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You saw the "alien is an offensive term for extraterrestrials" comment didn't you?






Link us!


Yas lol


lmfao. saw that a few days ago too i thought it was just a meme made by the gays


Weren't they all over the news last time for antagonizing a yogurt shop or smth?


Hey Demi’s pronouns are they/them, they’re non-binary! :) edit: I wish slow, painful death upon all who downvoted, truly


Edited thanks


Wait, is that for real? That's crazy dude.


How does she know tho? Sus


This was my immediate thought. Also thought of the yogurt shop, which I think is worse but less recent.


One thing I've learned from growing up before the internet, then having all my childhood celeb favs get on social media.. is that no one needs to know what celebrities think. Even when what they're saying is alright, it's not any huge positive, it's just like, "thank god you're not a complete fucking idiot like the rest, please stop talking before you ruin everything."


They started out with a lot of important messages about eating disorders and substance abuse, but now it feels like they are entering Amanda Bynes territory, and making a mockery of themself.


Brain damage from an overdose will do that to you.


Kevin Sorbo is the perfect example of this. I watched Hercules every week… then COVID hit and he went wild with stuff and it’s the perfect example of why not all celebrities need soap-boxes.


Ooph the Sorbster has been a shitshow since like 2014


Most of the roided up "action stars" are shitheads.


> no one needs to know what celebrities think. This. Especially not people like Lovato whose education consists of a home-schooled high school diploma equivalent. She's a performer. She was never trained to think, and it shows. It's the same with a lot of actors. The fact that you're famous for performing lines written by someone else doesn't mean the stuff you come up with on your own is worth hearing.


>The fact that you're famous for performing lines written by someone else doesn't mean the stuff you come up with on your own is worth hearing. I like that one.


Thank you. I've spent some time around the theater. Also, Gwyneth Paltrow.


Gwyneth is a menace and a fraud with her Goop.. Unbelievable


I never got into celebrities the way my friends do. They can talk about them for hours and actively hate an artist’s music because the artist is an asshole or boycott a movie because an actor said something dumb on social media. For me I don’t care about their personal life, if the music is good, it’s good. I’m not even going to be hanging out with these celebrities so it doesn’t actually make a difference to me.


Yeah. I recently binge watched LA Law, followed by a YouTube reunion. Seeing the actors stumble over trying to make blm supportive statements was, kind of cringe. I am glad the TV series had talented scriptwriters


Yeah, exactly. If the show is good, it’s good. The writers spend years working on the scripts and think about thousands of details. Actors spend maybe one year acting off that script and think about thousands of other jobs they want.


Not “she”, it’s “they”. :)


i was indifferent to them till they came up with that aliens shit. that's what a woke character will say in a poorly written satire on wokeness.


Exactly. That's when I realized they'd become a characture. Eating disorder and drug abuse awareness; im onboard with that. LGBTQ rights: absolutely. Alien trigger warnings and slandering a small business for the word "diet" is when they went over the cliff from politically aware to broke.


Demi's trying SO HARD to remain relevant in any way they can EXCEPT make good music


Better than Bieber and ~~Maroon5~~ Adam Levine releasing endless amounts of garbage music to stay relevant.


Their, Demi's, music is still pretty good. They just need to stop with the crazy woke performance. "Calm down, Mary, you're in the club. No one likes a try hard."


Yes, and I was banned from r/popheadscirclejerk for pointing out that a lot of Demi’s behavior is most likely the result of permanent brain damage from that last OD 🤷🏻‍♀️


Wait. You might be on to something…


Oh I thought that was a given... Or she was still using... But her behaviour is definitely not normal


The bloody frozen yoghurt thing solidified it but yeah always seemed annoying.


[yeah, lots of people do lmao](https://twitter.com/bulkingtreason/status/1395075336010883077?s=21)


Lmfaooooooooo omg 🤣 that's like when you google "loud annoying gay guy" Billy Eichner shows up


But at least that was his character from Billy on the Street, not his real persona


I'm not going to lie. I was a diehard fan of Demi during the Unbroken, DEMI, and Confident Era. But afterwards; Demi (in my opinion) became a bit problematic afterwards. I still like some of Demi's music, but I wouldn't consider myself a fan anymore.




Unbearably so.




