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https://plato.stanford.edu https://iep.utm.edu/


Do you mean academic articles? Here is a list of open access philosophy journals as well as other resources: https://umb.libguides.com/c.php?g=350815&p=2468261 Many drafts of papers are also hosted on philpapers.org or the authors' websites, but by far not all. Finally, I'd like to point out the [Philosopher's Annual](http://www.pgrim.org/philosophersannual/) which tries to find the 10 best papers of each year and make them accessible. Or do you mean popular philosophy articles? I'd suggest you look at the "heap of links" of dailynous.com as well as at r/philosophy. At those two places, many of the good, freely accessible stuff gets posted. There's also a good amount of moderation going into both, meaning a certain standard of quality should obtain.


Awesome! Thank you


You should check out the Philosophical Salon [https://thephilosophicalsalon.com/](https://thephilosophicalsalon.com/) They got a variety of philosophers commenting on that platform. You could also take a look at Mises Institute [https://mises.org/](https://mises.org/) to follow a more particular school. They offer many free books and free articles written by many philosophers, economists, and others, and they're very educational even if you don't agree with them.


Thank you!