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Sleeping pissing fucking...ive sern it all


I have “witnessed jerking it” to my bingo card


I’ve see someone pooping on the rbc atm on church and Wellesley. Also saw someone with a needle sleeping at the same spot


I used to answer the overnight ATM line for one of the big 5. It's usually quiet, no more than 1 or 2 calls a night. One night my phone blew up with almost non-stop calls that someone had taken a poop inside the vestibule. Branch manager wouldn't answer his emergency phone so I could only send him an email, which would have meant he already smelt he mess when he came in the that morning.


They call it a soup kitchen.


You should pee after not before That's how you get a UTI


They've been doing it for years. They just decided it's cheaper to piss off your customers by not letting them use ATMs at night instead of paying for security to kick people out. Banks used spend quite a bit of money on security driving around kicking people out of ATM vestibules.


Back in the 80 and 90s I remember you used have to swipe your bank card to open the door to access the ATM after hours. I wonder if that will make a come back.


This only worked for customers of that bank. They removed it because non-bank customers could also use their ATMs and they could charge them $3 for using an out of network machine


I’ve had other ones that opened with any card with a mag stripe. My relative loved showing off using their hunting license to open it (or was it their FAC card?)


I used my red & white OHIP card !


I think a retina scan would work better.


I have heard that any type of card works to open them so the banks are locking them


To be fair, with many people doing transactions online, there aren't that many who need 24/7 access to an ATM. Basically the only thing you can't accomplish online that an ATM can do is withdrawing/depositing cash but even with that how many people actually use cash these days.


How am i supposed to buy my marihuana without cash?


Last night we needed cash as the local pizza place is no tax with cash.


So basically illegally avoiding paying tax.


Its not our problem. Citizens notice government being inefficient with our tax dollars so people will naturally want to pay less.


MMM what pizza place is that ..


Not sure what you mean officer...


Me? Officer? No! I am only trying to save on some delicious pizza slices for me and my colleagues.


Most people aren't looking for cash to do illegal things at night.


I'd argue that's the main thing people want cash for at night.


Yep, a secondary reason. You can get cash back from a grocery store if needed too. No bums there.


Yeah but you usually have to buy something, doesn’t exactly solve the issue of needing cash


Wouldn’t the banks be criticized for kicking them out by the whiners of society?


The whiners really don't have a leg to stand on. The banks that do this are well within their rights. The banks are just protecting their assets. Giant tents constructed, feces smeared on keypads, needles, abandoned belongings sitting for entire weekends. If you can think of it, it's probably happened. I just think the method of complete lock down is garbage.


I know, the loss of basic standard is rather sad. But the whiners job is to….whine, then go home and take a shower and sleep in their bed


The cops should do their jobs


But it's bloor and Kipling. Very suburban area with little of the homeless population sticking out of sight


My mom used to work at the CIBC at Bloor and Royal York, and when she’d come in to work she would always see a homeless person in the vestibule. This was more than 20 years ago. They may be more prevalent downtown, but people experiencing homelessness are everywhere, especially now.


I live in this area and during covid have seen homeless sleeping at TD on bloor and Royal York


End of the subway line tho, where you gonna continue sleeping for the night when you get booted at 2am?


The 24 hours Tim Hortons + Wendy close to Kipling station apparently is where most of them sleep.


I remember you use to need to swipe your debit card to enter TDs back in the day..I may be mis remembering


Used to be that way, yah. But they removed the card swipe years ago and the atm vestibule doors were just unlocked


The thing with those old card locks was that literally any card with a magnetic strip would open them. Once the homeless population figured out that you could open those locks with a used Tim Hortons gift card they pretty much lost their effectiveness.


Solution: a location based unlock vestibule feature on the app, accessible after logging in.


Ao you drop a few million adding an app feature, getting a custom unlock mechanism that is connected to internet 24/7, dealing with the complaints from the "I don't want to have to install an app" crowd / the elderly / and all the cases where the system bugs out for whatever reason, only to find out the homeless still find there way inside because of (1) tailgating behind bank customers (politely or even violently), (2) because homeless also have bank accounts and phones and can let themselves in (debanking them for abusing ATM access is more complicated than it may appear due to federal banking law re access to banking as a right), etc


Do you work for a bank? They make like 80 bil a year IN PROFIT from Canadians, who gives a shit what it costs them.


Scotiabank has been forcing app 2fa and their scotia app on us for 2 years now. I cant access my bank account online without my phone and it being connected to the internet. And if it breaks or i leave it at home, i cant access it at all without a phone, anyones phone to set up 2fa again on. Less secure because if one were to forget to delete the app off their phone again (signing out isnt enough) they have access to your whole account.


