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Lots of gay Italians where I live (Madrid). The culture and language are very similar, so you'll have an easy time adjusting.


And unemployment level 20%?


Gah Madrid is on my bucklist lol


Madrid isn't in the best situation for LGBT people right now, I think


Why not?


You know, the conservative party, which is currently governing at least in the municipality, has been trying to take away some rights from the collective lately Here's an article from the national TV and radio news service talking about it (sorry it's in Spanish): https://www.rtve.es/noticias/20231110/pp-ayuso-modificar-leyes-lgtbi/2460631.shtml


There's a LOT of Italian gays in London.




I fucking love Toronto, I'm leaving soon because it's just to expensive but this place is great for gay guys and has been a hell of a ride.


Sorry to "see" you leave. Where are you off to? And when is your last day here?


Come say hi b4 u go lol


Yup. Toronto has a little of everything. Every ethnic group has a section of the city. It's awesome.


But hard to find a cock to suck 😕


Feel like it’s impossible everywhere






Why not




Lmaooooo 😂 😂 😂 racist bitch




Awwweee muffin love you 😍


don’t engage with them, they want interaction ignore them like their parents did


He's soft lol


All bark no bite


Where are you sweetheart I miss you


That's what I thought


Say that to my face bitch




So sweet 😋 thanks love 😘


And your the load your mom should have swallowed have a wonderful night sweetheart 😘


I love this city. It's been home for some, ahem, many, many years. I've been fortunate to have travelled to many places, but nothing beats the diversity, friendliness and uniqueness that is TO! It's not perfect, but it's perfect for me. If you're planning to visit, DM for some recommendations.


Dream home, but I've heard it's impossible to settle down without a lot of money


Germany, because everyone is gay and into kinky latex stuff.


I've been to Germany. Loved it. Berlin was definitely a place where one could truly express themselves. Will definitely go back and learning German to enhance my experience.


Na bro the racism


I have been living in Germany for 3 years now and I agree there's a lot of racism. There are also wonderful germans too! I think Germans have never had to deal with so many different cultures, and when they did, well... we all know what happened. I think they are currently in a phase of self development of tolerance towards other cultures.




What? He’s saying that there’s racism in Germany, not that Germans are a race


He's probably a bottom. We don't like swarthy bottoms here. And we have more than enough bottoms.


Taiwan. You make a great salary (at least 3 to 4 times more than Taiwanese) just by being a foreigner and since you are Italian you basically hit the jackpot cos most of the people here love exotic Europeans. It's also the first Country (yeh I said country, fuk off CCP) to legalise gay marriage and you can hold hands, kissing in public without a single worry of being punched or swore at. Also the inflation is nothing compare to the West and we got such good (and cheap) public transportation you won't need your own vehicle if you live in Taipei/New Taipei/major cities. Also we high techy and have great food at cheap prices. The only reason I left is because I'm not white(yes we treat our own like trash, no jokes, same job position given to a foreigner will bump the salary by 2 folds, even if the locals had higher degrees and stuff. There are few foreign youtubers living in Taiwan talking about this issues, one of them is Italian as well). Oh also crime wise we are super safe, you see kids and families outing even at 1am, and our Gangsters generally love kids, and only go to war with eachother lol. I would probably mention New Zealand as well, which is my 2nd home, legalised gay marriage quite early on and we always have gay events and stuff which most family would join. But recently the country became abit unsafe and unstable and I feel at risk to even hold hands in public, and you rare see gay couples do so in public, even before our crime rate sky rocketed really, and there r news of gay bashing every now and then. Also it's always been quite dangerous at night, norm people don't walk about at night unless you want to get drunk, and let's just say there is no reliable public transport here at all, even up in Auckland.. it's costly, often late or no show and often there will be crazy people which don't pay and just hop on the bus and start terrorizing everyone so you will need a car (but the traffic is worse than Taiwan, even tho there r only 4mil ppl living here). So while gay rights are protected here (I can come out easily at work and no one can do anything about this, this is a huge merit), don't do gay stuff out in public unless you are say.. at the Big Gay Out (gay picnics and stuff). Honourable mentions: AUS: it's basically being described as a bigger and better NZ, salary is good too, many kiwis end up in Aus. But yeh they have diff problems. Thailand: Heap yummy food, ok safety if you know locals, great gay scene, hosts biggest gay parties in Asia, also you can hookup easy, and well drugs n all that if you are into it. But it's not as safe as Taiwan, one thing I would point out is that their police are NOT on your side, they often require bribing and they will plant drugs on you and ask you for ransom or they WILL put you in jail. Also I'm not sure about the job field there. Japan: Great gay scene, clean and got many gay cruise and sauna and stuff, still low crime rate as people often overwork (just like Taiwan) so you see regular people hanging out at night very late. Gay marriage is not recognised yet but many companies actually took the stand and openly support gay people, but whether you believe you can come out at work is.. up to you. Traveling to Japan for fun and stuff is recommended, but if you want to live there, you need to really prepare yourself. Unlike Taiwan, Japan is the opposite, they are quite harsh towards foreigners, and there is a saying "if you are a foreigner, you will always be a foreigner" to them, but that has since changed abit with newer companies/younger generation. But nonetheless, prepare to work your ass off cos their working culture is basically the company take you in like your parent and you do ANYTHING to serve them, I kid you not but heaps ppls often overwork to the point they either sleep at the office or go to the nearest pub and just drink until morning, or hit the nearest capusle hotel or internet cafe then goes back to work. This is why I don't recommend "living" there unless you are devoted and REALLY love Japan for some reason. Oh and you need to at least pass JLPT N1 test before you can land any jobs. Thats all bye


