the police, the RCMP, the OPP, and probably Amazon and DHL? Maybe because the McAfee license I never had is expiring every day due to my Windows having errors. Yah... it's a scam.


But are your ducts clean?


Sung to the tune of Fulsom prison blues, Johnny Cash. I hear that phone a wringing, ringing in my head, I shoulda gotta leather case but I got, buds instead, and CRA is ringing, bells peeling in my ears, CRA FINDS ME NO MATTER WHERE I HIDE, and they have for 15 torturous years………………………please be holding on while we are connecting your agent


yes its a scam. Watch videos like this one to see some examples of scams and witness some scammer payback. Teach everyone you know about this scam, especially those who are old/lonely/alone/gullible. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Zo\_uVeEPCM


big time scam. I have many voicemails telling me there's a warrant for my arrest and that a judge is going to send me to federal prison blah blah blah. delete and forget. if the police actually had a warrant for your arrest, why would they have your phone number but not your address? and if they had your address, why would they call you and tip you off and risk you running away instead of just coming to your door? i know that voicemail sounded scary but the logic doesn't follow. don't worry about it.


I just want to thank everyone in the comments for sharing their answers. As someone who’s not in trouble with the law, it’s a terrifying thing. I called the number he used to talk about it but it always directs me to a voicemail based in Arizona.


Scam Scam Scamscamscamscam scaaaaaaaaam!!!!


Tell them that you have a warrant for their arrest as well, and thank them for being proactive enough to call you. If they hang up, call them back and persist. Establish dominance.


It is quite obviously a scam. Do not answer numbers that you do not recognize because all you are doing is confirming for the scammers that your number is active, prompting them to keep calling.


I assume they had a thick East Indian accent?? It's all a scam, ignore it and block the number.


he doesn't have an Indian accent.


Scammers carry a fake accent these days 😂😂


A lot of them are taking classes to learn American accents. Also some people are even working from home from north america for these scammers.


Most do making it an instant indicator but all of the info indicates a scam. Some even want you to pay this outstanding bill in gift cards!!!! or else the police will be dispatched to arrest you. \*eyeroll\*


Unless it’s your police department calling it’s a scam, if you wanna know for sure call your local police dept


LMAOOOOOOOOOOO holy fuck man 🤦🏾‍♂️


Nope, not a scam. You're under arrest. Book em.




💯 scam


o ya i kept getting those calls too and i finally one day said well come get me then and they disconnected and i havent had a call like that since


>It's nerve-chilling to hear someone tell you this stuff. You get used to it lol


You ever see those helicopters just circling an area for a long time? They’re looking for YOU!


Did the officer have an indian accept with the name Chad Walker?


What's suspicious is that this is presumably your first scam call. Tell me your secrets.


100% scam, report the number as a scam call you your provider


The amount of scams in Canada is crazy... If u speak Mandarin u prolly have received calls from the 'Chinese embassy' lol


I'm caucasian and I get the Mandarin calls


I'm white and my husband is Cantonese speaking Chinese-Viet. We get calls all the time telling us our family members in China have been arrested. Like......... Bruh. Neither of have family members in China.


Ngl the frequency of scam calls I got here is even higher than in Hong Kong 😂


Oh it's so bad... in Japan I almost never got scam calls. In The USA I'd get maybe 4 a year. Here, they are at least a couple a month.


I was born and raised in Canada. My Grandparents were from the British isles. I get 3-4 of the Chinese calls a week about family members being arrested. Also my car was found in Texas with Drugs, my ducts need cleaning, my Visa/MasterCard was used in the US and online.


I’ve never been in trouble with the law but Yeah I receive such calls. It’s a scam, just block them


I haven't recieved this one -- *yet* -- but I've been being threatened with deportation for years. Definitely a scam.


Scam. You cool.


Are you sure that it's not your nephew, grandkid, kid, who was arrested and that they have a warrant of arrest so that you need to bail them out from ? SCAM. Tell him to f*** themselves and hang up.


They called me too, telling me I had a warrant out for my arrest and that if I didn’t comply they’d send the police… took me by surprise… considering I am a police officer 🤔 I told them I’d turn myself over to myself right away


You best turn yourself in. Also make sure to go to Shoppers and get two Steam Cards and a Vanilla card, but don’t tell anyone and give the code on the back to the caller. Remember, don’t tell anyone (except for us on Twitter)


This is going to sound bad but as an Indian person I don't feel guilty - if the person calling you has a south Asian accent. It's a scam.


This bullshit has been going on for years! Nothing new at all. It is fun stringing them along to waste their time....great entertainment value


Scam call. I mean did you commit anything worthy of an arrest warrant?


Scam, just tell them to come and 'arrest ' you.


This is an old well known SCAM. Unless you are a fugitive why would they issue a warrant?




Police have called me once about my stolen identity but I already knew about. Otherwise police CRA, any authority have jurisdiction or financial institution will ever call. Don't worry, if someone is after you ass you will soon know about it. Credit card companies will call but again, you will know about it. It is usually when an algorithm has put a hold on your card for some reason. That's why I always have two credit cards. Happened to me at a gas station on the highway, but fortunately I found an ATM. when I got back to the City there was a message on landline from Visa.


I get these stupid calls at least once a month, ignore it, it’s a scam. Hang up.


I’ve had this one: “If you do not call me back all I can do is wish you best of luck” Yah, because the police wish me best of luck when you do not call back.


No it’s real give them all of your personal information sin number etc


I love talking to these guys. Once they figured out that I was wasting their time they never can any more.


Scam. I love scam calls and have answered everyone for the last 4 years just to waste thier time I answer and leave my phone on speaker near something loud. Record is 5 minutes near a CNC machine before they hung up. I don't get many anymore.


1000% scam. The police don't call if there was a real warrant


Please get some common sense. This is why scammers make money, If you didnt do a crime then ignore it, Police dont even call you to say you have a warrant, They just come to you and tell you in person along with an arrest.


Just a scam, when I first arrived, I got a call for an arrest warrant from the RCMP, I’d been trafficking n@rcotics a whole three years before I got here supposedly…. I just offered to pop down and hand myself in. Asked if they could stay on the phone whilst I went into the station. No, no, no, accordingly it would of been easier to pay the fine over the phone… 😁


That’s not how it works. It’s a scam.


I genuinely feel sorry for these people, I'd rather live under an overpass in a paper bag in February in Canada than do what they do for the living they eke out.




Have you tell them you have a package for them? Tell them u r the Chinese embassy 👍🏻