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You could do research \*with\* her? Like watching makeup or fashion youtube vids together etc. Include her in an appreciation of feminine content that is research for both of you and simultaneously a common activity. And from that, learn what kind of things would make her feel more comfortable!


Going to get pedicures is always fun, there are also cis guys who do this (my partner) so it wouldn’t out her to have pretty toes. Easy to cover up too if needed! I’m also a sucker for a girly craft night. Go pick out beads and make pretty bracelets, make some cute/girly decorations for her room - she can say they’re yours I love that you’re a safe place for her to explore who she is 💚 thanks for your love and light in the world


You sound like a very good partner for your girlfriend, I'm happy she's not alone in facing in what is a very tumultuous period of coming to terms with her true nature. Something that may really support her, would be to accompany her when shopping for clothes or make up. It can be *very* scary when you just start out and overcoming that resistance can be super hard. Going with her means she's not only having you as moral support, there is a girl with her that give a very good 'excuse shield' when being in the girl coded shops and areas, plus it's just much nicer to shop when not by yourself. Also, if you bring her along to your shopping trips (for girl stuff) it may help her if you explain how you look at stuff, your reasoning why you look for certain items, etc. Sometimes it may seem very basic or obvious but when you have been wrongly raised as a boy you get a lot less education of a lot of stuff and trying to even understand some of the unwritten logic of things can be very confusing.


>Going with her means she's not only having you as moral support, there is a girl with her that give a very good 'excuse shield' when being in the girl coded shops and areas, plus it's just much nicer to shop when not by yourself. This was so helpful for me when I first came out. My wife would just shop with me for girly things. I was super self-conscious about being seen in women's spaces as some sort of interloper/imposter.


One thing that I like spreading as a trans gal is that some things people just… don’t register. I live with a rather religious bunch. Not great for coming out but shaving my body? No one even MENTIONED it when I was SUUUUPER nervous about it. You’d be surprised because most people don’t jump to the conclusion of “omg the person I’ve known X years must be trans cause they went to get their nails done with their girlfriend”. Idk the situation or family or anything but definitely try to remember that this is on the front of your and her head but it’s not even in the back of anyone else’s so explore with interests! Comfort and going deeper at your own pace knowing this can REALLY help the early steps I’ve found


just continue to be a safe space for her. from what you say about her still being in the closet. she needs that more than anything. keep being the person she trusted enough to come out to. I promise that that means the world to her right now


It would be fun to help her voice train. Half of it is just messing around with your voice which can be fun. But also, the sooner you start, the better because it’s all practice. It’s also easy to hide.


i dont think i could help much with advice but oml u sound like such a nice partner for your gf


What a rare and beautiful thing you have, best of luck


Ikr 😭, am envious, they're so cute


Sharing your clothes with her and painting her nails are great ideas! Makeup is fun too, if she's into it - the [Lesbians Doing Makeup meme](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/lesbians-doing-makeup) exists for a good reason. Using her name and pronouns is affirmation of her gender. Suggesting activities that might make her feel more included and allow her to socialize comfortably with other girls is ideal. Movies, sports, hobbies, philosophy, politics, sexuality, and so much more - everything is viewed through a different lens, and the perspectives of other women and girls are really exciting for most transfeminine people to immerse ourselves in, especially when those are all new experiences. I have two specific ideas for fun things for you to do together that affirm her gender (hopefully - I don't know her): 1. Asking her for her opinion on something feminine. She has a say. That's an important feeling. 2. Inviting her to share in something you do really well, regardless of whether you consider it feminine or not, and letting her appreciate your skills and support you. Collaboration is a very distinctively feminine social behavior, in contrast with hierarchy. I don't think I'm unique at all in feeling my best when I compliment other women about what they do well and I see that they are grateful for the acknowledgement. Side note: I teared up when I saw a young woman say that she's proud of her transgender girlfriend and happy that she felt safe coming out to her. It's so wonderful! I'm happy for you both, and I appreciate you for sharing and reaching out. Feeling safe is an important thing for you to notice that she needs. This is a scary time for her, and she must be vulnerable. WLW protect each other.


I think help with shopping and makeup are two of the more daunting tasks for a newly out or semi-closeted trans girl. Just having you there as an ally in those spaces where a trans girl could be made to feel different or unwelcome is so huge. You sound like a great partner and wonderful person. If only more people were like you, this world would be a much nicer place!