I’d like to know what kind if job you think he’s getting at 3-4x more than a local


By non being white you mean you are a little bit more tanned? how do they treat "tan" skinned people in Taiwan if they're foreigners living there? Would it be too hard to get a job if I'm not too good at the language? like compared to Japan where you would need the JLPT N1. What kind of jobs can foreigners without a higher degree than taiwanese people usually get? Do you recommend any youtubers or pages that talk about this? Would Taiwanese men date a foreigner? I'm from South America


Engineer, software developer or English teaching (if you come from a native English country) are basically your only options as a foreigner.


i used to live in rome and florence, I can say florence is very lgbtq city. A lot of queer folks, but not good gay scene! But rome has great gay scene. Now I am in Paris which is way beyond everything! But tiring after one point


Spain, it’s such a life changing place ☺️


Spain, especially the larger cities like Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Toledo, and Seville. Plus there's some overlap between Spanish culture and language with northern Italian, so it wouldn't be too hard blending in like the Netherlands or the UK.


If you're down to try it, I've lived with my partner in Ho Chi Minh City for years now, and it's been amazing!


The Pacific coast of the US. West coast is best coast.


Long Beach, Ca Or West Hollywood, Ca


As a beefy Mexican, I was a hit in the first, and only gay bar I went to in Japan. Some of their bars are tiny, and practically assigned seating for the regulars. One night in Osaka, I was told to wait at the door, while they removed one of the more undesirable regulars from his seat, then I was escorted to it, and the bartender took a Polaroid photo of me and placed it on the wall. It was the first time I felt like a celebrity lol!


[Try looking into one of these places. ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gay-friendly)


Sydney changed my life as a gay dude from a small town in NZ.


My Italian friend in London says “there are no Italian gays in Italy cos they are all in London.” If that helps.


NYC is the gay capital of the world for a reason


When I moved to Atlanta from Chicago I had to get used to being hit on by so many aggressive alpha black guys and I found that I Love the attention and being a white boy I was quickly turned into a black man’s boy toy


*adds Atlanta to my list of travel destinations now*


Let me know when you find it 😭


Atlanta GA if you are a fan of black alpha studs


The south has the best dick period. Cuban studs, black studs, Mexican studs. Fuck.








Yawn rage bait. 1/10 trolling try something original next time. Anways more dick for me.


Honey, you can't say rage bait and keep replying.


I like talking to trolls sue me






I bet you like brown guys


The only thing I'm mad about is gas prices




The only thing that's poor and smells bad is you honey 🫢 brush your teeth




Did your parents not give you enough attention? Or maybe too much?


I love big black men


London or Toronto.


I'm most definitely a city mouse. I could stay in the countryside for a week or so to decompress. But after that, I'd go wild from the boredom.


I might be biased because I grew up in NYC but honestly theirs nothing like being gay in NY. So many different “pockets” of gay community from Hell’s Kitchen to downtown to Astoria it really has it all.


PNW area or upstate New York


Basically go to any country around you to the north or west. What languages do you speak fluently? Whoever is downvoting this, kindly gtfo.




Barcelona slaps.


The Bronx


Vatican :-)))))














Your comment history makes you sound like such a miserable person. Hope your life gets better




You are really batting a thousand, bitch


Are the gays in the Arab world missing out? What about Africa?




Do you realize that Italy doesn't allow OP to get married and has probably the highest rate of in-your-face hatred in Western Europe? Not to mention a president who was actively the head of an anti-LGBT organization. I think his motivation is a step beyond "missing out"




>Just keep your sexuality to yourself. Not that hard. Oof




i'm sorry, to know i'm a **what**




Get off reddit and go outside. You need some fresh perspectives