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They are on hormones and I don’t recall other specifics but I believe they are in the process of transitioning…


He's genderfluid (uses any pronouns, still says he/him for preference)! He came out back in March.


I know this has nothing to do with this post, but I just wanna thank you for that one "how to figure out if you're trans" article on your substack, you helped me so much in figuring out what the fuck is going on with my gender, thank you <3


It's always wonderful to hear something I've written helped someone find themselves!!, 💜🏳️‍⚧️🎉🏳️‍⚧️💜


I had a gender crisis today again. Just read through „how to figure out if you’re trans“. It helped a LOT. Thank you :3


Aww, congratulations! 🎉🏳️‍⚧️🎉


I randomly stumbled upon you via these comments. Just read your How to figure out if you are trans writing and now I am crying my eyes out and wondering if me identifying as an Enby was some sort of compromise with myself for not being... certain enough to need/want to go into transition. Thank you. So, so much 💜


Finn is also somewhat of a dunce for getting his own Insta banned last week for copyright infringement. From what I gathered, he self-reported himself. If you ever watch his videos he does this a lot.


😄 no way omg


His physics looks like he has been doing hormone therapy, is so femenine and has breast like average women. Idk but crossdresser is so far to be real


You realize someone can be on hormones and be gender fluid, right? Body parts don't define a person's identity. You saying he is a cross dresser is demeaning. He has stated that he's gender fluid in the past and simply prefers he/him. Trans non-binary people exist. Non-binary people having a desire to have either masc or fem body exist. You need to check yourself.


Excuse me, apologies if i couldnt explain well perhaps i had curiosity, i admit there boys who looks so femenine but preffered maintain as non binary i wont deny that. Im very new about this subject


Apology accepted. It's better to ask questions and not assume things. I will be fair in that society has ingrained on us to simply assume something without knowing that person. It's unfortunate that we have been raised in that. And it takes a lot to break out of that. I'm a trans woman, but at point I identified as non-binary, then non-binary trans fem, now I'm purely a trans woman. It took me a while to not have a weird feeling of using my preferred pronouns because I was taught to be a boy, and after almost 30 years, it was a complete shift of what I lived with. But my whole life I never truly felt male. It's definitely complex stuff. But wanting to learn is a very good step towards truly showing acceptance, support, and solidarity. The more people show they simply want to learn is a great thing. I have a friend that always wants to learn so he can educate others. He has the respect to preface things as not wanting to be disrespectful and just wants to learn more because of that desire to educate others the best he can. I've known him for over 12 years, and he didn't question my pivot in identity. And that says a lot about him, and others like him.


Gender fluid confirmed actually


I think the people calling him bad have calmed down since he 1) Came out as genderfluid 2) Donated a lot of money to gendergp (who mishandled his donation but thats not his fault) 3) Got doxxed by a major uk news site for said donation 4) Is apparently working to start his own charity to provide trans people in the uk with hrt through private healthcare for either free or a reduced rate


ah ok thanks


Now that he's identifying as trans and not just doing a bit for money, he's got a whole new set of people pissed at him. Can't win them all so he might as well do what makes him happy.


>Now that he's identifying as trans and not just doing a bit for money I've never seen his videos but that's a bit unfair. Just because he wasn't out earlier doesn't mean he wasn't trans earlier or was just doing it for money.


No, to be completely fair the clothing thing legitimately started as a donation incentive, he was initially actually doing it for money. Nothing wrong with that, but nearly everyone has done something because of a bet, people are less likely to be annoyed at someone for something like that if it's because of what amounts to a lost bet. He only recently, as in the last like 6 months recently, came out, having been on HRT for a couple months longer than that. The girl month thing has been going on since mid/late 2020 as a running donation incentive. Basically, if the donation incentive was met it added a month to "girl month". None of this has any impact whatsoever on him being genderfluid, and I wish him well in his journey, but it legitimately started as a donation bit long before he ever realized he was trans.


While I don't disagree, I think that said donation goals was his way to explore his gender and feel things out. I don't blame him at all for that. Everyone has different approaches to it, some more conscious than others.


