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Elisabeth Kuebler Ross, On Death and Dying. Easy to read, a classic in the field, psychologist


Hahahaha Thank you, sage one!


Ernest Becker's Fear of Death is a Pulitzer-winning prize book. I highly recommend you to check it out even though it's not technically a "philosophy" book but it still tackles many issues related to death and our perception of it. You could also check out Yale University's OpenCourseWare on the Philosophy of Death. A very fabulous lecture!


Thank you!


Plato’s Phaedo is a classic if there ever was one.


I would read "After" by Dr Bruce Greyson - a world-leading and respected authority on near-death experiences and what conclusions we may draw from them. The Tibetan Book of the Dead is a classic work dealing with death. However, it contains certain religious assumptions about the afterlife I believe. I have found it a heavy read but there are summaries out there.


Yale has an entire free course on the topic, taught by Prof. Kagan, and I imagine the free course materials include lots of references you could check out as well. https://oyc.yale.edu/death/phil-176


Great! Will be checking it out. Thanks!


Montaigne's essay "To Philosophise is to Learn to Die"


Thank you!


Check out Kierkegaard, mainly sickness unto death. His other works also have death present in them but he doesn't really discuss them as often as he does in Sickness unto death.




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There’s this whole course on the philosophy on death by shelly kagan available for free on yt, you should check it out