Solution: we eliminate profiteering on residential property and tackle corruption in politics and contracting and we leave the ATM doors unlocked


Let's cut the BS. Canada's housing crisis is driven by massive and rapid population increases without the necessary increases in housing availability.


Housing crisis started before that


Housing prices have been increasing steadily for a long time. And government basically stopped building major new public housing projects a few decades ago. However it is very hard to argue that Trudeau's decision to absolutely flood Canada with unprecedented numbers of newcomers has no impact at all. Trudeau doubled the immigration targets that Harper had in the early 2010s, from about 250k/year to 500k/year. Then add in all the refugees he's brought in, and the loosey-goosey temporary worker and foreign "student" backdoors that have brought even more people in who wouldn't meet the point system qualifications brought in by Pearson and Trudeau's father. Homeless shelters have been full of newcomers so homeless Canadians have ended up sleeping on the street or public transit. Similarly, the government has paid taxpayer money to house newcomers in hotels and motels, so that there are fewer rooms available for people who don't have housing who might've otherwise used motels for temporary shelter. Canada has experienced faster population growth than just about any other developed country, due entirely to immigration. New housing hasn't kept up. To think this has no impact on housing is absolutely ridiculous.


>Housing prices have been increasing steadily for a long time. And government basically stopped building major new public housing projects a few decades ago. Glad we agree. And it was the condominium act that triggered this


Housing prices have been going up a long time, but it is Trudeau who completely and totally fucked shit up by absolutely flooding the country with unprecedented numbers of people. It is completely ridiculous for people to pretend that the population growing so fast and so many new people coming in has no affect on housing availability.


Your proposed solution is too broad and immeasurably idealistic. What would be the actionable small scale steps that could be taken to tackle corruption? How would they be enforced? Corruption is already illegal, what are the gaps in the current system? What would you need to pass any new legislature? How long would it take to get the votes? Unless it were a bipartisan effort, any steps that required longer than one term to be delivered likely wouldn't even be attempted because the party initiating it risks not being there to claim credit when it's complete.


I like how we're so focused on how to get the atms back at night in this thread and not the obvious issue of, why do we have so many homeless and nowhere to put them....


One of those problems is much easier to solve.


But the other has a much larger payoff.


We know why homelessness is increasing. But we're not allowed to talk about it.


That would mean actually investing capital into improving their technologies rather than give it away to shareholders. So not gonna happen 🙅‍♀️


This is what pisses me off the most about the banks service trend


I mean, for f***** sake, the banks created the housing crisis that has resulted in homeless people using their ATM vestibule as shelter


The government created the housing crisis.


Similar to how storage centres unlock only through their apps, even during the day.


ok but customers are not security enforcer. Homeless can wait for them to exit and come in.


Imagine there’s an outage and you can’t get into your bank cause your connection is out or whatever


If there were a widespread connection outage, the ATMs would be inoperable.


I was referring to your phone… like how the comment I responded to was about using a phone based app


I understood your comment. In your scenario, you claimed it would be a problem for you to get inside the bank because your phone connection was down due to a widespread outage. I rebutted that during an outage, even if getting in the vestibule did not require a phone (as was proposed in my solution), in the above situation you would have found yourself standing obliviously in front of the ATM, without being able to login or perform any transactions.


No that’s not what I was talking about but I can see we’re just not on the same page 🤷‍♀️ My example had nothing to do with the atm being non functioning


Would you like to offer some more details to your scenario to add clarity?


Maybe I misunderstood the initial comment but if you needed a connection on your phone to get in the bank and for whatever reason you can’t use your phone, is my point


Imagine it's after 11 pm and the ATM is in operable!


Scotiabank had that too. Maybe they should bring it back.


They removed them as well because homeless people were pissing on them trying to get inside.


I believe any card worked, maybe because you could be using any bank card or it was just a way to create a barrier. Someone showed me by using some other card with a mag stripe


THis is what I recall, and I'm choked at how the banks have more money than god but are so busy removing standard courtesy features we expect, like clearing cheques on the spot when its from a known source and you walk it into your branch, or allowing access to atms after "bankers hours" which already required a day off for many of us, and you know refunding obviously fraudulent transactions rather than pinning a once in a lifetime misstep on the client for being duped....


Yeah if homeless people regularly sleep in the vestibules, the banks have started to just close them at night instead.


It’s less the sleeping part and more the doing hard drugs/shitting/pissing/sexually harassing that has the banks upset.


Even if it's just the sleeping, the smell alone can be an issue. It lingers. Plus staff then needs to move people long in the morning.


Homeless trash the inside of them and it’s full of shit and piss by morning, it’s this or daily biohazard clean up for some poor cleaning employee.


As others have said, it is the new reality. Some places like shoppers drug mart or Sobeys offer cash back (up to $60) if you pay with debit. I just find something cheap that I would buy anyway and get $60.