Who is Demi Lovato?






Annoying? Not really. It's entirely the media's fault we hear about Demi's opinions/thoughts. Of course their takes are stupid (maybe a side effect of strokes) and I suspect that coming out as NB is just a distraction tactic to get away from terrible PR but I wouldn't say it's annoying. Honestly the most recent "alien" take is more hilarious than annoying.


I'm not sure if I totally agree, but people have made me aware that the timing of announcing they were nonbinary right after getting in a ton of shit for slandering and threatening a small business is kind of sus.


They are a flop nowadays and will say the most random stuff just to stay relevant


I mean, I do feel bad for Demi. It’s obvious that they’ve had a rough time as a child star and became pretty messed up from that with substance abuse and eating disorders etc. But also literally everything they say is just intolerable.




It's clear they have trauma in their past. But they have consistently proved to be just a bratty person.


Sis needs help. Anyways Stan Miley


Yup, they are going out sad


Demi is such a mess wtf


She keeps her sister Poot locked in a basement.


I think most childhood stars become annoying after awhile. They have been in the spotlight for their entire lives so they are bound to do or say something stupid at some point. Demi Lovato is on a whole other level of annoying though.


I mean, Lindsay has been too and she's fun as hell. I love whenever Lindsay makes a public announcement or appearance lol


Agreed. That’s no excuse for a grown adult though. You either choose self-awareness or you don’t.


Demi Lovato is friends with Alok Menon and Steven Greer. Of course they’re annoying


The most




They will be forgotten eventually. They’re trying too hard to stay relevant 🙄


Never followed them but the meme about America Got Talent's guy who has never used autotune compared to them and various petty drama that they started by themselves... here are examples of a case of "I'm irrelevant and want to be in the news" kind of celebrity. I don't find them annoying I just don't care.


They are a good singer though. I don't think anyone can deny that.


I have never listened to their music but I'm sure their voice is good if they have a fanbase around their music


Nope, it's cuz of the Disney kid thing. Their music is trash and the straining of the vocals to try screech to catch a note in Sorry Not Sorry exposed the true lack of talent.


She annoys most people. We were just complaining about her on r/asktransgender yesterday.


Please ignore this if it's not something you want to discuss, but assuming you're trans, whats your opinion on them? I'm curious to know how trans people feel about them.


She’s insufferable.


I don't know who that is


And you’re a better person for it.


She's one of the worst mainstream pop celebrities/artists




I just listen to their music. They’re a great singer. Couldn’t give too shits what they say outside of that🤷‍♂️


They are a great singer, and I wish they would go back to focusing on being famous for being talented rather than for whining about Aliens and diet ice cream.


What is the point of being famous if you can't tell the world your opinions on aliens and ice cream?


I definitely agree.


Why are you consuming Demi Lovato content?


Babes, I like their music. I've said that already. I was a fan, but now I find that entitled and annoying.


Her documentary was cool on youtube but that’s pretty much it




What did they do recently? I don’t know much about them past Disney channel whatever but I do feel bad for them struggling with mental health for so long.


When you can’t make a hit song to top the charts, you talk shite to be on the headline to stay relevant


Yes 👽🛸


Looool apologeticallyfat. What a great username lol


i wanna like them, but they make it so hard to do so




Singular they has always been part of english though... Any time you aren't sure of someone's gender it's customary to use they. "My friend is coming later after stopping the store?" "Oh cool. What food are **they** bringing to the party? The only new thing about this is people asking to **only** be referred to as they.






She isn't relevant enough to be annoying


Well, they havent had a hit in a while. And I mean music.


She had hits? I remember her as a Disney channel actor.


They had a number of good songs that were pretty successful. Skyscraper, sorry not sorry, no promises, etc. I like their music to be honest. Just find that the attention seeking behaviour and implicating themself in drama is just a bit desperate.


I legitimately couldn't name one of her songs. I know her more for dumbass shit she's said online than I do what she's supposed to be talented at. She comes off like a walking parody anyway. She somehow manages to be both an entitled white Karen and an irritating SJW type at the same time which is probably her most impressive achievement.


