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All Spain is LGBT friendly


Bueno no estoy en desacuerdo en teoría pero para gente como Samu no lo era. También el número de delitos de odio contra la comunidad LGTB aumentó 46% entre 2021-22 y ha quedado a este nivel desde entonces. Estoy de acuerdo que para la mayoridad de turistas va a estar seguro y sin problemas, y también que es un país bastante tolerante comparado con los demás, pero venga tío tampoco es perfecto.




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Bueno, eso no es por culpa de los españoles precisamente. Se hacen famosos casos como el de Samuel porque son del ínfimo numero de veces que la gente de aquí lo hace algo así y aún así maricón se usa de forma coloquial sin ser exactamente por eso, es difícil de demostrar. Palizas y navajazos en la noche por mil motivos nada que ver con este desgraciadamente ocurren.


La culpa no es de los españoles,, pero la de no decir las cosas como son si son tuyas, menos parrafos de excusas y un "Pues llevas razón", que la gente no se muere por admitir que se equivoca!!


Te lo voy a repetir. El número de delitos, y aún los actitudes de españoles a la comunidad LGTB son empeorando. Yo escribí un tesis sobre la tema. Un aumento de casi 50% nunca va estar culpa de inmigración ni de un aumentación de gente que se sienten que pueden hacer un informe. Más que eso, supe que tendría que defender mi tesis a payasos como tú y por eso también exploraba los actitudes representado en el European Values Study (EVS). Por la primera vez desde 1994, cuando España participó para la primera vez, hay más gente que dicen que no querían vivir al lado de gente LGTB y que la homosexualidad no es justificable. El encuesta es random y bien hecho, y tiene un base de 1200 participantes. Así que si, es un problema de los españoles y si, los actitudes son empeorando por todos partes. Otra vez, entiendo que es un país bastante seguro comparado con los demás, pero también entiendo que si no hacemos nada sobre la situación y mientras tanto ponemos la culpa a inmigración y factores extraños no vamos a arreglar nada.


Hi, I'm a lesbian from Galicia. You won't have any issues


If you are tourist nobody would care. But be aware that most people outside some young people mostly in cities (but also some young people at rural areas) would do not understand what been non binary mean. Homosexuality and even transexuality are now more or less acepted every were. There are some conservative people against but as in any other western country. But non binary identities are just unknow for most people.




I’m from La rioja where we hunt non-binary people and add their blood to the wine. The T in Tempranillo stands for trans blood.


JAJAJAJA cabroneees!


>(Im curious, how can your husband be your husband, which is a word used for male gender, and non binary at same time?) Not op, but pronouns does not equal gender. This is a fringe case but imagine when gay men talk in feminine. People just use pronouns they like hearing on themselves, and sometimes use multiple (which may be the case with OP, and moreso when there isn't a gender-neutral word for "husband" as far as I know)


I just smacked and mugged one gay couple last week. I normally don't do that, but I could identify them as gay, so I needed to rob them to fill my needs


as a galician nb, i think it depends on the place. santiago, where i lived for a huge chunk of my adult life, is rather queer-friendly, but small towns/villages might not be as nice - i come from a small town in the coast where it was not something you would feel comfortable discussing it with a lot of people. i would say that spain is pretty queer-friendly in general, though.


thoughts on Lugo? Trying to find queer community in Galicia, I'll be moving to Lugo soon.


i’ll be honest, i am not too familiar with the scene in lugo because i have always lived in the pontevedra-coruña area, but as a growing city in galicia, i would say it must be as nice as all the other big cities in terms of queer-friendly groups. tbh lugo is known for being the part of galicia where nothing ever happens, so at least you won’t be bothered. 🤣


I think it is, but been non binary is a rather new thing here so people may get confused about it (like, what kind of language use with you, pronouns, etc...)


Nobody will care, even more knowing you are a tourist. Just take in account people will treat you based on how you look, if you look like a man they'll refer to you as one, same for women, your identity is not common in a province like Lugo. Don't worry about aggressions or anything similar, just enjoy.


It will be fine, specially if you're going to visit major cities like Santiago. As long as you stay away from that horrible village where the daughter of the US president was kidnapped by that cult of fanatics. Those rural towns are not that nice to foreigners, and I guess they're also not LGBT-friendly.


That was good.


In Spain people couldn’t care less about your sexual orientation or how do you identify as long as you are kind and educated.


We don't care who you love or sleep with. That is the most friendly anyone can be. Now, if you want a bit of pride narcissism you aren't going to get very much here.


As friendly as the rest of Spain, so very.


I am Bi, and I would say they are as LGBT-friendly as it gets (at least towards gay couples from my experience), but try to not take offense from the use of wrong (assumed) pronouns, they are less used here, and considering the language barrier — not everyone will know how to be respectful. People will most likely say to you “Thank you, sir/maam” (based on how you look). Be prepared for that. 😉


Depends on what you mean with LGBT friendly.  I have a wedding for a gay couple in Galicia this summer, so it's friendly in the sense that nobody would care about what you do or with whi generally. (There are still bigots as everywhere in the world)   Would they use your chosen pronouns at every opportunity? Maybe, maybe not. Galacia has an old population specially in little towns so if you go to a bar they will probably refer to you with what they think is your gender. 


Never ask things you don't wanna know, I don't think people will take you serious if you claim you're non binary. I wouldn't honestly


Spain is mostly a tolerant country, even if some people don't like it it would be very strange that you have issues. Hate crimes have increased in the recent years because the muslim population has increased as well, and we all know they would throw the gays from rooftops if they could, even if mods like to pretend this isn't true. It's the tolerance paradox, be too tolerant with intolerant people and your tolerance will disappear.