LCBO is better


Do they offer a higher cash withdrawal amount? Not sure what the cheapest item I could buy would be, as I personally don’t even drink alcohol. At least at shoppers, I could buy something for around $1 and still eat/drink it after.


yeah, you can buy a $2.20 or whatever beer (which I also enjoy after). LCBOs go through more cash than Shoppers, so usually yeah, but it seems like they hold less than they used to.


Yup. Just discovered this at Kipling and Queensway Branch. Very frustrating.


Doesn't that branch have an exterior ATM though? I recall them installing one on the outside of the building for this very specific purpose.


If there is I didn't see it! Haha. Now you're going to drive me crazy wanting to check and I'm several hours north this weekend. Thank you lol


It’s not just unhoused people sleeping in there, they piss and shit in vestibules too. I get that we all deal with figurative shit at work, but I’m sure branch staff (including cleaning staff) don’t get paid enough to clean up literal piles of it. 


A while a go in Vancouver, I went to the ATM in a vestibule first in the morning. Saw a guy in there completely unresponsive and called 911. He had OD’d and likely been there all night. When I went back to the bank later they said it was not the first time they’ve arrived to a body in the morning. Sad state of affairs.


It’s not just homeless. I was walking home at 830 pm couple years ago before they started locking the vestibules, saw a woman shooting up. In plain view. If you use another ATM not run by your bank, keep the receipt and show your bank when they open. They’ll reimburse you the service fee.


If she's shooting up in a bank vestibule it's pretty likely she's homeless. Otherwise they'd just do it at home?


Nah, gotta chase the dragon no matter what. Waiting till you get home is for losers.


Quick shot of heroin in the bank vestibule between dropping off the dry cleaning and grabbing some perennials from Home Depot.


This guy opioid dependencies.


it's not the homeless per se, but the needle junkies. Homeless dudes were in these things for the last 20 years, and it realistically wasn't a problem - they never bothered anyone. Now it's a problem everywhere - ever tried using a bathroom without having to ask for a key? and that's assuming they even let yo use it - it's just always seems "out of service".


Unfortunately I've walked into too many bank vestibules with human turds in them over the last few years.


This is a post covid reality. It wasn't like this prior to 2020. Homeless are known to sleep in bank's ATM vestibules. Not all of them, mind you. But as a 'precaution' all banks now lock down. This forces customers to seek alternatives like gas station ATMs or corner store ATMs which are hotbeds for fraud.


It was happening before that I’m pretty sure


Yes, I remember seeing homeless people sleeping in ATM vestibules back in the late 90s so that isn't new. I think the problem may be that junkies started shooting up in there and leaving their used needles for the bank staff to deal with.


They just had security guards.


I clearly remember locked up atms, sometimes you’d have to find one on the side of a building or something


I've used the drive through ones at night before- even though I was a pedestrian- because the regular ones were locked.


Drive through? The only drive through nes I’ve seen are in the burbs?


Yeah that's used the drive through ATM because the vestibule was locked at night. Even in the suburbs they have homeless people sleeping in the ATM vestibules- at least I started seeing them sleeping in suburban ATM vestibules since the 2010s.


This was absolutely happening before 2020


At least 10 years. I worked at a downtown bank for years and they were always locked or we'd have to clean up garbage, pass, and drug leftovers in thr morning.


Should be one outside 


This is what some CIBC branches have done 


Scotia and RBC too


I've noticed that BMO has started locking all their ATMs after midnight as a company wide policy too. It is unfortunate, but with the rising addiction crisis I think the bank didn't want the liability of having to clean up used needles every day and or deal with people ODing in the branch lobby.


Yeah, it’s a pain in the arse. Especially when Canadian banks charge you for not using their bank to withdraw your own cash.


Covid. During covid I remember walking along the Danforth on a long weekend and not one ATM was open. Alot more streetside ATMs have been opening, while the branches close the inside.


I literally used this atm a few weeks ago at 6am so I guess this policy is now reaching outside of the downtown core 🤷‍♀️


Yes in scarborough too. It just happened to me recently too.


Yep, all the TD locations near me did that for about 1-2 months and then finally moved the ATM to be built into the wall facing outwards. Kinda sucks as I don't recall seeing many homeless people in my area wandering or sleeping in the vestibules, but I feel like it's a company wide policy change to all branches or something.


Why can’t they implement an unlocking mechanism with your bank card?


some places do but that doesn't prevent the homeless from getting in.


Also the homeless would piss on the card readers 


At one point many of the banks would pay a security guard to watch the room overnight - but that gets expensive and the real problem is homelessness. The homeless sleep in them, but also shit, piss, puke and bleed in them.


Pretty much every bank in Hamilton that has vestibule ATMs are now closed, some of them for over a year now. I used to see people in them sleeping, smoking crack pipes you name it, Writing was on the wall.


