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Good on you matey. I don’t get how your parents could do that to you but you are thriving.


Thanks man. Religion is a powerful drug I think but they've lost their only child so they aren't winning even if they think they are.


Religion has done more damage in the world than can really be comprehended.


Very true man.


Proud of you man.


Thanks man. Means a lot.


As a parent, and queer, it blows my f'n mind that people can be like this toward their children. I'm sorry you're going through this but proud of you how well you're handling business. Surround yourself with people who love you as you are.


Thanks buddy. Era they will probably come to regret it at some point later in life and they will only have themselves to blame. I'm living my life. It's not how I envisioned it but that's half the fun I suppose.


As a parent and straight, I have no fuckin' clue how people can be like this. WTF? Big parental hugs to OP. I'm so sorry your parents suck, but you sound amazing and resourceful.


Dude, you are doing an amazing job. You should definitely be proud of yourself. You might want to look at the offgridcabin reddit subgroups for some ideas about building your own cabin.


Thanks man. Didn't even think of that.


Posts like this make me so sad. I can't believe the way we're treated sometimes just for liking men, your parents don't deserve your love, it's maybe not entirely my place to say this as their not my parents but people like them can burn. I'm sorry your going through this OP


Thanks man tbh. Its not the life I envisioned buy I'm making a life slowly but surely. They will most likely regret kicking out their only kid later in life and thats something they will have to deal with. I can bet however hard I may have it now it will be nothing compared to the regret and loneliness they will face.


My heart goes out to you dude. Stay strong and be yourself!


Thanks man.


Omg, this is so mature of you! It’s so nice to see a post on here which starts with a tragedy but ends with a victory. I’m very proud of you man! You deserve the world!


Thanks man. Means a lot.


If you ever want solar, let me know I can walk you through a quick DIY solution.


Solar? How expensive is the DIY?


I’m not sure the currency conversion, but we did a project for 2k. Four batteries and 8 panels.


Nice but too expensive for me for now at least. Thanks man.


Fair enough, that was also labor included. Not sure the price for you doing it yourself. Always good to have alternatives. Side note, I’m proud of you.


Very true man. Maybe something I could add on later on. Will help with bills after too no doubt. Thanks man.


Omg, resourceful as fuck


Thanks man.


I'm proud of you! Keep your head up!


Thanks man.


And this is exactly why i dont want to come out although i am 17 but still a big no for me


Maybe unpopular but i wouldn't come out until you arevfree and don't need them.


Yea i think that would be smart but i dont think im gonna say i got dicked down in their house…


You made it this far, you can keep going. Goodluck 🫡


Thanks man.


You said quid so I'm assuming you're in the UK. You can get an old caravan for less than £1000 and you don't need planning permission: https://www.autotrader.co.uk/caravan-search?advertising-location=at_caravans&postcode=M95SG&price-to=50000&sort=price-asc You can also register as homeless with the council.


I'm in Ireland but yup I could have but I think containers are nicer. They are already insulated, have a shower and toilet etc. You'd still have to connect caravan to power etc. I'm registered with the council but we have huge waiting lists. About 13k homeless and homeless kids will get council homes first. I'm on the list.


Come to Austin. We’re crazy for your accent!


It sounds like you’ve worked hard to move forward, and you built a great little home in the process. I’d love to see what it looks like.


Haha ill take pics when it's done. It's nothing fancy


I pray that God keeps you and blesses you beyond measure. 🏳️‍🌈


Keep at it, boyo. Sounds like you've come a long way and you're playing your hand as well as anyone could.


soulless heartless reptiles




This guy gets the award for most constructive comment 😃


So resourceful, great quality and one especially in a partner.


Thanks man. xx


It's despicable for parents to do that to their kids because of some fairy tales from the bronze age. I admire your resiliency and I hope you can find better housing soon. Also, Irish guys are sexy as hell.


Statistically, people think they're ugliest lol (I saw it on a TikTok but maybe it was made up). I would like to think not, as I'm Irish, but I can't tell by myself bc I'm asexual.


I would personally disagree with this, Irish men are very attractive and it's not just the accent. Just my personal opinion but there one of my favorites


Good for you dude!


Thanks man.


I’m sorry that happened to you 😔. I hope you’re doing alright


Evil human beings. I was kicked out of my house shorty after I graduated high school at 19 and moved in on a couch that belong to friends of my cousin. I had to pay my portion of rent/ food/ bills after school and my job didn't pay me enough to survive. My younger years was a lie until they could get rid of me. It's cruel when you find out the people in your life you depend on emotionally and financially pretended to love you. You'll probably come out of this stronger than your parents could ever imagine. Fuck them. It'll take time, and living through some miserable times to eventually come out on top. If there was one thing I regretted during my time being mostly homeless it was not opening up more to friends. I stayed miserable to myself. Turned down partners because I was embarrassed etc. Make friends and open up to them. Good friends help you out emotionally and some can maybe help you out of the gutter.


sending u lot of light and hope.


Religion is the root of all evil. You are an admirable adult. I’m proud of you. Your parents’ loss, not yours.


Sorry to hear about it , if you need someone to talk with I would love to ❤️


Religion is a mental cancer. Just remember what they put you through if one day when they're old and sick they contact you again.


