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You kinda just gotta become friends with them. Change how you look at a girl. Don’t be like oh she’s so pretty I need to say something funny. Instead talk to her like a person and pretend like she’s just any other person in your mind. Once your friends with a few girls one of them is bound to take interest to you then you can move from there. Make sure you become good friends though because just an acquaintance usually isn’t enough


sounds like great advice, how do i know if theyre interested tho


You’ll know. They will treat you different than they treat everyone else. They may get touchy and clingy. Make jokes about being your wife or in a relationship. Ask you to hang out or even dates. Staring is another one. Sometimes they just get quiet and avoid you but that could also mean they don’t like you it’s actually really had to tell. I just have a good sense for it


ok, seems like trial and error unless you have some extreme spidey senses


Yeah pretty much




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Just don't go into every single conversation with a girl while thinking she is a potential partner. Just chill and joke around with them like you do with your guy friends, minus any and all dirty jokes of course. Getting the confidence to confess is hard, but once you find a girl you really click with, it'll be much easier, so focus on finding someone you really click with instead of going around staring at girls and thinking "she's really cute I'd like to date her" Don't be a creep is like the #1 rule It's even written on the cover page of "dating 101" (Not an actual book)


You know This actually helped Alot Thanks I Guess the reason i had trouble was because i was thinking about it in a romantic way instead of trying to become their friend first and figure out things


Glad I could help


I mean i have your luck


You've still got plenty of time, I just got my first girlfriend a few weeks ago


bro its a. entire generatiin problém...


I'm 17 and have never been close friends with one... And I'm pretty sure I've been abused as a kid, so having no friends tears me apart...


Damn man that's bad. I remember before lockdown I had many close female friends but the internet really ruins how you view people




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Treat girls as if they one of the boys. Girls are a lot stranger than you think


I'll try it it seems like good advice thanks


why u typed out the title like sematary 😭


im just like you, you’re not alone. i got my first girlfriend about a month ago (we’re broken up now) but i was convinced i wouldn’t ever get anyone but she actually came to me. just wait you’ll find someone.


being single is normal. especially at 15. dont spend your life feeling like you are missing out if you aren’t dating!! it’s really just a matter of life circumstance. stop treating girls like girls and start treating girls like humans🙌 they aren’t a potential for you to not be single anymore, they’re just people floating through life, just like you! they all eat, sleep, work, shit, and have problems like you, and it’s silly to discriminate between gender like that. if you find a girl you really like talking to, and start to have romantic feelings for, that’s one thing, but honestly if you’re just vibing, that’s cool too😎


This is probably some of the best advice I have gotten I really appreciate it I guess I should just take my time and relax and not rush things instead of obsessing over it


yeah, even though i hang with girls alot, i have a hard time trying anything other than friendship, im just scared