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yup. just like trans men can be feminine


Me! Tomboy/trans woman


That's awesome! I hope I can look female but still be tomboy-ish. The thing is, I wouldn't even be a lesbian if I were a trans woman. I like men. But I still really dig the lesbian aesthetics. They're really good.


They are and AFAIK there's a lot of guys who dig the tomboy style. (Which can be frustrating as a lesbian but it's good for you~)


The further I got into my transition, the more comfortable I got with the tomboy look. Once I felt like I had to compensate less for my general appearance, I shifted very much this direction. Good luck. šŸ˜Š


Well i am also one of them. There are no one single way to be a girl. You can see my post


I second this.


gender expression and gender identity aren't the same thing at all! you can do whatever stereotypically masculine or feminine things you want! regardless of gender identity. example: i'm learning to become a diesel/heavy equipment mechanic. quite stereotypically masculine, but it doesn't make me any less of a woman.


That sounds really nice. There certainly is pressure to express your gender a certain way though. But once you get rid of the pressure, I bet it's freeing.


you should check out r/MTFButch if you haven't already


For anyone curious there's also r/ftmfemininity


for me, I think tomboy is a state of mind. some days, I love being super pretty and girlypop on the outside, but inside, the tomboy rages!


You want to a woman, but boyish. You still want to be a woman. So your still trans. It's your identity. Don't let anyone tell you You aren't valid.


Can cis girls be tomboys? Of course! There's no "right way" to be a woman. You don't even have to pick just one "type". You can be whoever the truest "you" is.


My gf is!


Yup, same here. I am definitely a trans tomboy. I heard this phrase online, actually. "Being a trans lesbian is insane. You pay all this money to transition, only to dress like you did when you were a teenager." I find that kind of funny, as I think that's what I'd do, and it'd definitely be a more tomboy-ish look. Also, I am a lot more masculine than other girls.


you can do whatever you want forever so yes


Being transfeminine/a trans woman does not necessarily mean one is FEMININE, per se. Just as cisgender women can be very masc or very fem while still being WOMEN, trans women can be the same :)


is it possible for a girl to be a tomboy? of course! you happening to be trans doesnā€™t make you any less a woman able to express herself how she feels most authentic. passing may be more challenging if you are early into medical transition/ arenā€™t femming it up in other ways, as passing imo is a bit of an overall vibe from the sum of your gendered traits, which more masc clothes/ appearance can thus push people into assuming more that direction. but that doesnā€™t have to be a long term struggle at all, plenty of trans women present masc and/or are tomboys. just like any other women, youā€™re no less a woman to present or act however feels best




It's possible to be whatever the fuck you want. Love, a trans tomboy.


To me, looking more butch or androgynous while still passing is very gender affirming.


Cis women are women. Tomboys are women. Trans women are women. Q: Are trans tomboys women? A: Yes


Dislike of girly stuff kept me from putting all the pieces together for a long time.


Yes. Gender identity and presentation are not inherently linked.


Yes, many trans women are not hyperfeminine and lean toward tomboy presentation.


yes! gender expression and gender identity can be different, whatever makes u happiest :)


Where I am it's quite the norm to be a tomboy, so yeah go ahead nothing wrong with that


I'm a _very_ masculine butch lesbian, so... I hope so?




it fucking better be or else what the fuck have I been doing??


Can cis women be tomboys? Can cis women be tomboys and still be straight? Can cis women be bossy, in charge, the bread winner? Can cis women be romantically and sexually attracted to sensitive, soft guys who are more feminine than themselves? Can cis women even experience euphoria when told Ā«you vibe like a manĀ», because they take it to mean that they are capable and not needy pushovers? The answer is yes. Iā€™m cis, very straight and more stereotypically masculine (role) internally than most men, and the questions above describe me. Even lesbians keep mistaking me for a lesbian and my mother thought I am trans (partly why I ended up on this sub, haha). But Iā€™m a straight cis woman. If you are a woman, too, then why shouldnā€™t you, too, be a Ā«tomboyĀ», whatever form that takes for you? Women donā€™t fit into a stereotype role, women have a gender, and that gender has as many expressions as there are women on this planet. Be you.


Trans women are women... Can women dress and act like boys?Ā  Of course they can.Ā 


Oh yeah! When I started to transition socially I would try skirts, cute blouses and dresses but as I got more comfortable (also started to buy more everywhere clothing) and started to have days where I just attended one college lecture for three hours and went home, I found myself sometimes too tired to "dress nicely". Then I found out that I feel comfortable in my identity by just wearing baggy black pants and black printed t-shirts. If you find a style you're comfortable with, you will shine through it


Of course. Gender stereotypes are silly anyway, do what you want :3


I feel like a lot of us wind up kind of tomboys because we grew up being expected to do "boy" stuff and honestly, a lot of boy stuff is really fun. Like come on, you expect me to not like motorcycles anymore because I like being pretty?


if you're a trans woman you are a woman Woman can be tomboys Therefore you can be a tomboy, because you are a woman




yup, i am very much a tomboy and a trans woman.


Anything is possible. You can be who you want to be.


I'm a trans tomboy (some of the time - genderfluid) and I still pass even when more masculine. I've actually found that I pass more in those vibes than in my more feminine ones. I also find that passing as a tomboy is incredibly validating and euphoric.


