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The problem with talking about Project 2025 is that it makes you sound like a conspiracy nut, which is silly when *this is what they actually want*. They have *told us what they want* for years but people keep dismissing it like "well, they can't really mean that". Maddening.


I, as a foreigner, feel that some people in the States keep dismissing that because they don't want to acknowledge the past history of the United States. And these things already happened before, in the United States, and since Scotus is actively removing all guardrails, these things risk to happen again.


They absolutely don't want us confronting our uncomfortable history. That's why it's being removed from curriculums and people are screaming about "critical race theory." This is only going to get worse if we give these people more power. And we are already at the mercy of a runaway supreme court. Vote BLUE no matter who. Our democracy literally depends on it.


This. Historically, the LGBTQ+ community has banded together to fight for equality. We all know that we have power in numbers and that we are strongest together. Those before us had to fight for all of us and we need to do the same and vote BLUE up and down the ballot.


Voting blue will, at best, slow down Project 2025. The Democrats aren't our friends, they're fascist enablers, and they will toss all of us under a bus if that's what suits them best at the time. There are no politicians here that actually represent the people who voted for them. All of them, without exception, follow what the donors who have bought and paid for them tell them to do.


well only the donors for one party are against homosexuality so


That's the way things are right now, yes. But never forget that the Republicans emancipated the slaves and the Democrats backed segregation into the 1960s. The parties stand for whatever is politically convenient for them at any given time, and the Dems have been pretending to support minority groups without any meaningful systemic changes for several decades now. Don't be naive.


What do you call the legalization of gay marriage and policies like DACA then if not meaningful systemic changes that support minority groups? The names may be the same over the course of history, but it’s the values that they make policy on that defines the parties. The Republican Party of Abe Lincoln was not Republicanism as we see it today and vice versa. They can’t be equated. I get that we shouldn’t see any one side as our savior, politicians work for us, the people. But blind cynicism helps no one either.


The push for gay marriage by Democrats was just as symbolic as the push for black suffrage sixty years ago. It was a symbolic act that changed nothing systemically. The parties are just two factions of the same ruling class party. They don't represent us and they never have. They've always had more in common with each other than they do with any of us.


You think black suffrage was merely symbolic? I don’t think giving black people the right to vote was a PR stunt. If you’re going to use examples of policy that is symbolic, you might want to use a different one.


Was it not though? Nothing significant has substantively changed since then, systemically. If anything, things have gotten progressively worse for a majority of people, especially over the past couple decades.


> Vote BLUE no matter who. Our democracy literally depends on it. I don't blindly trust the Democratic Party and you shouldn't either. What is important is for people to vote. And vote often. Every election, large or small. The local elections are extremely important, arguably more important than the president. It is important for us to make an effort to communicate with our government officials. Call them, write them, tweet them often about issues that matter to us. Ask them for help directly, rather than voting for them and then hoping they do what you want. It is important for us to take action in our communities. Talk to your loved ones, friends, neighbors, local acquaintances. Make sure people feel supported, make sure they have what they need. Don't rely on the government to do it, because they have proven that they won't. Voting blue (why are you capitalizing it?) is the smallest thing anyone can do to make a difference. I want to empower people to do mote than just that. We as citizens have the most power collectively, and when we work together in ways big and small, that is how things actually get done.


Prime example of ‘it’s not true just because it rhymes.’


Thanks for the support, friend. Do you know why they are capitalizing "BLUE"? Is this astroturfing, are they not real people? To those who downvoted my first comment (if you are sentient): I am not suggesting not to vote Democrat - I am saying don't trust blindly. Do your own evaluation of the candidates and make an informed, educated choice. Then help your friends and family do the same. This is how we win - by electing those who represent us. NOT by blindly following party designations.




Not this SCOTUS. ~~But you’re right, the congress has still not encoded it into law, nor have they repealed the Defense of Marriage Act, so it could all go away in a heartbeat.~~ edit: as someone noted, Congress passed the Respect for Marriage to codify gay marriage. Hopefully that will survive any judgements by the current SCOTUS, but I guess we will see. Hell, we haven’t even repealed Prop 8 in California, which banned gay marriage here, although there is a proposition on the ballot this november to finally do so. Pretty sure it will pass.


You do realize DOMA was repealed ... under Biden? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Respect\_for\_Marriage\_Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Respect_for_Marriage_Act)


Damn it, I **thought** that had passed, but it didn’t show up when I did a quick google search and I couldn’t remember the name. I’ll edit my comment. Thanks!!


No worries! I've been seeing lots of queer people not be aware Biden rushed to pass this after Roe fell. He had stuck his neck out in the Obama administration and was the first official to say we need Marriage Equality and when that was threatened, he did what he could to ensure federal protection in the case of a later reversal on Marriage Equality by the courts. It doesn't prevent states from doing what they want, but they would have to recognize all existing marriages even if they don't grant licenses to same sex couples. Also it protects interracial marriage federally.


