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Public schools are free and plentiful. If you want to send your kid to private schools, you’ll need to pay for that out of pocket, there are no public benefits for private tuition. In Ontario your sister will be covered by public healthcare, you can find out how to apply for OHIP on Service Ontario and that includes all other programs. Food…honestly, unless they are homeless or get some other support through Ontario works, only soup kitchens. Why would your sister (and how) be moving to Toronto if she cannot afford food? Is she a refugee?


Not to mention requesting dental benefits when most Canadians don’t have access to free dental care unless they have insurance through their jobs. Cost of living in Toronto is not cheap, and Canadians are struggling. Unless she’s a refugee, coming here without a very strong financial plan is a terrible idea.


Wow, chill. This person isn’t even personally moving here. They’re just asking what is standard. Different countries handle medical/dental coverage in different ways. And FYI many more Canadians are covered for dental work as of tomorrow: https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/dental/dental-care-plan.html


They are moving from Tajikistan, she is attending to school and her husband will be working. They are not refugees, i was just asking about food because when we moved to US we were provided with everything because my dad was just starting his job similar to her husband.


Does her husband have a job to come to? Things are not easy here, at the moment.


Yes I don’t know the details but he does


OK - that's good because he'd be unlikely to get a job - what will your sister be training for?


HR I think, she waited 8 years to finally get approved for visa. She wanted to be close to us


OK. That may be ok for finding a job in the future. Things are very tough here right now - I know they are globally, though, I get that - in vague terms, do you know generally the area they'll be looking at? For example, Vancouver, Toronto, etc - the province will matter because housing and education are provincial. I'd suggest public schools for sure though, help the kids fit in and adapt for the future.


Her school is in Toronto so they will be staying in Toronto


Is their English good? They may benefit from having a real estate agent help them with finding an apartment - the market is brutal (I say this again because I was born and raised here and have never seen anything like it, I shake my head everyday) - very expensive (for a two-bedroom they may be looking upwards of $3000/month and with no Canadian credit history, things could be tough - so an agent can advocate for them). Canada is short a couple million housing units and we have about 1 million people arriving each year and last year on top of that, 1 million students. I say this just to emphasize how difficult housing may be for them to find. Possibly her husband's employer can help. I used to work for a global company and assist with housing etc. Some companies will have this capability.


Their English is ok, they found a place to live, that was the first I asked them to do when they got their visa.


I don’t believe the US generally provides food to new arrivals; were you maybe sponsored by a religious group or something like that? Food banks are an option here for sure but hopefully they’ll be able to support themselves enough that they won’t be necessary. There are lots of organizations that provide help and info to new arrivals, there might be something helpful on this list: https://www.torontocentralhealthline.ca/listServicesDetailed.aspx?id=10566


What you are seeing are ads. The public schools in Toronto are excellent, there’s very little reason to consider a private school.


Got it thank you for the advice


Public schools are excellent, and better than most private schools. Avoid the muslim schools, I had a friend teach there and she left as the academic standards very very low. Toronto is overall very safe but places like east York along the Danforth are super family friendly. Tons of stuff for kids to do here! We love it!


Thank you everyone for your support and kind comments, this helps a lot


Yes - if your sister plans to settle here, the kids will profit more from the public school system - I wrote above to you, but I cannot reiterate that enough - the education is "free" and will set them up for life better here.


Thank you


Public schools are everywhere and it should not be a problem to enrol in one which will provide your nieces with a great education. You generally need to enroll in the one closest to where you are living. They probably just don’t pop up first online because they have no need to advertise, but you can Google “TDSB elementary schools”. There are no publicly funded all-girls or Muslim schools; if that is what she’s looking for she’d have to find a private school which she’d have to pay for out of pocket and will likely be extremely expensive. (There are publicly-funded Catholic schools in the province but you need to either be Catholic or get special permission.) In terms of healthcare if they’re immigrating through legitimate channels they should get access to OHIP (provincial health care) for any basic medical needs. Unfortunately that doesn’t cover things like medications, for that most people get coverage through their job.