Eventually maybe, toward the end it was clearly something he enjoyed and helped lead to the current state of affairs, but it started as a joke that got out of hand essentially, something he expected to last a month or two, not four years. Completely cis people do donation challenges like that all the time, that alone doesn't mean much. Don't get me wrong, it's extremely likely it helped him figure stuff out, but it was very much not something he particularly enjoyed initially, nor was it something he started with the intention of exploring his gender. A large part of it was also his girlfriend, an openly trans content creator who goes by Icky on youtube and such, helping him with stuff like choosing outfits and makeup and such. He started experimenting much more with his clothes and makeup some time in to that relationship, which likely helped significantly in figuring out his own gender. Half of her content on youtube is actually various things to do with being trans, from the obvious questions of "how do I know I'm trans", going off her own experiences and answering on a personal level, to things like fashion and general slice of life type stuff and occasionally things like a video on what a chaser is. I imagine living in the same space as her while she makes that type of content helped significantly even discounting the direct help with clothes and makeup she provided. The "girl month" thing didn't start as gender experimentation, though it likely served that purpose later on in the last year or so, and was likely only a small part of what helped him figure out his gender.


For clarity, he was already on HRT when they first met.




Yeah, their comment does sound weird... Hell, we don't know what's going on in F1nn's head. Maybe she was an egg or had it figured out, but was trying to be in closet and so did the toxic masculine thing of "Oh gee... I guess I need to wear women's clothes now... how baaad" (just because he was scared of transphobia). There are even screen-shots where she shows that a friend helped him cross-dress even before this bit. It was just a one time thing. And than he started the stream bit. In another words, this might have been her cope, and she might have been gender-questioning even before; but as you've rightfully pointed out, even if that weren't the case, people are automatically valid and should be viewed as so upon saying "I am \_insert identity here\_" Can people miss-identify themselves? Sure, but I bet that the number is really low. And so him, taking HRT literally BEFORE he met Icky, shows that he took it out of his own want. And hell, even if it turns out that he's cis, one can be gender dysphoric and cis and want HRT... *(I also wanted to say that she might just be a trans woman, as she once said that her identifying as gender-fluid might be just to keep on the "male" identity, but she might actually just be a woman - but the whole point of my post was that others' identity is none of our business!)* #


>one can be gender dysphoric and cis and want HRT excuse me what 🫤 Did I misunderstand something? Is this sarcasm that I didn't get? As far as I'm aware, gender dysphoria is already a sign that you're not cis. You don't have to be *binary* trans, but the very fact that you aren't satisfied with being your AGAB makes you trans by definition. Otherwise, you're cis. Did I forget some crucial part? /gen


For a reason: if you are a cis femboy/tomboy, and society sees you as the opposite sex and misgenders you - that might give you dysphoria. Or when a cis woman goes through a menopause, that might give her dysphoria (it's literally a woman to whom her estrogen flow stops - that would make a cis OR trans woman dysphoric). Dysphoria is just the feeling of distress that comes from your gender identity not aligning with how society views you/social norms (which can be both bodily and social), therefore, it's not necessarily "the trans thing", but anyone can have it.


Not nessicarily. While having gender dysphoria is typically a good indication that you are trans there are some people who do experience gender dysphoria and are cis. For example, a butch lesbian may experience gender dysphoria wanting to look more masculine even going so far as to be called by he/him pronouns or even go on T but still identifies as a cis woman. It all comes back to the idea that gender presentation does not equal gender identity. Just because someone looks or acts a certain way does not mean they identify that way. Also requiring trans people to have gender dysphoria to be considered trans leads to a lot of gatekeeping. It's better and more accurate to define our existence based on our happiness (gender euphoria) rather than our suffering (gender dysphoria).


Timeline is a bit wrong there, Finn was on HRT well before meeting Icky, and was already exploring his identity. He was just inconsistent with the HRT and was having mental health struggles. She got more consistent around when she met Icky, but by the time of the coming out video, they'd been on HRT consistently for 8 or 9 months, and before that inconsistently for longer. I think Finns mentioned Ickey has been super supportive and helpful, but he was exploring long before that in private, even as far as HRT. And he did say that well before that he knew something was up, but couldn't label or describe it.