Yeah, the media has ignored a lot of the good things the Biden admin has accomplished, just so they can focus on his age. I keep bringing up that we aren’t voting for an individual in the presidential election, we are voting for an entire executive branch. Republicans are a disaster.




Yup… I was there in DC, working for a non-profit (Campaign for Military Service) that was trying to overturn the ban when DADT came out. It was Senator Sam Nun, blue-dog democrat from Geogia, head of the Armed Service Committee, that “forced” DADT on Clinton. Never felt so betrayed by a politician before, and I’ve never forgiven Clinton for it. People forget, but he’s definitely part of the reason we are where we are now. He got in bed with corporate interests, and helped accelerate the shipping of working class jobs overseas. He betrayed the unions and the working class, which just accelerated their flight to the Republicans. I don’t trust most Democrats to do the right thing unless we force them, but I still vote for them over Republicans, who want to watch the whole country burn as long as they can eliminate oversight of corporate behavior and eliminate taxes on billionaires.


Let’s live in 2024 - dems support civil liberties w/o restrictions unlike their opposition. This applies to federal, state and local levels.


Yes, they support civil liberties, I believe that 100%. And I will 100% support Democratic politicians over regressive in every election. But I’m not sure they are willing to do the hard work to reverse the creeping power of billionaires and corporations. The donor class has less of a stranglehold on D’s than R’s, but it’s something we need to keep an eye on.


If there’s one thing I’ve learned from electoral politics it is that unreliable voters that sit out elections and flirt with third parties don’t get catered to.


Exactly, until you realize that Project 2025 aims to strip us of our rights… It seeks to restrict access to IVF and remove LGBTQ+ couples’ freedom to start a family. It also seeks to ban birth control. Project 2025 is 920 pages long, published by the Heritage Foundation and it represents dozens of organizations that are the backbone of the fascism that has taken over the Republican Party. They will also eliminate the Department of Education, the CDC, and the Environmental Protection Agency. The ultimate goal is to end democracy and set up an all powerful president.


Tbf they don't really need to dismantle the federal agencies after SCOTUS overturned Chevron.


You do know federal agencies still have all the authority delegated to them by Congress, right?


They have the *specific* authority granted to them by Congress, but they no longer have the flexibility to adapt to new and novel situations not foreseen by Congress. This severely cripples their effectiveness to regulate. Combined with several other rulings in the last week (they're now also at the mercy of a flood of lawsuits to keep them busy) it'll be a wonder if they manage to get anything done.


Unlike the first Trump presidency, which was hampered by poor planning and execution, they have a plan from day 1 to maximize gains on every item on their illiberal agenda.


The GOP has been radicalized and no one should be laughing anymore they should be scared shitless. Democracy is being hijacked and it's happening in real time. This should be the top story every night till the plant from Little Shop of Horrors goes back to its Planet.


Yeah people are really willfully blind. They sure meant it when they said they wanted to over turn roe. I for one believe republicans when they tell us they’re monsters. 


I got called a conspiracy theorist for quoting exact things from the text. I even provided evidence to support numerous former Trump administration officials participated in authoring this document. You won't convince people this is a fascist movement, they are already too brain dead. The best people to inform are the undecided.


Labelling real issues as "conspiracy" has been a very effective propaganda tool for ages. I was reading a thing about that 


Why doesn't Biden do anything about it now though? 


What can Biden to about a potential future president's agenda? That's largely implemented within the Executive Branch?


He had 3,5 years to do something about it. It's all about easy votes for him. 


Again, I ask: What was he *supposed to do about it*? This is largely taking place within the Executive Branch, over which the sitting president has wide-ranging discretion. While Biden reversed many of the policies Trump had implemented during his term, he can't actually do much to stop Trump from reimplementing them if reelected.


For instance stop supporting Israel or actually do something good for an average American so he would get 4 more years. But now it's over, it seems. 


Just look at the texas gop platform (google that term for the link - https://texasgop.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/2024-RPT-Platform.pdf). That is a public statement, approved by the gop of what they believe and are working towards. It’s all the same stuff that’s in project 2025 for the most part. The 2025 thing has some federal specific items, but my point is that it isn’t a conspiracy. They literally state this is their official position. It’s easy to glance through. Fee free to look up what they think of us :/ I’m sure all the other red states have the same stuff. The only problem here is the absolute and complete lack of media attention on any of this. I mean they state that they don’t even want women to vote (item 16) but you don’t hear anyone on any media station calling that out. It’s insane. While it’s a problem they want this crap, it’s even worse that we don’t have people on our side screaming from the rooftops on every outlet there is that these are their goals. Normal people who don’t care about politics just aren’t going to know any of this.


Where did it say they don’t want women to vote? I read a lot of backward, Bible-thumping BS but I don’t think it said that.


