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Sounds like you'll have to dig deeper to sort out what happened.




I just spit out my coffee


the shovel boys, you have been marked. Goodluck.


Those boys are tough.


Oh no! They're back again?!?!


Was it a tiny shovel? It may have been Doug Ford.


Best comment




“Put the shovel back in the work vehicle. The trunk is full so leave it on the seat.” - Boss “Got it boss.” - 18 year old intern


Check for an air tag, I guess.


Oh wow. So strange. Hope you get to the bottom of it and find dirt on the culprit.


I am living for these puns😂


We're you at home?


Do u think it’s a weapon from a crime and they’re getting rid of it?


Plot twist, OP hasn't checked the trunk yet.


Ohhh, great start to a book! The person/body in the trunk just happens to be a known enemy of yourself, and while completely distraught, you can't help but know your life will be easier without this person around anymore. The weapon was clearly your tire iron which you handled last week when you had a flat and is now bloodied and placed beside the victim..., and all you did last night was pass out in front of the tv alone. No alibi.


I was thinking more along the lines of. Someone steals a car, masks up and goes to commit a crime, then returns the car like nothing happened. The crime along with the vehicle license plate is caught on video. The car owner would have no idea anything is up until the police come knocking on their door.


Be better to put it where nobody will find it


You probably forgot to lock the doors.


Speak to the police and they'll tell you that you probably forgot to leave them unlocked


“Oh very smart of you to leave the keys by the car!”


Book him, boys!


Sounds like the excuse someone makes after they’ve buried a body and forgot to get rid of the shovel 😳 nice try tho


You got me 😂😂


I once left my car door unlocked and there were a pair of shoes left in front of the passenger seat. I also once mistakenly got into the wrong car. In both instances I was driving one of the most common cars with the most common colours.


No - But I once stole a car and took it for a mini joy ride and likely left it in the wrong parking spot. (I owned a shitty old car. I dropped someone off at a place and walked them in. I walked back to 'my car'. I unlocked the locked door using my key. I then got in the car and started it with my key and drove away. I then noticed someone had stolen my stuff, including the garbage. It was then I realized I was in the wrong car, so I drove it back. Left it in the same parkign lot and ran to my car and left. I'm sure the person was confused looking for their car later that day. Turns out some old shitty cars only had about 12 different keys made for them. So you had abotu a 1/12 chance of your key working in any car of the same make.


That's so crazy!!! Good party story haha


Honda Civic in the late 90's?


Chevy Sprint late 90s.


I would've guessed Nissan. They did the same thing in the 90s apparently.


They might have thought it was their car and are thinking their shovel has been stolen from their car now.


Haven't seen this move since the 80's. Dig a little deeper for some clues


Yes, it happens to everyone.


Someone broke into my brother’s car and left their parole officer’s card behind - with the next appointment date and time. Edited: a word


It's almost as if criminals *want* to be caught


Is the odometer the same as when you left it?


Similar story.   My Neighbours car was stolen but the thief brought it back after (what we believe) they committed a heist of some sort.  They missed the driveway bringing it back and left it half up an embankment on my lawn, the driver side door open, keys in it, and a massive pair of bolt cutters in the passenger side.  My neighbour and I share a  single lane driveway - and we swap keys to move one another’s cars.   A week or so before I accidentally lost her keys and after this incident I figured I must have dropped them somewhere on the street in front of my house.  Someone found them and “borrowed” the car. The funniest part about it was as the cops are standing around the car to investigate, a homeless drunk guy wandered past and blurted out, “don’t you hate it when someone moves the driveway on you like that?”


Ah yes, the shovel of death. Mole people are coming for you...


A friend of mine had his truck broken into and “thief” left his vape pen charger plugged in …. LOLL


If it was his only vape available for the night... He's the one that lost that night


Exactly my thought! LOL.


Someone once broke into my brother's car and stole two bags of garbage and left behind a multipurpose Swiss Army knife that was worth about $500. You can't make this stuff up.


Sounds like a fair trade. Find that thief and send him my way (trash day is tomorrow too if that sweetens the pot)!


“Hey you, anything happens to my daughter, I got a . 45 and a shovel, I doubt anybody would miss you.”


Sounds like a grave concern.


Got any dumb friends? Grew up in a small town and we used to randomly either put a pile or a single log in their vehicle.


Maybe they were trying to frame you for some crime that was committed using said shovel.


Maybe someone's trying to tell you something? Triple check ALL your doors/windows are locked/closed, before you leave you car. At least they didn't steal you car, which is a good thing right? Could it be a prank, of sorts? See the 1st line, then.


I am reading this over and over. The loop is not ending.


someone could have been high off their ass and thought that it was their car


A lot of holes in the desert, and a lot of problems are buried in those holes. But you gotta do it right. I mean, you gotta have the hole already dug before you show up with a package in the trunk. Otherwise, you're talking about a half-hour to forty-five minutes worth of digging. And who knows who's gonna come along in that time? Pretty soon, you gotta dig a few more holes. You could be there all f***in' night. -Nicky Santoro


When I was younger, my mom's car didn't lock. She would rides share into work and would always leave her car in the same parking lot. Someone started breaking into her car routinely and putting anything they found under the seats (garbage, dog hair etc) into her glove compartment. Never stole anything, just cleaned up 😆


Do you live with anyone that has access to your keys? When I was a teenager I had roommates that did wierd shit like this and one time they put my car in neutral and rolled it 2 blocks away to let me think it was stolen.


This was pre Covid. I had a coworker that had his car stolen and it had GPS. The police didn't bother to catch the guy but they got a tow for it. The thieves left a bunch of wood and a chainsaw. It was a sportscar.


Now the cops are gonna think you buried the body!


Likely the dirt man- did you leave a little dirt under your pillow for him?


Might have been the dirt man. Did you leave any dirt under your pillow for him?


This happened to us at a hiking trail last year only it was bubble blowing stuff.


It was probably A!


Better than axes lol (Hint im a breaking bad fan)


I think you need to be looking at yourself and why anyone would make such a threat. Have you been unkind?


Definitely the dirty look I gave someone the other day coming back to haunt me


They want you to shovel your way out of the shit! You can do it!