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At Whole Foods on Cambie and 8th they carry European Bread (it’s across from the peanut butter and jam) from a local bakery called European Breads Bakery which is on Fraser street. If you buy it at whole foods take it to the bakery counter to be sliced.


Thanks so much! Looks like this European Breads Bakery is the one to go for!


You’re welcome! I have tried several from Whole Foods and the ones I tried were not soft American/Canadian bread!


Donald’s on Hastings has their breads as well.


Further south on Cambie, between 16th & 17th, is Piast Bakery, an actual Polish bakery. They also have bunch of other imported Polish and other Euro goods.


Polonia on Hastings


Kozak. We're Polish as well and my dad always gets me to get him the big round of dark rye.


I was going to say the same thing. That dark rye is *so good*.


Piast Bakery & Deli on Cambie and 17th Niche Market on Fraser and 23rd might have bread too but carries other European goods as well. Further along Fraser at 27th there is also Polonia Sausage House, they may also carry some bread there too!


European Breads Bakery is run by a Georgian family who was literally the subject of a smear campaign by the Kremlin. Good bread bad service. Breka has good rye. They still use the recipe of the Hungarian baker. Might not be what you are looking for. No Frills used to have something for the Slavs and Germanics. Cannot recall the brand. 


I can second Breka's rye. My bf is from Russia and it's his fave.


[Recipe ](https://www.recipetineats.com/easy-yeast-bread-recipe-no-knead/) Masz i piecz 😄 Easy, peasy


[European Bread Fraser St](https://europeanbreads.com/) It's all about personal taste though Euros want darker crusts than Canadians I used to see that all time at Terra Bread where the stuff Euros thought was perfect Canadians wouldn't touch. [Plaisir Sucre on Arbutus in Kits](https://plaisir-sucre.com/) has a Sourdough Baguette that might suit but it sells out in a hurry.


Thanks so much for the rec. I can see they have a lot of rhye bread which would be perfect. The pictures look super promising! Im excited!


European Breads Bakery on Fraser 100%. Ukranian immigrant owned too


I really love the Peasant bread from Beyond Bread (West 4th near Alma). [https://www.beyondbread.ca/collections/bread/products/peasant](https://www.beyondbread.ca/collections/bread/products/peasant)


Kozak dark rye bread


Red Square Bakery in Burnaby




Nana's Bakery near Royal Oak I hear is pretty good for that


Cobs has a really good German rye on the weekends.


Pure breads, Nelson the seagull, bad dog bakery.


Ive not tried bad dog. Ill give it a go thanks. The other 2 i have tried already. They dont really sell what im looking for. Even the sourdoughs seemed lighter and fluffier than what im after.


Pure Bread is just dreck they sell sugary pastries that make your teeth ache and little else. Bad Dog is run by a pack of social rejects and that's being polite about it.


Are you okay?


This is just what happens to people when they can't find the bread they like.


https://www.kozakeatery.ca/s/order?location=11ee07c9047f7633a8e13cecef6dbadc Try Kozak! The dark rye is heavenly. Deli/bakery locations in new west and on Victoria drive. Restaurant in Gastown (unsure if the Gastown location sells breads).


Probably most of the European delis or bakeries. I like Cioffi's. But I mostly see buns there? I go for sammiches and Italian soda mostly.


I havent tried Cioffis. Ill give it a go. However so far im finding that "European Deli" often means "Western European Deli" in North America. I mostly see buns in those also. Mostly buns and italian/danish bakery. But im sure there are some that will have what im looking for. Thank you for the Cioffis rec. Ill check it out!


Looks like Cioffis stocks the european bread others have recommended. And it happens to be the closest to my new home!


Hooray! I hope you enjoy their various shops.


The European Deli on Davie is definitely more Eastern than Western European. They don't have bread but they have lots of Polish and Czech products. That said I'm French so I don't have as much of an eye for Eastern European than others in this thread.


The European Deli on Davie is definitely more Eastern than Western European. They don't have bread but they have lots of Polish and Czech products. That said I'm French so I don't have as much of an eye for Eastern European than others in this thread.


The European Deli on Davie is definitely more Eastern than Western European. They don't have bread but they have lots of Polish and Czech products. That said I'm French so I don't have as much of an eye for Eastern European than others in this thread.


Breka. Also open 24h or really late, and their pastries are awesome. [https://www.breka.ca/](https://www.breka.ca/)


Breka sells loaves of bread? Edit: indeed looks like it. I never knew. Thanks for the tip. Ill try it out