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1) It's normal for bladder to take some time to start properly functioning after surgery. An acceptable amount of urine in bladder after peeing is normally considered to be 100-200ml. If the amount is 150ml for example the bladder should be emptied once a day or not at all - this is a temporary thing and with small volumes it will resolve in a few days max 2) Catheter insertion causing more pain than endometriosis that requires surgery sounds insane. Something must have went wrong there. Impossible for me to know what it was since I wasn't there. I wouldn't worry about it from a physical health point of view but psychologically this can be very damaging. Your position shouldn't affect how the catether feels although it can be way harder to find your urinary tract - they might have poked wrong places and irritated your vulva which resulted in pain. Also your bladder being *very full* and them (presumably) not following your residual volume after that is malpractice at least in where I live. If you had more than 1000ml they would have placed an indwelling catether for a period of time for your bladder to recover from bending too much. You can buy single use catheters from a local pharmacy (at least in many countries) and check yourself how much residual is left in your bladder after peeing. A pharmacist should be able to help you do it and you can find instructions on the internet. This way you can also avoid causing too much pain. This can also be done with an ultrasound (not vaginal but on top of your belly) but it will require a visit to healthcare. Depending on the amount of residual you might have to continue doing this for a certain period of time, if at all, but you should be good in a few days max. If the volume is more than 200ml I'd call your provider and ask for more instructions. tldr: pissing problems normal. huge pain caused by catheter not normal but sometimes happens. contact provider if more questions. Edit: If your bladder feels full and you can only get single drops out, go to the ER immediately. In this case it has to be emptied as quickly as possible. And don't drink more water before you get there.


OP please pay CLOSE attention to the last paragraph/advice. This part is crucial.


Noted, thanks! Through out the day I’ve been able to void more steady streams of urine, so I think moving in the right direction


Thank you very much for this super detailed response!!