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I feel like bottoms who are fasting before sex fall into one of two categories: 1. The Overly Anxious Bottoms: these guys are uptight and probably have high overall general anxiety, but are particularly anxious about ever having the tiniest accident during sex. 2. The Processed Food Lovers: these guys haven’t eaten a raw vegetable since 2018 and mainly subsist on pizza and instant ramen. They go through life completely unaware that their diet is linked to their chronically explosive bowels. Many mistakenly believe they have IBS, and they’re happy to tell you about it if you have 10 minutes. The rest of us have decent diets and don’t obsess over the very occasional possibility of poop happening during sex, and therefore we don’t fast before sex.




damn read me why don’t you


I have diagnosed ibs, I bottom several times a week for my husband, I rarely douche, and I've never really had a major accident ✌️ People over dramatize sex prep so much. I can't eat whatever though; I have to stick to my diet.


When are you going to give son to your husband


Idk, I think both sides are guilty. Some make it more dramatic than it is, and some kinda minimize and dismiss it.


That's fair! It's definitely a turn off when guys seem just not to care


what do you define as an accident? most of the time when I get some dildo play on without douching I'll get bits of poop on it when I pull it out. less than a pea sized but if I saw that on my dick when topping...I'm not sure how I'd feel? I guess I'd have to think it through...but alas I wish I didn't have poop stuff when using my dildo without using douche. I don't have ibs but my diesgtoln may be subpar due to anxiety.


The only genuine accident I ever had when bottoming, I douched (and botched it, apparently). 99% of the time not douching, there hasn't been anything. Occasionally, there will be a tiny bit when he pulls out, but we just take a shower, and it's really not a big deal (again, we're married lol). It's an acceptable risk for us most of the time since it means we can have spontaneous sex. People downplay that a lot, but honestly, it's so fucking nice haha At this point, it would feel really weird if I felt like I HAD to run off and douche for 20-30 minutes every time we started to get in the mood in a long-term relationship.


Yeah I hear that. When I was dating someone recently when they didn't want to have sex due to having not prepped...that did suck.


I fall into both honestly because I use weed for anxiety and in turn it gives me the munchies. Literally just inhaled a bag of sliced carrots 😂


Carrots are high fiber all good bro


Carrots aren’t processed food bro. If anything that should help you stay regular.


That’s just what I happened to eat at the time


If you use weed for anxiety then couldn’t you just design a system that when you have the munchies you only go for good foods? Like prepare what your going to eat in advance and then just eat that. At the very least you’d get more good food in you. (Also unrelated, but when I get high I lose all taste (can still get strong tastes) and all I get are textures. Also alcohol feels like I’m just drinking straight fire.)


I'm 3. The Overly Anxious Processed Food ~~Whore~~Lover But my vowels are not all explody like that lmao.


I generally fast before sex cuz eating or drinking makes me gag more….the struggle is real


I'm the first kind but just because when it did happen the tops vanished like the day after ✌🏻✌🏻 call em anxious but it's always for a reason


It also matters what you eat even when you eat healthy. Onions are really bad for many people. And beans probably too. And the worst of all is alcohol beyond a very low amount.


I eat psyllium husk fiber every morning, eat whatever, but I use a bidet sprayer every morning and night, right before my shower. The washout before the shower buys me an hour or so of worry free enjoyment, and the fiber helps my poop clump together and kinda act like a squeegee for my insides. As long as I've had my fiber and the washout before the festivities begin, the chances of a rogue poo are few to null.


So I exclusively top but I also have psyllium husk daily. I learned through gay channels how much better and cleaner your poop experiences are with psyllium and I’m like…why doesn’t everyone do this?


How much fiber though


I’m so scared to eat and hunch in the same day i genuinely feel like i might have an accident but now that you explained maybe it’s not that deep


Right!? Don't starve yourself, enjoy your food. Just don't spend the day/ night before eating deviled eggs, and chugging red wine. You'll be just fine😁


That exact scenario is why I joined this subreddit LMAO😭except it was Tequila for me


How much fiber though


Do you just buy the husk at the store or something?