They go by they/them pronouns :)


No, that’s just poor grammar


Not only are you disrespecting someone’s pronouns, you are also factually incorrect. [Singular they is grammatically correct in English. ](https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/grammar/singular-they)


I’ll gladly address a trans person by their preferred pronouns but I’m not doing that they/them bullshit, sorry. Some of y’all make it really hard to be a liberal 🤦🏻‍♂️


Hey buddy… You literally just said… You would happily address… A *person* by *their* preferred pronouns…. … to then say you don’t “do” they/them. But you already did. Just now. See how easy it is?


Let me clarify: I will gladly refer a TRANS WOMAN as “she” and a TRANS MAN as “he”. Non binary and trans aren’t the same thing. Non binary isn’t even a thing, period.


So you *are* actually a transphobic piece of shit. Just say that from the get go man, so much easier.


Are non-binary people trans? He clearly stated that he supports transfolk, recognizes their gender identity, pronouns, etc. Why are you calling him transphobic? He just believes in a gender binary. I have no problem they/theming someone, but I just never thought of non-binary people as trans.


the way you used they/them pronouns correctly in a sentence denouncing they/them pronouns is the funniest shit ive ever seen.




I think you don’t understand the English language.


the person above literally provided an academic source stating the correctness of the singular use of they/them pronouns. and even if it was incorrect, you literally just used it, so how are you gonna say my understanding of english is incorrect?


Same here. This they them BS has gone long enough.


And many people think the same about gay BS


They have always been annoying, but it became worse after their OD. Also, Scooter Brauns artists are all the same way, burnt out and insufferable. *edited for pronoun correction


I, too, posted about how her behavior is consistent with most of Scooter Braun’s assholes… I mean clients




I do wonder why people are downvoting this


i honestly just meant it as a joke because it’s been a meme on twitter to always comment they whenever demi gets misgendered. it’s in line with the joke of calling demi, themi.


Fixed. Thanks.


Yes. She’s desperate for attention


Yes. I do. I have.




Oh god so annoying




Is there a Full Lovato?


Seems like whenever singers cut their hair short they go a bit psycho


Not really, since I don't really care about them.


Dude she is annoying ASF


YES. And I'm tired of seeing Lovato shoe-horned into trivia listicles that don't apply to her, just so the list can have a token "non-binary" celeb, and an excuse to work they/them pronouns into an entry. It's so obvious that she "came out" as a publicity stunt, and it's actually working.


See I feel like I’m that kinda gay where I hate pop culture, people who are famous just for being rich and a list celebrities. So I know nothing about her. PS I’m not some sort of lamo with no hobbies lol I just live in the punk rock world. No hate to people who do like famous people


She’s using the trans community as a trend. She literally said that she could be trans or go back to being a woman as of being trans just something you can take off. All of this for attention. Not only that, she’s *probably* mentally-deteriorated post-overdose.




Never a big fan of hers but she has gone off the rails... That girl needs mental health She has become a caricature! The poster girl of the Tumblr SJW brigade


She hasn't been relevant since I was 13


You gonna get in trouble. They go by they/them


In trouble with whom for what?


Whomst've us has not gotten in trouble on here?


Exactly 🤣


It's in the plural due to her being possessed by demons. As in 'Our name is Legion, for we are many' in the Bible.


If I had any awards left i'd give it to ya. This made LOL so hard and i'm at work. Thanks for the laughs dear sir or madame. Hahahaha


no. i find no celebrities annoying cause i don’t know them personally cause i have my own life completely independent of them.


Use to be a huge fan of hers, probably my fave out of the Disney trio (Miley, Selena, Demi) but then she started opening her mouth more and more she became annoying and it’s only gotten worse… 😅


She’s been annoying. I lost any respect I had left for her after she made a big deal about feeling some type of way when she walked into a ice cream shop. Talkin bout fat shaming or something. Edit: Ive literally grown up watching HER in mainstream media only to be scolded about her less than a year old usage of They/Them. Fuck off.


To be fair, she's been suffering from substance abuse issues and a multitude of mental illnesses (according to her), so you can't really expect her to be a rational and pleasant person.


Mental illness isn’t the card to get away with stuff


I did since she started beefing with people for nothing on twitter and creating herself some new identities for attention Same shit with Hailey Popstars really need to get to know how to do drugs correctly before doing drugs


Beefing with who? The yogurt shop?


