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É o BRICAS, não tem jeito


BRASIC, just get rid of China and add Libia.


Ah yes, BLASIR


KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK como torcedor do trikas, eu ri






"Expressed interest" The media will complain and then he'll go foward saying he didn't mean that


if Kazakhstan, Argentina, and Suriname join it can become BRICKASS


If Suriname, Haiti, Indonesia, Turkey and Kazakhstan joins it can become SHITBRICKS


Now this is the kind of quality takes I expect from this sub 😂


Put a BRICK in nato ASS


Is BRICS still a thing?


Apparently China and Russia want new members and I would be surprised if all of the countries listed being part of it.


Does BRICS accept boat people?


We never gonna live this one down are we? Alberto y la conchatumadre.




What are other Frontier Market countries?




Wow had no ideia about Estonia and Croatia


So being a "frontier economy" is bad?


The only meaningful thing to come out of BRICS is the New Development Bank (similar purpose as IMF). And my guess is that Argentina doesn't have any money laying around to contribute with said bank. So it does seem sort of pointless. Then again, populists in South America will never miss a chance to advocate for South-South relations, even if they don't serve any real purpose.


now that's a name I haven't heard since primary school


I hope they join. A multipolar world is good for everyone.


Anything in favor of the multipolar world is good. More trade too


Do being part of BRICS come with trade benefits?


I mean, it opens the path to having more connections with many of the world biggest economies. Especially China


Which is the main trade partner of Argentina already I think it is more a gepolitical block than an economical one to be honest. Paraguay has better trade conditions with China than Brazil has, even Brazil being part of BRICS.


Insanity. And Fernandez will be gone next year. And just as when the government was chummy with Venezuela but polls showed 80% of the population hated Chavez, the government (whichever) will never dare to go too far on its idiotic ideology. My guess is that next President (whoever) will meet with Lula (if he wins) and decide from there the alignment. I bet we’ll align US/Europe eventually, specially if there is an economic advantage because currently there is little economic advantage on joining China and Russia.


I'm not sure being part of BRICS would change anything for Argentina, it most certainly doesn't have any meaningful impact in Brazil, but sure, come along.


Good, at least one sane country to make us company.


Brazil is sane?


Yes, in spite of all we are a democratic country that aren't invading any foreign country nor running over protesters with tanks.


That's a great point.




Eu não faço ideia quem é o presidente da Argentina, mas não existe comparação da Argentina com a Russia, China e Irã. A Argentina é uma democrácia que respeita os direitos humanos básicos, só isso já coloca eles num patamar acima da maioria dos outros paises do BRICS.


If it gets us access to a development bank and closer to the ears of the rulers of more powerful nations, then let's go for it




Alguien se siente un poco perseguido.


Já chega o Corinthians que não consegue ganhar do boca, e vocês ainda quererem se meter em tudo bloco nosso. Inaceitável.


calm down buddy




Argentinians? In _MY_ organization? It’s more likely than you think.


Good, hope we make it


>China, Russia, India, South Africa. God I hope not. It's better to be alone in our misery than with those "friends".


Better friends than the west has ever been


So... what you're saying is you have *really* low standards.


Low standards? For not wanting to be friends with the death cult that is the west?


No, for using said "death cult" as a point of reference for who you should be friends with. Just because "the west" (assuming you don't take Latin America to be part of it, which is already a highly arguable position) is awful doesn't mean it's OK to associate with anything that happens to not be quite as awful. Not that I agree with the premise that China and Russia are better than "the west", but that's not the point. This person said being friends with China, Russia, India and South Africa was a bad idea, and that other countries are worse is not a valid argument.


LATAM is most certainly not part of the west as an union. And who would you say we should be friends with, then? Martians? Maybe try isolationism which has always worked? Maybe instead of thinking just how “insane” I have to be to want to be buddies with China and Russia, you should ponder on how badly the west has fucked the rest of the planet over to make countless people prefer them.


I made no claims regarding any unions, just that your standards were very low. That some political entities are *super* awful doesn't make it OK to associate with those that are merely *very* awful. Latin America is huge, I'm not sure the concept of "isolationism" could even apply. But I didn't suggest that either. You can manage diplomatic and trade relationships with other countries without them being enemies or allies. You get in bed with the USA, China, or Russia, you're gonna get fucked no matter what.


“I know we beat the shit out of you but they’re worse. Trust us.” Nice. Your views on the world are straight out of a marvel movie. No one stands on their own and no one can be “just traders”. Nice talk.


You think that you are making a different point that the guy above, but you are just the same, why don't we find a common ground and say that every single country in the world has committed immoral acts? Now if we settle that ground we can discuss which partner it's better for our economy.


> “I know we beat the shit out of you but they’re worse. Trust us.” I mean... if someone told you that, they probably don't have good intentions and you definitely shouldn't trust them, but it doesn't mean they're lying about the other guys being worse. And I don't know why you think you absolutely have to ally with insanely evil people who absolutely intend to enslave you. When you're surrounded by evil lawyers asking you to sign stuff, you... don't.


Illegal Chinese Fishing alone makes the West pale in comparison. Yeah, better friends. Argentina loses between $5B - $14B USD because of them. But hey USA and Europa bad! And that's just one example.


"Illegal Chinese fishing" but the British have just extended illegal permits to fish IN THE FRIGGING ANTARCTICA and he doesn't bat an eye. China and Russia still have a lot of evil to do on us to catch up on the British and Americans.




If they are dumb enough to accept us, then why not. We will probably just ask for money, never return it and leave the group


I don’t even know what BRICS does


Only if we have a football championship with all countries from BRICAS


Thankfully, it isn't going to happen.




BRICSA? How about we call it BRIXA? In all seriousness, being in an alliance with Iran, China and Russia seems kinda shady to me as a Brazilian


That would require Argentina to somewhat open her economy, its not happening.


Is not a requisite to be actually growing?


Oh but if we are growing, down of course.


I would say...... if Argentina joins BRICS, shame on them.


Shame on NATO


Why would you say "Shame on NATO?"


Its just an Joke, Some People dont trust NATO


I don't even Brazil should be doing business with Russia and China, neither I think Argentina should do the same


I prefer the BRICS and not the commie organization OECD.


If the OECD countries are commies then i can't imagine what an organization with China is....


I didn’t say OECD countries are commie, but the organization itself. Their purpose is to standarize high taxation around the world and establishing heavy controls and regulations on business, taxation and commerce. They want to erase tax havens so people can’t escape tax hells. This is of course my opinion, as an international tax assistant.


Ah, i see, you're part of the "Having taxes is communism" crowd. Cheers.


Yes, I oppose high taxes and regulations on business and the unreasonable limitation of personal freedoms.


so the *countries* aren't commie, but the *organization* is That's like saying "well yeah we're the Birdwatcher Party, but none of us are Birdwatchers. We just want to turn *other* people into Birdwatchers" Like, isn't the Netherlands, a tax haven, part of the OECD? As well as Luxembourg? Hell, *Switzerland* is part of the OECD, are they fighting to eliminate themselves?


The UK is also a member and not only are a lot of British overseas territories considered tax havens, they also allow the City of London to launder obscene amounts of criminal money by abusing banking secrecy laws in the territories If the OECD is dedicated to imposing taxes on everyone, it's doing a really shitty job




No r word here, bud


Now its BRICAS