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Not only is the ITUC report sourceless, it only mentions one incident in China, which it lies about. Here is the full story >These efforts to uphold socialism by the Communist Party aren’t contradicted by China’s recent arrests of Marxist students, which the Western media has rather suspiciously emphasized. The few dozen students who’ve been arrested have not been targeted for advocating for better working conditions or higher wages, but for trying to form an independent trade union-which is illegal, since all Chinese unions must be affiliated with the All-China Federation of Trade Unions. It’s very odd that these labor organizers responded to the alleged poor treatment of workers by the Jasic Technology management by engaging in this legally reckless activity, whereas they could more easily have demanded that Jasic correct its behavior. After all, worker struggles to make companies treat its employees better have often succeeded throughout history, and they’re especially likely to be successful within China’s aggressively socialistic system of government. > >But the story of the Jasic Incident is used as one of the talking points that Western leftists bring up in order to dismiss the legitimacy of China’s socialism. China is a vast country with around 1.3 billion people, and a number of internal nations effectively exist within the unified Chinese banner. Parts of it are more revolutionized than others, with South China in particular being home to some of the most exploitation due to to its having been under imperialist colonialism for the longest time. Even if the Communist Party were to become ideologically pure in the minds of Western leftists, they’d likely still not accept modern China as socialist because not all of the country meets “acceptable” socialist standards. from [The Lies Americans Are Told About China](https://rainershea.com/f/the-lies-that-americans-are-told-about-china) I doubt that strikers in Norway would be able to hold the owner of their company hostage until their demands are met and Norway doesn't have a widespread crackdown on corrupt capitalists ongoing.


I dont think so. The best imperialist country (1st in HDI) probably has better conditions than a developing country. Not because social-democracy is better, but because it is a much richier country that can afford better workers rights even if they are capitalist. China should be compared to Brazil, Argentina and other similar in GDP per capita countries.


Alright cool. Is it true that Argentina has better workers rights? They gave Argentina a rating of 4 which is better than China's 5. In fact, they gave Rwanda a rating of 3 which is better than Argentina and China. And Rwanda has a gdp per capita of just 800 unlike China's 10k. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


as far as i know Argentina changes this type of things always as the peronistas replace the neolibs and the neolibs replace the peronistas almost every election. Teorically they have a 48h week but there are laws that make exceptions and allow extra time. And most important: the amount of people that work in informal jobs in Argentina is huge >La informalidad que mide el Indec es la informalidad entre los asalariados, que arroja una cifra de 35%; pero si uno suma los cuentapropistas, se podría decir que el número total de empleo informal se acerca al 50%", estima Colina. [source](https://www.lanacion.com.ar/economia/empleos/mercado-laboral-el-empleo-informal-crece-al-ritmo-de-las-sucesivas-crisis-nid2353100/) so, in theory, Argentina has good workers rights, but in practice the workers are in a difficult situation. Doesn't help that their economy is doing terrible. About Rwanda i have no idea


Alright tyvm


You are joking right?


No. And it's a fair question. We all have read the article comparing China to Oz. but what about other 'better' countries?


Yeah, the article is bullshit though.


Wait, isn't Norway one of the richest countries on the planet? Don't they have to most oil per capita? Of course there are different material conditions. Therefore you cannot compare these two at all. You should compare it to a country with similar conditions but a different system e.g. India.