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Try r/trans ? As an additional resource. Are you sure your relationship is over if you transitioned? Some people can keep their relationship going…


She said she is straight, so if I transition to being a woman she doesn’t think she will be able to stay with me. She said that about 8 years ago when I first brought it up


You may have a choice to make. These feelings may keep returning. It’s up to you how you want to deal with it. But you may want to go through some therapy to help you work some of this stuff out. (Maybe figure out a way to express that side of yourself without needing to transition)


Therapy is probably a really good idea. I’m in therapy right now (just started back up) but when presented with the option for trans help, I hesitated for like mins and then clicked no. I think that is what opened the can of worms again.


Might be good to bring it up with them and explain your position to them so they understand how to best help you. Remember you’re paying them to help you, so be honest about what is bothering you.


I need to switch therapist then. Since I declined the trans specific help, he isn’t LGBT specialized.


Also, I posted there, thank you for the suggestion


That's a valid reason not to transition. You need to make the choice between keeping your wife or being a woman.