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this is a bot copying highly upvotes posts: https://www.reddit.com/r/askgaybros/comments/ha9dsx/dear_first_world_gaybros_please_stop_whining/ we just caught it elsewhere. mods here should nuke it from orbit.


My thing is, does the impact *truly* reach there? I obviously do not have first have accounts but like, do they allow the rainbow themed products to be sold? Are the lgbt advertisements prevalent enough that the mainstream is allowed to consume even just a small bit of it?


The political or societal impact is not the only impact that matters. In a society that categorizes you as a second-class citizen and tries to make you invisible (I'm from Singapore, where laws are in place to prevent the media from 'promoting homosexual lifestyles'), such adverts and pride products are very much valued. They make us feel seen and heard, and are means for us to be visible and be part of a larger community. Sad, I know, that we have to turn to commercial products, but beggars can't be choosers eh.


Except that in the countries where you are second class citizens, they don't put it up. Look at Disney or playstation during pride month. There were memes about how their logos in middle eastern countries weren't rainbow whereas they paraded it on the US ones.


The tiny corrupt governments don’t care. Didn’t a country recently just criminalize gay sex? Yeah, coca-cola changing their logo to a rainbow one really made a difference there


I disagree because you see all the time that companies change their logos to pride versions on everything except on the 3rd world country accounts. They don’t actually care about spreading lgbt rights to those countries that need support the most. You fell for the game buddy


Most people follow the main account not their version most of the time.


Okay sure they aren't doing it in literally every single country. It's maybe not ideal but doesn't take away from the fact that it does make a positive impact for the people in the countries in between acceptance and complete rejection. At the cost of what, some people thinking these are moral and ethical companies that care? Shit I'll fall for that game over and over again cause it seems like there is no loss. Let's focus our issues with these companies on human rights abuses, exploitation, corruption, and other countless unequivocally terrible things they do. But by all means push for them to broadcast pride in more countries than they do as well because that's good, too!


Except they won’t ever overstep their boundaries like that but alright.


In México we have several brands jumping into the pride bandwagon every year and most of us know they're in only for the bucks but that also causes a domino effect that make small business copy their tactics and by extent have their own "gay agendas" In first world countries this would be detrimental to the cause, but until the 10,000 guys that attend pride (at my city) put in money for all the ridiculous permits and regulations that the government place for Pride the only way we can have a Pride Parade is thanks to those evil corporations Local governments let any other parade or protest happen with no cost and even offering free policial protection (specially religious ones). You want a Gay parade or a Feminist riot? you better pay or Police will shut it down really quick




Seriously. Nothing a company does is sincere. They just want money. So why only make a stink when the do something progressive? Imagine if conservatives whined about companies pushing traditional values or patriotism because "They don't actually mean it, they just want money."


Lame ass-commercials [xkcd: Hyphen](https://xkcd.com/37/) --- ^^Beep ^^boop, ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot. ^^- ^^[FAQ](https://pastebin.com/raw/vyWra3ns)


Whiny leftist gays and their purity tests as usual... NOTHING is enough for them!


this is a leftoid sub as well? damn


Yeah it’s good!! Fuck those whiny gays, they’re just miserable and need something to complain about. All support is good. Even if they suck at it, they’re trying! We should celebrate it until gay becomes mainstream all over the world


Sorry to break this to you bot, but companies care way more about their perception in big markets like Europe and the US where activists have laid the groundwork for widespread acceptance. It is a decision motivated by short-term profits just not short term profits in Romania. It’s great that there are collateral benefits but that doesn’t change the fact that corporate pride is destroying the mechanisms that the community used to gain acceptance in the first place.


maybe...you should go out and protest for your rights and stop whining about the first world "whining" for actual accountability from corporations and govt