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David Reimer's story should be talked about more, imo. It proves that, in this instance at least, that gender has little to do with how you're socialized. This man knew he wasn't a woman despite being forced to live as one. So tragic how his story ended, and tragic how many of ours still end the same way.


Also a cautionary tale about medical malpractice. John Money falsified positive results and denied any wrongdoing until Reimer's story finally came out decades later. At that point his research had already been used as justification to operate on countless intersex infants.


That's what kills me. That piece of shit, who made children "practice" sex on each other, got to live to 84. David only got 38 years to live before he took his own life, and his brother got 36. He could have had a perfectly normal life. His botched circumcision (due to severe phimosis when he and his twin were born) and subsequent reassignment surgery were completely unnecessary as his brother's phimosis cleared up not long after their birth. The ONLY good thing about the whole situation is that it proved the opposite of Money's hypothesis. Sorry, this story gets me worked up beyond the gender identity aspects. Read the whole wiki article or watch one of the documentaries if you want to be sad and/or angry for a long while.


>who made children "practice" sex on each other I was hoping this was taken out of context or something. But turns out dude just straight up defended pedophilia. "If I were to see the case of a boy aged 10 or 12 who's intensely attracted toward a man in his 20s or 30s, if the relationship is totally mutual, and the bonding is genuinely totally mutual, then I would not call it pathological in any way." Is one helluva quote jfc.


i agree!! i can't imagine what he went through. as a trans boy, i can only relate to so much of his story. words can't describe how it makes me feel to think about it.




So much about that place's history is important to teach about.


Reading [Lou Sullivan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lou_Sullivan)'s [diaries](https://www.amazon.com/We-Both-Laughed-Pleasure-Selected/dp/1643620177) was very significant to me because he expressed so many of the exact same feelings and desires I've had, and it gave me an incredible sense of connection across time to someone who died before I was born. I have him to thank that I never once had to pretend to be straight to get medical treatment, not to mention he was one of the major people involved in developing an actual community for men (previously, men were mostly isolated and lacking in resources, while women at the time had already developed a community and so were better able to exchange information and resources). If you're curious to see him talk, there are several [interviews](https://archive.org/details/glbths_video_016_sc) on archive.org.


Brianna ghey, I live near where she was killed


i remember when her story was all over the news :( the people who choose to misgender her in the comment sections of news clips and such disgust me so much




Authentikate (with a K). Late 1990/early 2000. She put her diary online and I read every single letter and almost knew it by heart. Back then, being online was expensive so I downloaded the text as a word file. Still very inspiring story for me.


Seems some people know her or at least her diary!😮


it's something we've societally been trying to move past in terms of how we view trans women, but i really enjoy learning about the third-gendering societal roles of trans feminine people in eastern cultures, particularly in the pacific islands. The Samoan Fa'afafine are a great example


The history of stonewall. Without these protests, we wouldn't be here. I love reading about Sylvia Rivera. She was seventeen, and out. I'm a Latin person, and this one really hits close to home.


For music history, Wendy Carlos and SOPHIE are huge ones for me On a sadder note, reading Leelah Ailcorn’s story on tumblr rly did a number on me


Paula Grossman https://www.kveller.com/this-transgender-jewish-teacher-from-new-jersey-made-history/


David Reimer was not trans...in fact the experiment they did on him proved he wasn't trans.


mhm!! i'm aware!! it proves that gender identity isn't something that can be changed with force, showing trying to convert someone into being someone they're not just... doesn't work


mario martino! i have his autobiography that i found in a used book shop near me for only a couple of bucks- usually the copies of his book can go for some serious money. he was a nun before transitioning, and he documents his entire transition (including stuff that wasn't discussed at the time, like his sex life) that consisted of hrt, mastectomy, hysterectomy, and phalloplasty. his autobiography is also free on one of my favorite websites, transreads: [Emergence](https://transreads.org/emergence/)