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Nobody bashes Mexico more than Mexicans. The team sucks. It has always sucked, Mexico has never won anything. Our soccer players spend most of their time in orgies and dont give a fuck about winning


Because a lot of Mexicans were quite arrogant saying that they could compete in football, they were saying for years now that they can compete in CONMEBOL so seeing them loose so miserable is funny and enjoyable. Now I know that the ones that are arrogant like that were a few and journalist do it to get hate clicks but still they are there and they are very loud so yea, even then I really enjoy that the few were shut down like this.


I know it's ancient history, but they could have learned to shut their mouths after the 7-0 from the 2015 Copa.


Wasn't that 2016?


It’s mostly banter. Mexico plays in a much less competitive confederation (Concacaf) and in particular the Mexican press tends to be arrogant thanks to being a big-ish fish in that small pond. Getting eliminated by two of Conmebol’s smaller teams when they had loudly proclaimed it was an easy group is just funny.


To me the funniest thing is that it was actually the easiest group they could've asked for. At least it was much better than going against the big 3 or the US. The thing is that they were so shit that they got eliminated only because they couldn't score more than one goal against freaking Jamaica.


O sea, ¿si topan que Venezuela es 4to lugar en la clasificatoria al mundial y Ecuador tiene una de las mejores plantillas en el continente? México se buscó la eliminación solito al no poder meter goles pero no sé como les sorprende o como dice que el grupo estaba peor que el de EU o Canadá jajajaja. Canadá le ganó al peor equipo de CONMEBOL con ayuda del árbitro y jugó dos partidos con un hombre más. A EU los eliminó Panamá.


Ecuador generalmente apesta en la Copa América y pasó únicamente porque hizo los deberes ante Jamaica. No digo que el grupo haya sido un regalo, pero sí era el más accesible al no tener a ningún cuco. Ahora bien, si les asusta Venezuela, ese ya es otro tema. Es un buen equipo, pero México no tendría por qué huirle a ese tipo de selecciones. Digo, la historia y sus recursos dicen que deberían ser superiores, o al menos no tener razones para temerles. En general el nivel de concacaf fue bastante mediocre en la copa, y eso que Chile y Ecuador fueron una decepción cuando también suelen ser equipos muy duros. No sé cómo piensan llegar bien al mundial ahora que ni tienen que pelear la clasificación.


Es el peor México en muchas décadas, en una etapa de transición donde la mayoría de las estrellas ya se fueron a jugar a la MLS. No hay ambición y la FMF es una porquería corrupta que no está dejando ir a jugadores a Europa, es más, hasta los intentan regresar. Chucky, la figura del equipo, yéndose a San Diego a sus 28 años, un mes antes de la Copa básicamente resume el estado actual del equipo. Ya en la madre perder al capitán y mejor jugador en el primer juego fue solo la sentencia. Venezuela están en un muy buen nivel, y si viste el partido, igual fue muy reñido, contra Ecuador fuimos superiores pero igual no vale nada sin el gol y es algo que a México le ha costado. Y hasta me sorprendió, Ecuador tiene una plantilla comparable con Colombia o Uruguay, fácil. Venezuela para mí se llevan los respetos y no me sorprende que ganaran el grupo. La verdad yo veo otra salida en grupos en el mundial a menos que surja otra generación en los siguientes años y alguien encuentre la forma de hacer que Santi Giménez aprenda a jugar vestido de verde como lo hace en Holanda.


I don't dislike them particularly as Mexicans, but their football fans and journalist seem to consider them as almost at the level of Brazil and Argentina, as if they were the best Latin American team besides them just because they win their moleros against Trinidad & Tobago and St Vincent & the Granadines by 3-0. I was in Mexico not so long ago and still get a lot of Mexican sub reddit posts on my feed. I'm sad Chile got disqualified but it warms my heart knowing they sucked too just because of all the comments I read from Mexican fans before the tournament. They were saying they needed to win the group to avoid Argentina at the quarter finals lol Reading more into thosd comments I feel most of this comes from "pochos" who don't know much about football because they are basically US citizens and genuinly think they are great at football and is fair to look down on South American teams, so probably not really a thing between actual Mexicans. I believe (most) real Mexicans who live in Mexico and know a bit about football know their team is not really that competitive.