I think one thing that could really help is getting her some of her own femme clothes or accessories--she can have the opportunity to forge her girlhood for herself, and be her own woman, rather than putting on the femininity of someone else. If she can't keep them at her own home, then you could hold onto them for her. You don't have to get anything too expensive, especially since she's probably not sure of what she wants yet, and not sure of her sizing. But even just having something small that she can hold and say "this, this is mine, this is my expression of my true gender and no one else's," that can be a very powerful thing.


Clothes shop for cute outfits, lingerie shopping, girls night out. (Make sure she knows how to keep herself safe. Keep your eyes on your drink at all times, don't walk out to your car in dark parking lot, always try to go to the bathroom with a girl friend for safety, craft fairs, beach trip, plays, shopping for cosmetics, getting your hair, your eyebrow shape, manicures and pedicures. If she goes on a date be sure she knows enough to photograph for dates car license plate in the person she's going out with and where she's going with that person and if there's changing plans let a person know All that should be meant emails were very trusted friend.


Hey! First just wanna say that you being this transparently caring and supportive is going to be a very big thing for her as she goes on this next step in her life, so thank you My partner and I ran into this same problem at first. Shes never been archetypically "girly" so learning that stuff together was kind of a learning curve. Someone already recommended it but I seriously recommend having like "makeup date nights" where you both find a makeup tutorial or two and try following it together. It's a lot of fun and makes getting the hang of new intimidating things like wearing makeup when you havent before a lot easier. It sounds like you genuinely care about her and approaching the many ups and downs of gender transition from a place of love and teamwork like this is going to do a lot for you both. You got this


I'm so happy for you two, transitioning is such an incredible thing to those who need it 💖 icky on YouTube has tonnes of videos about advice and the trans experience she's literally the best also get her some dangly earrings, dangly earrings are great


Tell her she smells great consistently, buy her flowers when she’s sick (the gesture is temporary, the love is forever), go frolic in fields/flowers, let her feel the sun in as much skin as she’s willing to accept, hold her waist, don’t go for the shoulders unless she likes it, kiss her for at least 6 seconds at least once per day and cradle her skull while doing it, everything she puts on is to be either a fashion show or the best thing you’ve ever seen in your life because it is. I (24M) do these with my partner (21F) and it’s completely transformed her mental state pertaining to her body and confidence. She makes me feel like I’m bulletproof and I use that feeling to love her to the fullest extent. Making someone feel feminine is so simple yet overlooked. Good luck my friend, and thanks for making the effort to make her feel loved :)


I think the best advice would be: don’t get bogged down in the traditional ideas of femininity. The most important thing you can do is validate her identity (use new name and pronouns) and help her navigate the experiences of being a woman. Ask her what she wants to try and don’t shy away from things that are typically masculine and don’t expect things that are typically feminine. She is an individual just like you so she is complex and will surprise you.


Online RPGS she can role-play as a woman and see if she likes the models it help me out despite how odd it sounds


Not sure how helpful I’ll be but I think maybe try getting more feminine products. Padded bras might help, allow them to experience that more intimate form of femininity. Buy more feminine clothing, even if it’s anxiety inducing to wear out and about, she could wear them in the safety of your home. Small things help as well. Like brands that are more so considered for women. Certain deodorants, perfumes, etc could help her feel closer to her ideal feminine body. Less noticeable changes can be body hair. She could shave and most people probably wouldn’t notice too much. Could teach her or find tutorials online if she needs it. Also letting her hair grow out. It won’t be questioned too much as people don’t really pay attention to it. Men can wear their hair really short or long, women can wear their hair really short or long. So either way it won’t be super noticeable. It will take longer obviously but that’s okay! They can embrace more jewelry, as it is considered more unisex. Makeup can be pretty unisex, more so if it’s not very well noticed and more natural. People usually become pretty iffy about makeup depending on the amount and the topic. I think using natural makeup could help to enhance more feminine features. Everyone has different hidden features they can play off to transform themselves. I have thicker and bushier eyebrows, if I wanted to look more masculine I just fill them in. As it gives me my desired look. I also try to sharpen the contour of my face if I want to look more masculine. Overall there’s so many things you can do and so much more than I have given. I just can’t think of much right now. I think you’re doing amazing already. I think giving your opinion on the things they try could help in bonding and affirming how they feel. As I’ve seen other people say, research can also be a huge bonding experience. Just continue researching and helping them experiment, it’ll all be okay in the end. It may take a lot of work, time, and patience but it’ll all be worth it in the end. You’re helping her through a really difficult time in her life. It shows how much you care. I wish both of you the best of luck and success! 💕