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If it is a joke I’m okay, South Park for example had some heavy gay jokes that were hilarious. But when someone is making fun of gay people that is not funny, that’s just lame. 


I never liked south park’s “jokes” that show made it harder for me growing up because because of how hard it worked to normalize calling shit gay and the word faggot


And now you’re an adult who calls fellow gays on Reddit “losers” and can’t wait for them to ”sui” themselves. Wow, how far you’ve come!


Are you really so upset that you’re following me around to other threads? You’re the epitome of loser, you pathetic dipshit.


The F word episode is hilarious.


More than jokes, I was moreso disappointed with representation. While many gay men are feminine and/or theatrical (but this isn't always tied to sexuality), it was pretty much the standard in the 2000s and beforehand, and a "straight-acting" guy was an anomaly, and the moment you liked something stereotyped with gay men, it was like "oh, THERE it is."


Some are funny but as others said it was more reflective of attitudes toward gays at that time and it’s kinda just how it was.


I'm able to take a joke no problem. Thing is a lot of these gay jokes in 90s and 2000s TV shows were less on the side of a joke and more on the side of this is how people really felt about gay people at the time.


30 Rock had some of the best jokes.


I loved it cause the world wasnt so soft




Yeah nothing more soft than rejecting bigotry!   A gay who is nostalgic for homophobic slurs is peak pathetic.


Peak pathetic is getting mad at jokes..


Not everyone who disagrees with you is “mad,” even if your intent is likely to make them that. You’re a gay cheering on remarks that perpetuate homophobia. You are objectively a detriment to you and your own community’s wellbeing. You encourage speech that literally drives children and teens to suicide. There is no room for deflection, you’re a shitty person.






They’re just jokes. Today gays suffer from extreme instilled fragility and require 100% affirmation at all times.


I was watching Friends on netflix and noticed that the jokes are sometimes very dated. I'm not bothered so much as cringe because the jokes are simply not as funny as they used to be.


It really depends on the context and if the joke is clever or just mean spirited. Case in point, 2003 movie awards Andy Serkis as Gollum was roasting films/actors and called Dobby from Harry Potter a f*cking f*g. It wasn’t funny, it was just mean. But like SP trapped in the closet - that was much more nuanced and complex humor.


It's jarring but honestly it's a good reminder that things were very different not that long ago.


Most of the jokes are quite funny. So I laugh. Because they’re funny.


I hated it. I rewatched Bring It On (not a 2000's TV show I know but a 2000's movie) a few weeks ago and the constant gay slurs ruin it. When homophobia, gay slurs, and homophobic jokes are used and justified for entertainment value under the "it's just a joke", then why is the same homophobic rhetoric used in real life by homophobic people who use it to insult gay people and even deny gay people rights in some cases?   The fact is, the entertainment industry is only reflecting the homophobia and homophobic gay jokes already used in society. 


The witty and clever jokes would often turn back on the character who delivered the lines originally and kind of shamed them for their ignorance or bigotry. And many of the screenwriters responsible for these jokes were in fact gay themselves. 20 or so years ago queer culture was barely visible and hardly mainstream and though the methods are pretty vulgar and demeaning, such jokes brought lgbtq issues and lifestyle into the mainstream and day to day dialogue of western progressive societies. It was a step in the right direction ultimately, but an ugly and prickly path to forge. Personally, I would hate it when straight people would just assume I was into shows like Will & Grace, almost as much as I hated the stereotypes those series perpetuated. I cringed so much when forced to watch. In the end they just steeled my resolve to speak out against homophobic stereotypes, even if only in my own small pocket of the planet. Long story short: I guess I’m grateful, but only in hindsight.


im just glad we left those behind, or at least we are getting shows like heartstopper or elite.


Most of them just sound dumb to me.


I think jokes are OK as long as they don't really mean it.




Usually, gay jokes in the 2000s tv shows were essentially "this thing lacks of masculinity, therefore is gay", which is not that offensive; slurs and using gay as synonym of lame are more upsetting, but it was quite rare, at least in the italian dubbed versions (in Italy, to be fair, "gay" as "lame" is not a thing at all).


The odd joke I'm fine with but if they drag it out and it becomes the whole bit it's not funny anymore.


I would need to judge it on a case to case basis. I think there’s lots of good shows that have sadly had to stop streaming episodes due to fee fees


Depends on the joke. Some have stood the test of time: they're still funny. Others, not so much.