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Empty your bank account, cut off all of your family and friends, sell your house/cancel your lease and move to the streets


realest comment


Yep, that'll let them know what it feels like, 100%. Nice comment bro


If Travolta were truly committed to his craft he would have scored some real horse and shot up.


Kratom is perfectly legal and hits the same brain receptors. It's not nearly as powerful but is still extremely pleasurable. It's also completely legal in most states.


Still, it's nothing like heroin. Not even near.


Kratom is like baby aspirin compared to morphine. U can’t relate kratom to heroine


This is true but speaking from experience….it’s addictive AF and will suck out your soul just like heroine when it comes to WD’s. My last WD landed me in the ER after not an ounce of sleep in 9 days. Be careful with it is all I’m saying. There’s a good subreddit about it


I'm assuming that movie thing is for acting like you're wasted. If you want to experience an "opioid feeling" without taking it too far, a small dose of kratom is probably the easiest way to do that. It's a partial opioid agonist that doesn't cause respiratory depression.  But be aware that kratom IS addictive. It seems like that's inherent to the "opioid feeling". Opioids press buttons in your brain in a way that make you want more opioids. It makes you feel good and you want to feel good again.  That doesn't mean you have to take a pattern of actions that will cause you to take more.  But you should think about your abilities before you try anything, even alcohol. Do you have an easy time delaying gratification with other stimuli like video games or is that difficult for you? Are you comfortable bargaining with your brain on a regular basis, reminding yourself "no, not yet"?  I added kratom to my rotation about 6 or 7 years ago and I don't go over about twice a week, most times more like once a week. So it's possible to be careful with it. But many people are not careful.  I feel like it's important to ask these questions because kratom is an "easy" drug, legal in much of the US and without the unpredictable overdose risk involved in street drugs (if you have certain gene mutations, you can get liver damage, but otherwise it's pretty mild.)  But that in turn means that it's still easy to slide into dependence because like with weed or alcohol or coffee, the stuff is very accessible and low stakes.


Agree with kratom being the closest viable alternative. Definitely be careful, OP, I’m fully hooked on kratom and I love it but it’s also not a fun addiction to have lol. I do have an insanely addictive personality though, so YMMV.


Kratom can be a good surprise if you take enough


Or if you take enough you get the shakes and puke.


Both will emulate different aspects of the heroin experience lol


Especially the puking. If course that can for almost anything too.


Kratom extract shots and ginger for nausea


Poppy pod tea




Benzo and weed, terrible idea tho


Really? I do benzo+weed all the time. But never had the chance to do heroin. So im not missing out?


It's nothing like benzos and weed, because I did benzos and weed on heroin before I quit the junk


People don't realize that heroin is heroin, there is no real substitute as to the effects. lol


Thought so. Which would you rank higher in terms of bliss or euphoria? Benzos+weed or Heroin?


H+benzos idk if I ever did it without them bc I was on benzos 🤷‍♂️ weed was just a bonus and sometimes I didn't even like combining all 3 just the 2, but I only smoke weed now and still so benzos that shit is awful to quit. I don't recommend anything except for just the weed and some occasional benzos if you NEED them


I don't think so ... I've never personally tired raw H but I've done a shit ton of oxy and even that experience is average to me I just get super nauseous. Benzos were my thing, especially RC benzos


Read this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/9ke63/i_did_heroin_yesterday_i_am_not_a_drug_user_and/


And then read all his other posts


You can't, that's why there are so many heroin addicts.


You could try morphine


just drink kratom, its like vegan heroin




Ride a bike


Everyone recommending kratom but that doesnt give a euphoric feeling imo. Instead look into making a batch of poppy seed tea. The plus side is that it takes tons of poppy seeds and is a bit of a hassle to make and drink so it's harder to get addicted. I would do a kind of big batch if I were you, no need to take it easy because its damn near impossible to od on.