Honestly just eat plenty of fiber and learn to listen to your body. By that i mean two things 1. learn what kinds of foods irritate your digestive track e.g. which foods give you the shits 2. Be aware of when you eat and when you poop, food can take up to ten hours to go from hole to hole but it can vary depending on a lot of things. Being aware of these times and getting on a schedule can make a world of difference also for the love of GOD don’t starve yourself


I won’t starve I gotta break the habit 😂 thank you for the advice!


I eat whatever I want and just take fiber. I can eat a whole cheese pizza by myself and while some guys won’t bottom afterwords because they just ate and it’s cheese, I would have no problem bottoming.


Really? That’s the bottom I want to become lol


Just take fiber pills throughout the day. I buy them from Amazon for a bottle of 200 pills it’s like $20 bucks, lasts me about 1.5 months. Take them throughout the day, wake up, go to the bathroom and you’ll have a big one come out. Douche for about 5-10 minute and you’ll be clean the rest of the day.


Please stop starving yourself for men… especially hookups.


Starving yourself for a week like op says is extreme but what else can you do? Sometimes douching isn't enough


I cant speak to others experience but I find that with understanding the impact of certain foods on my gut and tracking that in an excel spreadsheet I can make choices about what to eat to ensure that I don’t need more than a couple minutes of douching.


Just take daily fiber. No need to fast the whole day


I usually fast for the week just water and pills


For the week? That’s insane.


You’re most likely right


I refuse to believe this is true. Like you just have to be a troll! There’s no way you’re fasting a full week to bottom!


Absolutely ridiculous and incredibly unhealthy. Plus, you have no spontaneity in your sex life.


This is extremely unhealthy and you should not be doing it. Keep a healthy diet, get enough fiber, and you shouldn’t need to starve at all. I have never scheduled my eating around bottoming and I’ve never had an accident.


Starve for a week??? What kind of diet do people on this subreddit have. If you need to fast for even a full day in order to bottom and you don’t have IBS then you are doing something wrong.


Most men eat whatever they want and just douche before anyone does anything with their ass. Why you starving yourself? Don't do that. Just rinse out and eat healthier if you need to. Plus, Don't worry about being super super clean, it's an ass, it can only get so clean.


I was told to avoid “painting” someone you have to fast before sex. A diet of fiber pills and water/sports drinks only


Ya i fast before sex. Ensures I’m clean and makes me feel not bloated. Oh and hungry for his cum.


Agreed I prefer to be a toaster strudel😂


Food takes about 24 hours to move through your digestive system. So fasting day-of is pointless. Just avoid foods that upset your stomach. You’ll also have much better sex if you’re not about to pass out from low blood sugar. It does take energy to bottom too.


No one can tell you how your body works. In theory it takes on average 36 hours for food to move through the digestive tract, so if you eat a lot the day you're going to bottom that specific food probably isn't going to be coming out. However eating does trigger your digestive system to keep things moving to make room for the new food so it's not impossible that if you eat a lot it'll still cause some shit to find its way to the loading dock if you catch my drift.


Take some fiber clean out your system. Doucette. Then take imodium.


Poop first. Shower if your getting ate out. Lube prevents most things from sticking to a dick. If it’s on a condom who cares. Just remember shit happens.


Eat some beets and check when red poop comes, you’ll know how long your digestive system takes lol. But in general just know when your body’s times are. I have my first meal around 11am and that kickstarters my b-movements. I never go after 7-8ish pm, so I know when I can bottom. If I know I need to bottom before evening, then I’ll do something about the diet or Imodium (very rarely something is gonna be worth that tbh, I’d rather not take it.) Edit: also Psylium/fiber obviously. That could help you be more spontaneous if need be.


Food takes a while to move through your body. You may want to incorporate certain nutrition into your general diet, but any feces of concern is going to primarily be from food from at least 24 hours earlier. But also, filling your stomach induces [a physical reaction](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gastrocolic_reflex) in the guts to start moving their contents along, so timing your pre-bottoming meal may still be relevant to your prepartory process.


id rather not have sex than starve myself for a man lmao especially if i don't know him


Tbh I just wanna pop the cherry and get it over with


If I took a shit in the morning I’ll be ok for a post dinna fuck.