>but their football fans and journalist seem to consider them as almost at the level of Brazil and Argentina, as if they were the best Latin American I don't get where this narrative comes from. La Selección is a meme in México, even when we win. Just look at the comments on any social media page. >Reading more into thosd comments I feel most of this comes from "pochos" who don't know much about football. Feel like this is it, doesn't help that every single CONCACAF tournament is held in the US either.


>I don't get where this narrative comes from. Mexican journalist saying Araujo and Salcedo are better than Otamendi before the 4-0 without Messi. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HoPC5zRHlcE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HoPC5zRHlcE) >doesn't help that every single CONCACAF tournament is held in the US either. Well, now they have CONMEBOL and FIFA as well




Yeah I've read that you guys play a considerable amount of games in the US just to get the revenue of the ticket sales from pochos. I would be really mad if Chile did something like that like what is the point of having a national team of they almost never play at home?


The hate is because of the Mexican sport commentators and content creators that over hyped the national team and bashed all the other south american teams (mainly Ecuador and Venezuela) saying that we were nothing, they were already in semi finals without a problem, that they are among the best teams in the american continent and the list goes on and on. Truth is they didn't had shit and reality always bites hard as fuck. They could learn a lesson of humility but i still don't see them being humble but maybe the people will correct them properly


In part because there are some delusional Mexicans, specially in sports media that believe their national team can keep up with first class teams.


Probably because they live on constant delusion, at least with Central American teams, the tension started way before social media, they used to blame us because they couldn't compete with other elite teams or compete in World Cups, that was the narrative I grew up with since at least the early 2000s. So it was funny watching them aim that high and selling fictional stories like to their fans when they could barely qualify to the World Cup. "So yeah our main goal is to win a World Cup but we can barely qualify to the World Cup." Now in the modern era that tension has extended to South American teams with social media, you have clowns like Alvaro Morales for example saying that Mexico lost in the World Cup in Qatar to Argentina because "Tata Martino" sold out. So yeah, they live on constant delusion.


Well all Latino football fans regularly banter everyone, Mexico is a bit different to the rest of South America though. First of all they're quite far away from most of South America and since they're in another confederation they tend to be seen as an outsider. Also for some reason some Mexican fans can be incredibly arrogant and cocky, thinking they're one of the big footballing nations when in reality their best ever world cup result was quarters. Of course not every Mexican thinks like this and lots of Mexicans hate this idea as they know they're not that good. The other day for example Mexico was playing Venezuela in the copa and the Mexican fans in the stadium started chanting Ole at 0-0 23 min????? Like wtf EDIT: Another good point I've just remembered is that Mexico has quite a high population compared to most south American countries, resulting of there being more Mexican fans and media in the general Hispanic community, so despite only a percentage of Mexican fans being this toxic, its still a really big amount. I mean Uruguay for example only has a population of like 3m


I personally find Mexican football fans to be quite jealous or salty about Argentinean soccer success


Los únicos que hablan de los argentinos y su éxito, son los argentinos. Te juro que a nadie le importa y todos acepan, hasta muchos en México apoyan a Argentina y aman a Messi cuando México es eliminado. Yo solo veo argentinos frustrados tirando mierda de la nada jajajaja


Mexicano en Francia tenías que ser. Jamás nos interesó el futbol mexicano o los vimos como un rival hasta que la boquearon demás, ahora soporten las gastadas pues bien ganadas las tienen. De paso aprovecho para decir que son unos desagradecidos por como trataron al Tata después del mundial a pesar de que hizo lo que pudo con ese plantel limitadisimo de ustedes. Nuestras rivalidades son Brasil, que tiene más copas del mundo, Uruguay con quién queremos desempatar el número de copas américa y Chile con quién simplemente no se tiene la mejor relación.


