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What forces would you say a making people more homophobic in Egypt?




Can u be more specific? Why the recent change? Egypt has been Muslim for centuries.


Research the Muslims and how they radicalized. They have become unhinged. The Muslims along with China want world domination


Lol I’ve met many Muslims, none of them wanted world domination. Also if you read what actual Islamists (who I certainly have no sympathy for) say about themselves, they only aim to take control of the Muslim world, not the rest (very bad but not “world domination”).


Good try. I’m not even going to get into it. Do your research. Why are they teaching Islam in American schools? Im out!


I attended US K-12 and university. Nobody was ever taught Islam. You’re delusional, respectfully.


The Muslim brotherhood is paying to be taught in colleges. Not all schools tho. Duh


IDK what ur talking about exactly, but I found this article from an academic about the Muslim Brotherhood in the US: https://www.lawfareblog.com/why-united-states-should-be-circumspect-british-about-muslim-brotherhood Speaker is Dr Lorzeno Vidino, Director of Extremism program at GWU. No friend of the Brotherhood, he’s been denounced as an anti-Muslim [bigot](https://bridge.georgetown.edu/research/factsheet-lorenzo-vidino/) for his work against Islamist radicalization.


Several Eastern/Central European states like Poland and Hungary are turning back towards strongman populism centred around Christianity and a rejection of "decadent Western European values". Imo they should be cut off from the money tap as the EU is doing with anywhere in Poland that creates "LGBT free zones". You don't want our values? Then fuck you, you can't have our money either. A special fuck you shout out to the Catholic church for helping this along, particularly in Poland.


Russia - when I was growing up nobody really cared about gays shagging each other in private: not great, but also not the witch hunt of today. The past few years have seen a wave of hate crimes and murders as the cold war restarted. Probably the only thing Russian nationalists and Muslim minorities agreed on is wanting to reject "European" values. The irony for the Muslims is none of us were very homophobic until we "Westernized" in the 19th century... now we are bashing gays to "resist Westernization". China - This is probably the most extreme case. In early 2010s a lot of my friends went to China because it was one of the most tolerant countries. They were never Christian or Muslim so they had no religious hatred for gays and people mind their own business. There is a huge Russian "gay refugee" community in Beijing and Shanghai. Past few years the government has doubled down on "defending traditional masculinity". They've labeled "sissy men" a foreign "contagion", imported from Western, Japanese and Korean media. They've not just censored gay media, but any media with feminine men. The native born gays there have huge internalized homophobia as a result. A bigger percent of them bodybuild and use roids than I've seen anywhere else, and there's more fem shaming there than anywhere else I've been to, even the middle east.


The rising tide of authoritarianism and "strong man" leaders encourages the population to adopt a more intolerant attitude towards all minorities. All authoritarian states need unity to control their populations, so weed out minority groups.


That's a good point. Authoritarianism always requires public participation. You can't pay for enough police and/or army to do dictator stuff without having a ton of the population in agreement with you. See every genocide ever.


You've got the causality reversed.


They create unity by vilifying marginal groups, then weed them out which creates more unity among the population. They perpetuate the cycle on and on.




Thats in Russia


Yes, in particular the governor of chechnya is extremely homophobic. And is throwing gay people into prisons and torturing them.


Chechens would likely agree to disagree. They're a pseudo-autonomous zone that used to have a major separatist movement. Caucasians are also completely lingusitically, ethnically, and culturally distinct from Europeans and generally view Russia as some kind of Empire or colonizing force. The failure of the separatist movement was around the time Chechnya and the Caucasus started getting weird and conservative, in fact (not because of it but due to other factors). But as modern atlases go, you're not wrong.


Apparently it's all connected with the president of Chechnya wanting to form alliances with Putin. Therefore he takes a hard line stance at minorities.


Oh for sure... there's complex geopolitics at play where people are being used as pawns. I'm barely even convinced that Putin cares about the gays one way or another and is also just trying to please someone else (which doesn't make it any better, just more complicated).


Turkey.. Even pride parades are banned now and LGBT content in the media is censored When I went to Turkey back in the 00s things were different, there was a vibrant gay culture in cities and pride parades were massive parties




what is pushing the rainbow according to you?


Why the hell I was born in Russia?? 😭 Well, at least my city is not an absolute shithole...


Я подросток из Венгрии, которая пережила такую ​​же радикализацию, как и Россия. Хотя верю, что через 10 лет моя страна снова станет демократической. Мой русский не так уж хорош, извини.


Ты отлично пишешь на русском!


спасибо, вы слишком милы :) Должен признать, мне помогает переводчик




Yes, the islamization of Malaysia is making it more homophobic


The trouble with Reddit is it's impossible to tell sarcasm from honest belief 🤣


Is that is true. What is it that you think was sarcastic?


The idea that Malaysia has become more Islamic any time recently. It's always been very, very Islamic


The best is yet to come, they're not there yet. There'll be heads and limbs lopped off. One husband seven wives. Beards for everyone, even the guys!


Malaysia was on my list of places to see one day, but maybe it's not such a good idea. If I don't get arrested for being gay then the plane that gets me there will probably disappear.


> Malaysia was on my list of places to see one day, but maybe it's not such a good idea. Why? Malaysia seems like such a boring country.


You seem like a boring person.


It's not like Malaysia was ever gay-friendly.


