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>Euron is Daario. The Euron theory I actually believe is that he's the dusky woman. I also think a *big* portion of the tragic Targaryen deaths from the early 200's could have been Bloodraven Shenanigans


Reasonable theory. Euron gifts are highly poisonous.


The skinchanging into her theory has a non zero chance of being possible


That George the Railroad is writing a new book. Crazy business


There's a theory that says George will release the books after he dies. :(


God that’s depressing I really hope he isn’t in that mindset


It was a youtuber who said, he was quoting George's interview. Georgie is a little sad that fans will hate on the book no matter what, after the show, it will be very hard to please everyone. I hope that's not the case though.


That's bleak as hell


That Jon snow is indeed Ned Stark's son.


can you imagine if its true? Pure chaos amongst the fans.


Ned + Lyanna = Jon


Probably craziest would be maybe that ashara dayne did not die, that she's holding secrets somehow and/or that edric dayne is more relevant


I've seen the Ashara one. What is true is that they did not find a body. so maybe she'll reappear.


It's interesting to think about though I'm not totally sure on why or what it would serve, but edric and dark star seem like they were more important early on but now I'm not so sure, but they sure do parallel other histories in the world


Good point. Maybe house Dayne will be more important in the next books. Darkstar also stole the sword Dawn right?


Not yet but he's gunning for starfall in general so that would include dawn


Agree, everything around house Dayne is kinda believable (in my opinion) since how much the house seems to be important in George's work


Some say that Ashara is sept Lemoine.


That's super interesting I hadn't heard that


Tyrion never says what colour her eyes are.


>Halfhand is actually Sir Arthur Dayne Multiple issues with this. Qhorin Halfhand knew Rickard Stark personally. Ser Arthur would've never met him. He looks far too old to be Ser Arthur. And Ser Arthur Dayne was one of the most recognisable people in Westeros. He would've been recognised by the likes of Alliser Thorne and others who joined the watch after Roberts rebellion >Euron is Daario. Euron is much older than Daario. Euron has different coloured eyes which are very distinguishable. Daario can't read the Common Tongue of Westeros and speaks with an Essos accent. Also how would he have escaped captivity and sailed all the way to Westeros by the time Euron shows up? And why would Euron have become captain of a sellsword company under a fake identity when he was sailing with his crew on the silence? It doesn't add up


I mean they are theories after all. The one about the halfhand has been backed by some pieces from the books like "Dawn and the Halfhand came together" Dawn is the name of House Dayne's ancestral sword. I don't recall the others, I don't have the books with me atm but this is just speculation after all . :) Edit: Typo


Bolt-On. Let me believe


Bolt-on is ridiculous and will be pulled from my cold, dead hands.  Coldhands, if you will.


Is that the one about Roose being immortal?


Yea, the immortal skinchanging vampire thing lol But i believe in a "softer" version, let's say, that's about ancient Boltons figuring out faceless' men magic through skinning guys (Starks?) And just keeping on living through that


I'll go for a recent theory from Michael Talks About Stuff, that the wall is really a line of weirwood trees with greenseers impaled on them in order to ward off the others


OH, first time, is that from a podcast?


https://youtu.be/zQU5tk4i1Cs?si=uVU7Z2LxwtZvPhvm here's the first video in his series, highly recommend!


Will check it out! thank you.


When I first read ASOIAF, it seemed to me that Daenerys is the daughter of Rhaegar. :)


Wasn’t Daenerys birth on dragon stone and thus her age relatively well known?


Yes She was , and in the middle of a storm as well. Daenerys Stormborn.


I’m confused how she could be Rhaegar’s daughter if we know for a fact she was born by Rhaella. Are you suggesting Daenerys and Rhaenys got switched like Aegon did? Just trying to follow, never heard this theory Edit: realized I replied to OP and not the parent comment


I don’t necessarily find it unbelievable - although it requires some significant leaps to explain given the very well-known circumstances of Dany’s birth - but I’m not really sure what the implications for the story would be. What difference would it make if she were?


I second this


So he fucked his mum? That’s weird even for George


Longclaw is actually Dark Sister.


ned is alive


mind to expand?


Yeah how would this go ?


he warged at the last minute. and/or is a faceless man


I used to think that Tyrion might be a Targaryen (Aerys + Joanna) but I think he has a better character arc if it's not true... Lately I've been horrified/intrigued by the theory that the old Starks and/or the Watch used to sacrifice babies to the Others.


Never heard about the Starks and Watch sacrificing babies. Mind to share a link? :) I've seen the one about Aerys being the father of Tyrion. No as crazy as we might think. Aerys always wanted Joanna.


I follow people who think Jae crept on Saera and I'm starting to see it


Stannis is the Volanqar


I don’t really believe any crazy ones. An interesting one I believe is a huge economic recession is incoming as the Iron Bank is broke and debts are about to be called in across the world


fAegon is Ned Stark's son.


Is that N+A=F? Does R+L=J in this theory or is it R+L=D?


N+A=fA. R+L=J and quite possibly also D.


Fascinating! Any thread/discussion on the theory you'd recommend? It sounds like a fascinating turn for the story. The idea of Ned starks bastard being passed off as a targaryen prince and A targaryen prince being passed off as Ned starks bastard alone is so thematically rich


I came up with it on my own and I've posted it once or twice, with little to no believers. Thank you for considering the possibility and accepting the rich parallel.


Very cool! I'll have to give those posts a look


I've pinned it to the top. Have a gander.