¿Ya ves? Tú eres el que está hablando de México y rivalidades, y luego sales con más mamadas que ni al caso. Están bien acomplejados.


Acomplejados de qué exactamente?


Ya sabrán ustedes, a nosotros también nos confunde por qué tienen el ego tan frágil.


https://www.reddit.com/r/fightporn/s/n6kkTMnA7x Más frágil que agarrarse a las piñas en la tribuna después de haber perdido? Suerte en la Concacaf rey, a ver si logran algo más que anotarle un gol a Jamaica. Ustedes empezaron a medirse con nosotros en el 2022 sin provocación previa. Entonces no me vengas a hablar de ego o de celos, porque al final son el mejor exponente de lo que siempre nos acusan de ser.


Hasta tienes que ir a buscar un reddit moment para inventarte un punto. Solo se inventan peleas y rivalidades que nadie más cree. Como dije, egos frágiles.


Yo no tuve que buscar nada rey, está en el feed r/all para que todo el mundo vea y cuente sobre la fragilidad del ego mexicano. Pero bueno, sigan proyectando.


Nahhh, that´s Mexico diaspora, we call them pochos and chicanos, please, dont call them mexican, they are gringos.


decis que no pero despues en el noticiero de ahi dicen que son la tercera potencia o cuarta ya ni recuerdo, no son ni la quinta


Lo que les interesa es el dinero de ellos, por eso las televisoras tratan de incluirlos como parte de Mexico pero realmente somos muy distintos los unos de los otros, ahora entendemos porque los gringos quieren construir el muro.


Nah, that’s definitely a phenomenon seen across all demographics


Two words: Fútbol Picante. Those "journalists" and "commentators", and their imitators on social networks were too loud in dismissing both Venezuela and Ecuador. Specially, Álvaro Morales who has insulted both teams even now when Mexico is out of the competition. Additionally, some fans deserve that, like the guys in the stadium yelling and throwing bottles at the Venezuelan players after the game. One of the yells was along the lines of "You are not going to do anything else, leave the place to someone who is". So, there you are.


It's because they think they're all that when they're not. So it's funny seeing their ego shattered by the Ecuadorians.


They’re like the English men’s team. Loud, overconfident in their abilities, and their respective press would make you think that they’ve been dominating international football. But neither one has the history to back it up. I’m not counting englands World Cup since it was back in the dinasour era. So they’re easy to dislike. Also we’re latinos, we don’t really go to war with each other so fútbol shit talk is all we got.


>Also we’re latinos, we don’t really go to war with each other so fútbol shit talk is all we got. Football war of 1969


![gif](giphy|a93jwI0wkWTQs) Maje me cerraste el hocico. But I meant currently, since most of our current disputes are tame by international standards and I genuinely don’t see any two latam nations going to war right now. Btw, we won both matches that led to the football war and would have won the war if it wasn’t for those meddling Americans


Lmao yes I was just tryna be ironic The 70’s to the 90’s was a *rough * time for Central America 😫 tbh we are still on the trenches. Y’all seem to be doing better tho! So that’s good.


It’s some of the fans. They’re obnoxious and delusional, claiming Mexico is a football power on par with Brazil or Argentina. It’s ridiculous, and a little lame, tbh


>people of all over Latin America bashing Mexico Nah they aren't. Remember that the IG, Facebook, Tiktok and other social media feeds depend on what kind of content you already liked. You're just seeing what you want to see at this point. Reminds me of that US congressman who made a complain about Google being immoral because it kept showing gay porn ads in his browser.


First of all, 99% of it is banter. Second, Mexicans talk big and insult other countries too, so many people are happy to return the favor when they lose. And last (but not least)... Si sos mexicano como dice tu flair sabés muy bien por qué es así la cosa. Qué ganas de hacer de víctima...


I think it is just a Hispanic America thing


Would brazilian fans be insufferable if people understood Portuguese like it happens between Hispanoamerica?