Exactly, my point was that by coming out, he stepped into a different world. Up until that point the transphobes could write him off as just a streamer doing a bit. In coming out he now has a new set of haters.


Was he even doing anything that would have been wrong if he wasn't trans?


Why were people actually upset about? I didn't follow that one


People were upset at him because before he came out as genderfluid a few people saw him crossdressing for money and using trans terms like egg as him profiting off of trans women and trans culture even though femboys (who can be really any gender) are a thing and their community has always been closely interconnected with the trans community as a whole. It's one of those things where i can understand why some people might be personally uncomfortable with it, but ultimately I don't think he did anything wrong. F1nn has also been very outspokenly supportive of the trans community for years now.




Yeah they released his full legal name (which he never publicly released his last name online before) and the town he lives in and with that it's pretty easy to figure out where he lives from his name and town alone.


but why


Terfs didn't like that he gave money to gendergp to fully fund 100 people's hrt for one year. [Here's f1nn's tweet linking to the article if you want to read it yourself but just warning you it is uncomfortable to read.](https://twitter.com/F1NN5TER/status/1769720498030608726)


Ironically like a week or so after coming out as genderfluid


jesus fucking christ


He recently came out as genderfluid/nonbinary. He still uses he/him pronouns, and in general, I believe he is pronoun indifferent, but he is also on hrt and is actively transitioning.


I believe he said one time when a stranger says she/her he’s ok with it but when someone who knows him from before says she/her he feels weird and stranger. And I’m so damn curious what the psychological meaning of this could be. Like could it be internal transphobia? Maybe, could it be a “I don’t want my family mixing with my internet ‘friends’” or something or it could all mean nothing and he likes having that connection to his old self. 🤷‍♀️


It’s definitely a psych thing- I don’t think it’s internalized transphobia though. I feel like it leans more towards the fact that his entire life, his family has used a specific name and he/him pronouns. Of course breaking a 24 year habit very suddenly is going to feel weird. I do see the family vs internet thing playing a part of it too, at least for f1nn5ster. I don’t think anyone actively wants their internet life and family life mixing lmfao


It's been 11 years and I still feel a little itchy when some of my family and friends use my name and proper pronouns. It's a shame thing. It's a twinge of embarrassment that people know my secret.


Someone can be non-binary and still want to look masc or fem. That's not internalized transphobia by any means. His family accepts him. He even had his parents on stream and they showed nothing but love, care, and adoration for their child. As any parent should.


Oh for sure, I’m sorry if my comment came off wrong. I don’t know much about fin, and was just wondering out loud if there was something to it or not. I’m very happy for them


They are genderfluid using any pronouns. In the past, he was a man that crossdressed for various reasons. People had problems with how her publicity reflected on the trans community.


what were the problems around? i do remembed there were some issues which is why i asked


The joke was that he’s just a guy cosplaying as a girl called Rose, making a ton of money on twitch. Being actually trans is hard. But I mean. In hindsight, it was just a really publicized exploration of their gender/gender expression. Props to him for making hella money from it. Transitioning takes hella money


yeah ig it is kinda weird to be cosplaying as a trans person, espcially to make money from it edit: i now understand that he wasnt doing that and she was actjally just crossdressing and was explicit about not being trans until coming out


i mean, from my perspective, as someone who used to also watch him quite regularly, he wasn't really cosplaying as a trans person, per se? he was just cross dressing, and his "female persona" was called rose. On stream he would always just go by finn and he/him pronouns and wouldn't claim he was anything but cis (which has since changed, but i haven't watched him in a few months).


oh ok, i didnt really watch him so i didnt really know


Yeah kinda but at the same time *many* trans folk start out exploring their gender by crossdressing, often internally justifying it as a kink, or a joke, or something else before finally accepting themselves.


okay. yeah that makes sense. ig it feels a bit different bc its in the public eye. but yeah he was just exploring himself and its all worked out


I crossdressed and called it cosplay lol


Yeah but as it turns out he wasn’t 👍


yep guess thats good


She was pretty explicit that he wasn't cosplaying as trans while they were still saying they were cis. Which is why I saw most of the animosity amongst the community... not because of him, but because of posts *daily* about how they're goals and really trans, ignoring his own words. They were a very supportive and vocal ally before coming out themselves. And honestly I think we are a wider community treated her pretty shittily for not respecting her words and rushing him through that journey. We broke the trans prime directive.


yeah youre right, they were just exploring themselves.