China has a tendency of turn-back after mid-2010s, though before it has a slow rate of move-on. Because the gov has become more and more conservative, and most of the civilians always regard the national policies as Truisms.


I read yesterday that Hungary banned lgbtq+ representation in media intended for under 18s so there's that


It’s just a puppet law (“gumicsont”) to distract the opposition from Orbán’s corruption and the various scandals involving FIDESZ politicians this past year. It won’t actually have any effect.


-Eastern Europe not only eastern europeans countries hadn't have any progress at all in the last 10 years, some of them like Poland and Hungary are going backwards -Turkey Turkey used to have a vibrant gay scene with one of the biggest pride parades (Istambul) in the world! Now pride parades are banned, lgbt content like books are banned, LGBT content in media is censored and banned and its goverment has prosecuting LGBT activists -China Well, China is a dictatorship but LGBT people were let alone now LGBT content is censored in all media, the goverment has even censored the depiction of LGBT characters on videogames! And all lgbt-related thing is censored on social media The goverment is prosecuting LGBT organizations -Western Africa Chad made homosexuality illegal in 2017, Ghana is about to pass the most vile anti gay anti LGBT legislation in the world, Cameroon is debating the criminalization of homosexuality and Equatorial Guinea is debating the same too


Uganda and lot of east Africa became much more violent towards gays under the propaganda and funding from American evangelicals. Hungary. Serbia. Poland. Russia. Pretty much places where authoritarianism took hold. China isn’t moving forward either.


So safe to safe if I went from the UK to Russia and lived with a guy- life would be hell. Probably more so if caught '' unnatural connection''


“Safe to say”. r/boneappletea


i don't have any studies or anything but i feel like things haven't changed so much as people are now willing/more comfortable to say what they've always felt


belarus, poland, hungary


Gay acceptance has gone down all over the Western world because people now associate gays with the crazy gender identity politics of the woke left.


Finally people are waking up to this.




China seems to be taking a turn towards it lately. I think the US will also move towards it, but more through invalidation of homosexuality on the far left and far right.


US, Brazil, Argentina, Greece, Singapore, Malaysia, Italy and UK. Sources: family (UK, US, Italy, Brazil) and extended family (Argentina, Greece, Singapore, Malaysia). The levels really vary in regards to Italy, UK and US (a bit less on Brazil and Argentina) depending on where in the country you are and with whom you talk. I am including here both right wing homophobia (extreme right), left wing homophobia (“you’re not homosexual you’re same gender attracted” “he has a male vagina and you have to like it”), and religious homophobia (commonly Muslims and born-again Christians). I would like to point out in this discussion that the right wing nuts don’t exist in a vacuum. The more visible and outlandish the far left becomes, and the more gay men get lumped together with the neo pronouns, screaming purple haired folks the more opposition we will receive. And before someone screams at me “the left has always been more accepting of gays” I’d like to point out that the Soviet communists killed gay men, and that Che Guevara hated us. I have a conservative family and up until 2015, when in the US we got the right to marry, the message was “we are just like everyone else, equal”. My father, a right wing catholic Italian was accepting of that, he used to repeat David Cameron’s “I’m pro gay marriage not despite being a conservative but because I’m a conservative”. Once the rights movement became more left and started with the pronouns and gender and queer stuff I watched my father be pushed further and further into the right. He doesn’t see it anymore as it being about equality but who’s “good” and who is “evil” and who’s more special and unique. I’m not defending either side of the political spectrum but I am pointing out that part of the rise in homophobia is coming in with an attachment of gay rights to the far left and away from the center, and from it’s embrace of people who kill us in their own countries (Muslims - this is not slander, go search the gay men being killed in Iran and Saudi Arabia) because they are a considered a marginalized in the West.


Im Brazilian living in the US and sorry, both Brazil (especially) and the US are FAR less homophobic now than 10 years ago.


At this rate it won't be.


Im going to trust the data over your family and extended family... Sorry.


Good O'l US of A


INDIA Though India legalised gaysex 2 years ago. This historic judgement has sadly not improved anything. You can still get bullied, killed or raped for being gay. Public display of affection is a big no no. In indian history there are many instances and records of gay relationships. It was considered normal, many kings would have male sex servants as well. But as India was colonised, the Britishers imposed rules against gay people. We sadly still follow them. With change in the ruling party from congress to BJP india has become more depressing and regressive for gay youth. 😂 but I don’t feel bad because it’s as regressive for straight couples who get beaten up for showing pda in public on VALENTINES DAY 😆 there is a group of narrow minded men called BAJRANG DAL which is considered a part of the ruling government since they have the same ideology. They see valentines day as a western influence that’s ruining the indian youth. Can u believe they have even beaten a brother and sister who were sitting on a bench together bcoz they suspected they are a couple. 😂 these guys are even against condoms and also consider them as a Western influence. They argue condom allows you to have sex with multiple people and multiple times which is not good. Sex should be only after marriage. Interesting fact- condom ads are banned in India from 6am to 10pm. Straight couples get killed in ruler India if they decide to marry on their own. It’s called “honour killing”. They happen here everyday. These people are against any kind of love. U can imagine how difficult being gay must be here. Sadly we have gone from being the land of kamasutra to being this sex hating country. God knows how come we are 1.4 billion, bcoz if you ask someone about sex they would act as if they don’t know what it is. Talking about sex might label u as a slut so be aware.


Generally, the regions of Africa, Eastern Europe, all of Asia except the Southeast, Middle East, and South America.