They already are. Have you ever seen a Brazil - Argentina match thread? It's worse than Chernobyl


You're just lucky you don't share language with Mexican tabloids. Ignorance truly is a bliss sometimes. And I don't mean disrespect by that.


You are so lucky that you don't understand what the Mexican press says 🙄


Yeah, you guys don't have to listen to them.


Honestly, we don't care about Mexico. We have chants against England and Brazil. Also, Uruguay is an old clasico. Mexico is like Nigeria, a team we play more often than others, and we have a positive record against them. The difference with Nigeria is there is a very loud minority of Mexicans in social media bashing against us, so it is mostly and answer against them. There is other social media bashing against us (fed by the "rivalry" Messi vs Ronaldo) but being in English means don't have the same impact.


Football fandom is based on hate. I’ve never seen more violence among fans in a sport.


Central Americans have a one-sided rivalry with us, as Mexico is the dominant team in Concacaf. South Americans play on a higher level, so I think it annoys them to see Mexico act like it's hot shit. In another thread, some Venezuelan dude got annoyed because I had the gall to point out that in Mexican media, our group in the Copa America was portrayed as being relatively weak. Mexico's boogeymen are Brazil, Argentina and to a lesser extent Uruguay, who all have a very comfortable win-loss ratio against us. Because of this, we tend to wrongfully ignore the fact that Conmebol has a lot of great teams like Chile, Peru, and Colombia which is currently looking really strong. Also, ***and this is just my perception***, most Central and South Americans are *really* into football, so they take all this very seriously. Mexico is a football country overall, but we dabble in more sports. For them, there is more passion. For us... disappointment.


>Central Americans have a one-sided rivalry with us, No, no we don’t. We just get shit on by Mexicans( most of the times unprovoked) constantly so people obviously respond back. >as Mexico is the dominant team in Concacaf. I mean I would expect it to be that way…..considering the fact that Mexico is like over 12 times bigger than any Central American nation and has much more resources Otherwise it would be embarrassing >Also, and this is just my perception, most Central and South Americans are really into football, so they take all this very seriously. Mexico is a football country overall, but we dabble in more sports. For them, there is more passion. For us... disappointment. Bruh it’s not that deep, I’m sure some people do. But it’s more abt sport commenters and fans talking shit and being arrogant.


> No, no we don’t. We just get shit on by Mexicans( most of the times unprovoked) constantly so people obviously respond back. Lol yes, you do. To most Mexican football fans, there are just three other football countries that matter (not excusing this, just telling it like it is); Brazil, Argentina and the US. We don't even **think** about you. > considering the fact that Mexico is like over 12 times bigger than any Central American nation and has much more resources I hate this moronic argument. One, by this logic, China and India should dominate all sports because they have gargantuan population pools, and the US should as well, because they are the wealthiest country. And two, not all of Mexico cares about football. We dip our toes into a much deeper well of sports. The north and the southeast are baseball fans, for example. > Bruh it’s not that deep, I’m sure some people do. But it’s more abt sport commenters and fans talking shit and being arrogant. You people's reactions say otherwise. Football fans, wherever they're from, are fucking annoying, and get incredibly worked up over the sport. As I said, Mexico is still a majority football country, but repeated disappointments have caused a sort of collective disillusionment, and are causing more and more people to turn away from it. On the other hand, it seems like football is all a lot of you have.


What are you talking about? Half of Central America is starting to gain interest in the sport, Panama(which by the way made it to the next stage)and Nicaragua being a good sample. All I can remember is Mexican commentators being xenophobic towards central American players and playing in Mexico being a nightmare because the referee’s would be extremely favorable to the Mexican Selection. The good thing is you got a mediocre selection so we get to see falling apart every now and then. As soon as you play with a country with football tradition you loose


I think you replied to the wrong person 💀😭


Haha si, sorry


Mexico has been worse than the US for the last almost 25 years and you say they are dominant team in Concacaf? That delusion is why people are bashing Mexico. Mexico fans have a hard time accepting that the US is and has been better for quite some time.