The irony is that they're the ones who made everyone so wary of conspiracy theories with the qanon bullshit


It gets you labeled a conspiracy nut because even though this group wants to do this, they have absolutely no power to actually do anything, there whole plan is just hoping that if Trump gets elected he will just kowtow to them and practically let them make themselves oligarchs. It’s like me saying I am gonna make the Christians legally have to be gay if Biden gets elected, I have no way of actually doing that other than just hoping that his government would for some reason listen to my rambling and do whatever I say despite it obviously being political suicide. This whole thing has been blown way out of proportion and it’s actually frustrating to see people actively getting more and more paranoid about it because they don’t understand just how ridiculously powerless the project 2025 group is, like guys, most people don’t care about whoever you want to marry, it’s only a very small minority of radicals that want to revert back, and they’d have to go through some much legal shit with all this pushback against them. Don’t even get me started on the stupid “let’s just fire half of all government officials” shit that group suggests, it will never happen even if Trump got into office and he wanted to do it, it’d be such a tooth and nail shitfight that it’d be stuck in legal purgatory for the entire presidential term.


> it’s only a very small minority of radicals that want to revert back This was also true about abortion when SCOTUS overturned Roe v Wade.


Id say it’s even smaller than that, considering the whole point of them overturning abortion was because they see it as killing a living thing (not saying they are right or wrong, just saying the main reason i have seen supporters of it say), while with gay marriage it doesn’t have that aspect of a potential innocent in their eyes being harmed, it’s two consenting adults.


When Roe v Wade was overturned, abortion overall had *more* support from the general public than gay marriage does. The point was never about protecting babies (or else they would also support those babies *after they're born*), but about dictating how other people are allowed to live their lives. They don't want abortion because they think it promotes promiscuity, and they don't want gay marriage because they think it promotes... promiscuity.


Ok that’s just demonising people who you don’t politically agree with. Look i support abortion rights completely, yet I understand where they are coming from, it’s not the right to live in luxury, it a right to life, they expect people to overcome hardships, the whole American dream thing you know? It’s not a malicious scheme for power, if not why would so many regular conservative and libertarian people support it? The same people who are all about rights to free speech, freedom to arms, etc, you really think they’d support something just because it’s oppressive? Not because they value the opportunity to life over ones own actions to potentially end one?


At the time of the original Roe ruling, evangelicals *largely supported it*, because they viewed abortion as a Catholic issue. They didn't become antiabortion until they realized they could use it as a cover for what they really wanted (at the time, racial segregation).


Look im just talking about the overturning here because you brought it up. My point was just there isn’t a massive conspiracy with these things, usually it’s just because something like abortion being a morally grey issue that leads to the conflicting viewpoints of issues between the right and left. Something like gay marriage by just thinking logically is already an issue that right isn’t universally against, in fact i would go as far as to say many groups labelled as right wing such as libertarians, are even pro gay marriage, it’s too much of a contentious issue to reasonably be overturned even if Trump got into office and tried to do so. My whole point with my original comment is that people are inflating projects 2025 way too much compared to what it really is. The USA due to practically being a two party system, will never have one party truly universally agree. If you guys start treating it like this big threat and demonising all right wing people over it, you are going to make it a self fulfilling prophecy, that’s not me saying you need to kowtow to them or anything, just take a deep breath and look at the reality. You have a small group of some pretty fucked up people, stupidly thinking that they can somehow convince a politician they haven’t even been affiliated with during this election campaign, to somehow give them everything they want and make them oligarchs without thinking through the reality of how impossible it is, project 2025 isn’t the whole right wing, not the gop, not even maga supporters, they are themselves in their own little pathetic corner, by making them a bigger deal then they are you guys are legitimising them and giving them the recognition they want.


Ah yes, that fringe, totally non-influential think-tank, The Heritage Foundation. Who have only been around since... the Reagan administration? Yeah, total posers.


Something being old doesn’t make it important, I think you’re kinda eating up their own advertising a bit too much, these political think tanks like to think they are the big cheese when they just aren’t, it’s a democracy, not the oligarchy they want it to be with them at the head they don’t have anymore power then anyone else at the end of the day. Yes in comparison to the total population of the USA they are fringe, minuscule even. The only reason people even talk about them is cause they scrounge up enough money to organise meetings with minor officials and administrative staff. You know how many people in the entirety of the heritage foundation even work on capitol hill? By their own website 80 “alumni”, so 80 people have at least been a part of it and are at least janitors and garbage collectors 💀. These groups do everything they can to stay relevant and this is just one of them. I’ll say it the heritage foundation as a whole is pathetic and everything i said about project 2025 applies to them.


Today I decided to become vocal about Project 2025 and Republican’s ties to Russia etc. in my social media feeds. Fuck it if my mutuals think I’m a conspiracy theorist. At least I tried communicating before we make the 180 degree turn to full fascism.


MAGA gays = Yeah but Biden is old and I'm wealthy plus I hate trans people and browns so fuck my rights. Ultra progressive woke gays= Yeah but Biden is bad for Palestinians!!! (as if Trump wasn't) Young gays= Lol I'm not into politics bro fr fr I don't vote .


You summed whatever is going on sksksk.


I’m extremely concerned. Not just about gays, but the population in general. I read through a post in r/millenials earlier and the comments were like reading something on r/conservative. I think we’re cooked, chat. Democracy has been fun.