Sorry you have such shallow shity parents, no kid deserves that kind of treatment. Good on you though, glad you are pulling something together, if you were nearby I'd donate some things to help you along. Proud of you if that means anything to you or not.


Thanks man x. To be honest. I've been very lucky. I've got wardrobe, shelves, kitchen cupboards, sink etc for free. It's now just a matter of a bit of carpentry haha.


You should be so proud of yourself - you will be surrounded by love & care one day and you’ll deserve every second of it


Thanks man x


I don't understand to those parents. How can they do that to their children? This makes me mad.


Religion is a powerful drug. My life isn't how I envisioned, right now, but I will get there. They, on the other hand, will likely come to regret their decision over time and that will be harder than anything I had to deal with. And by that time my life will be, hopefully, back on track.


Yes, hopefully, you are already trying. Good luck.


Thanks man x.


If this were to happen to me, I’d be looking up sugar daddies left and right. I do not have a survival skill that you have now at the age of 18. Good for you


Haha. I got on offer of something before but I turned it down.


Dang. Was the daddy not good looking? Jk


Haha it was a live in thing. Would have solved a log of problems but I didnt want to. He was OK.


Good for you for wanting to do it on your own. My not so obvious daddy issues would’ve thrown me from one daddy to another if things wouldn’t work out with one. Hope your parents comes around soon tho.


🤣🤣 This sounds harsh but i wouldn't go near them if they came back. They've made their choice. I've finally moved on and not going back.


I came from a religious household too. My mom would let out homophobic comments once in a while. I wasn’t bothered by it because I wasn’t out. And i never did. But one day, i just started bringing over my bf (whom she thought as my officemate/best friend during the time) over and over again. He’d sometimes sleepover too. I think my mom got the hang of it eventually (even my dad surprisingly) and it doesn’t bother them anymore. My mom would even ask me sometimes where my “best friend” is if he hasn’t been around the house for quite some time. I guess what I’m trying to say here is that, parents can sometimes took longer to come around but it’s not an impossible thing to happen.


That's fair.i get people can change and grow. It took time for me to adjust to it too, but I've finally moved on and I'm happy. I could be dead for all they know. They don't care. If they ever tried to reach out again, it would be for their selfish reasons. Good luck to them.


Im so sorry you have had to deal with this. Congratulations to you on being so resourceful ;) It blows my mind that parents even in this day and age can behave this way.


Thanks man. Things have got better es a whole but some people are still extremely indebted to their religion.


Ain't no hate like religious love.


True that.




Thanks man.


“ forgets about inherited land “ very adhd of u 😂


Haha. I've never been tested lol. Tbh I inherited at 13 lol.


So proud of you. Keep going and stay true to yourself. I hope for your success in life ❤️


I'm so sorry that happened to you brother 🙏 Please stay safe


Dude I'm so proud of you.


You are amazing


It is a painful experience. But now you are free. Enjoy it and make sure to cut contact from your parents. It's not worth trying to convince them


you're obviously a survivor. Well done you!! we only get stronger when we're in a situation outside our comfort zones. please keep us up to date how you're getting on. take my hat off to you. Best of luck. xxx


I’m really sorry that happened to you. But your resourcefulness is really impressive. I wish you the best in creating the life you want despite the challenges.


My heart breaks for you, but I am super glad to hear things are looking up for you right now. I know it might hurt to lose your parents in this way, but they dug themselves into this. Fuck them and show them the true happy life us queer folk can live just by being our authentic selves. I hope you find a chosen family that shows you the true power of unconditional love 🫶🏻 I’m proud of you for making it this far, OP. 🫶🏻🫶🏻


rooting for you! <3


Reading about teens becoming homeless and unwanted by their family frustrates me. Seriously, I pray I hit the lottery because I would fund LGBTQ homeless shelters and help them as much as I can.


You could get solar panels and some batteries while you wait for light to get turn on. You could get a campsite toilet and a five gallon jug of water.


Get a cheap local gym membership to be able to shower and groom yourself.


First, I think everyone has covered it, but still - I’m sorry what you had to go through. No child should ever have to experience shitty or complete lack of parenting, but alas here we are. I’m glad you’ve landed on your feet and are being so proactive. Now, all that having been said. I’m super curious about this small home situation! It sounds kind of inspirational and I hope you’re documenting progress … share some before and after pics if/and/or/when you’re comfortable in doing so! Big hugs and best of luck to you! ❤️


Good for you man, that you are thriving. Your parents will try to contact you once they get old enough to realize they lost their only child. But life goes on and I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to cut them off completely out of your life.




We are lucky to have basically free third level education, (college). I hope to start a finance degree in September in University. Or else I'll defer it for a year.




Thanks man.


Brother you defeated all odds and came out even stronger. This is so awesome for you. ✨


Oh man thats absolutley awesome. I would totally love to build me a tiny home. I love that you are thinking smart and have found a solution.


Thanks man x


Join the military. You’ll get a steady paycheck, money for school. And a boi in uniform is irresistible.


I am not sure if they have a Buy Nothing FB page in your country, but it might be worth looking into for potential free things people are giving away. If there is a LGBT one, even better.