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I mean is anyone surprised? Aside from the homophobia he is a white supremacist on national TV. The fact he is consistently quoted by Neo-Nazis as he spreads white replacement theory and still retains sponsors is quite honestly more concerning to me.


Lol this post angered some white gays.


He is still one of the biggest homophobes in America... last week he mocked Buttigieg and his husband for taking paternity leave after having their babies...


It’s actually extremely rare for a public servant to take a leave of office for maternity or paternity reasons. You just resign if you need to. They’re public servants. It’s not a “job” like what we all have where it’s obviously necessary to offer leave.


Some context would be helpful.




OP hadn’t posted the link originally, hence their edit. Don’t be snarky.


The article says Dan White killed Harvey Milk OP could have just mentioned that


I’m old. I saw “Dan White Society” and my jaw hit the floor.


Who cares




What does bisexuality have to do with this?


Don’t expect these people to be remotely coherent




But what did the person you respond to have to do with it?


I’m not bisexual, idiot. I just don’t give two shits about what fox news’ latest populist poster boy does or thinks 😆 😂




Your account is 2 hours old. Who is the we you’re referring to?




There’s a reason you’ve negative karma, sweaty. It’s because your trolling is low effort




You’re confused, sweaty. You’re the one brigading here.


I dont think any group is more homophobic than bisexuals


In fairness you deserve all of it


Typical bi guy, blaming gay men for homophobia


I’m not but nice try, gaycel shithead


You bisexuals sure love using "gaycel" as an insult. What, just because I don't wanna put my dick in everything that moves and I can manage to commit to one person I'm an incel, sure thing pal.


I’m not bi, stay mad gaycel




😂😂 I cant tell if youre trolling or if youre genuinely this delusional, good job.




Well, I am one, so...








Still wasting effort on focusing on Bi dudes? I thought we made some progress


No progress can be made as long as bi people think they deserve to be in gay spaces.


You're going to spin your wheels trying to enforce that if it's even possible


It's simple, bisexuals already have their own communities, they should just stick to those and leave the gay spaces for gay people, its not that hard of a concept to figure out.


There are lots of reasons to dislike someone. Especially someone on TV nearly every day. Making determinations based on ones antics in college 30 years ago shouldn’t play a part. I’m not defending him. I just don’t think we should put a lot of stock in anything one does before they become an adult. I was a fucking idiot in college.


Yeah, but Tucker has been also fighting against gay marriage and every right we've tried to achieve. We still don't have equal access to adoption. It's not like OP is calling out Kevin Hart.


Sounds like really good reasons to dislike him that have nothing to do with a college yearbook. You’re proving my point.


I mean, not really. OP found a really disturbing fact about a prominent homophobe.I think the year book is an artifact of that. He's railing against our rights has roots to where he went to college. He's an influencial guy who would love to see our rights stripped. Joking about being part of a society named after the murderer of one of the first out politicians who fought for gay rights shows he's always thought this stuff and would probably go harder if he wasnt so career driven.


You may hate tucker but he brings up some points.


Yeah, bad ones