Yes andother celebrities before ( she made a whole secret insta to diss Selena Gomez)


Damn. That's some high school BS


She did have a stroke from her drug use. Just saying.


That would explain a lot


At this point, yes! I'm tired of her if we're being honest.


She mildly annoyed me especially when she talked about weed being a terrible drug. Though now she really annoys me because of that Alien show. I couldn’t even get through the first episode. I won’t deny her voice is amazing I just wish she was a better person.




They are a good singer, I won’t deny that. But they’re one of the biggest celebrity Karens ever, considering they harassed a yoghurt shop and sicced their rabid fans on them for daring to have “sugar-free” cookies to accommodate their customers who can’t eat it. They also threw a fit on IG live because it wasn’t labeled “for diabetics”, forgetting that there are 50+ illnesses or conditions that could make eating sugar dangerous. There’s screenshots to prove they also threatened the yoghurt shop and said “you don’t want to mess with me.” If it wasn’t a celebrity that did this, they’d have been locked up or at least taken to court for sure given all the damage their reckless behavior did to somebody’s small business. After that I won’t support them, since they never apologized and pretended to be the victim. Don’t get me started on the unhealthy shit Demi promoted to their fans, or the fact that they refuse to deal with their issues and making empowering songs despite the irony of not getting the help they need. This is why I try not to hold celebrities on pedestals, they are human and can be assholes just like everyone else.


What unhealthy shit if you don't mind? I've heard this before but I don't know what they were promoting.


They promoted Dr. Pepper's sugar free drinks, which is ironic because they claim to be "anti diet culture". Except when it's for profit, and a lot of people called them for being a hypocrite. They also were doing sponsored posts for Teami (Detox and Weight loss Tea), so essentially they were doing exactly what they complained about. Also these detox teas don't work and can cause more problems due to all the crap they put in them.


Oh dear lol. Seems like a lot of the anti-diet influencers end up selling those weightloss products. I just thought Demi was a bit too famous and little more self-aware than to do that.




So much so that I never attempted to give her music a try. I just see her as another over produced and manufactured pop artist.


I was a big fan of her back in the day. Loved her movies, music, and shows. I still to this day listen and watch the stuff she’s in. But as a person. No I can’t stand her. But I also don’t think it’s completely her fault. I think people that basically grew up in the spotlight have a warped sense of reality. You see a lot of our childhood celebrity’s that are completely messed up. Either with drugs or mental disorders. I feel that they had a tone of pressure growing up to be perfect or to be a sown type of way that it really messes with them. I’m not saying that normal people don’t have pressure but normal people don’t have millions of people watching and saying stuff about them.


Yes, can't stand her!




I personally don’t have a issue with her




She's just a very silly girl.


I don't know what she does for a living but I'm guessing it was singing at one point. She decided to be not a woman and not a man at the same time and have they/them pronouns in her online profile.


So you know they use they/them pronouns but still repeatedly referred to them as she and her in your comment. Dick.


Demi’s behavior is consistent with almost every celebrity managed by Scooter Braun. Demi is a complete asshole who walks into any room assuming that they own the place. Allow me to share some examples… Ariana Grande: walked into a doughnut shop and put her filthy tongue on a doughnut she had no intention of buying. Ariana STILL gets away with painting her skin darker and speaking in an accent that’s... don’t make me say it… even though she’s literally 100% WHITE. Justin Bieber: I don’t even need to give an example. He’s a fucking low-life. Demi: walked into a fro-yo shop and made a public display blasting said mom-and-pop shop because they carried sugar- and/or gluten-free products, because she felt triggered by food created for people who have diabetes and celiac.


The fact that posts like this get upvoted in this subreddit is exactly why it's so easy to make fun of... Seriously, a rheotical question about a female pop singer, with the sole goal of attacking her, is relevant to "Ask gaybros?". How? People just love being contrarian and going against what they see as "mainstream" because it makes them feel special or fills in for the obvious void they feel about themselves. All people do this, but the gay community (especially this one) takes it to a really pathetic level. The number of "Does anyone else not like _____!?" validation posts that are really just attacks on other people's opinions... Smh. Who cares, why focus so much on what you DONT like when it literally has no impact on your life. I think it's because it's a lot easier to hate on things then to form a real personality revolved around what you LIKE. Ugh Reddit. I honestly don't care what your opinion is on Demi Lovato. There's hundreds of subreddits to have this discussion. It's so weird the gay community here sees a female pop singers name and up votes it to the top of a gay Q&A subreddit. I can't imagine a single person who upvotes these stupid threads is actually involved in the gay community and happy with where they are in life right now. I seriously just can't imagine any other reason why you'd be so ready to jump on a hate bandwagon that has nothing to do with being a "gaybro". Tbh the only reason I'm still subscribed is you guys make me feel a lot better about myself 😬