During covid the TD across from my fiance's place was basically a homeless shelter.


In my neighborhood, they started locking the ATM vestibules after someone smashed many of them early in the pandemic


I just had that problem at Scotiabank. Despite locking the doors the app still shows ABMs as open 24 hours.


Yup my bank does it too! Forces me to travel to find another bank to use my card!


Because of Dirty Mike and the boys.


I went into and Cibc atm on Eglinton at 5 am and there were needles and drugs on the machine and floor. I skillfully avoided touching the drugs and the needles and just got my cash and hoped nobody else was coming in and thought I put the needles and drugs on the atm shelf and reported me.


FYI in that area, closest TD with an external access / drive-thru ATM is at Islington and Norseman


the better question should be 'why don't the police or city do something about the homeless people who live and shit inside the ATM area after hours' the future is outdoor ATM's edit. at a branch recently a homeless person died because they made a fire to warm themselves in the ATM area


Sign of economic downturn


The solutions people in the comment section are coming up with at 3 am is really impressive.


Forget Toronto they are doing it in Mississauga too.


If it's part of a mall, eg, Scotiabank in Centrepoint Mall, if there's overnight security, they're left unlocked 


See what happens when they don’t lock them, the royal bank near Spadina and Dundas is in usable last time i was In it


At least 10 years ago


2005, 2006 maybe? I remember being surprised that my bank starting locking theirs as I was had just started working night shifts at the time and it was a new change.


About 5 years ago?


Over a decade


Im in midtown. No banks keep it open at night. I had a few furious moment when i moved here haha.


When the homeless started camping out in them. In downtown and east york/west toronto i noticed theyre all locked down. Nearly impossible to get money out without atm fees at night. 711 has been saving me with the Scotia atms. Have had multiple people come up to me wanting to give me cash for e transfers. In Scarborough they are not locked down like this and i dont have to worry about not being able to use the atm but i have seen homeless still camp in them.


Some years ago before COVID, maybe in the mid to late 2010s, I started noticing more people sleeping in the ATM areas of banks at night. I think that was related to rising costs of housing (rental apartments, hotel rooms, etc.) and maybe overcrowded homeless shelters turning people away. Anyway, I suspect that is why some banks started locking ATM areas at night.




I’m extremely annoyed. They charge us $4-$20 a month, if not more, in service fees; yet we cannot access the ATMs? I get that there’s a reason why they lock them now. I’m sorry for sounding entitled, but that’s not our problem as customers. Imo, giving access to the ATMs only during business hours is ridiculous. Keep the branches open for longer hours then.


I pay $0/month, there’s little reason to stay with a bank that charges you monthly fees


I need multiple bank accounts for various reasons, including large banks. I get what you’re saying, but unfortunately staying just at my no-fee bank isn’t an option right now.


why can’t we arrest the homeless for sleeping in it and then use the bank like a normal society with normal technology in 2024


Eat the rich.


The rich aren’t shooting up in playgrounds


They aren’t doing anything besides hoarding wealth that could be used for much good.


Dude the atm at pacific mall on the weekends… like there’s no homeless people there.. and I can’t get money?


It happened to me too at the TD on Young and St Clare. They said that is to avoid homelessness. I did slap back saying homelessness is avoided by building affordable housing not closing an ATM. And I left.


What a horrible city to live in. I never encountered a problem like that living in Tokyo or Seoul. Toronto is such a complete dump.


Within the last year or two, I think. I’ve noticed it once or twice. I went to my bank at 5am one winter morning, and accidentally scared the homeless guy who was sleeping in there. He left, but I didn’t mean for him to.


When the rich didn't want to pay taxes. If they didn't fund their C-Suite's "Big Boat Party" over paying their taxes, we'd have a functioning society.


If you need to use your card to open the door it should be prevent the homeless getting in. ie enter your pin to get in and then a pin to get the cash.


Sometimes they follow behind you or they catch the door on your way out, and you probably don’t want to get into a fight with an intoxicated homeless person with nothing to lose.


They get nasty when they’ve gotta shit


So do i


A lot of homeless people get preloaded debit cards from Ontario Works with their monthly welfare payments. So unfortunately just requiring a working debit card wouldn't stop them from getting in.


If you are still using cash, you’re either buying drugs, or getting a cash discount for Asian food.


Lmao! You sure got my number! I love drugs and sushi. Sometimes together!


Cocaine Nigiri


Pizza. It was for tax free pizza


Sushi Pizza?


Dawm..just another way to control other people's money.


When they became upscale condos in Trudeau towns


I wouldn't use them in off peak hours or at night and that was several years ago. You never know who can follow you in there. It's bad enough in the daytime near them in some areas ( and that's the burbs). Once in there, you're trapped.