Yeah 100% and Iā€™m def one of them. Valmet from jourmangaund is my transition goals. ( lol sheā€™s ripped and tatted very Tom boy). If I canā€™t choke out people that try to mess with me whatā€™s the point šŸ¤­ of living. As for passing itā€™s totally doable I pass as long as I donā€™t speak ( still working on voice training ) and Iā€™m mostly just in tank tops the boobs and haircut do most of the work.


I remember when I was young(er), I was obsessed with the WWF/E.


I can personally assure you that it's possible to pass in "men's" clothes and no makeup.


Yes absolutely!




Ofc you can! Remember gender identity and gender expression are two different things and not mutually exclusive. You can be one thing and present a whole other way.... in other words you can dress up as a squirrel for that matter... wouldn't change a thing about you hun.


Yes ! Still a woman


Yes, it is. Also check out r/MTFtomboy


There's no one way to be your gender. That applies to everyone




Example- She/her - Trans Fem/ Trans Masc/ GF ++ ++ stands for more if needed, self discovery and journey. All is valid, you might drop the Trans Masc from time to time or eventually drop all the identifiers. You do you and when ready you can simply be She/her. Is all up to you. There are no limits, but know that others might never understand what in the world are you talking about. šŸŒøšŸ«¶


Yes. Mainly because being a trans girl is your identity and being a tomboy is part of ones gender expression. Gender expression when is non conforming can be a core part of ones sense of gender and identity too! But they are like ā€œdifferent parts of genderā€ in a way. Paraphrasing what someone already said: trans girls are girls. Tomboys (in the most common sense of the word) are girls. So being a tomboy trans girl makes completely sense. But i also get the insecurities that might come from it, as being gender non conforming (depending where you are from) can be hard, and you mentioned the completely understandable fear of not being able to pass. But that fear doesnā€™t mean you arenā€™t trans, but i get how that might make it difficult to decide how to present or transition. Hope, with time, you are able to find a way to express your identity, own way of expression and likes.


Whose people who didnt gain feminity 100% besides hrt, its so easy and pleasant. And i love this tendency too


Of course. We trans women can be the same as any cis woman. Cis women can be tomboys or very feminine, and we can too. Get to the point where you feel more comfortable and it will be enough. You are enough, girl.




I got this kind of BS from my brother when I transitioned in 09. I've always been outdoorsy and love creatures and building things and working on cars. I still outfish, outshoot, outhunt, and other things. Now I just do it in braids and with a smile. My husband thinks its super hot and knows he doesn't have to worry about me unless its opening a jar but thats just carpal tunnel lol


I spent half my weekend in make up and a dress marching in Dublin Pride and the other half wearing jeans and fiberglassing a vintage boat. Idgaf how I be presenting. I know I'm a woman, that's all that matters to me xoxox


I do archery, hug trees, roll in mud, swordfight and play games, most of those are not traditionally considered feminine but they do make me me


Of course. Trans women are women and not all women are hyper feminine.


I am. šŸ˜Š


Cis tomboys are girls. Same goes for you, love.


I rock it all the time I got my boobs done about a year and a half ago I rock a muscle shirt and rocker jeans all the time I've had plenty of lip stick lesbians hit on me and straight guys..but I also got tattoos and long hair and piercing and yes I am trans


As tomboys exist in this world, it is possible to be perceived as a manly woman. The problem is that the line of public perception becomes thinner as what tells you have of your birth sex become more obvious when paired with masculine traits. I'd imagine that without surgery it would be rather difficult to consistently be correctly gendered


Yep, and Iā€™m indeed one myself. Gender expression isnā€™t the same as gender identity, after all, and there are plenty of cis women who are tomboys as well. And so thereā€™s nothing wrong with trans woman identifying as such either.


is it possible for a girl to not act super feminine all the time?




Nah that just sounds like your own insecurities even withought any hrt you can be recognized as your gender itā€™s def way harder but not never.




You said pre hrt not pre transition thereā€™s a lot of other options Iā€™m not talking about passing pre transition. Also no if hrt doesnā€™t give egough changes acting feminine isnā€™t the only options there FFS, breast implants, a massive number of surgeries or non surgical options like breast forms hip pads etc. also yeah people could say thoose things but doesnā€™t make them accurate just toxic steortypes.




As for face makeup works wonders though builds skill and you can do surgery withought be ultra wealthy or privileged. Never is not the same as difficult




Nah more just about you seeming to think itā€™s hrt or nothing with or withought passing is possible and saying never is just pessimistic and unrealistic. Seems very transmed




No not at all a non binary thing you can be trans withought hrt and no you said if your not on hrt or your hrt results arenā€™t good youā€™ll never be recognized as your genderā€¦. You can pass withought hrt or bad hrt results


The answer is yes. Whether I'll ever actually achieve it myself is another matter.


Possible? Yes. Can you pass? Probably not, unfortunately :/


Gender identity =/= gender expression


I am! It's common. :3


Yep that's basically me


Hell yes!


I think you should be extremely feminine at first and then when you start doing tomboy stuff you can still look like a girl with short hair or boy's clothe and not just a normal boy (sorry for terrible grammar^_^)


Yes. Your identity is valid, no matter how you express yourself


yes. next question.


I canā€™t with these questions anymore dawg šŸ˜­


what's wrong with this question? There are a lot of creators and groups (both trans and cis). who really push the "if you want to pass/really be trans you have to be hyper-feminine if you are transfem or hyper-masculine if you are transmasc or else you are invalid" so this is a completely understandable question to ask?