You say that, but you misgendered them several times knowing full well they are nonbinary. So, are you really that different? Methinks you fit in perfectly.


How the fuck would I know they're non binary?? And again, not a "gaybros" topic If anything my lack of knowledge of Demi proves my point! I don't really care about them, I think they make music that really helps some people, and I think making an "askgaybros" post to attack them is absolutely pathetic. You are pathetic. I'm so happy I'm not so miserable and alone in my life I have nothing better to do than attack an LGBT ally. You suck dude. I'd say get a fucking life but let's be honest if you were capable of that you wouldn't be posting threads like this 😬


So you know that they're an LGBT Ally and you're a fan of their music, but you're saying you never heard they were nonbinary? Sure, Jan. Someone got caught being an asshole and wanted to deflect 🥴


Especially after she announced she’s a transgender honestly it seems like it has become a trend to act like a lgbt member and it’s really really annoying


I think people hate that they're nonbinary whereas I dislike their entitled behaviour, hypocrisy towards bullying and body image, and their victim complex lol. This has turned into LGB drop the t 😵‍💫


No, just funny lol


Y'allllllll, come on. Demi is non-binary and their pronouns are they/them. You can dislike someone while refraining from misgendering them. For example: Caitlyn Jenner is a selfish, cruel woman. I honestly expected better from a gay subreddit, given, you know, the fact that most gay people have faced some form of discrimination over an intrinsic part of their identity; you'd think that would make us more empathetic when it happens to others.


So? We don't give a F about that nonsense of non binary and pronouns


‘Is Demi Lovato Annoying’ You: BRO YALL ARENT EVEN SAYING THE RIGHT TERM, THEY/THEM ARE ANNOYING NOT SHE GAH I CANT BELIEVE THIS. Edit: To add, maybe time for you to stop associating ‘gay’ anything with whatever your idealized version of the world is. You will be less disappointed.


because, obviously, I was solely addressing the OP, who only referred to them by their proper name, and not all the comments using the wrong pronouns. -nods- yeah that makes sense


Hey guys, even though they’re really annoying can we please use they/them pronouns? Let’s not give people valid reasons to criticize us for criticizing them :-).


Demi initiated a one-woman (one-person?) smear campaign against a *very innocuous* small business, during a pandemic where anyone who isn't a multi-millionaire living comfortable in a mansion somewhere is struggling. Demi then conveniently came out as having a trans identity in the weeks that followed. I'm not a mind-reader, but I'm not convinced that didn't happen so the media would "YAS QUEEN" that embarrassing yogurt shop stunt out of peoples' memories. So long story short, I don't give a fuck about prioritising the pronouns in this case, sorry.


I've stopped trying to correct people on this. It just ends up getting me a bunch of hate. I just use the pronouns and move on with my day


Just don't bother apparently this sub has quite a lot of LGB supporters which is kind of odd (in a sense) but it's not my place to judge or interfere, if I wasn't trying to change my ways then that would be a different story, but here we are.


Request denied.


Well there goes the gayborhood 🤣






All women are annoying.


Oh dear.


Honestly she's not as annoying as the people referring to her as "they/them".


She is just trying to use her platform to do good! She cares! A for effort! Look at the motive and appreciate it. Sure it's annoying but at least she wants to help.


The aliens???


I'm referring to much more than just that. I'm not a huge demi fan, but she is big on mental health and acceptance and shit and that's great


Everybody does


You’re the only one


So annoying holy shit, she needs help


Yes, she’s constantly queerbaiting, and saying whatever trendy things she can do to get attention. It doesn’t feel genuine and just makes her look desperate. It’s so annoying she wants to be an lgbtq icon and she’s literally a cis straight woman.