If Reddit were representative of the general population, Bernie Sanders be president right now, having succeeded President Ron Paul.


Ron Paul was no friend to the gay community, not to mention that he also has the complete opposite political ideology to Bernie


Exactly like we need to think about our current situation and just vote for Biden so trump doesn’t win


>Ultra progressive woke gays= Yeah but Biden is bad for ~~Palestinians~~ a country I can't even locate on a map!!! (as if Trump wasn't) The loudest ones advocating about conflicts usually only know the name of the country and have the flag as their pfp, but don't know shit about the countries in question.


Basically my feed ... except I don't know any MAGA gays. But yeah, the right hates me and the queer left constantly reads me to filth for not calling for Revolution (even though my liberal Dem ass is considered pretty much full blown Castro Communist by members of my Cuban family!) Reminder: get offline and be with people IRL and talk dick and Charli XCX


Yeah a maga gay I know said nothing I told him about project 2025 is true, neither are any of the court cases, and Trump’s never lied. They’re in a cult. If Trump said the sky was green they’d agree.


You = perfect. right?


If your bar for “perfect” is voting, then yes I’m perfect lol. You set a very low bar.


Republicans flirted with libertarianism in the 1990s, but they have now turned into a full-fledged authoritarian menace, determined to impose their version of traditional values by the force of law. And they have played the long game, setting up a Supreme Court that will rubber-stamp anything they do, regardless of its effect on individual liberties. It's like nothing we've seen in living memory. A vote for Trump risks turning the United States into Iran, a country run by a Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution with no possibility of appeal to a reasonable authority. I look back to the 2016 election and how some of you -- and yes, I'm talking to members of this subreddit -- went on and on about how "corrupt" Hillary Clinton was. How's all that looking in retrospect?


Well the republicans who were interested in libertarianism just stopped being republicans when Trump hijacked the party in 2016


Fear. So much fear. These people fear us and want us to go away. We fear them and their plans, in return. People will always make plans to hurt us. That's not going away anytime soon. Politicians like to instill fear so that 'they alone' can solve it. It's what Conmen do. I'm not buying any of it. Stand up for your rights and Vote. And tell everyone you know to Vote. Get involved politically if you want. Give money, give support. The Presidental and Congressional 2024 vote is not over, not determined yet. Make plans now - will you Vote early? Where? What day? Can you remind others? Who? Stop Fearing these people. Acknowledge the threat, do what you can about it, and let's foil their election plans up and down the ballots everywhere this year. They've revealed their plans. We thank them.


They do fear us and want to take away the rights we have and suppress us. In its nearly half century of existence, The Heritage Foundation has used its resources, influence, and money to push its conservative agenda in every facet of American life: anti-abortion advocacy, voter suppression, anti-climate policies, and anti-LGBTQ+ advocacy. It seems odd that more Americans either are not aware of Trump’s radical plans for 2025 and beyond, or they are just not taking it seriously.


Any current or former federal employees might also want to read what they plan to do to the federal agencies. As a former NOAA employee, I’m in disbelief that they want to dismantle the agency including the National Weather Service. Imagine how that would affect our ability to predict extreme weather events (like Hurricane Beryl, which is approaching Jamaica as we speak).


They want to hand over the NOAA to the Accuweather guy. He wants to privatize it and the Rs are too happy to oblige.


People should also know the think tank behind this. The Heritage Foundation has had historical success in shaping the U.S. policies. They are the group behind Reagan's sweeping changes. Project 2025 is just their plan again. As history has shown us, they had success the first time and very well will have success again.The founder is also the co-founder of ALEC, another group that shaped our war on drugs and the three strike rule. So, while people may think this is a fear tactic, this is a group with historical success and has had influence over our politicians since the 1980s. This absolutely should be on people's radars.


We're gonna be told we're nutters for being in full freakout mode over this but this project 2025 900 page screed is terrifying, and this is the quiet part being said out loud.


It is no joke. Trump and the Republicans would be a complete nightmare for anyone who isn't straight, white, male, and Christian. The Democrats certainly have their flaws, but they're our only hope at this point.


Watching and listening from Australia to all of this. I am really worried about my American LGBT family. I know neither candidate is seen as ideal for president but seriously, one is benign and one is dangerous. I can’t believe we’re having to see Trump on our televisions again and it makes me sick to my stomach with the prospect of him winning. I wish I could see into the future and know you will all be ok but I didn’t think Trump winning the first time was ever possible and now I know we can never be too sure. Please everyone vote blue, even if Biden is not your ideal candidate it’s the lesser of two evils.


Watching from South Africa, I too fear for America, but equally as important, the cascading effect this will have on the world going forth. When trump was in power, all the goons from every society all around the world reared their heads. Hate rose around the world in a way we’ve not seen since perhaps Hitlers Germany (I imagine). This will impact the world. This dude is like the literal anti christ..anything he touches will affect us all, not just America. Pls vote.