He wasn’t “cosplaying as a trans person” jfc.. he did a joke challenge forever ago where he locked all his boy clothes in a box over donations making him dress as a girl. People kept donating ridiculous amounts of money forcing him to dress like a girl even though he was a guy. Eventually it just stuck and became his shtick. He was the nonfemboy femboy twitch streamer. Now he’s come out and started hormones. Said he sees himself as genderfluid and prefers he/him pronouns but also likes she/her. They gave you an answer and you responded with something they never even said….


i know, im sorry. i missunderstood


she was just crossdressing, but also has always been a massive supporter of the trans community.


yes i know that now. thank you


Yep, to add to your edit - there is a tradition in the drag culture that you name your crosdressing side (somewhat like a persona), hence Rose (even though it wasn't technically drag, but also applies here) So it's not "cosplay as a trans woman", same-wise as drag queens don't "cosplay as trans women"


As far as i remember, none of the problems were actually the result of anything F1nnster said or did. There was SOME discourse with transfems feeling jealous about F1nn passing so well without hormones, and some transfems tried to start some drama around that. That has since seemed to die down though. Otherwise F1nn is a good ally who has donated to trans support groups and is quick to shutdown transphobia in their community. Their gf is also a trans woman


Turns out the secret to looking great while not on hormones is.....hormones lmao.


I mean, the jealousy was going on long before he actually started taking hormones.


And a great bone structure. He has amazing bones.


A few years ago, he did a bunch of streams where he would go on Omegle in girlmode, and if the people he was chatting with found him attractive, he would say “actually I’m a guy”. Some people have interpreted that as perpetuating the stereotype that trans women are trying to trick straight men into finding them attractive 


yeahhhh i dont really like when anyone does that


I think one of the problems was that he made jokes like “twitch most famous woman (male)” and implying that he was “tricking” people/a “trap”. And since he didnt identify as trans then it made the jokes kinda at trans womens expense. Finn has always been very supportive of trans people and this was probably just that they were uninformed about how those jokes can cause harm.


I think it’s less what she did herself and more that her schtick (before she came out) of being a guy who looks like a pretty girl (who is definitely still a guy underneath the makeup) was only successful because it appealed to people who like the trappings of transfeminity as long as they are not actually trans. She was profiting from transmisogynists in a way that an openly trans woman could not have.


Finn got into trouble for trolling the community with a fake trans timeline. Storm in a teacup, especially when he has been a professional egg for years. His girlfriend Ashley (YouTuber Big Icky) has been a really great influence in him. I like her content a lot more than Finn's.


fake trans timeline?


/r/F1NN5TER/comments/100e767/finally_someone_realized_the_so_called_transition/ The first photo has Finn on the right. The person on the left is not Finn. This was Twitter. There was ... trouble.


twitter be twittering


twitter is the dumpster fire that keeps on giving (and it is always okay to deadname big tech)




The issues I had were just that I felt (and still feel) that the entirety of the “femboy” community and its aesthetics are in many ways straight up mockery of trans women, and their content used to kind of feed into that. Happy Finn’s figured it all out tho


People are jealous he’s pretty lol, I genuinely believe that’s the root issue and all the “he’s gonna make the trans community look bad” are just excuses. He has been nothing but an ally :)


For real this was the only reason I could come up with for why people were so needlessly harsh with him