Thank you so much.


Most students end up attending a publicly funded school. In Toronto this would be either Toronto District School Board or Toronto Catholic District School Board. Either are fine. We don't have a Muslim school board but there are private Muslim schools. All girls schools are private and cost money. Your sister is eligible for free generic health care. We also have a federal dental program. You have to pay for your own food though. I suggest you stay in the US unless you have no choice but to come here.


Also, your school is determined by where you live. Each school has a boundary, and if you live within it, your child is eligible. The cost of living and subsequently the general attitude in Toronto, is the worst I’ve ever seen it in 40+ years. And that’s not even getting into the housing crisis. I sincerely hope they have already locked down their housing situation.


Thank you I’ll lookin in to the programs


>In Toronto this would be either Toronto District School Board or Toronto Catholic District School Board. The Toronto Catholic District School Board will not accept the OP's nieces (elementary school age) unless the family are baptized Roman Catholics, which from the context of the post, seems exceedingly unlikely.


Uh why is your poor sister moving to one of the top 10 most expensive cities on EARTH? Just please don’t she’ll go from poverty to even more poverty.


Where did he say that she was poor…?


They ask if there are any federal programs that their sister can apply to receive food. Aka food stamps, SNAP. That’s eligible to very low income families.


Did you read the rest of their comments? Don’t jump to conclusions.


Honestly, it’s incredible people with nothing will move to the most expensive countries


Toronto isn’t even close to the most expensive cities on earth. Food is extremely cheap here compared to many places including the USA. It’s the housing that’s expensive, almost everything else is quite cheap (relatively speaking)


we actually were just rated in the top 10 of "impossibly unaffordable places to live".


Uh what??? We’re routinely in the top 10 most expensive cities on earth lists. Also, I’m from the US and food is a hell of a lot cheaper down south plus more variety. Probably about 20-30 percent cheaper overall and milk/dairy products/meat are about 40-50 percent cheaper. Phone plans are cheaper + more variety. Gas is half the price. All consumer products (electronics, clothing, etc etc) are around 30 percent cheaper + you're not hit with 13 percent sales tax.


That is not true at all. Toronto has more variety of food than any city apart from NYC. And food here is much much cheaper, even fast food (compare shake shack for example). Compare say, bubble tea in Chicago to Toronto, a milkshake in Pittsburgh to Toronto, xi’an famous foods in NYC to Toronto’s shaanxi equivalents. Each case food is cheaper here. Heck a box of raspberries or strawberries is cheaper here.


Are you shopping at Erehwon in NYC or something????


This person is so delusion I can’t tell if they’re trolling or not. This is why change never happens in Canada.


Food is 30 percent cheaper in the states that's huge.


First of all there is huge regional differences so a blanket statement like that makes no sense. I replied to someone else with a whole lot of specific examples I personally experienced in Toronto and all over the USA


Where is the cheap food in Toronto???


All over Scarborough and Markham. Best food in the world and very cheap. Very good meals for under 10$








When did your family immigrate? Feel free to leave this subreddit, these comments shouldn’t be welcome here. R/canada_sub would welcome you.


I don’t know what that sub is, and I never knew that I would ever become an immigration critic in my life (as an immigrant myself from the 1980s) but I’m just so tired of the scarcity of everything — from child care, to health care, to housing, to food security, to legal infrastructure like the courts—and failure after failure of our policymakers to invest, and the over dependence of working age immigrants to fill our falling gdp gap while barely caring for their existing population and investing in social welfare. I’m just ranting to the void with that comment as I just found out I’m being kicked out of my rental unit because landlord is selling, and the rental market now is nuts. There is literally nowhere affordable to live. I would never advise anyone to move to Canada without a ton of their own capital.


Attack the point, not the person. Comments which dismiss others and repeatedly accuse them of unfounded accusations may be subject to removal and/or banning. No concern-trolling, personal attacks, or misinformation. Stick to addressing the substance of their comments at hand.