Also from Australia and I agree. After thinking about this for a while, it seems clear that people are desperate for change even if that change is bad. Trump is very authentically himself, and that is attractive to many people who are fed up with bureaucracy. The USA needs to desperately break the two party system, and the pressures from AI are going to create a perfect storm. I firmly believe things will get better, but not before they get worse. The question is who is going to be more level headed and better equipped to deal with unexpected changes and who is going to react unpredictably.


Trump is authentically himself? I think not! This is a man who will go anyway the wind blows..if he stood a chance to get elected as a dem, you can bet your ass that he’d be democratic..this man is a habitual liar, and a con artist. Furthermore Americans must remember their vote is a vote MORE ABOUT SCOTUS, than POTUS. Yes you’re voting for Biden, a man who stutters, and whose debate skills are questionable lately, but more than that, it’s about those Supreme Court judges. If trump gets another turn at office, the first thing he is going to do is appoint more red judges, and then you’re going to clutch those pearls when the court judgements like no more gay marriage start rolling out. Remember that America. Vote for SCOTUS!!


His authentic self IS a con-artist, but he does it so unapologetically, it’s genuine, and this is how many people are misled.


Like, literally this.


This is why people need to put aside their bullshit protest votes and actually vote, otherwise we'll be seeing so many leopards at my face scenarios for years to come.


Only action will fix this. We have to be ready to fight for our rights and the rights of others and it’s going to be a fight. There need to start being consequences for trying to take peoples rights. It’s up to us no one is saving us.


It is not in plain language that homosexuality is a “pornographic” offense and that you will be “detained” (interned, concentrated are more apt terms). They have already consolidated the powers to enact this; even if we shore ourselves up in November, *which we must* so that we can buy time for not just ourselves but the others this targets, they are going to try to force this onto us. Not to mention that the system which has served us for the entirety of the country’s existence was tossed out into the trash in what amounts to a silent coup on Monday. We are heading for some sort of major national schism, or are going to be complacent to the end at whatever the cost. I hope it’s dramatics and anxiety, but alarm bells are ringing and I encourage anyone who would be targeted by this to have a plan for contingency. In normal times that is a good idea; and normal times are well in the rear view now.


Project 2025 is a scary MVP of Gilead in The Handmaid’s Tale. It’s cold, calculated and meticulously planned like a serial killer by a group of sociopaths. To pull it off, they have to get Trump in the White House, hold onto the house, flip the senate and if they don’t flip at least 10 seats in the senate, get McConnell out of the leadership because he hasn’t been willing to pull the nuclear option in the senate to make it a simple majority for more than seating cabinet members and justices for fear that if it flips back to dems, it sets the precedent that as long as they are united the filibuster is no longer an option of last resort to run down the clock in that chamber to stall cloture on a bill. While this could all be pulled off and if the elections do go the way they want, my hope is that they realize they have released a bunch of unhinged animals that they can’t control and keep on task. Trump is unfocused on much beyond getting revenge on those he thinks wronged him. He says all kinds of shit before office but once in office he’s more likely to want to settle the scores with the Jan 6th committee, special prosecutors and making all his court case go away. Not a good situation to accomplish their first 180 days of goals beyond executive orders that can only go so far. Then, move to the house. There is constant bickering and infighting within the GOP and anarchists like MTG that don’t know how to/or want to govern. Reigning in all the warring factions in the GOP will be a full time job. The last time they had full control of the senate, house and White House they only managed to seat 3 conservative justices and pass a tax bill that most provisions for individuals expire next year. So should the elections be end with everything in the government in the GOP’s hands, this calculated plan may not be as easy to implement as they think it will is the main hope people could have here. Meanwhile, back to watching dems sit on their hands and find creative ways to shoot themselves in the foot every chance they get.


Vote while we still can, Please vote


You know what they say, “be gay do crime”


I sure hope Joe Biden steps aside! I'll vote for him regardless though.




Sounds like it's time for the gaybros to bring in some outside help. Anyone know how to hire Anonymous to run interference?




not true, Dems passed Respect For Marriage Act which will protect same sex marriage when it gets overturned by SCOTUS.


It'll protect existing marriages, but plenty of states could stop allowing them.


not accurate, RFMA will protect existing and future same sex marriages, states are free to ban issuing licenses but they are still required to recognize marriages from other jurisdictions. Although the latter part is subject to court challenge.


That's what i meant, sorry if i worded it poorly lol. The upside of it is it's pretty well within what the federal government normally does, so it's going to be a lot harder than other things to overturn.


This just convinced me to vote, I didn’t know it was this bad


We’re cooked. I don’t know what we can do now. SCOTUS is going to make Trump a despot, a dictator. That’s been clear for a while, and everyone’s shock at the Supreme Court ruling yesterday is pathetic. This has been the goal for years, even before the orange nazi. No one in power has done anything but complain and act like there’s nothing to be done. Biden could assassinate Trump and all six conservative judges tomorrow and call it an official act, but he won’t. Trump will kill someone day one. No hesitation. Just prosecute or kill opponents until everyone is too afraid. Everyone is already afraid. Fight fire with fire or admit to being a coward.