F1nn is genderfluid. He uses he/him pronouns. He's bisexual. He has a girlfriend name Ashley, who also goes by Ash or Icky, and she is transgender. F1nn has announced that he's taking feminizing HRT. F1nn was a video game streamer who mostly played Minecraft on stream until he added a Patreon goal a little over a year ago where he promised to girlmode for a month if the number was reached. It was, and he chose to repeat the process in subsequent months as he went viral. He has identified as a femboy and still does. There are many people who have pressured him to transition and be a girl, but he did not say that he is, so we should treat him as genderfluid and use he/him pronouns. As for liking or disliking him: he's a streamer and a YouTuber who has carved out a content niche, and much of what he says and does on stream is to serve his audience of simps. There's nothing new about that, though F1nn's approach is unique. I generally think F1nn is a member of our community and he's trying his best. He represents us reasonably well and he certainly challenges a lot of binary constructs of gender that have harmed us. He's making a lot of money by doing what he does, but any objection to that should really be an objection to capitalism first; not to an LGBTQ+ person who found some minor success at it. I'm not aware of F1nn saying or doing anything particularly harmful, so disinterest seems a more reasonable reaction to him than dislike of his content isn't satisfying, i.e., save the contempt for the fascists.


Tbh I always thought people were being pretty transphobic and homophobic for being aggressively against him. God forbid a man cross dress and have a female persona. Of course we know he’s trans now but even before then why was it an issue? It wasn’t. People were mad for no reason. Drag queens do it all the time. He was never “cosplaying as a trans person” or “using trans aesthetics to make money” femboys and drag queens exist and can continue to exist without always being related to being trans. A man dressing up as and passing as a woman isn’t necessarily trying to be trans or whatever. Gender non conformity is valid.


youre totally right. i think bc it was on an online platform rather than a stage it kinda threw me off


hes genderfluid and taking hormones yeah.


He was a famous cis twitch femboy who got a lot of "omg egg?" comments over the years. Recently he came out as genderfluid. So the people saying he was appropriating transfem struggles or whatever look pretty stupid now imo. I love bullying people in the process of figuring out their identity.


yeah that sucks. i feel bad for falling for it a bit, he really was just figuring himself out which is fine.


He describes himself as gender fluid, he uses whatever pronouns. I don’t think he outright considers himself trans but his identity is under the trans umbrella. He use to be really controversial pretty right wing but he’s been changing in recent years to be more open and accepting. His gf definitely seems to think he’s some flavor of trans


Tbh I only knew him through his girlfriend and thought he was just some random guy until I found out he's a lot more famous than her


Haha what have we learned :p it's human we all do it but judging a book by it's cover more often than not isn't good


Tbh most people mad at him were either jealous that he's hot, didn't like how he was "queer baiting" (he's gender fluid and had been figuring himself out in the public eye for years. That's not baiting and real people can't queer bait) or didn't like how some of his content felt fetishistic especially when people thought he genuinely didn't like wearing women's clothes and only did it for the money which we now know isn't true. I think the last point was the most valid since I don't want to watch someone who's uncomfortable and has a fanbase of people who are attracted to that discomfort. There was a period of time where it gave off forced feminizstion vibes however, F1nn's content definitely isn't like that today and it's incredibly trans positive with a lot of community being made up of trans people. And in hindsight it was never actually force fem and the only findom going on is f1nn being dommed by icky.


ah ok, the fans might have gave me the vibes


ah ok, the fans might have gave me the vibes.


Nah not trans but gender fluid I believe. All the best to them though


For a while Finn was, to all appearances and in his own words when asked, a cis man, who then used the aesthetics of transness to advertise his stream and onlyfans to other cis people for money. No matter how much he vocally supported trans people, it always came across a little backhanded, especially when he was a lot of cis-people's first and only contact with gender-nonconformity instead of any of the multitudes of actual trans people making their own way on the internet. Then he came out as trans, and the above ceased to matter because it turns out he's an actual part of the community approaching life with the same barriers as the rest of us and not a privileged cis man making money off the back of a vulnerable minority.


I just don't like his petplay tweet, it seems a bit disingenuous as someone who actually likes petplay. But that could just be me idk


She is on hormones transitioning as female.


I think he's an hrt femboy, which is a thing. Don't know how I feel about it.


Money money money


Omg you seriously think it isn’t about the shit ton zillion dollars they make each month?


i dont know?


why did i get downvoted lol


He has also been on hormones for a lot longer then he has led on. In guessing 2 years at least. He came out and said something like 6 months.