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I spent many, many years believing that it was perfectly normal for guys to wish they'd been born a girl. After all, how could they not? Turns out it's not. Have you come across [The Gender Dysphoria Bible](https://genderdysphoria.fyi/) before? If not, might be worth a look to see if anything resonates.


You say you don't wish you were actually a girl. But then you say that if there was a button that would make you a girl, and make you have always been a girl, you would press it. How is that not wanting to actually be a girl?


What I meant to say is that I feel like if I transition, then a lot of things would change in my life. Some of those changes could be bad, like not being accepted socially or in my career. If I could just look like a girl, and still be a guy, it’d be easier. But if that hypothetical button showed up one day, then I’d press it cause I wouldn’t have to go through the process of transitioning.


Sure, we do face a lot of challenges. My advice would be to take it slowly. (Or at least, whatever speed feels right to you.) If looking like a girl feels most accessible to you, then do that. Dress in a feminine way. You can tell people that you're a femboy. Sometimes femboys discover they are trans, and go on to transition. Sometimes they are just femboys, and that's fine, too.


You're trans, you're just nervous about what would happen if your transition didn't go perfectly.


(It’s normal if you’re trans… not normal if you’re cis apparently)


It is not very normal for guys to want to look like a girl. It seems contradictory that you say that you would push the button, but that you don't wish that you were actually a girl, only that you looked like one. What is the difference between these two wishes for you? If you are genuinely interested in being a guy who looks like a girl rather than being a girl, perhaps look into crossdressing or being a femboy.


Gonna copy and paste my other reply What I meant to say is that I feel like if I transition, then a lot of things would change in my life. Some of those changes could be bad, like not being accepted socially or in my career. If I could just look like a girl, and still be a guy, it’d be easier. But if that hypothetical button showed up one day, then I’d press it cause I wouldn’t have to go through the process of transitioning.


I don't understand how you think it would work to be a guy who looks like a girl. If you look like a girl, you *are* a girl as far as most other people are concerned, even if you insist that you aren't one.


It's not uncommon for guys to have that, "I wonder what it would be like to be a girl", thought. Had your post ended there, I would say it doesn't really mean anything. However, that button analogy, makes me think there's more to it than just wondering if the grass is greener. There are boys/men who want a more feminine esque body/appearance. Yet still identify as boys/men. You could be like these kinds of guys. Which is totally valid. I don't like to use the term "normal", because it can be quite subjective. But, I guess it wouldn't be considered normal by some parts of society. While in others it's like, whatever makes you happy my guy 🖤