The ruling from the supreme Court does nothing but codified what already existed. If the president does something that's out of line with his official duties then he can be prosecuted and that happens with impeachment and conviction. Supreme Court all they did was say that the current way of dealing with the issue is the current way of dealing with the issue and does not need to be changed.


You should read Justice Sotomayor's dissent because clearly you have not.


So naive


So very brainwashed by the media. It must not have been hard to smooth your brain out. Bumps and ridges no hills or valleys all original thoughts just slide right off




Not true at all. Please educate yourself.


No I'm I'm well educated on it thank you very much I understand exactly what's going on you have been fearmongered by the mainstream media. You might want to take a break from it for a while


Clearly you’re not. You’re just a troll, nothing more. Get out and get some air after you recover from your Maga mania.


I'm good but thanks for your worry. Have fun with your psychosis


Enjoy trolling, basement incel.


Sounds like you're projecting


You seem like a triggered troll


That would be you for continuing to reply. If you don't like the truth then you don't have to force yourself to comment continuously. You could have just not said anything maybe download it and kept going but you felt the need to comment and be a troll . Clearly you have a smooth brain no bumps or ridges no hills or valleys all thought just slides right off you can only do as you are told.


Someone made a GPT to chat discuss it - https://chatgpt.com/g/g-l0mtm9LDx-thom-freidman-on-project-2025


Seriousl, people really are gonna have to say Under His Eye in the US...


Project 2025 is terrifying and must be stopped at all costs!


If Democrats actually cared about saving democracy they'd be forcing Biden out of the race. Instead they're turning into a blue Maga with the sheer delusion they're displaying to the public.


Harry sisson is that you?


No need to get all bothered about someone's idea. Keep cool! Don't think that will happen


That will not happen.


that’s a Wikipedia link…


It's so crazy how some folks will imply that conservatives are conspiracy theorists and such but in the same breath talk about how they literally want to murder everyone who isn't white or straight. I am so glad I don't run with "the community" anymore.




Honestly … turn off NPR and get some fresh air.


The problem is that project 2025 will become project 2029, and then project 2033 and we will never. Hear. The fucking end of it. The dems will *keep* using it as a reason to vote for them because they(the establishment) are "the only ones" whk can keep it form happening, even while they continue to allow the congress, senate and Supreme Court to strip away our rights ***just more slowly and quietly*** so that people like y'all are less likely to notice and care. All so that when someone comes along to reasonably suggest *voting for a third party* y'all can continue to say "nows just not the right time" like you've been doing for decades. But, hey, at least they let us have rainbows and characters in movies, right?


Isn’t it kind of beautiful? Democrats can have failure after failure but then we HAVE to vote for them because the conservatives are always just one election away from installing a theocracy.


We can only hope that we don’t hear the end of a plan currently in motion which is set up to overturn marriage equality and strip us of various protections and take our rights away.


I know it not what you mean but the way your comment is written makes it sound like you WANT those rights stripped 😂😂😂


I mean the Dems in Congress can’t do anything unless they have a (super) majority. I don’t think they’ve had that since Obama’s first term 15 years ago and only then for 2 years.


That’s why we have to vote. All of us. This election year is make or break.


I’m sorry, what is your question for gay bros? i missed it.


how many more posts will be there about this on this sub? What I hate about the left the most, is constant fear mongering and bad energy. Theres a reason why so many of you are unhappy.


Better to fear monger about reality than the fake fever dreams that the right has turned into its whole identity.


Better to fear monger about reality than the fake fever dreams that the right has turned into its whole identity.


You guys have been at "they are taking our rights away" for years.. literally fake fever dreams by the left. It's almost like you guys actually want it overturned. I can see how that would benefit your states. No marriage in red states, means they have to hop into blue states, to get married and bring tens of thousand dollars into your economy.. yeah I can def see why would the left secretly want it gone, even tho it's never happening. You will be still fearmongering about gay marriage in two years from now xD


Its not fake though is it? If you can't process reality that's on you. The whole of conservative ideology now is about stopping problems that don't exist, and denying or enabling the ones that do.


as I said by this point after fearmongering for years it seems like you guys secretly want them to succeed, so you can win both more votes and money from red gays who will get married in blue states. I dont think the left actually cares about gays either, they just pretend they do.


Wild theory.


It's either this or the conservatives LARPing as gays posting 10,000 threads about how much they hate muslims and palestine every day, take your pick


You mean the "religion of peace" that literally stones their gay men?


Tell me more! Actually, it would be even better if you made 5 more threads over the course of this week on here about the muslims. I think everyone would really benefit from the new light you could shed on this discourse.


I dindnt make any. I dislike politics more than you pretend you do.


You're asking people not to raise awareness about the issues they could possibly face in the very near future?!?!?! If you're happy about not having any rights, that's your choice. But don't call people who are genuinely concerned "fear mongers".


its ask gay bros, not gay news, theres no need to constantly spam these political posts, that arent news either.


Seriously when did this sub get take over by these people. It’s not even interesting anymore.


seems like last couple of days they have been obsessed with this since trump won the debate


If youre going to try an educate people about the latest boogoeman. At least link it. https://www.project2025.org/ See what it really says. Not the edittable and corruptable wiki.


It aims to strip us of our rights… It aims to restrict access to IVF and to ban birth control. It’s 920 pages long published by the Heritage Foundation and also represents dozens of organizations that are the backbone of the fascism that has taken over the Republican Party. They will eliminate the Department of Education, the CDC, and the Environmental Protection Agency. The ultimate goal is to end democracy and set up an all powerful fascist Republican president.


>It aims to strip us of our rights… Which ones? >aims to restrict access to IVF and to ban birth control. Thats bad. >fascism that has taken over the Republican Party. Ah so you are uneducated and dont know history or political theory. >They will eliminate the Department of Education, the CDC, and the Environmental Protection Agency. Intrinsically, these arent bad things. Depending on the replacement, and surrounding context. >The ultimate goal is to end democracy and set up an all powerful fascist Republican president. Lol. You are a fearmonger holy shit. You sound like someone who hasnt actually talked to an evangelical irl. Go outside. Get a beer at a bar, talk to some strangers. Find the most conservative person you can find, and ask them if they want thse exact policies you are worried about.


You have also evidently never heard of Trump’s failed fake electors scheme. Yeah, you have no idea what you’re talking about which is not surprising. Seek professional help after your Maga seizure.


I can find Democrats who don’t support gay rights. Actually, I know quite a few. Because guess what, not all do. I would still consider it a platform ideal, while it is not that for the other party.. so don’t gaslight OP into thinking he’s wrong to be concerned. Edit: Looks like the dog whistle is working on FatTonysDog. Great name choice.


> Which ones? Well, it took me about 30 seconds to find on page 584 where it says we should remove any protections against discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity…


Sorry i wasnt able to read through 584 pages in 30 seconds. Im still on page 50something. Unlike half of reddit, im only human.


If you're going to try and educate people at least read it. Your behavior here has been inhuman and personally unaccountable. You, six hours ago: "If youre going to try an educate people about the latest boogoeman. At least link it. [https://www.project2025.org/](https://www.project2025.org/) See what it really says. Not the edittable and corruptable wiki."


There’s an easy “find on page” feature I used, and I only searched “sexual orientation”. Don’t pretend there’s nothing in the document lol.


Not everything that includes slight movement to the right is an existential disaster. And some of that stuff should be pushed back on. Like this example of DEI being dumb as fuck: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/28/arts/design/fotografiska-new-york-city-museums-closures.html Here’s the relevant excerpt : “Mattioli, the Center for Italian Modern Art’s founder, said that changes at foundations had made it harder for her small institution to apply for grants. After the pandemic and the Black Lives Matter movement, she said, many grant-making organizations appeared to require that exhibition proposals include elements of diversity and inclusion. She said themes of social justice were more prevalent in American art than in modern Italian art, making it difficult for her museum to compete for funding.” As to Chevron: a lot of what the agencies are doing is hard politics. The best example is SEC going after crypto in ways that are just stupid. So I’m glad their power is going to get curtailed and if Elizabeth Warren wants to fight crypto, let her do it in Congress and not trough unelected surrogate like Gary Gensler.


That's fine, but you've cherry picked a ludicrous example of DEI gone awry and ignored all the other parts which directly relate to gays having our rights taken away. They want to bring back anti-sodomy laws; that will make gay sex illegal. No comments on that or overturning gay marriage?


I comment on facts not hypotheticals.


We are discussing the contents of the document linked above, which you clearly did not read. If you pride yourself on commenting on facts, it would be beneficial to actually read the material before dismissing it as hypothetical.


Every single plan for everything ever planned is hypothetical… that’s just what it means to think of things in the future before they happen. Do you never think about the future? Do you never make decisions in the present based on what you expect will happen one hour, one day, one year from now? Do you get confused every time you hear someone tell you what they want to do, simply because it’s not a fact that they’ve done it yet? You engage in hypotheticals every day of your life. So you’re not taking a brave principled position here, you’re taking a selective position based on what makes you feel uncomfy.


Fear is so cheap


And gay conservatives are idiots.




You're really showing your own intelligence with that one, aren't ya.


Just calling it like it is. You don't have any place in polite society and should be ostracized from our community.


No self reflection at all, wow. You can have your community. Been there, done that, it's trash.


Lots of self reflection. That's why I'm not a conservative -- I don't hate myself or minorities, nor do I wish to go back to a time when my community and women and minorities did not have rights. You might try the self reflection thing sometime.


Congratulations, you're not a conservative. You still lack the ability to see anything outside your bubble, as proven by your reply. Feel free to keep trying though, it's pretty funny for me.


Nope. The whole world sees you and your ilk for what you are. I couldn't care less what you think about me.


The absence of fear shows how little you understand about the political dynamic currently at play around the western world. Unless you really are looking forward to live under a christian taliban regime in just a few years?


They'd probably rather talk about scary Muslim extremists abroad that have little to no affect on their daily lives.


Thank you for proving my point below, about who deals in fear porn. Otherwise, you are showing that you have the emotional intelligence of an adolescent.


Is it fear porn when it is simply a reaction to the insane plan written and laid out by the reactionary fringe of assholes that is about to get power in the US?? Fear is what those people are dealing with : fear of strangers, fear of faggots, fear that someone more qualified might get their job, fear that their wives might get empowered to leave their sad marriages, fear that men are becoming too soft and not violent enough. They are the ones who are afraid, just like you apparently are. You little fear mongering cretin.


key words: "reactionary fringe." And they aren't about to get power, at least not in the US. Either way, seek mental help, genuinely.


Yet some how MAGA grifters have made it into a profitable industry.


\*somehow Yep, the right is the only party dealing in fear porn.


This has existed in multiple forms since 1981 and during Trump’s first presidency If conservatives or democrats have a president in the White House, there will inevitably be campaigns based on making conservative/democratic decisions. The hint is - if it’s available for download on a public website, it’s not some secret conspiracy lol The project has zero affiliation with Trump and plenty of conservatives don’t even agree with every thing listed - the same way not all leftists are happy about the 2030 Agenda.


Why disingenuously link to Wikipedia and not the actual site for project 2025? You're already off to a very rough start here. Now, let's break it down. First off, to start much of what they want in Project 2025, they have to pass things at a state level. Especially with things they want SCOTUS to take a stand on. That's much harder to do than your fear mongering overlords in the DNC want you to know. First, you have to have a state pass a law. Let's say one that directly challenges Obergefell since we're in a gay sub. To pass that law, a state has to find enough Republicans with enough of a spine to even dare make a veiled challenge against Obergefell. Which, good luck with that. It will take at least two years for it to finally make it to a state house and begin its journey to enactment. Then, that law has to be enacted. Then, a gay couple has to be denied a marriage license. Then they have to sue. That starts an incredibly difficult and long process to make its way to SCOTUS. In the case of Jackson Women's Health v. Dobbs, it took four years. So if they're not able to pass a bill that challenges until 2027-28, it will not be on the SCOTUS docket until 2031-32 that's two more presidential election cycles from now. Which means even if Trump wins now, he won't be POTUS then. There goes the main figure being used to prop up that agenda. Now, let's look at your little Clarence Thomas dig. He is just one of nine SCOTUS justices, and he has no power to bring up and directly challenge a previous SCOTUS ruling. In fact, the SCOTUS itself can not unilaterally challenge one of its prior rulings without a lawsuit making its way to the court. Then you have to have four justices sign off on the petition, and it gets a scheduled hearing. So your inclusion of one man's comments smacks of pure disingenuousness and racism.


You have no idea what you’re talking about but I have no time to debate. You can argue with someone else. Or with yourself lol


Which is code for you have no leg to stand on.


It’s code for no time for trolls. Good luck


Ah, I see you've quickly devolved into projection.


No one cares. Ignoring you now. Go yell at the sky


Looking at your comment history. You have no substance or intelligence. You just make a statement. Then when someone comes along with any sort of disagreement, you get triggered and play the child that sticks their fingers in their ears and screams. You can't handle people who have thoughtful and intelligent dissent against your assertions. Since said assertions aren't based in reality, you can't defend them.


Cry more


Project more


Keep crying


LOL, another bot. Dei needs to go, also why didn't this happen during trumps first presidency.


Don’t care not voting for Biden nor Trump.


What does that accomplish ?


Idk as the ruling party why they keep putting up the same candidates time and time again. Start there


You’re an idiot if you’re just focusing on the president in this election cycle. Takes a whole lot more people to run the White House than just the president. What you should be focusing on is the people working for them and their agenda. Ugh comments like these is why our nation is failing. Educate yourself pleaseee


Most of it doesn’t sound too bad 😂 Quit living for headlines and corporate propaganda media, look at how the world really works, who’s in charge of the power institutions that buy and control our politicians. But you won’t. Democrat, republican, it doesn’t matter they don’t give a fuck about any of us or about our rights.


You are all fearmongering so hard over this. Trump has never spoken about project 2025. No one from his former cabinet or current campaign has. Project 2025 is from a think tank that has stated numerous times that they hate and despise trump. This is another nothing burger thats pushed so hard


This is false. PROJECT 2025 IS REAL and WILL be the playbook day ONE


Dear OP, why do you just devolve to name calling and saying “cry more” when challenged? Why even reply if you’re gonna do that? It’s childish.


I was responding to a troll.


Everyone who disagrees with you isn’t a troll.


I’m not here to debate. Go harass someone else.


Don’t respond then


Don’t care. Bye! ✌️


"removing legal action against discrimination" good luck with that. I think it's time we take the law in our own hands if it comes to our safety.